@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
+use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
use Composer\Package\Package;
@@ -36,32 +37,41 @@ class PoolBuilder
private $rootAliases;
private $rootReferences;
private $eventDispatcher;
+ private $io;
private $aliasMap = array();
private $nameConstraints = array();
private $loadedNames = array();
private $packages = array();
private $unacceptableFixedPackages = array();
+ private $updateAllowList = array();
+ private $skippedLoad = array();
+ private $updateAllowWarned = array();
- private $unfixList = array();
- public function __construct(array $acceptableStabilities, array $stabilityFlags, array $rootAliases, array $rootReferences, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null)
+ public function __construct(array $acceptableStabilities, array $stabilityFlags, array $rootAliases, array $rootReferences, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, IOInterface $io = null)
$this->acceptableStabilities = $acceptableStabilities;
$this->stabilityFlags = $stabilityFlags;
$this->rootAliases = $rootAliases;
$this->rootReferences = $rootReferences;
$this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
+ $this->io = $io;
public function buildPool(array $repositories, Request $request)
if ($request->getUpdateAllowList()) {
- $this->unfixList = $request->getUpdateAllowList();
+ $this->updateAllowList = $request->getUpdateAllowList();
+ $this->warnAboutNonMatchingUpdateAllowList($request);
foreach ($request->getLockedRepository()->getPackages() as $lockedPackage) {
- if (!$this->isUpdateable($lockedPackage)) {
+ if (!$this->isUpdateAllowed($lockedPackage)) {
+ // remember which packages we skipped loading remote content for in this partial update
+ $this->skippedLoad[$lockedPackage->getName()] = true;
+ foreach ($lockedPackage->getReplaces() as $link) {
+ $this->skippedLoad[$link->getTarget()] = true;
+ }
@@ -85,7 +95,7 @@ class PoolBuilder
|| $package->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository
|| StabilityFilter::isPackageAcceptable($this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, $package->getNames(), $package->getStability())
) {
- $loadNames += $this->loadPackage($request, $package);
+ $loadNames += $this->loadPackage($request, $package, false);
} else {
$this->unacceptableFixedPackages[] = $package;
@@ -94,6 +104,7 @@ class PoolBuilder
foreach ($request->getRequires() as $packageName => $constraint) {
// fixed packages have already been added, so if a root require needs one of them, no need to do anything
if (isset($this->loadedNames[$packageName])) {
+ $this->rootRequireNotUpdated[$packageName] = true;
@@ -120,7 +131,6 @@ class PoolBuilder
if ($repository instanceof PlatformRepository || $repository === $request->getLockedRepository()) {
$result = $repository->loadPackages($loadNames, $this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags);
foreach ($result['namesFound'] as $name) {
@@ -189,7 +199,7 @@ class PoolBuilder
return $pool;
- private function loadPackage(Request $request, PackageInterface $package)
+ private function loadPackage(Request $request, PackageInterface $package, $propagateUpdate = true)
$index = count($this->packages);
$this->packages[] = $package;
@@ -205,6 +215,7 @@ class PoolBuilder
// apply to
if (isset($this->rootReferences[$name])) {
// do not modify the references on already locked packages
+ // TODO what about unfix on allow update?
if (!$request->isFixedPackage($package)) {
@@ -229,9 +240,16 @@ class PoolBuilder
$require = $link->getTarget();
if (!isset($this->loadedNames[$require])) {
$loadNames[$require] = null;
- }
- if (isset($request->getUpdateAllowList()[$package->getName()])) {
+ // if this is a partial update with transitive dependencies we need to unfix the package we now know is a
+ // dependency of another package which we are trying to update, and then attempt to load it again
+ } elseif ($propagateUpdate && $request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveDependencies() && isset($this->skippedLoad[$require])) {
+ if ($request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveRootDependencies() || !$this->isRootRequire($request, $require)) {
+ $this->unfixPackage($request, $require);
+ $loadNames[$require] = null;
+ } elseif (!$request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveRootDependencies() && $this->isRootRequire($request, $require) && !isset($this->updateAllowWarned[$require]) && $this->io) {
+ $this->updateAllowWarned[$require] = true;
+ $this->io->writeError('<warning>Dependency "'.$require.'" is also a root requirement. Package has not been listed as an update argument, so keeping locked at old version. Use --with-all-dependencies to include root dependencies.</warning>');
+ }
$linkConstraint = $link->getConstraint();
@@ -252,121 +270,67 @@ class PoolBuilder
- * Adds all dependencies of the update whitelist to the whitelist, too.
- *
- * Packages which are listed as requirements in the root package will be
- * skipped including their dependencies, unless they are listed in the
- * update whitelist themselves or $whitelistAllDependencies is true.
+ * Checks if a particular name is required directly in the request
- * @param RepositoryInterface $lockRepo Use the locked repo
- * As we want the most accurate package list to work with, and installed
- * repo might be empty but locked repo will always be current.
- * @param array $rootRequires An array of links to packages in require of the root package
- * @param array $rootDevRequires An array of links to packages in require-dev of the root package
+ * @return bool
- private function whitelistUpdateDependencies($lockRepo, array $rootRequires, array $rootDevRequires)
+ private function isRootRequire(Request $request, $name)
- $rootRequires = array_merge($rootRequires, $rootDevRequires);
+ $rootRequires = $request->getRequires();
+ return isset($rootRequires[$name]);
+ }
- $skipPackages = array();
- if (!$this->whitelistAllDependencies) {
- foreach ($rootRequires as $require) {
- $skipPackages[$require->getTarget()] = true;
+ /**
+ * Checks whether the update allow list allows this package in the lock file to be updated
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ private function isUpdateAllowed(PackageInterface $package)
+ {
+ foreach ($this->updateAllowList as $pattern => $void) {
+ $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($pattern);
+ if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) {
+ return true;
- $installedRepo = new InstalledRepository(array($lockRepo));
- $seen = array();
- $rootRequiredPackageNames = array_keys($rootRequires);
- foreach ($this->updateWhitelist as $packageName => $void) {
- $packageQueue = new \SplQueue;
- $nameMatchesRequiredPackage = false;
- $depPackages = $installedRepo->findPackagesWithReplacersAndProviders($packageName);
- $matchesByPattern = array();
- // check if the name is a glob pattern that did not match directly
- if (empty($depPackages)) {
- // add any installed package matching the whitelisted name/pattern
- $whitelistPatternSearchRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName, '^%s$');
- foreach ($lockRepo->search($whitelistPatternSearchRegexp) as $installedPackage) {
- $matchesByPattern[] = $installedRepo->findPackages($installedPackage['name']);
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- // add root requirements which match the whitelisted name/pattern
- $whitelistPatternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName);
- foreach ($rootRequiredPackageNames as $rootRequiredPackageName) {
- if (preg_match($whitelistPatternRegexp, $rootRequiredPackageName)) {
- $nameMatchesRequiredPackage = true;
- break;
+ private function warnAboutNonMatchingUpdateAllowList(Request $request)
+ {
+ if ($this->io) {
+ foreach ($this->updateAllowList as $pattern => $void) {
+ foreach ($request->getLockedRepository()->getPackages() as $package) {
+ $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($pattern);
+ if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) {
+ continue 2;
- }
- if (!empty($matchesByPattern)) {
- $depPackages = array_merge($depPackages, call_user_func_array('array_merge', $matchesByPattern));
- }
- if (count($depPackages) == 0 && !$nameMatchesRequiredPackage) {
- $this->io->writeError('<warning>Package "' . $packageName . '" listed for update is not installed. Ignoring.</warning>');
- }
- foreach ($depPackages as $depPackage) {
- $packageQueue->enqueue($depPackage);
- }
- while (!$packageQueue->isEmpty()) {
- $package = $packageQueue->dequeue();
- if (isset($seen[spl_object_hash($package)])) {
- continue;
- }
- $seen[spl_object_hash($package)] = true;
- $this->updateWhitelist[$package->getName()] = true;
- if (!$this->whitelistTransitiveDependencies && !$this->whitelistAllDependencies) {
- continue;
- }
- $requires = $package->getRequires();
- foreach ($requires as $require) {
- $requirePackages = $installedRepo->findPackagesWithReplacersAndProviders($require->getTarget());
- foreach ($requirePackages as $requirePackage) {
- if (isset($this->updateWhitelist[$requirePackage->getName()])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (isset($skipPackages[$requirePackage->getName()]) && !preg_match(BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($packageName), $requirePackage->getName())) {
- $this->io->writeError('<warning>Dependency "' . $requirePackage->getName() . '" is also a root requirement, but is not explicitly whitelisted. Ignoring.</warning>');
- continue;
- }
- $packageQueue->enqueue($requirePackage);
- }
+ if (strpos($pattern, '*') !== false) {
+ $this->io->writeError('<warning>Pattern "' . $pattern . '" listed for update does not match any locked packages.</warning>');
+ } else {
+ $this->io->writeError('<warning>Package "' . $pattern . '" listed for update is not locked.</warning>');
- * @param PackageInterface $package
- * @return bool
+ * Reverts the decision to use a fixed package from lock file if a partial update with transitive dependencies
+ * found that this package actually needs to be updated
- private function isUpdateable(PackageInterface $package)
+ private function unfixPackage(Request $request, $name)
- foreach ($this->unfixList as $pattern => $void) {
- $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($pattern);
- if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) {
- return true;
+ // remove locked package by this name which was already initialized
+ foreach ($this->packages as $i => $loadedPackage) {
+ if ($loadedPackage->getName() === $name && $loadedPackage->getRepository() === $request->getLockedRepository()) {
+ $request->unfixPackage($loadedPackage);
+ unset($this->packages[$i]);
- return false;
+ unset($this->skippedLoad[$name]);
+ unset($this->loadedNames[$name]);