@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ use Composer\Factory;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Composer\Json\JsonValidationException;
+ * @author Joshua Estes <Joshua.Estes@iostudio.com>
+ */
class ConfigCommand extends Command
@@ -38,10 +41,10 @@ class ConfigCommand extends Command
->setDescription('Set config options')
- new InputOption('global', 'g', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Set this as a global config settings.'),
+ new InputOption('global', 'g', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Apply command to the global config file'),
new InputOption('editor', 'e', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Open editor'),
new InputOption('list', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List configuration settings'),
- new InputOption('file', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If you want to choose a different composer.json or config.json'),
+ new InputOption('file', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If you want to choose a different composer.json or config.json', 'composer.json'),
new InputArgument('setting-key', null, 'Setting key'),
new InputArgument('setting-value', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'Setting value'),
@@ -49,8 +52,6 @@ class ConfigCommand extends Command
This command allows you to edit some basic composer settings in either the
local composer.json file or the global config.json file.
To edit the global config.json file:
<comment>php composer.phar --global</comment>
@@ -62,11 +63,13 @@ To add a repository:
You can add a repository to the global config.json file by passing in the
<info>--global</info> option.
-If you want to launch your editor with the composer.json file you must have "EDITOR" set.
+To edit the file in an external editor:
<comment>php composer.phar --edit</comment>
-To get a list of configuration values in the file, pass the <info>--list</info> option.
+To choose your editor you can set the "EDITOR" env variable.
+To get a list of configuration values in the file:
<comment>php composer.phar --list</comment>
@@ -74,11 +77,6 @@ You can always pass more than one option. As an example, if you want to edit the
global config.json file.
<comment>php composer.phar --edit --global</comment>
-The command only supports repositories and process-timeout right now.
@@ -89,17 +87,15 @@ EOT
protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
- if ($input->getOption('global') && $input->getOption('file')) {
- throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot use both, you must pick to edit either the global config or path to composer.json');
+ if ($input->getOption('global') && 'composer.json' !== $input->getOption('file')) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('--file and --global can not be combined');
// Get the local composer.json, global config.json, or if the user
// passed in a file to use
$this->configFile = $input->getOption('global')
? (Factory::createConfig()->get('home') . '/config.json')
- : (null !== $input->getOption('file')
- ? $input->getOption('file')
- : 'composer.json');
+ : $input->getOption('file');
$this->configFile = new JsonFile($this->configFile);
if (!$this->configFile->exists()) {
@@ -128,6 +124,7 @@ EOT
// List the configuration of the file settings
if ($input->getOption('list')) {
$this->displayFileContents($this->configFile->read(), $output);
return 0;
@@ -136,6 +133,7 @@ EOT
if (null === $input->getArgument('setting-value')) {
throw new \RuntimeException('You must include a setting value.');
* The user needs the ability to add a repository with one command.
* For example "config -g repository.foo 'vcs http://example.com'
@@ -156,11 +154,11 @@ EOT
'type' => $values[0],
'url' => $values[1],
// Could there be a better way to do this?
$settings = array_merge_recursive($configSettings, $setting);
- }
+ }
// process-timeout
elseif (preg_match('/^process-timeout/', $input->getArgument('setting-key'))) {
if (1 !== count($values)) {
@@ -191,42 +189,37 @@ EOT
return 1;
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
- {
- }
* Display the contents of the file in a pretty formatted way
* @param array $contents
* @param OutputInterface $output
- * @param integer $depth
* @param string|null $k
- protected function displayFileContents(array $contents, OutputInterface $output, &$depth = 0, $k = null)
+ protected function displayFileContents(array $contents, OutputInterface $output, $k = null)
// @todo Look into a way to refactor this code, as it is right now, I
// don't like it, also the name of the function could be better
foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
- $depth++;
$k .= $key . '.';
- $this->displayFileContents($value, $output, $depth, $k);
+ $this->displayFileContents($value, $output, $k);
if (substr_count($k,'.') > 1) {
$k = str_split($k,strrpos($k,'.',-2));
$k = $k[0] . '.';
- } else { $k = null; }
- $depth--;
+ } else {
+ $k = null;
+ }
$output->writeln('[<comment>' . $k . $key . '</comment>] <info>' . $value . '</info>');
@@ -243,12 +236,13 @@ EOT
$parts = array_reverse(explode('.', $key));
$tmp = array();
- for($i=0;$i<count($parts);$i++) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
$tmp[$parts[$i]] = (0 === $i) ? $value : $tmp;
if (0 < $i) {
unset($tmp[$parts[$i - 1]]);
return $tmp;
@@ -263,11 +257,11 @@ EOT
protected function validateSchema(array $data)
- // @todo Figure out what should be excluded from the validation check
- // @todo validation should vary based on if it's global or local
+ // TODO Figure out what should be excluded from the validation check
+ // TODO validation should vary based on if it's global or local
$schemaFile = __DIR__ . '/../../../res/composer-schema.json';
$schemaData = json_decode(file_get_contents($schemaFile));
- //die(var_dump($schemaData));
@@ -287,5 +281,3 @@ EOT
return true;