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Merge branch '1.5'

Jordi Boggiano 7 years ago

+ 1 - 2

@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ class VersionGuesser
     private function postprocess(array $versionData)
-        // make sure that e.g. dev-1.5 gets converted to 1.5.x-dev
-        if ('dev-' !== substr($versionData['version'], 0, 4)) {
+        if ('-dev' === substr($versionData['version'], -4)) {
             $versionData['pretty_version'] = preg_replace('{(\.9{7})+}', '.x', $versionData['version']);

+ 16 - 2

@@ -66,7 +66,12 @@ class GitLabDriver extends VcsDriver
     private $isPrivate = true;
-    const URL_REGEX = '#^(?:(?P<scheme>https?)://(?P<domain>.+?)/|git@(?P<domain2>[^:]+):)(?P<parts>.+)/(?P<repo>[^/]+?)(?:\.git|/)?$#';
+    /**
+     * @var int port number
+     */
+    protected $portNumber;
+    const URL_REGEX = '#^(?:(?P<scheme>https?)://(?P<domain>.+?)(?::(?P<port>[0-9]+))?/|git@(?P<domain2>[^:]+):)(?P<parts>.+)/(?P<repo>[^/]+?)(?:\.git|/)?$#';
      * Extracts information from the repository url.
@@ -90,6 +95,12 @@ class GitLabDriver extends VcsDriver
             : (isset($this->repoConfig['secure-http']) && $this->repoConfig['secure-http'] === false ? 'http' : 'https')
         $this->originUrl = $this->determineOrigin($configuredDomains, $guessedDomain, $urlParts);
+        if (!empty($match['port']) && true === is_numeric($match['port'])) {
+            // If it is an HTTP based URL, and it has a port
+            $this->portNumber = (int) $match['port'];
+        }
         $this->namespace = implode('/', $urlParts);
         $this->repository = preg_replace('#(\.git)$#', '', $match['repo']);
@@ -248,7 +259,9 @@ class GitLabDriver extends VcsDriver
     public function getApiUrl()
-        return $this->scheme.'://'.$this->originUrl.'/api/v4/projects/'.$this->urlEncodeAll($this->namespace).'%2F'.$this->urlEncodeAll($this->repository);
+        $domainName = $this->originUrl;
+        $portNumber = (true === is_numeric($this->portNumber)) ? sprintf(':%s', $this->portNumber) : '';
+        return $this->scheme.'://'.$domainName.$portNumber.'/api/v4/projects/'.$this->urlEncodeAll($this->namespace).'%2F'.$this->urlEncodeAll($this->repository);
@@ -436,6 +449,7 @@ class GitLabDriver extends VcsDriver
     public static function supports(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $url, $deep = false)
         if (!preg_match(self::URL_REGEX, $url, $match)) {
             return false;

+ 42 - 0

@@ -384,6 +384,48 @@ class VersionGuesserTest extends TestCase
         $this->assertEquals("", $versionData['version']);
+    public function testTagBecomesPrettyVersion()
+    {
+        $executor = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Util\\ProcessExecutor')
+            ->setMethods(array('execute'))
+            ->disableArgumentCloning()
+            ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+            ->getMock()
+        ;
+        $self = $this;
+        $executor
+            ->expects($this->at(0))
+            ->method('execute')
+            ->willReturnCallback(function ($command, &$output) use ($self) {
+                $self->assertEquals('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v', $command);
+                $output = "* (HEAD detached at 1.0.0) c006f0c12bbbf197b5c071ffb1c0e9812bb14a4d Commit message\n";
+                return 0;
+            })
+        ;
+        $executor
+            ->expects($this->at(1))
+            ->method('execute')
+            ->willReturnCallback(function ($command, &$output) use ($self) {
+                $self->assertEquals('git describe --exact-match --tags', $command);
+                $output = '1.0.0';
+                return 0;
+            })
+        ;
+        $config = new Config;
+        $config->merge(array('repositories' => array('packagist' => false)));
+        $guesser = new VersionGuesser($config, $executor, new VersionParser());
+        $versionData = $guesser->guessVersion(array(), 'dummy/path');
+        $this->assertEquals('', $versionData['version']);
+        $this->assertEquals('1.0.0', $versionData['pretty_version']);
+    }
     public function testInvalidTagBecomesVersion()
         $executor = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Util\\ProcessExecutor')

+ 45 - 0

@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class GitLabDriverTest extends TestCase
                 'home' => $this->home,
                 'gitlab-domains' => array(
+                    '',
@@ -180,6 +181,45 @@ JSON;
         return $driver;
+    /**
+     * Also support repositories over HTTP (TLS) and has a port number.
+     *
+     * @group gitlabHttpPort
+     */
+    public function testInitializeWithPortNumber()
+    {
+        $domain = '';
+        $port = '5443';
+        $namespace = 'mygroup/myproject';
+        $url = sprintf('https://%1$s:%2$s/%3$s', $domain, $port, $namespace);
+        $apiUrl = sprintf('https://%1$s:%2$s/api/v4/projects/%3$s', $domain, $port, urlencode($namespace));
+        // An incomplete single project API response payload.
+        // @link
+        $projectData = <<<'JSON'
+    "default_branch": "1.0.x",
+    "http_url_to_repo": "https://%1$s:%2$s/%3$s.git",
+    "path": "myproject",
+    "path_with_namespace": "%3$s",
+    "web_url": "https://%1$s:%2$s/%3$s"
+        $this->remoteFilesystem
+            ->getContents($domain, $apiUrl, false, array())
+            ->willReturn(sprintf($projectData, $domain, $port, $namespace))
+            ->shouldBeCalledTimes(1);
+        $driver = new GitLabDriver(array('url' => $url), $this->io->reveal(), $this->config, $this->process->reveal(), $this->remoteFilesystem->reveal());
+        $driver->initialize();
+        $this->assertEquals($apiUrl, $driver->getApiUrl(), 'API URL is derived from the repository URL');
+        $this->assertEquals('1.0.x', $driver->getRootIdentifier(), 'Root identifier is the default branch in GitLab');
+        $this->assertEquals($url.'.git', $driver->getRepositoryUrl(), 'The repository URL is the SSH one by default');
+        $this->assertEquals($url, $driver->getUrl());
+    }
     public function testGetDist()
         $driver = $this->testInitialize('', '');
@@ -380,6 +420,7 @@ JSON;
+     * @group gitlabHttpPort
      * @dataProvider dataForTestSupports
     public function testSupports($url, $expected)
@@ -391,10 +432,14 @@ JSON;
         return array(
             array('', true),
+            array('', true),
             array('', true),
+            array('', true),
+            array('', true),
             array('', true),
             array('', true),
             array('', extension_loaded('openssl')), // Platform requirement
+            array('', extension_loaded('openssl')), // Platform requirement
             array('', extension_loaded('openssl')),
             array('', false),
             array('', false),