@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class SelfUpdateCommand extends Command
const ROLLBACK = 'rollback';
+ const CLEAN_ROLLBACKS = 'clean-rollbacks';
const HOMEPAGE = 'getcomposer.org';
const OLD_INSTALL_EXT = '-old.phar';
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ class SelfUpdateCommand extends Command
->setDescription('Updates composer.phar to the latest version.')
- new InputOption(self::ROLLBACK, 'r', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Revert to an older installation of composer')
+ new InputOption(self::ROLLBACK, 'r', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Revert to an older installation of composer'),
+ new InputOption(self::CLEAN_ROLLBACKS, null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Delete old snapshots during an update. This makes the current version of composer the only rollback snapshot after the update')
The <info>self-update</info> command checks getcomposer.org for newer
@@ -82,26 +84,25 @@ EOT
$rollbackVersion = false;
+ $rollbackDir = rtrim($config->get('home'), '/');
// rollback specified, get last phar
if ($input->getOption(self::ROLLBACK)) {
- $rollbackVersion = $this->getLastVersion($saveDir);
+ $rollbackVersion = $this->getLastVersion($rollbackDir);
if (!$rollbackVersion) {
- throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: no installation to roll back to in "'.$saveDir.'"');
+ throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: no installation to roll back to in "'.$rollbackDir.'"');
return 1;
- $saveDir = rtrim($config->get('home'), '/');
// if a rollback version is specified, check for permissions and rollback installation
if ($rollbackVersion) {
- if (!is_writable($saveDir)) {
- throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: the "'.$saveDir.'" dir could not be written to');
+ if (!is_writable($rollbackDir)) {
+ throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: the "'.$rollbackDir.'" dir could not be written to');
- $old = $saveDir . '/' . $rollbackVersion . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT;
+ $old = $rollbackDir . '/' . $rollbackVersion . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT;
if (!is_file($old)) {
throw new FilesystemException('Composer rollback failed: "'.$old.'" could not be found');
@@ -120,10 +121,10 @@ EOT
$tempFilename = $tmpDir . '/' . basename($this->localFilename, '.phar').'-temp.phar';
- $backupFile = ($rollbackVersion)? false : $saveDir . '/' . Composer::VERSION . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT;
+ $backupFile = ($rollbackVersion)? false : $rollbackDir . '/' . Composer::VERSION . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT;
if ($rollbackVersion) {
- rename($saveDir . "/{$rollbackVersion}" . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT, $tempFilename);
+ rename($rollbackDir . "/{$rollbackVersion}" . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT, $tempFilename);
$output->writeln(sprintf("Rolling back to cached version <info>%s</info>.", $rollbackVersion));
} else {
$endpoint = ($updateVersion === $this->getLatestVersion()) ? '/composer.phar' : "/download/{$updateVersion}/composer.phar";
@@ -141,12 +142,16 @@ EOT
// remove saved installations of composer
- $files = $this->getOldInstallationFiles($saveDir);
- if (!empty($files)) {
- $fs = new Filesystem;
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $output->writeln('<info>Removing: '.$file);
- $fs->remove($file);
+ if ($input->getOption(self::CLEAN_ROLLBACKS)) {
+ $files = $this->getOldInstallationFiles($rollbackDir);
+ if (!empty($files)) {
+ $fs = new Filesystem;
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ $output->writeln('<info>Removing: '.$file);
+ $fs->remove($file);
+ }
@@ -189,9 +194,9 @@ EOT
- protected function getLastVersion($saveDir)
+ protected function getLastVersion($rollbackDir)
- $files = $this->getOldInstallationFiles($saveDir);
+ $files = $this->getOldInstallationFiles($rollbackDir);
if (empty($files)) {
return false;
@@ -203,9 +208,9 @@ EOT
return basename($map[$latest], self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT);
- protected function getOldInstallationFiles($saveDir)
+ protected function getOldInstallationFiles($rollbackDir)
- return glob($saveDir . '/*' . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT);
+ return glob($rollbackDir . '/*' . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT);
protected function getLatestVersion()