@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class DependsCommand extends Command
new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Package to inspect'),
new InputOption('link-type', '', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Link types to show (require, require-dev)', array_keys($this->linkTypes)),
+ new InputOption('with-replaces', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Search for replaced packages too'),
Displays detailed information about where a package is referenced.
@@ -86,6 +87,15 @@ EOT
return $type;
}, $input->getOption('link-type'));
+ $needles = array($needle);
+ if (true === $input->getOption('with-replaces')) {
+ foreach ($packages as $package) {
+ $needles = array_merge($needles, array_map(function (Link $link) {
+ return $link->getTarget();
+ }, $package->getReplaces()));
+ }
+ }
$messages = array();
$outputPackages = array();
$io = $this->getIO();
@@ -94,10 +104,12 @@ EOT
foreach ($types as $type) {
/** @var Link $link */
foreach ($package->{'get'.$linkTypes[$type][0]}() as $link) {
- if ($link->getTarget() === $needle) {
- if (!isset($outputPackages[$package->getName()])) {
- $messages[] = '<info>'.$package->getPrettyName() . '</info> ' . $linkTypes[$type][1] . ' ' . $needle .' (<info>' . $link->getPrettyConstraint() . '</info>)';
- $outputPackages[$package->getName()] = true;
+ foreach ($needles as $needle) {
+ if ($link->getTarget() === $needle) {
+ if (!isset($outputPackages[$package->getName()][$needle])) {
+ $messages[] = '<info>'.$package->getPrettyName() . '</info> ' . $linkTypes[$type][1] . ' ' . $needle .' (<info>' . $link->getPrettyConstraint() . '</info>)';
+ $outputPackages[$package->getName()][$needle] = true;
+ }