@@ -26,6 +26,27 @@ vendor name. Supplying a vendor name is mandatory.
username is usually a good bet. While package names are case insensitive, the
convention is all lowercase and dashes for word separation.
+## Platform packages
+Composer has platform packages, which are virtual packages for things that are
+installed on the system but are not actually installable by composer. This
+includes PHP itself, PHP extensions and some system libraries.
+* `php` represents the PHP version of the user, allowing you to apply
+ constraints, e.g. `>=5.4.0`.
+* `ext-<name>` allows you to require PHP extensions (includes core
+ extensions). Versioning can be quite inconsistent here, so it's often
+ a good idea to just set the constraint to `*`. An example of an extension
+ package name is `ext-gd`.
+* `lib-<name>` allows constraints to be made on versions of libraries used by
+ PHP. The following are available: `curl`, `iconv`, `libxml`, `openssl`,
+ `pcre`, `uuid`, `xsl`.
+You can use `composer show --platform` to get a list of your locally available
+platform packages.
## Specifying the version
You need to specify the package's version some way. When you publish your