@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ class ArtifactRepositoryTest extends TestCase
- 'test/jsonInFirstLevel-1.0.0'
+ 'test/jsonInFirstLevel-1.0.0',
+ //The files not-an-artifact.zip and jsonSecondLevel are not valid
+ //artifacts and do not get detected.
- $coordinates = array('type' => 'artifact', 'url' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/artifacts/correct');
+ $coordinates = array('type' => 'artifact', 'url' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/artifacts');
$repo = new ArtifactRepository($coordinates, new NullIO(), new Config());
$foundPackages = array_map(function(BasePackage $package) {
@@ -42,14 +44,6 @@ class ArtifactRepositoryTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame($expectedPackages, $foundPackages);
- public function testExtractConfigFails()
- {
- $this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', "Shouldn't have picked up composer.json from a location other than root or first level directory.");
- $coordinates = array('type' => 'artifact', 'url' => __DIR__ . '/Fixtures/artifacts/error/jsonWrongDirectory');
- new ArtifactRepository($coordinates, new NullIO(), new Config());
- }
//$archivesToCreate = array(