@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ class BaseDependencyCommand extends BaseCommand
const OPTION_RECURSIVE = 'recursive';
const OPTION_TREE = 'tree';
+ protected $colors;
* Set common options and arguments.
@@ -119,6 +122,7 @@ class BaseDependencyCommand extends BaseCommand
$this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf('<info>There is no installed package depending on "%s"%s</info>',
$needle, $extra));
} elseif ($renderTree) {
+ $this->initStyles($output);
$root = $packages[0];
$this->getIO()->write(sprintf('<info>%s</info> %s %s', $root->getPrettyName(), $root->getPrettyVersion(), $root->getDescription()));
@@ -169,13 +173,34 @@ class BaseDependencyCommand extends BaseCommand
+ /**
+ * Init styles for tree
+ *
+ * @param OutputInterface $output
+ */
+ protected function initStyles(OutputInterface $output)
+ {
+ $this->colors = array(
+ 'green',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'cyan',
+ 'magenta',
+ 'blue',
+ );
+ foreach ($this->colors as $color) {
+ $style = new OutputFormatterStyle($color);
+ $output->getFormatter()->setStyle($color, $style);
+ }
+ }
* Recursively prints a tree of the selected results.
* @param array $results
* @param string $prefix
- protected function printTree($results, $prefix = '')
+ protected function printTree($results, $prefix = '', $level = 1)
$count = count($results);
$idx = 0;
@@ -185,12 +210,18 @@ class BaseDependencyCommand extends BaseCommand
* @var Link $link
list($package, $link, $children) = $result;
+ $color = $this->colors[$level % count($this->colors)];
+ $prevColor = $this->colors[($level - 1) % count($this->colors)];
$isLast = (++$idx == $count);
$versionText = (strpos($package->getPrettyVersion(), 'No version set') === 0) ? '' : $package->getPrettyVersion();
- $packageText = rtrim(sprintf('%s %s', $package->getPrettyName(), $versionText));
- $linkText = implode(' ', array($link->getDescription(), $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint()));
- $this->writeTreeLine(sprintf("%s%s%s (%s)", $prefix, $isLast ? '└──' : '├──', $packageText, $linkText));
- $this->printTree($children, $prefix . ($isLast ? ' ' : '│ '));
+ $packageText = rtrim(sprintf('<%s>%s</%1$s> %s', $color, $package->getPrettyName(), $versionText));
+ $linkText = sprintf('%s <%s>%s</%2$s> %s', $link->getDescription(), $prevColor, $link->getTarget(), $link->getPrettyConstraint());
+ $circularWarn = $children === false ? '(circular dependency aborted here)' : '';
+ $this->writeTreeLine(rtrim(sprintf("%s%s%s (%s) %s", $prefix, $isLast ? '└──' : '├──', $packageText, $linkText, $circularWarn)));
+ if ($children) {
+ $this->printTree($children, $prefix . ($isLast ? ' ' : '│ '), $level + 1);
+ }