@@ -593,6 +593,10 @@ The following options are supported:
* **github-protocols:** Defaults to `["git", "https", "http"]`. A list of
protocols to use for github.com clones, in priority order. Use this if you are
behind a proxy or have somehow bad performances with the git protocol.
+* **github-oauth:** A list of domain names and oauth keys. For example using
+ `{"github.com": "oauthtoken"}` as the value of this option will use `oauthtoken`
+ to access private repositories on github and to circumvent the low IP-based
+ rate limiting of their API.
* **cache-dir:** Defaults to `$home/cache` on unix systems and
`C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer` on Windows. Stores all the caches
used by composer. See also [COMPOSER_HOME](03-cli.md#composer-home).