@@ -99,9 +99,6 @@ EOF;
// Process the 'psr-4' base directories.
foreach ($autoloads['psr-4'] as $namespace => $paths) {
- if ('\\' !== $namespace[strlen($namespace) - 1]) {
- throw new \Exception("PSR-4 namespaces must end with a namespace separator. '$namespace' does not.");
- }
$exportedPaths = array();
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$exportedPaths[] = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
@@ -160,47 +157,25 @@ EOF;
// flatten array
$classMap = array();
if ($scanPsr0Packages) {
- // Scan the PSR-0 directories for class files, and add them to the
- // class map.
- foreach ($autoloads['psr-0'] as $namespace => $paths) {
- foreach ($paths as $dir) {
- $dir = $filesystem->normalizePath($filesystem->isAbsolutePath($dir) ? $dir : $basePath.'/'.$dir);
- if (!is_dir($dir)) {
- continue;
- }
- $whitelist = sprintf(
- '{%s/%s.+(?<!(?<!/)Test\.php)$}',
- preg_quote($dir),
- strpos($namespace, '_') === false ? preg_quote(strtr($namespace, '\\', '/')) : ''
- );
- foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $whitelist) as $class => $path) {
- if ('' === $namespace || 0 === strpos($class, $namespace)) {
- if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {
- $path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
- $classMap[$class] = $path.",\n";
- }
+ // Scan the PSR-0/4 directories for class files, and add them to the class map
+ foreach (array('psr-0', 'psr-4') as $psrType) {
+ foreach ($autoloads[$psrType] as $namespace => $paths) {
+ foreach ($paths as $dir) {
+ $dir = $filesystem->normalizePath($filesystem->isAbsolutePath($dir) ? $dir : $basePath.'/'.$dir);
+ if (!is_dir($dir)) {
+ continue;
- }
- }
- }
- // Scan the PSR-4 directories for class files, and add them to the
- // class map.
- foreach ($autoloads['psr-4'] as $namespace => $paths) {
- foreach ($paths as $dir) {
- $dir = $filesystem->normalizePath($filesystem->isAbsolutePath($dir) ? $dir : $basePath.'/'.$dir);
- if (!is_dir($dir)) {
- continue;
- }
- $whitelist = sprintf(
- '{%s/%s.+(?<!(?<!/)Test\.php)$}',
- preg_quote($dir),
- strpos($namespace, '_') === false ? preg_quote(strtr($namespace, '\\', '/')) : ''
- );
- foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $whitelist) as $class => $path) {
- if ('' === $namespace || 0 === strpos($class, $namespace)) {
- if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {
- $path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
- $classMap[$class] = $path.",\n";
+ $whitelist = sprintf(
+ '{%s/%s.+(?<!(?<!/)Test\.php)$}',
+ preg_quote($dir),
+ ($psrType === 'psr-4' || strpos($namespace, '_') === false) ? preg_quote(strtr($namespace, '\\', '/')) : ''
+ );
+ foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $whitelist) as $class => $path) {
+ if ('' === $namespace || 0 === strpos($class, $namespace)) {
+ if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {
+ $path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
+ $classMap[$class] = $path.",\n";
+ }
@@ -273,15 +248,22 @@ EOF;
* @param PackageInterface $package
- * @throws \Exception
- * Throws an exception, if the package has illegal settings.
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Throws an exception, if the package has illegal settings.
- protected function validatePackage(PackageInterface $package) {
+ protected function validatePackage(PackageInterface $package)
+ {
$autoload = $package->getAutoload();
if (!empty($autoload['psr-4']) && null !== $package->getTargetDir()) {
$name = $package->getName();
- throw new \Exception("The ['autoload']['psr-4'] setting is incompatible with the ['target-dir'] setting, in package '$name'.");
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("PSR-4 autoloading is incompatible with the target-dir property, remove the target-dir in package '$name'.");
+ }
+ if (!empty($autoload['psr-4'])) {
+ foreach ($autoload['psr-4'] as $namespace => $dirs) {
+ if ($namespace !== '' && '\\' !== substr($namespace, -1)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("psr-4 namespaces must end with a namespace separator, '$namespace' does not, use '$namespace\\'.");
+ }
+ }