@@ -160,13 +160,12 @@ class Installer
+ $localRepo = $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository();
$platformRepo = new PlatformRepository();
- $repos = array_merge(
- $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepositories(),
- array(
- new InstalledArrayRepository(array($installedRootPackage)),
- $platformRepo,
- )
+ $repos = array(
+ $localRepo,
+ new InstalledArrayRepository(array($installedRootPackage)),
+ $platformRepo,
$installedRepo = new CompositeRepository($repos);
if ($this->additionalInstalledRepository) {
@@ -184,14 +183,9 @@ class Installer
try {
$this->suggestedPackages = array();
- if (!$this->doInstall($this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository(), $installedRepo, $aliases)) {
+ if (!$this->doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases, $this->devMode)) {
return false;
- if ($this->devMode) {
- if (!$this->doInstall($this->repositoryManager->getLocalDevRepository(), $installedRepo, $aliases, true)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
} catch (\Exception $e) {
@@ -214,9 +208,34 @@ class Installer
if (!$this->dryRun) {
// write lock
if ($this->update || !$this->locker->isLocked()) {
+ $devPackages = $this->devMode ? array() : null;
+ $localRepo->reload();
+ // split dev and non-dev requirements by checking what would be removed if we update without the dev requirements
+ if ($this->devMode && $this->package->getDevRequires()) {
+ $policy = new DefaultPolicy();
+ $pool = $this->createPool();
+ $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases);
+ // creating requirements request
+ $request = $this->createRequest($pool, $this->package, $platformRepo);
+ $request->updateAll();
+ foreach ($this->package->getRequires() as $link) {
+ $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
+ }
+ $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo);
+ $ops = $solver->solve($request);
+ foreach ($ops as $op) {
+ if ($op->getJobType() === 'uninstall') {
+ $devPackages[] = $op->getPackage();
+ }
+ }
+ }
$updatedLock = $this->locker->setLockData(
- $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository()->getPackages(),
- $this->devMode ? $this->repositoryManager->getLocalDevRepository()->getPackages() : null,
+ array_diff($localRepo->getPackages(), (array) $devPackages),
+ $devPackages,
@@ -228,8 +247,7 @@ class Installer
// write autoloader
$this->io->write('<info>Generating autoload files</info>');
- $localRepos = new CompositeRepository($this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepositories());
- $this->autoloadGenerator->dump($this->config, $localRepos, $this->package, $this->installationManager, 'composer', $this->optimizeAutoloader);
+ $this->autoloadGenerator->dump($this->config, $localRepo, $this->package, $this->installationManager, 'composer', $this->optimizeAutoloader);
if ($this->runScripts) {
// dispatch post event
@@ -241,27 +259,22 @@ class Installer
return true;
- protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $aliases, $devMode = false)
+ protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases, $withDevReqs)
- $minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability();
- $stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags();
// init vars
$lockedRepository = null;
$repositories = null;
// initialize locker to create aliased packages
$installFromLock = false;
- if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
+ if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked()) {
$installFromLock = true;
- $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($devMode);
- $minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability();
- $stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags();
+ $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($withDevReqs);
- $devMode,
+ $withDevReqs,
@@ -270,13 +283,13 @@ class Installer
// creating repository pool
$policy = new DefaultPolicy();
- $pool = new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags);
+ $pool = $this->createPool();
$pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases);
if ($installFromLock) {
$pool->addRepository($lockedRepository, $aliases);
- if (!$installFromLock || !$this->locker->isCompleteFormat($devMode)) {
+ if (!$installFromLock || !$this->locker->isCompleteFormat()) {
$repositories = $this->repositoryManager->getRepositories();
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
$pool->addRepository($repository, $aliases);
@@ -284,30 +297,30 @@ class Installer
// creating requirements request
- $request = new Request($pool);
- $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $this->package->getVersion());
- $constraint->setPrettyString($this->package->getPrettyVersion());
- $request->install($this->package->getName(), $constraint);
+ $request = $this->createRequest($pool, $this->package, $platformRepo);
if ($this->update) {
- $this->io->write('<info>Updating '.($devMode ? 'dev ': '').'dependencies</info>');
+ $this->io->write('<info>Updating dependencies'.($withDevReqs?' (including require-dev)':'').'</info>');
- $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
+ if ($withDevReqs) {
+ $links = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires());
+ } else {
+ $links = $this->package->getRequires();
+ }
foreach ($links as $link) {
$request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
} elseif ($installFromLock) {
- $this->io->write('<info>Installing '.($devMode ? 'dev ': '').'dependencies from lock file</info>');
+ $this->io->write('<info>Installing dependencies'.($withDevReqs?' (including require-dev)':'').' from lock file</info>');
- if (!$this->locker->isCompleteFormat($devMode)) {
+ if (!$this->locker->isCompleteFormat($withDevReqs)) {
$this->io->write('<warning>Warning: Your lock file is in a deprecated format. It will most likely take a *long* time for composer to install dependencies, and may cause dependency solving issues.</warning>');
- if (!$this->locker->isFresh() && !$devMode) {
+ if (!$this->locker->isFresh()) {
$this->io->write('<warning>Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.</warning>');
@@ -321,40 +334,24 @@ class Installer
$request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
} else {
- $this->io->write('<info>Installing '.($devMode ? 'dev ': '').'dependencies</info>');
+ $this->io->write('<info>Installing dependencies'.($withDevReqs?' (including require-dev)':'').'</info>');
- $links = $devMode ? $this->package->getDevRequires() : $this->package->getRequires();
+ if ($withDevReqs) {
+ $links = array_merge($this->package->getRequires(), $this->package->getDevRequires());
+ } else {
+ $links = $this->package->getRequires();
+ }
foreach ($links as $link) {
$request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
- // fix the version of all installed packages (+ platform) that are not
- // in the current local repo to prevent rogue updates (e.g. non-dev
- // updating when in dev)
- foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
- if ($package->getRepository() === $localRepo) {
- continue;
- }
- $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
- $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion());
- if (!($package->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository)
- || !($provided = $this->package->getProvides())
- || !isset($provided[$package->getName()])
- || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint)
- ) {
- $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
- }
- }
// if the updateWhitelist is enabled, packages not in it are also fixed
// to the version specified in the lock, or their currently installed version
if ($this->update && $this->updateWhitelist) {
- if ($this->locker->isLocked($devMode)) {
- $currentPackages = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($devMode)->getPackages();
+ if ($this->locker->isLocked()) {
+ $currentPackages = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($withDevReqs)->getPackages();
} else {
$currentPackages = $installedRepo->getPackages();
@@ -397,19 +394,6 @@ class Installer
return false;
- if ($devMode) {
- // remove bogus operations that the solver creates for stuff that was force-updated in the non-dev pass
- // TODO this should not be necessary ideally, but it seems to work around the problem quite well
- foreach ($operations as $index => $op) {
- if ('update' === $op->getJobType() && $op->getInitialPackage()->getUniqueName() === $op->getTargetPackage()->getUniqueName()
- && $op->getInitialPackage()->getSourceReference() === $op->getTargetPackage()->getSourceReference()
- && $op->getInitialPackage()->getDistReference() === $op->getTargetPackage()->getDistReference()
- ) {
- unset($operations[$index]);
- }
- }
- }
// force dev packages to be updated if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
$operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, 'force-updates', $operations);
@@ -472,6 +456,45 @@ class Installer
return true;
+ private function createPool()
+ {
+ $minimumStability = $this->package->getMinimumStability();
+ $stabilityFlags = $this->package->getStabilityFlags();
+ if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked()) {
+ $minimumStability = $this->locker->getMinimumStability();
+ $stabilityFlags = $this->locker->getStabilityFlags();
+ }
+ return new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags);
+ }
+ private function createRequest(Pool $pool, RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
+ {
+ $request = new Request($pool);
+ $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
+ $constraint->setPrettyString($rootPackage->getPrettyVersion());
+ $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint);
+ // fix the version of all installed packages (+ platform) that are not
+ // in the current local repo to prevent rogue updates (e.g. non-dev
+ // updating when in dev)
+ foreach ($platformRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
+ $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
+ $constraint->setPrettyString($package->getPrettyVersion());
+ if (!($provided = $rootPackage->getProvides())
+ || !isset($provided[$package->getName()])
+ || !$provided[$package->getName()]->getConstraint()->matches($constraint)
+ ) {
+ $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
+ }
+ }
+ return $request;
+ }
private function processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, $task, array $operations = null)
if ($task === 'force-updates' && null === $operations) {
@@ -732,18 +755,6 @@ class Installer
new InstalledArrayRepository($packages)
- $packages = array_map(function ($p) {
- return clone $p;
- }, $rm->getLocalDevRepository()->getPackages());
- foreach ($packages as $key => $package) {
- if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
- unset($packages[$key]);
- }
- }
- $rm->setLocalDevRepository(
- new InstalledArrayRepository($packages)
- );