@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class Solver
protected $pool;
protected $installed;
protected $rules;
+ protected $ruleSetGenerator;
protected $updateAll;
- protected $ruleToJob = array();
protected $addedMap = array();
protected $updateMap = array();
protected $watches = array();
@@ -48,238 +48,7 @@ class Solver
$this->policy = $policy;
$this->pool = $pool;
$this->installed = $installed;
- $this->rules = new RuleSet;
- }
- * Creates a new rule for the requirements of a package
- *
- * This rule is of the form (-A|B|C), where B and C are the providers of
- * one requirement of the package A.
- *
- * @param PackageInterface $package The package with a requirement
- * @param array $providers The providers of the requirement
- * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the
- * reason for generating this rule
- * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the requirement name,
- * that goes with the reason
- * @return Rule The generated rule or null if tautological
- */
- protected function createRequireRule(PackageInterface $package, array $providers, $reason, $reasonData = null)
- {
- $literals = array(new Literal($package, false));
- foreach ($providers as $provider) {
- if ($provider === $package) {
- return null;
- }
- $literals[] = new Literal($provider, true);
- }
- return new Rule($literals, $reason, $reasonData);
- }
- * Creates a new rule for installing a package
- *
- * The rule is simply (A) for a package A to be installed.
- *
- * @param PackageInterface $package The package to be installed
- * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the
- * reason for generating this rule
- * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the package name, that
- * goes with the reason
- * @return Rule The generated rule
- */
- protected function createInstallRule(PackageInterface $package, $reason, $reasonData = null)
- {
- return new Rule(new Literal($package, true));
- }
- * Creates a rule to install at least one of a set of packages
- *
- * The rule is (A|B|C) with A, B and C different packages. If the given
- * set of packages is empty an impossible rule is generated.
- *
- * @param array $packages The set of packages to choose from
- * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the reason for
- * generating this rule
- * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the package name, that goes with
- * the reason
- * @return Rule The generated rule
- */
- protected function createInstallOneOfRule(array $packages, $reason, $reasonData = null)
- {
- $literals = array();
- foreach ($packages as $package) {
- $literals[] = new Literal($package, true);
- }
- return new Rule($literals, $reason, $reasonData);
- }
- * Creates a rule to remove a package
- *
- * The rule for a package A is (-A).
- *
- * @param PackageInterface $package The package to be removed
- * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the
- * reason for generating this rule
- * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the package name, that
- * goes with the reason
- * @return Rule The generated rule
- */
- protected function createRemoveRule(PackageInterface $package, $reason, $reasonData = null)
- {
- return new Rule(array(new Literal($package, false)), $reason, $reasonData);
- }
- * Creates a rule for two conflicting packages
- *
- * The rule for conflicting packages A and B is (-A|-B). A is called the issuer
- * and B the provider.
- *
- * @param PackageInterface $issuer The package declaring the conflict
- * @param Package $provider The package causing the conflict
- * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the
- * reason for generating this rule
- * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the package name, that
- * goes with the reason
- * @return Rule The generated rule
- */
- protected function createConflictRule(PackageInterface $issuer, PackageInterface $provider, $reason, $reasonData = null)
- {
- if ($issuer === $provider) {
- return null;
- }
- return new Rule(array(new Literal($issuer, false), new Literal($provider, false)), $reason, $reasonData);
- }
- * Adds a rule unless it duplicates an existing one of any type
- *
- * To be able to directly pass in the result of one of the rule creation
- * methods the rule may also be null to indicate that no rule should be
- * added.
- *
- * @param int $type A TYPE_* constant defining the rule type
- * @param Rule $newRule The rule about to be added
- */
- private function addRule($type, Rule $newRule = null) {
- if ($newRule) {
- if ($this->rules->containsEqual($newRule)) {
- return;
- }
- $this->rules->add($newRule, $type);
- }
- }
- protected function addRulesForPackage(PackageInterface $package)
- {
- $workQueue = new \SplQueue;
- $workQueue->enqueue($package);
- while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) {
- $package = $workQueue->dequeue();
- if (isset($this->addedMap[$package->getId()])) {
- continue;
- }
- $this->addedMap[$package->getId()] = true;
- foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) {
- $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $rule = $this->createRequireRule($package, $possibleRequires, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES, (string) $link));
- foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) {
- $workQueue->enqueue($require);
- }
- }
- foreach ($package->getConflicts() as $link) {
- $possibleConflicts = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
- foreach ($possibleConflicts as $conflict) {
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createConflictRule($package, $conflict, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT, (string) $link));
- }
- }
- $isInstalled = (isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()]));
- foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) {
- $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
- foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) {
- if ($provider === $package) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) {
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createConflictRule($package, $provider, $reason, (string) $link));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$isInstalled) {
- $obsoleteProviders = $this->pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), null);
- foreach ($obsoleteProviders as $provider) {
- if ($provider === $package) {
- continue;
- }
- if (($package instanceof AliasPackage) && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) {
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $rule = $this->createRequireRule($package, array($provider), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS, (string) $package));
- } else if (!$this->obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)) {
- $reason = ($package->getName() == $provider->getName()) ? Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME : Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_IMPLICIT_OBSOLETES;
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $rule = $this->createConflictRule($package, $provider, $reason, (string) $package));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- protected function obsoleteImpossibleForAlias($package, $provider)
- {
- $packageIsAlias = $package instanceof AliasPackage;
- $providerIsAlias = $provider instanceof AliasPackage;
- $impossible = (
- ($packageIsAlias && $package->getAliasOf() === $provider) ||
- ($providerIsAlias && $provider->getAliasOf() === $package) ||
- ($packageIsAlias && $providerIsAlias && $provider->getAliasOf() === $package->getAliasOf())
- );
- return $impossible;
- }
- * Adds all rules for all update packages of a given package
- *
- * @param PackageInterface $package Rules for this package's updates are to
- * be added
- * @param bool $allowAll Whether downgrades are allowed
- */
- private function addRulesForUpdatePackages(PackageInterface $package)
- {
- $updates = $this->policy->findUpdatePackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $package);
- foreach ($updates as $update) {
- $this->addRulesForPackage($update);
- }
+ $this->ruleSetGenerator = new RuleSetGenerator($policy, $pool);
@@ -387,17 +156,9 @@ class Solver
$problem = new Problem;
- if ($rule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) {
- $job = $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()];
- $problem->addJobRule($job, $rule);
- $problem->addRule($conflict);
- $this->disableProblem($job);
- } else {
- $problem->addRule($rule);
- $problem->addRule($conflict);
- $this->disableProblem($rule);
- }
+ $problem->addRule($rule);
+ $problem->addRule($conflict);
+ $this->disableProblem($rule);
$this->problems[] = $problem;
@@ -421,15 +182,8 @@ class Solver
- if ($assertRule->getType() === RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) {
- $job = $this->ruleToJob[$assertRule->getId()];
- $problem->addJobRule($job, $assertRule);
- $this->disableProblem($job);
- } else {
- $problem->addRule($assertRule);
- $this->disableProblem($assertRule);
- }
+ $problem->addRule($assertRule);
+ $this->disableProblem($assertRule);
$this->problems[] = $problem;
@@ -463,13 +217,7 @@ class Solver
- if ($rule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) {
- $why = $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()];
- } else {
- $why = $rule;
- }
- $this->disableProblem($why);
+ $this->disableProblem($rule);
@@ -479,10 +227,7 @@ class Solver
foreach ($this->installed->getPackages() as $package) {
$this->installedMap[$package->getId()] = $package;
- }
- protected function addRulesForJobs()
- {
foreach ($this->jobs as $job) {
switch ($job['cmd']) {
case 'update':
@@ -498,30 +243,12 @@ class Solver
$this->updateMap[$package->getId()] = true;
case 'install':
- if (empty($job['packages'])) {
+ if (!$job['packages']) {
$problem = new Problem();
- $problem->addJobRule($job);
+ $problem->addRule(new Rule(array(), null, null, $job));
$this->problems[] = $problem;
- } else {
- foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
- if (!isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()])) {
- $this->addRulesForPackage($package);
- }
- }
- $rule = $this->createInstallOneOfRule($job['packages'], Rule::RULE_JOB_INSTALL, $job['packageName']);
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule);
- $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()] = $job;
- }
- break;
- case 'remove':
- foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
- $rule = $this->createRemoveRule($package, Rule::RULE_JOB_REMOVE);
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB, $rule);
- $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()] = $job;
@@ -540,12 +267,7 @@ class Solver
$this->decisionMap = array_fill(0, $this->pool->getMaxId() + 1, 0);
- foreach ($this->installedMap as $package) {
- $this->addRulesForPackage($package);
- $this->addRulesForUpdatePackages($package);
- }
- $this->addRulesForJobs();
+ $this->rules = $this->ruleSetGenerator->getRulesFor($this->jobs, $this->installedMap);
foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
@@ -827,7 +549,7 @@ class Solver
- $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED, $newRule);
+ $this->rules->add($newRule, RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED);
$this->learnedWhy[$newRule->getId()] = $why;
@@ -987,12 +709,7 @@ class Solver
- if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) {
- $job = $this->ruleToJob[$conflictRule->getId()];
- $problem->addJobRule($job, $conflictRule);
- } else {
- $problem->addRule($conflictRule);
- }
+ $problem->addRule($conflictRule);
private function analyzeUnsolvable($conflictRule, $disableRules)
@@ -1058,13 +775,7 @@ class Solver
if ($lastWeakWhy) {
- if ($lastWeakWhy->getType() === RuleSet::TYPE_JOB) {
- $why = $this->ruleToJob[$lastWeakWhy];
- } else {
- $why = $lastWeakWhy;
- }
- $this->disableProblem($why);
+ $this->disableProblem($lastWeakWhy);
return 1;
@@ -1072,11 +783,7 @@ class Solver
if ($disableRules) {
foreach ($this->problems[count($this->problems) - 1] as $reason) {
- if ($reason['job']) {
- $this->disableProblem($reason['job']);
- } else {
- $this->disableProblem($reason['rule']);
- }
+ $this->disableProblem($reason['rule']);
@@ -1088,14 +795,15 @@ class Solver
private function disableProblem($why)
- if ($why instanceof Rule) {
- $why->disable();
- } else if (is_array($why)) {
+ $job = $why->getJob();
+ if (!$job) {
+ $why->disable();
+ } else {
- foreach ($this->ruleToJob as $ruleId => $job) {
- if ($why === $job) {
- $this->rules->ruleById($ruleId)->disable();
+ foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
+ if ($job === $rule->getJob()) {
+ $rule->disable();