소스 검색

[docs] Change alias article according to comments

1.0.x-dev alias is safer than 1.0-dev. require-dev is also supported.
Clarify that inline aliases are for matching constraints of deps.
Tell users to avoid inline aliasing if possible.
Igor Wiedler 13 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일19개의 추가작업 그리고 11개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 19 11

+ 19 - 11

@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ Enter aliases.
 The `dev-master` branch is one in your main VCS repo. It is rather common that
 someone will want the latest master dev version. Thus, Composer allows you to
-alias your `dev-master` branch to a `1.0-dev` version. It is done by
+alias your `dev-master` branch to a `1.0.x-dev` version. It is done by
 specifying a `branch-alias` field under `extra` in `composer.json`:
         "extra": {
             "branch-alias": {
-                "dev-master": "1.0-dev"
+                "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev"
@@ -52,10 +52,13 @@ commit changes to version control.
 This is not really fun when you just want to try a bugfix of some library that
 is a dependency of your local project.
-For this reason, you can alias packages in your `require` field. Let's say you
-found a bug in the `monolog/monolog` package. You cloned Monolog on GitHub and
-fixed the issue in a branch named `bugfix`. Now you want to install that
-version of monolog in your local project.
+For this reason, you can alias packages in your `require` and `require-dev`
+fields. Let's say you found a bug in the `monolog/monolog` package. You cloned
+Monolog on GitHub and fixed the issue in a branch named `bugfix`. Now you want
+to install that version of monolog in your local project.
+You are using `symfony/monolog-bundle` which requires `monolog/monolog` version
+`1.*`. So you need your `dev-bugfix` to match that constraint.
 Just add this to your project's root `composer.json`:
@@ -67,16 +70,21 @@ Just add this to your project's root `composer.json`:
         "require": {
-            "monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix as 1.0-dev"
+            "symfony/monolog-bundle": "2.0",
+            "monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev"
 That will fetch the `dev-bugfix` version of `monolog/monolog` from your GitHub
-and alias it to `1.0-dev`.
+and alias it to `1.0.x-dev`.
 > **Note:** If a package with inline aliases is required, the alias (right of
 > the `as`) is used as the version constraint. The part left of the `as` is
 > discarded. As a consequence, if A requires B and B requires `monolog/monolog`
-> version `dev-bugfix as 1.0-dev`, installing A will make B require `1.0-dev`,
-> which may exist as a branch alias or an actual `1.0` branch. If it does not,
-> it must be re-inline-aliased in A's `composer.json`.
+> version `dev-bugfix as 1.0.x-dev`, installing A will make B require
+> `1.0.x-dev`, which may exist as a branch alias or an actual `1.0` branch. If
+> it does not, it must be re-inline-aliased in A's `composer.json`.
+> **Note:** Inline aliasing should be avoided, especially for published
+> packages. If you found a bug, try and get your fix merged upstream. This
+> helps to avoid issues for users of your package.