@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ abstract class VcsDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterfa
$this->io->write(" - Updating <info>" . $name . "</info> (<comment>" . $from . "</comment> => <comment>" . $to . "</comment>)");
- $this->cleanChanges($path, true);
+ $this->cleanChanges($path, true, $initial);
try {
$this->doUpdate($initial, $target, $path);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ abstract class VcsDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterfa
public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path)
$this->io->write(" - Removing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . $package->getPrettyVersion() . "</comment>)");
- $this->cleanChanges($path, false);
+ $this->cleanChanges($path, false, $package);
if (!$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path)) {
// retry after a bit on windows since it tends to be touchy with mass removals
if (!defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') || (usleep(250) && !$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path))) {
@@ -144,18 +144,19 @@ abstract class VcsDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterfa
return $this;
- /**
- * Prompt the user to check if changes should be stashed/removed or the operation aborted
- *
- * @param string $path
- * @param bool $update if true (update) the changes can be stashed and reapplied after an update,
- * if false (remove) the changes should be assumed to be lost if the operation is not aborted
- * @throws \RuntimeException in case the operation must be aborted
- */
- protected function cleanChanges($path, $update)
+ /**
+ * Prompt the user to check if changes should be stashed/removed or the operation aborted
+ *
+ * @param string $path
+ * @param bool $update if true (update) the changes can be stashed and reapplied after an update,
+ * if false (remove) the changes should be assumed to be lost if the operation is not aborted
+ * @param PackageInterface $package
+ * @throws \RuntimeException in case the operation must be aborted
+ */
+ protected function cleanChanges($path, $update, $package)
// the default implementation just fails if there are any changes, override in child classes to provide stash-ability
- if (null !== $this->getLocalChanges($path)) {
+ if (null !== $this->getLocalChanges($path, $package)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Source directory ' . $path . ' has uncommitted changes.');