@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@ class ShowCommand extends Command
new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Version to inspect'),
new InputOption('installed', 'i', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List installed packages only'),
new InputOption('platform', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List platform packages only'),
+ new InputOption('available', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List available packages only'),
new InputOption('self', 's', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show the root package information'),
new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Enables display of dev-require packages.'),
+ new InputOption('name-only', 'N', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List package names only'),
The show command displays detailed information about a package, or
@@ -78,6 +80,9 @@ EOT
$repos = $installedRepo = $platformRepo;
} elseif ($input->getOption('installed')) {
$repos = $installedRepo = $getRepositories($this->getComposer(), $input->getOption('dev'));
+ } elseif ($input->getOption('available')) {
+ $installedRepo = $platformRepo;
+ $repos = new CompositeRepository(Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO()));
} elseif ($composer = $this->getComposer(false)) {
$localRepo = $getRepositories($composer, $input->getOption('dev'));
$installedRepo = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepo, $platformRepo));
@@ -135,9 +140,13 @@ EOT
}, 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage');
+ $tree = !$input->getOption('platform') && !$input->getOption('installed') && !$input->getOption('available');
+ $indent = $tree ? ' ' : '';
foreach (array('<info>platform</info>:' => true, '<comment>available</comment>:' => false, '<info>installed</info>:' => true) as $type => $showVersion) {
if (isset($packages[$type])) {
- $output->writeln($type);
+ if ($tree) {
+ $output->writeln($type);
+ }
$nameLength = $versionLength = 0;
@@ -150,10 +159,10 @@ EOT
- $writeVersion = $showVersion && ($nameLength + $versionLength + 3 <= $width);
- $writeDescription = $nameLength + ($showVersion ? $versionLength : 0) + 24 <= $width;
+ $writeVersion = !$input->getOption('name-only') && $showVersion && ($nameLength + $versionLength + 3 <= $width);
+ $writeDescription = !$input->getOption('name-only') && ($nameLength + ($showVersion ? $versionLength : 0) + 24 <= $width);
foreach ($packages[$type] as $package) {
- $output->write(' ' . str_pad($package->getPrettyName(), $nameLength, ' '), false);
+ $output->write($indent . str_pad($package->getPrettyName(), $nameLength, ' '), false);
if ($writeVersion) {
$output->write(' ' . str_pad($this->versionParser->formatVersion($package), $versionLength, ' '), false);
@@ -166,11 +175,12 @@ EOT
$description = substr($description, 0, $remaining - 3) . '...';
$output->write(' ' . $description);
- $output->writeln('');
+ if ($tree) {
+ $output->writeln('');
+ }