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Merge pull request #5931 from Jean85/patch-1

[Documentation] Update troubleshooting article
Jordi Boggiano преди 8 години
променени са 2 файла, в които са добавени 3 реда и са изтрити 95 реда
  1. 0 4
  2. 3 91

+ 0 - 4

@@ -863,10 +863,6 @@ This env var controls the [`discard-changes`](06-config.md#discard-changes) conf
 If set to 1, this env var will make Composer behave as if you passed the
 If set to 1, this env var will make Composer behave as if you passed the
 `--no-interaction` flag to every command. This can be set on build boxes/CI.
 `--no-interaction` flag to every command. This can be set on build boxes/CI.
-If set to 1, this env disables the warning about having xdebug enabled.
 If set to 1, this env disables the warning about running commands as root/super user.
 If set to 1, this env disables the warning about running commands as root/super user.

+ 3 - 91

@@ -119,16 +119,11 @@ See [aliases](aliases.md) for more information.
 ## Memory limit errors
 ## Memory limit errors
-If composer shows memory errors on some commands:
+Composer may sometimes fail on some commands with this message:
 `PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of XXXXXX bytes exhausted <...>`
 `PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of XXXXXX bytes exhausted <...>`
-Check first that XDebug is not loaded in your `php.ini` by running
-`composer diagnose`. If XDebug is loaded, you should disable it by
-commenting the line `zend_extension=path/to/xdebug` in your `php.ini`.
-Don't forget to enable XDebug again after using Composer, if you need it.
-If composer still raises the error, the PHP `memory_limit` should be increased.
+In this case, the PHP `memory_limit` should be increased.
 > **Note:** Composer internally increases the `memory_limit` to `1G`.
 > **Note:** Composer internally increases the `memory_limit` to `1G`.
@@ -152,90 +147,7 @@ Or, you can increase the limit with a command-line argument:
 php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar <...>
 php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar <...>
-## Xdebug impact on Composer
-Running Composer console commands while the php extension "xdebug" is loaded reduces speed considerably.
-This is even the case when all "xdebug" related features are disabled per php.ini flags,
-but the php extension itself is loaded into the PHP engine.
-Compared to a cli command run with "xdebug" enabled a speed improvement by a factor of up to 3 is not uncommon.
-> **Note:** This is a general issue when running PHP with "xdebug" enabled. You shouldn't
-> load the extension in production like environments per se.
-Disable "xdebug" in your `php.ini` (ex. `/etc/php5/cli/php.ini` for Debian-like systems) by
-locating the related `zend_extension` directive and prepending it with `;` (semicolon):
-;zend_extension = "/path/to/my/xdebug.so"
-If you disable this extension and still want it to be added on `php` cli command, you can deal with aliases on *nix systems:
-# Load xdebug Zend extension with php command
-alias php='php -dzend_extension=xdebug.so'
-# PHPUnit needs xdebug for coverage. In this case, just make an alias with php command prefix.
-alias phpunit='php $(which phpunit)'
-With that, all php binaries called directly **will not** have xdebug enabled
-but you will still have it by prefixing them with php command.
-# Will NOT have xdebug enabled
-composer update
-# Will have xdebug enabled by alias
-php /usr/local/bin/composer update
-Or, you can add aliases for composer to run with an xdebug-disabled `php.ini` file.
-Running php without a `php.ini` file should also do the trick in most cases.
-# Without php.ini
-alias comp='php -n /path/to/composer.phar'
-# Or with an xdebug-disabled php.ini
-alias comp='php -c /path/to/xdebug-disabled-php.ini /path/to/composer.phar'
-As a workaround in bash (and other shells) you can create a function which is named `composer`,
-which disables xdebug before it executes composer, and then enables it afterwards.
-Create a function in a file read by bash, like `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_aliases` depending on
-your setup. This also assumes that you have sudo privileges and the `php5enmod` and `php5dismod`
-commands available. It also assumes that you have `composer` in your path.
-echo 'function composer() { COMPOSER="$(which composer)" || { echo "Could not find composer in path" >&2 ; return 1 ; } && sudo php5dismod -s cli xdebug ; $COMPOSER "$@" ; STATUS=$? ; sudo php5enmod -s cli xdebug ; return $STATUS ; }' >> ~/.bash_aliases
-. ~/.bash_aliases
-On platforms without `php5enmod` and `php5dismod` you can run:
-php --ini
-To check where the PHP configuration is, and then use a similar script:
-mkdir /usr/local/etc/php/7.0/conf.dis
-echo 'function composer() { COMPOSER="$(which composer)" || { echo "Could not find composer in path" >&2 ; return 1 ; } && mv /usr/local/etc/php/7.0/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini /usr/local/etc/php/7.0/conf.dis ; $COMPOSER "$@" ; STATUS=$? ; mv /usr/local/etc/php/7.0/conf.dis/ext-xdebug.ini /usr/local/etc/php/7.0/conf.d ; return $STATUS ; }' >> ~/.bash_aliases
-. ~/.bash_aliases
-In the example above, we have PHP 7.0 installed on a Mac with Homebrew (which doesn't have the stated commands and places the configurations on a folder where there is no need for sudo permissions.
-When executing `composer` you will run it with xdebug **disabled** (**as long as the command is executing**),
-and if you execute composer using explicit path (like `./composer` or `/usr/local/bin/composer`)
-xdebug will be **enabled**.
-If you do not want to disable it and want to get rid of the warning you can also define the
-[COMPOSER_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN](../03-cli.md#composer-disable-xdebug-warn) environment variable.
+This issue can also happen on cPanel instances, when the shell fork bomb protection is activated. For more information, see the [documentation](https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/Shell+Fork+Bomb+Protection) of the fork bomb feature on the cPanel site.
 ## "The system cannot find the path specified" (Windows)
 ## "The system cannot find the path specified" (Windows)