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Merge branch '1.2'

Jordi Boggiano 8 years ago

+ 5 - 5

@@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ Example:
-> **Note:** While this is convenient at times, it should not be how you use
-> packages in the long term because it comes with a technical limitation. The
+> **Note:** This feature has severe technical limitations, as the 
 > composer.json metadata will still be read from the branch name you specify
-> before the hash. Because of that in some cases it will not be a practical
-> workaround, and you should always try to switch to tagged releases as soon
-> as you can.
+> before the hash. You should therefore only use this as a temporary solution
+> during development to remediate transient issues, until you can switch to
+> tagged releases. The Composer team does not actively support this feature
+> and will not accept bug reports related to it. 
 It is also possible to inline-alias a package constraint so that it matches
 a constraint that it otherwise would not. For more information [see the

+ 1 - 1

@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ EOT
                 if ($input->getOption('latest')) {
                     $latestPackage = $this->findLatestPackage($package, $composer, $phpVersion);
-                $this->printMeta($package, $versions, $installedRepo, $latestPackage);
+                $this->printMeta($package, $versions, $installedRepo, $latestPackage ?: null);
                 $this->printLinks($package, 'requires');
                 $this->printLinks($package, 'devRequires', 'requires (dev)');
                 if ($package->getSuggests()) {

+ 5 - 4

@@ -459,7 +459,6 @@ class Installer
         $solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $this->io);
         try {
             $operations = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs);
-            $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations);
         } catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
             $this->io->writeError('<error>Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
@@ -467,12 +466,14 @@ class Installer
             return array(max(1, $e->getCode()), array());
-        $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
-        $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$solver->getRuleSetSize()." rules to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
         // force dev packages to be updated if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
         $operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, 'force-updates', $operations);
+        $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request, $operations);
+        $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
+        $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$solver->getRuleSetSize()." rules to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
         // execute operations
         if (!$operations) {
             $this->io->writeError('Nothing to install or update');

+ 1 - 1

@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class ArchiveManager
         $archivePath = $usableArchiver->archive($sourcePath, $tempTarget, $format, $package->getArchiveExcludes());
-        rename($archivePath, $target);
+        $filesystem->rename($archivePath, $target);
         // cleanup temporary download
         if (!$package instanceof RootPackageInterface) {