@@ -1,18 +1,29 @@
-* 1.0.0-alpha4
+* 1.0.0-alpha4 (2012-07-04)
+ * Break: The default `minimum-stability` is now `stable`, [read more](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/composer-dev/_g3ASeIFlrc/discussion)
+ * Break: Custom installers now receive the IO instance and a Composer instance in their constructor
* Schema: Added references for dev versions, requiring `dev-master#abcdef` for example will force the abcdef commit
* Schema: Added `support` key with some more metadata (email, issues, forum, wiki, irc, source)
+ * Schema: Added `!=` operator for version constraints in `require`/`require-dev`
+ * Added a recommendation for package names to be `lower-cased/with-dashes`, it will be enforced for new packages on Pacakgist
* Added `require` command to add a package to your requirements and install it
* Added a whitelist to `update`. Calling `composer update foo/bar foo/baz` allows you to update only those packages
+ * Added support for overriding repositories in the system config (define repositories in ~/.composer/config.json)
+ * Added `lib-*` packages to the platform repository, e.g. `lib-pcre` contains the pcre version
* Added caching of GitHub metadata (faster startup time with custom GitHub VCS repos)
+ * Added caching of SVN metadata (faster startup time with custom SVN VCS repos)
* Added support for file:// URLs to GitDriver
+ * Added --self flag to the `show` command to display the infos of the root package
* Added --dev flag to `create-project` command
* Added --no-scripts to `install` and `update` commands to avoid triggering the scripts
* Added `COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION` env var to specify the version of the root package (fixes some edge cases)
* Added support for multiple custom installers in one package
- * Added files autoloading method which requires files on every request, e.g. to load functions that are not autoloadable
+ * Added files autoloading method which requires files on every request, e.g. to load functional code
+ * Added automatic recovery for lock files that contain references to rewritten (force pushed) commits
+ * Improved PEAR repositories support and package.xml extraction
* Improved and fixed the output of various commands
- * Cleaned up / refactored the dependency solver code
+ * Fixed the order of installation of requirements (they are always installed before the packages requiring them)
+ * Cleaned up / refactored the dependency solver code as well as the output for unsolvable requirements
* Various bug fixes and docs improvements
* 1.0.0-alpha3 (2012-05-13)