@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * This file is part of Composer.
+ *
+ * (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
+ * Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Composer\Test\Package\Loader;
+use Composer\Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader;
+use Composer\Test\Mock\ProcessExecutorMock;
+class RootPackageLoaderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public function testDetachedHeadBecomesDevHash()
+ {
+ if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped('proc_open() is not available');
+ }
+ $commitHash = '03a15d220da53c52eddd5f32ffca64a7b3801bea';
+ $manager = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Composer\\Repository\\RepositoryManager')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $self = $this;
+ $processExecutor = new ProcessExecutorMock(function($command, &$output = null, $cwd = null) use ($self, $commitHash) {
+ $self->assertStringStartsWith('git branch', $command);
+ $output = "* (no branch) $commitHash Commit message\n";
+ return 0;
+ });
+ $loader = new RootPackageLoader($manager, null, $processExecutor);
+ $package = $loader->load(array());
+ $this->assertEquals("dev-$commitHash", $package->getVersion());
+ }