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Merge remote-tracking branch 'composer/master' into gitlab

Jérôme Tamarelle 9 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
100 tập tin đã thay đổi với 3261 bổ sung1861 xóa
  1. 8 0
  2. 1 0
  3. 59 0
  4. 23 4
  5. 71 11
  6. 30 10
  7. 1 1
  8. 21 12
  9. 35 0
  10. 15 1
  11. 3 3
  12. 0 85
  13. 22 10
  14. 403 147
  15. 69 86
  16. 79 108
  17. 43 41
  18. 72 38
  19. 51 119
  20. 58 17
  21. 184 0
  22. 10 8
  23. 2 2
  24. 1 1
  25. 49 11
  26. 3 3
  27. 19 20
  28. 65 26
  29. 46 6
  30. 118 0
  31. 7 7
  32. 1 1
  33. 32 6
  34. 0 59
  35. 143 37
  36. 27 14
  37. 20 7
  38. 1 1
  39. 28 18
  40. 44 27
  41. 32 16
  42. 3 2
  43. 66 61
  44. 5 2
  45. 0 36
  46. 35 50
  47. 130 93
  48. 8 5
  49. 10 13
  50. 13 7
  51. 23 10
  52. 5 3
  53. 2 1
  54. 4 3
  55. 14 12
  56. 86 49
  57. 11 6
  58. 98 0
  59. 7 4
  60. 77 26
  61. 26 9
  62. 20 5
  63. 2 2
  64. 20 28
  65. 5 3
  66. 0 83
  67. 16 6
  68. 1 0
  69. 1 0
  70. 1 2
  71. 3 1
  72. 31 29
  73. 7 3
  74. 8 10
  75. 27 42
  76. 2 3
  77. 1 1
  78. 102 36
  79. 2 2
  80. 10 5
  81. 5 7
  82. 6 8
  83. 37 15
  84. 1 1
  85. 61 0
  86. 2 3
  87. 1 1
  88. 2 2
  89. 6 4
  90. 1 1
  91. 2 2
  92. 24 11
  93. 13 14
  94. 4 0
  95. 2 2
  96. 33 99
  97. 7 9
  98. BIN
  99. 258 61
  100. 18 5

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Auto-detect text files, ensure they use LF.
+*       text=auto eol=lf
+# These files are always considered text and should use LF.
+# See core.whitespace @ for whitespace flags.
+*.php   text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,blank-at-eof,space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=4 diff=php
+*.json  text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,blank-at-eof,space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=4
+*.test  text eol=lf whitespace=blank-at-eol,blank-at-eof,space-before-tab,tab-in-indent,tabwidth=4

+ 1 - 0

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ phpunit.xml

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+$header = <<<EOF
+This file is part of Composer.
+(c) Nils Adermann <>
+    Jordi Boggiano <>
+For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+file that was distributed with this source code.
+$finder = Symfony\CS\Finder\DefaultFinder::create()
+    ->files()
+    ->name('*.php')
+    ->exclude('Fixtures')
+    ->in(__DIR__.'/src')
+    ->in(__DIR__.'/tests')
+return Symfony\CS\Config\Config::create()
+    ->setUsingCache(true)
+    ->setRiskyAllowed(true)
+    ->setRules(array(
+        '@PSR2' => true,
+        'duplicate_semicolon' => true,
+        'extra_empty_lines' => true,
+        'header_comment' => array('header' => $header),
+        'include' => true,
+        'long_array_syntax' => true,
+        'method_separation' => true,
+        'multiline_array_trailing_comma' => true,
+        'namespace_no_leading_whitespace' => true,
+        'no_blank_lines_after_class_opening' => true,
+        'no_empty_lines_after_phpdocs' => true,
+        'object_operator' => true,
+        'operators_spaces' => true,
+        'phpdoc_align' => true,
+        'phpdoc_indent' => true,
+        'phpdoc_no_access' => true,
+        'phpdoc_no_package' => true,
+        'phpdoc_order' => true,
+        'phpdoc_scalar' => true,
+        'phpdoc_trim' => true,
+        'phpdoc_type_to_var' => true,
+        'psr0' => true,
+        'return' => true,
+        'remove_leading_slash_use' => true,
+        'remove_lines_between_uses' => true,
+        'single_array_no_trailing_comma' => true,
+        'single_blank_line_before_namespace' => true,
+        'spaces_cast' => true,
+        'standardize_not_equal' => true,
+        'ternary_spaces' => true,
+        'unused_use' => true,
+        'whitespacy_lines' => true,
+    ))
+    ->finder($finder)

+ 23 - 4

@@ -1,23 +1,42 @@
 language: php
+sudo: false
+  directories:
+    - $HOME/.composer/cache
+  apt:
+    packages:
+      - parallel
   - 5.3.3
   - 5.3
   - 5.4
   - 5.5
   - 5.6
+  - 7.0
   - hhvm
+  - nightly
+  fast_finish: true
+  allow_failures:
+    - php: nightly
-    - sudo apt-get install parallel
     - rm -f ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/xdebug.ini
-    - composer install --prefer-source
-    - bin/composer install --prefer-source
+    - flags=""
+    - if [ `phpenv version-name` == "5.3.3" ]; then flags="--ignore-platform-reqs"; fi
+    - composer install $flags
+    - bin/composer install $flags
     - git config --global travis-ci
     - git config --global
-    - ls -d tests/Composer/Test/* | parallel --gnu --keep-order 'echo "Running {} tests"; ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/complete.phpunit.xml {};'
+    - ls -d tests/Composer/Test/* | parallel --gnu --keep-order 'echo "Running {} tests"; ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/complete.phpunit.xml --colors=always {} || (echo -e "\e[41mFAILED\e[0m {}" && $(exit 1));'
   depth: 5

+ 71 - 11

@@ -1,4 +1,53 @@
-### 1.0.0-alpha9 (2014-12-07)
+### [1.0.0-alpha11] - 2015-10-xx
+  * Added config.platform to let you specify what your target environment looks like and make sure you do not inadvertently install dependencies that would break it
+  * Added `exclude-from-classmap` in the autoload config that lets you ignore sub-paths of classmapped directories, or psr-0/4 directories when building optimized autoloaders
+  * Added `path` repository type to install/symlink packages from local paths
+  * Added `suggests` command to show what packages are suggested, use -v to see more details
+  * Added `content-hash` inside the composer.lock to restrict the warnings about outdated lock file to some specific changes in the composer.json file
+  * Added `archive-format` and `archive-dir` config options to specify default values for the archive command
+  * Added --classmap-authoritative to `install`, `update`, `require`, `remove` and `dump-autoload` commands, forcing the optimized classmap to be authoritative
+  * Added -A / --with-dependencies to the `validate` command to allow validating all your dependencies recursively
+  * Added --strict to the `validate` command to treat any warning as an error that then returns a non-zero exit code
+  * Added a dependency on composer/semver, which is the externalized lib for all the version constraints parsing and handling
+  * Added support for classmap autoloading to load plugin classes and script handlers
+  * Added `bin-compat` config option that if set to `full` will create .bat proxy for binaries even if Compoesr runs in a linux VM
+  * Added SPDX 2.0 support, and externalized that in a composer/spdx-licenses lib
+  * Added warnings when the classmap autoloader finds duplicate classes
+  * Added --file to the `archive` command to choose the filename
+  * Added Ctrl+C handling in create-project to cancel the operation cleanly
+  * Fixed version guessing to use ^ always, default to stable versions, and avoid versions that require a higher php version than you have
+  * Fixed the lock file switching back and forth between old and new URL when a package URL is changed and many people run updates
+  * Fixed partial updates updating things they shouldn't when the current vendor dir was out of date with the lock file
+  * Fixed PHAR file creation to be more reproducible and always generate the exact same phar file from a given source
+  * Fixed issue when checking out git branches or tags that are also the name of a file in the repo
+  * Many minor fixes and documentation additions and UX improvements
+### [1.0.0-alpha10] - 2015-04-14
+  * Break: The following event classes are deprecated and you should update your script handlers to use the new ones in type hints:
+    - `Composer\Script\CommandEvent` is deprecated, use `Composer\Script\Event`
+    - `Composer\Script\PackageEvent` is deprecated, use `Composer\Installer\PackageEvent`
+  * Break: Output is now split between stdout and stderr. Any irrelevant output to each command is on stderr as per unix best practices.
+  * Added support for npm-style semver operators (`^` and `-` ranges, ` ` = AND, `||` = OR)
+  * Added --prefer-lowest to `update` command to allow testing a package with the lowest declared dependencies
+  * Added support for parsing semver build metadata `+anything` at the end of versions
+  * Added --sort-packages option to `require` command for sorting dependencies
+  * Added --no-autoloader to `install` and `update` commands to skip autoload generation
+  * Added --list to `run-script` command to see available scripts
+  * Added --absolute to `config` command to get back absolute paths
+  * Added `classmap-authoritative` config option, if enabled only the classmap info will be used by the composer autoloader
+  * Added support for branch-alias on numeric branches
+  * Added support for the `https_proxy`/`HTTPS_PROXY` env vars used only for https URLs
+  * Added support for using real composer repos as local paths in `create-project` command
+  * Added --no-dev to `licenses` command
+  * Added support for PHP 7.0 nightly builds
+  * Fixed detection of stability when parsing multiple constraints
+  * Fixed installs from lock file containing updated composer.json requirement
+  * Fixed the autoloader suffix in vendor/autoload.php changing in every build
+  * Many minor fixes, documentation additions and UX improvements
+### [1.0.0-alpha9] - 2014-12-07
   * Added `remove` command to do the reverse of `require`
   * Added --ignore-platform-reqs to `install`/`update` commands to install even if you are missing a php extension or have an invalid php version
@@ -28,7 +77,7 @@
   * Improved SVN and Perforce support
   * A boatload of minor fixes, documentation additions and UX improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha8 (2014-01-06)
+### [1.0.0-alpha8] - 2014-01-06
   * Break: The `install` command now has --dev enabled by default. --no-dev can be used to install without dev requirements
   * Added `composer-plugin` package type to allow extensibility, and deprecated `composer-installer`
@@ -59,7 +108,7 @@
   * Improved memory usage and performance of solving dependencies
   * Tons of minor bug fixes and improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha7 (2013-05-04)
+### [1.0.0-alpha7] - 2013-05-04
   * Break: For forward compatibility, you should change your deployment scripts to run `composer install --no-dev`. The install command will install dev dependencies by default starting in the next release
   * Break: The `update` command now has --dev enabled by default. --no-dev can be used to update without dev requirements, but it will create an incomplete lock file and is discouraged
@@ -110,10 +159,10 @@
   * Improved the coverage of the `validate` command
   * Tons of minor bug fixes and improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha6 (2012-10-23)
+### [1.0.0-alpha6] - 2012-10-23
   * Schema: Added ability to pass additional options to repositories (i.e. ssh keys/client certificates to secure private repos)
-  * Schema: Added a new `~` operator that should be prefered over `>=`, see
+  * Schema: Added a new `~` operator that should be preferred over `>=`, see
   * Schema: Version constraints `<x.y` are assumed to be `<x.y-dev` unless specified as `<x.y-stable` to reduce confusion
   * Added `config` command to edit/list config values, including --global switch for system config
   * Added OAuth token support for the GitHub API
@@ -121,7 +170,7 @@
   * Added --prefer-dist flag to force installs of dev packages from zip archives instead of clones
   * Added --working-dir (-d) flag to change the working directory
   * Added --profile flag to all commands to display execution time and memory usage
-  * Added `github-protocols` config key to define the order of prefered protocols for clones
+  * Added `github-protocols` config key to define the order of preferred protocols for clones
   * Added ability to interactively reset changes to vendor dirs while updating
   * Added support for hg bookmarks in the hg driver
   * Added support for svn repositories not following the standard trunk/branch/tags scheme
@@ -135,7 +184,7 @@
   * Improved performance of a few essential code paths
   * Many bug small fixes and docs improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha5 (2012-08-18)
+### [1.0.0-alpha5] - 2012-08-18
   * Added `dump-autoload` command to only regenerate the autoloader
   * Added --optimize to `dump-autoload` to generate a more performant classmap-based autoloader for production
@@ -153,7 +202,7 @@
   * Improved error reporting on network failures and some other edge cases
   * Various minor bug fixes and docs improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha4 (2012-07-04)
+### [1.0.0-alpha4] - 2012-07-04
   * Break: The default `minimum-stability` is now `stable`, [read more](
   * Break: Custom installers now receive the IO instance and a Composer instance in their constructor
@@ -181,7 +230,7 @@
   * Cleaned up / refactored the dependency solver code as well as the output for unsolvable requirements
   * Various bug fixes and docs improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha3 (2012-05-13)
+### [1.0.0-alpha3] - 2012-05-13
   * Schema: Added `require-dev` for development-time requirements (tests, etc), install with --dev
   * Schema: Added author.role to list the author's role in the project
@@ -203,7 +252,7 @@
   * Fixed various bugs relating to package aliasing, proxy configuration, binaries
   * Various bug fixes and docs improvements
-### 1.0.0-alpha2 (2012-04-03)
+### [1.0.0-alpha2] - 2012-04-03
   * Added `create-project` command to install a project from scratch with composer
   * Added automated `classmap` autoloading support for non-PSR-0 compliant projects
@@ -218,6 +267,17 @@
   * Removed dependency on filter_var
   * Various robustness & error handling improvements, docs fixes and more bug fixes
-### 1.0.0-alpha1 (2012-03-01)
+### 1.0.0-alpha1 - 2012-03-01
   * Initial release

+ 30 - 10

@@ -1,29 +1,49 @@
 Contributing to Composer
+Please note that this project is released with a
+[Contributor Code of Conduct](
+By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
+Reporting Issues
+When reporting issues, please try to be as descriptive as possible, and include
+as much relevant information as you can. A step by step guide on how to
+reproduce the issue will greatly increase the chances of your issue being
+resolved in a timely manner.
+For example, if you are experiencing a problem while running one of the
+commands, please provide full output of said command in very very verbose mode
+(`-vvv`, e.g. `composer install -vvv`).
+If your issue involves installing, updating or resolving dependencies, the
+chance of us being able to reproduce your issue will be much higher if you
+share your `composer.json` with us.
 Installation from Source
-Prior to contributing to Composer, you must use be able to run the tests.
-To achieve this, you must use the sources and not the phar file.
+Prior to contributing to Composer, you must be able to run the test suite.
+To achieve this, you need to acquire the Composer source code:
 1. Run `git clone`
 2. Download the [`composer.phar`]( executable
 3. Run Composer to get the dependencies: `cd composer && php ../composer.phar install`
-You can now run Composer by executing the `bin/composer` script: `php /path/to/composer/bin/composer`
+You can run the test suite by executing `vendor/bin/phpunit` when inside the
+composer directory, and run Composer by executing the `bin/composer`. To test
+your modified Composer code against another project, run `php
+/path/to/composer/bin/composer` inside that project's directory.
 Contributing policy
-All code contributions - including those of people having commit access -
-must go through a pull request and approved by a core developer before being
-merged. This is to ensure proper review of all the code.
 Fork the project, create a feature branch, and send us a pull request.
 To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows
-the [Coding Standards](
-which we borrowed from Symfony.
+the [PSR-2 Coding Standards]( You can also
+run [php-cs-fixer]( with the
+configuration file that can be found in the project root directory.
-If you would like to help, take a look at the [list of issues](
+If you would like to help, take a look at the [list of open issues](

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano
+Copyright (c) 2015 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

+ 21 - 12

@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Composer helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of PHP projects, ens
 See []( for more information and documentation.
 [![Build Status](](
+[![Dependency Status](](
+[![Reference Status](](
 Installation / Usage
@@ -15,11 +17,18 @@ Installation / Usage
     ``` sh
     $ curl -sS | php
+    > **Note:** If the above fails for some reason, you can download the installer
+    > with `php` instead:
+    ```sh
+    php -r "readfile('');" | php
+    ```
 2. Create a composer.json defining your dependencies. Note that this example is
 a short version for applications that are not meant to be published as packages
 themselves. To create libraries/packages please read the
     ``` json
@@ -35,26 +44,26 @@ themselves. To create libraries/packages please read the
 Global installation of Composer (manual)
-Follow instructions [in the documentation](
+Follow instructions [in the documentation](
 Updating Composer
 Running `php composer.phar self-update` or equivalent will update a phar
-install with the latest version.
+install to the latest version.
-Mailing lists for [user support]( and
 IRC channels are on [#composer](irc://
 for users and [#composer-dev](irc:// for development.
-Stack Overflow has a growing collection of
-[Composer related questions](
+For support, Stack Overflow also offers a good collection of
+[Composer related questions](
+Please note that this project is released with a
+[Contributor Code of Conduct](
+By participating in this project and its community you agree to abide by those terms.
@@ -64,8 +73,8 @@ PHP 5.3.2 or above (at least 5.3.4 recommended to avoid potential bugs)
-Nils Adermann - <> - <> - <><br />
-Jordi Boggiano - <> - <> - <><br />
+Nils Adermann - <> - <> - <><br />
+Jordi Boggiano - <> - <> - <><br />
 See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.
@@ -78,6 +87,6 @@ Acknowledgments
 - This project's Solver started out as a PHP port of openSUSE's
-  [Libzypp satsolver](
+  [Libzypp satsolver](
 - This project uses hiddeninput.exe to prompt for passwords on windows, sources
   and details can be found on the [github page of the project](

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+build: false
+shallow_clone: true
+  - x86
+  - x64
+clone_folder: c:\projects\composer
+    - c:\tools\php -> appveyor.yml
+    - SET PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL;c:\tools\php;%PATH%
+    - SET PHP=1
+    - SET ANSICON=121x90 (121x90)
+    - IF EXIST c:\tools\php (SET PHP=0)
+    - IF %PHP%==1 cinst -y OpenSSL.Light
+    - IF %PHP%==1 cinst -y php
+    - cd c:\tools\php
+    - IF %PHP%==1 copy php.ini-production php.ini /Y
+    - IF %PHP%==1 echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini
+    - IF %PHP%==1 echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini
+    - IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini
+    - IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini
+    - IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_fileinfo.dll >> php.ini
+    - IF %PHP%==1 echo @php %%~dp0composer.phar %%* > composer.bat
+    - appveyor DownloadFile
+    - cd c:\projects\composer
+    - composer install --prefer-source --no-progress
+    - cd c:\projects\composer
+    - vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=always

+ 15 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env php
+$cwd = getcwd();
+$ts = rtrim(shell_exec('git log -n1 --pretty=%ct HEAD'));
+if (!is_numeric($ts)) {
+    echo 'Could not detect date using "git log -n1 --pretty=%ct HEAD"'.PHP_EOL;
+    exit(1);
+// Install with the current version to force it having the right ClassLoader version
+// Install without dev packages to clean up the included classmap from phpunit classes
+shell_exec('php bin/composer config autoloader-suffix ComposerPhar' . $ts);
+shell_exec('php bin/composer install -q --no-dev');
+shell_exec('php bin/composer config autoloader-suffix --unset');
 require __DIR__.'/../src/bootstrap.php';
 use Composer\Compiler;
@@ -12,6 +26,6 @@ try {
     $compiler = new Compiler();
 } catch (\Exception $e) {
-    echo 'Failed to compile phar: ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage().' at '.$e->getFile().':'.$e->getLine();
+    echo 'Failed to compile phar: ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage().' at '.$e->getFile().':'.$e->getLine().PHP_EOL;

+ 3 - 3

@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
     $memoryLimit = trim(ini_get('memory_limit'));
-    // Increase memory_limit if it is lower than 512M
-    if ($memoryLimit != -1 && $memoryInBytes($memoryLimit) < 512 * 1024 * 1024) {
-        @ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
+    // Increase memory_limit if it is lower than 1GB
+    if ($memoryLimit != -1 && $memoryInBytes($memoryLimit) < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
+        @ini_set('memory_limit', '1G');
     unset($memoryInBytes, $memoryLimit);

+ 0 - 85

@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env php
-$identifiers = new SPDXLicenseIdentifiersOnline;
-$printer = new JsonPrinter;
- * SPDX Identifier List from the registry.
- */
-class SPDXLicenseIdentifiersOnline
-    const REGISTRY = '';
-    const EXPRESSION = '//*[@typeof="spdx:License"]/code[@property="spdx:licenseId"]/text()';
-    private $identifiers;
-    /**
-     * @return array
-     */
-    public function getStrings()
-    {
-        if ($this->identifiers) {
-            return $this->identifiers;
-        }
-        $this->identifiers = $this->importNodesFromURL(
-            self::REGISTRY,
-            self::EXPRESSION
-        );
-        return $this->identifiers;
-    }
-    private function importNodesFromURL($url, $expressionTextNodes)
-    {
-        $doc = new DOMDocument();
-        $doc->loadHTMLFile($url);
-        $xp = new DOMXPath($doc);
-        $codes = $xp->query($expressionTextNodes);
-        if (!$codes) {
-            throw new \Exception(sprintf('XPath query failed: %s', $expressionTextNodes));
-        }
-        if ($codes->length < 20) {
-            throw new \Exception('Obtaining the license table failed, there can not be less than 20 identifiers.');
-        }
-        $identifiers = array();
-        foreach ($codes as $code) {
-            $identifiers[] = $code->nodeValue;
-        }
-        return $identifiers;
-    }
- * Print an array the way this script needs it.
- */
-class JsonPrinter
-    /**
-     *
-     * @param array $array
-     */
-    public function printStringArray(array $array)
-    {
-        $lines = array('');
-        $line = &$lines[0];
-        $last = count($array) - 1;
-        foreach ($array as $item => $code) {
-            $code = sprintf('"%s"%s', trim($code), $item === $last ? '' : ', ');
-            $length = strlen($line) + strlen($code) - 1;
-            if ($length > 76) {
-                $line = rtrim($line);
-                unset($line);
-                $lines[] = $code;
-                $line = &$lines[count($lines) - 1];
-            } else {
-                $line .= $code;
-            }
-        }
-        $json = sprintf("[%s]", implode("\n    ", $lines));
-        $json = str_replace(array("[\"", "\"]"), array("[\n    \"", "\"\n]"), $json);
-        echo $json;
-    }

+ 22 - 10

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     "name": "composer/composer",
     "description": "Composer helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of PHP projects, ensuring you have the right stack everywhere.",
     "keywords": ["package", "dependency", "autoload"],
-    "homepage": "",
+    "homepage": "",
     "type": "library",
     "license": "MIT",
     "authors": [
@@ -22,25 +22,37 @@
         "issues": ""
     "require": {
-        "php": ">=5.3.2",
-        "justinrainbow/json-schema": "~1.3",
-        "seld/jsonlint": "~1.0",
-        "symfony/console": "~2.5",
-        "symfony/finder": "~2.2",
-        "symfony/process": "~2.1"
+        "php": "^5.3.2 || ^7.0",
+        "justinrainbow/json-schema": "^1.4.4",
+        "composer/spdx-licenses": "^1.0",
+        "composer/semver": "^1.0",
+        "seld/jsonlint": "^1.0",
+        "symfony/console": "^2.5 || ^3.0",
+        "symfony/finder": "^2.2 || ^3.0",
+        "symfony/process": "^2.1 || ^3.0",
+        "symfony/filesystem": "^2.5 || ^3.0",
+        "seld/phar-utils": "^1.0",
+        "seld/cli-prompt": "^1.0"
     "require-dev": {
-        "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.5"
+        "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.5 || ^5.0.5",
+        "phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects": "2.3.0 || ^3.0"
+    },
+    "_": "phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects required in 2.3.0 due to - needs hhvm 3.8+ on travis",
+    "config": {
+        "platform": {
+            "php": "5.3.9"
+        }
     "suggest": {
         "ext-zip": "Enabling the zip extension allows you to unzip archives, and allows gzip compression of all internet traffic",
         "ext-openssl": "Enabling the openssl extension allows you to access https URLs for repositories and packages"
     "autoload": {
-        "psr-0": { "Composer": "src/" }
+        "psr-4": { "Composer\\": "src/Composer" }
     "autoload-dev": {
-        "psr-0": { "Composer\\Test": "tests/" }
+        "psr-4": { "Composer\\Test\\": "tests/Composer/Test" }
     "bin": ["bin/composer"],
     "extra": {

Những thai đổi đã bị hủy bỏ vì nó quá lớn
+ 403 - 147

+ 69 - 86

@@ -1,54 +1,41 @@
 # Introduction
 Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare
-the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your
-project for you.
+the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them
+for you.
 ## Dependency management
-Composer is not a package manager. Yes, it deals with "packages" or libraries, but
-it manages them on a per-project basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. `vendor`)
-inside your project. By default it will never install anything globally. Thus,
-it is a dependency manager.
+Composer is **not** a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt are. Yes,
+it deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-project
+basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. `vendor`) inside your project. By
+default it will never install anything globally. Thus, it is a dependency
-This idea is not new and Composer is strongly inspired by node's [npm](
-and ruby's [bundler]( But there has not been such a tool
-for PHP.
+This idea is not new and Composer is strongly inspired by node's
+[npm]( and ruby's [bundler](
-The problem that Composer solves is this:
 a) You have a project that depends on a number of libraries.
 b) Some of those libraries depend on other libraries.
-c) You declare the things you depend on.
-d) Composer finds out which versions of which packages need to be installed, and
-   installs them (meaning it downloads them into your project).
-## Declaring dependencies
+c) Enables you to declare the libraries you depend on.
-Let's say you are creating a project, and you need a library that does logging.
-You decide to use [monolog]( In order to
-add it to your project, all you need to do is create a `composer.json` file
-which describes the project's dependencies.
-    "require": {
-        "monolog/monolog": "1.2.*"
-    }
+d) Finds out which versions of which packages can and need to be installed, and
+   installs them (meaning it downloads them into your project).
-We are simply stating that our project requires some `monolog/monolog` package,
-any version beginning with `1.2`.
+See the [Basic usage]( chapter for more details on declaring
 ## System Requirements
 Composer requires PHP 5.3.2+ to run. A few sensitive php settings and compile
-flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about any
+flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about
+any incompatibilities.
 To install packages from sources instead of simple zip archives, you will need
 git, svn or hg depending on how the package is version-controlled.
@@ -60,6 +47,12 @@ Linux and OSX.
 ### Downloading the Composer Executable
+Composer offers a convenient installer that you can execute directly from the
+commandline. Feel free to [download this file](
+or review it on [GitHub](
+if you wish to know more about the inner workings of the installer. The source
+is plain PHP.
 There are in short, two ways to install Composer. Locally as part of your
 project, or globally as a system wide executable.
@@ -79,37 +72,54 @@ curl -sS | php
 php -r "readfile('');" | php
-The installer will just check a few PHP settings and then download `composer.phar`
-to your working directory. This file is the Composer binary. It is a PHAR (PHP
-archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on the command
-line, amongst other things.
+The installer will just check a few PHP settings and then download
+`composer.phar` to your working directory. This file is the Composer binary. It
+is a PHAR (PHP archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on
+the command line, amongst other things.
+Now just run `php composer.phar` in order to run Composer.
 You can install Composer to a specific directory by using the `--install-dir`
-option and providing a target directory (it can be an absolute or relative path):
+option and additionally (re)name it as well using the `--filename` option:
-curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=bin
+curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=bin --filename=composer
+Now just run `php bin/composer` in order to run Composer.
 #### Globally
-You can place this file anywhere you wish. If you put it in your `PATH`,
-you can access it globally. On unixy systems you can even make it
-executable and invoke it without `php`.
+You can place the Composer PHAR anywhere you wish. If you put it in a directory
+that is part of your `PATH`, you can access it globally. On unixy systems you
+can even make it executable and invoke it without directly using the `php`
-You can run these commands to easily access `composer` from anywhere on your system:
+Run these commands to globally install `composer` on your system:
 curl -sS | php
 mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
-> **Note:** If the above fails due to permissions, run the `mv` line
-> again with sudo.
+> **Note:** If the above fails due to permissions, run the `mv` line again 
+> with sudo.
+A quick copy-paste version including sudo:
-> **Note:** In OSX Yosemite the `/usr` directory does not exist by default. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file or directory" then you must create `/usr/local/bin/` manually before proceeding.
+curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
-Then, just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar`.
+> **Note:** On some versions of OSX the `/usr` directory does not exist by
+> default. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file or
+> directory" then you must create the directory manually before proceeding:
+> `mkdir -p /usr/local/bin`.
+> **Note:** For information on changing your PATH, please read the
+> [Wikipedia article]( and/or use Google.
+Now just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar`.
 ## Installation - Windows
@@ -117,24 +127,26 @@ Then, just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar
 This is the easiest way to get Composer set up on your machine.
-Download and run [Composer-Setup.exe](,
-it will install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can
-just call `composer` from any directory in your command line.
+Download and run
+[Composer-Setup.exe]( It will
+install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can just
+call `composer` from any directory in your command line.
-> **Note:** Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal:
-> That is important since the PATH only gets loaded when the terminal starts.
+> **Note:** Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal: This is
+> important since the PATH only gets loaded when the terminal starts.
 ### Manual Installation
 Change to a directory on your `PATH` and run the install snippet to download
 C:\Users\username>cd C:\bin
 C:\bin>php -r "readfile('');" | php
-> **Note:** If the above fails due to readfile, use the `http` url or enable php_openssl.dll in php.ini
+> **Note:** If the above fails due to readfile, use the `http` url or enable
+> php_openssl.dll in php.ini
 Create a new `composer.bat` file alongside `composer.phar`:
@@ -142,6 +154,8 @@ Create a new `composer.bat` file alongside `composer.phar`:
 C:\bin>echo @php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*>composer.bat
+Add the directory to your PATH environment variable if it isn't already.
 Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal:
@@ -151,38 +165,7 @@ Composer version 27d8904
 ## Using Composer
-We will now use Composer to install the dependencies of the project. If you
-don't have a `composer.json` file in the current directory please skip to the
-[Basic Usage]( chapter.
-To resolve and download dependencies, run the `install` command:
-php composer.phar install
-If you did a global install and do not have the phar in that directory
-run this instead:
-composer install
-Following the [example above](#declaring-dependencies), this will download
-monolog into the `vendor/monolog/monolog` directory.
-## Autoloading
-Besides downloading the library, Composer also prepares an autoload file that's
-capable of autoloading all of the classes in any of the libraries that it
-downloads. To use it, just add the following line to your code's bootstrap
-require 'vendor/autoload.php';
-Woah! Now start using monolog! To keep learning more about Composer, keep
-reading the "Basic Usage" chapter.
+Now that you've installed Composer, you are ready to use it! Head on over to the
+next chapter for a short and simple demonstration.
-[Basic Usage]( &rarr;
+[Basic usage]( &rarr;

+ 79 - 108

@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 # Basic usage
-## Installing
+## Introduction
-If you have not yet installed Composer, refer to the [Intro]( chapter.
+For our basic usage introduction, we will be installing `monolog/monolog`,
+a logging library. If you have not yet installed Composer, refer to the
+[Intro]( chapter.
+> **Note:** for the sake of simplicity, this introduction will assume you
+> have performed a [local]( install of Composer.
 ## `composer.json`: Project Setup
@@ -10,14 +15,11 @@ To start using Composer in your project, all you need is a `composer.json`
 file. This file describes the dependencies of your project and may contain
 other metadata as well.
-The [JSON format]( is quite easy to write. It allows you to
-define nested structures.
 ### The `require` Key
 The first (and often only) thing you specify in `composer.json` is the
-`require` key. You're simply telling Composer which packages your project
-depends on.
+[`require`]( key. You're simply telling Composer which
+packages your project depends on.
@@ -27,15 +29,16 @@ depends on.
-As you can see, `require` takes an object that maps **package names** (e.g. `monolog/monolog`)
-to **package versions** (e.g. `1.0.*`).
+As you can see, [`require`]( takes an object that maps
+**package names** (e.g. `monolog/monolog`) to **version constraints** (e.g.
 ### Package Names
 The package name consists of a vendor name and the project's name. Often these
-will be identical - the vendor name just exists to prevent naming clashes. It allows
-two different people to create a library named `json`, which would then just be
-named `igorw/json` and `seldaek/json`.
+will be identical - the vendor name just exists to prevent naming clashes. It
+allows two different people to create a library named `json`, which would then
+just be named `igorw/json` and `seldaek/json`.
 Here we are requiring `monolog/monolog`, so the vendor name is the same as the
 project's name. For projects with a unique name this is recommended. It also
@@ -45,59 +48,26 @@ smaller decoupled parts.
 ### Package Versions
-In the previous example we were requiring version `1.0.*` of monolog. This
-means any version in the `1.0` development branch. It would match `1.0.0`,
-`1.0.2` or `1.0.20`.
-Version constraints can be specified in a few different ways.
-Name           | Example                                                                  | Description
--------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -----------
-Exact version  | `1.0.2`                                                                  | You can specify the exact version of a package.
-Range          | `>=1.0` `>=1.0 <2.0` <code>&gt;=1.0 &lt;1.1 &#124;&#124; &gt;=1.2</code> | By using comparison operators you can specify ranges of valid versions. Valid operators are `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`, `!=`. <br />You can define multiple ranges. Ranges separated by a space (<code> </code>) or comma (`,`) will be treated as a **logical AND**. A double pipe (<code>&#124;&#124;</code>) will be treated as a **logical OR**. AND has higher precedence than OR.
-Hyphen Range   | `1.0 - 2.0`                                                              | Inclusive set of versions. Partial versions on the right include are completed with a wildcard. For example `1.0 - 2.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <2.1` as the `2.0` becomes `2.0.*`. On the other hand `1.0.0 - 2.1.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <=2.1.0`.
-Wildcard       | `1.0.*`                                                                  | You can specify a pattern with a `*` wildcard. `1.0.*` is the equivalent of `>=1.0 <1.1`.
-Tilde Operator | `~1.2`                                                                   | Very useful for projects that follow semantic versioning. `~1.2` is equivalent to `>=1.2 <2.0`. For more details, read the next section below.
-Caret Operator | `^1.2.3`                                                                 | Very useful for projects that follow semantic versioning. `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0`. For more details, read the next section below.
-### Next Significant Release (Tilde and Caret Operators)
-The `~` operator is best explained by example: `~1.2` is equivalent to
-`>=1.2 <2.0.0`, while `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0`. As you can see
-it is mostly useful for projects respecting [semantic
-versioning]( A common usage would be to mark the minimum
-minor version you depend on, like `~1.2` (which allows anything up to, but not
-including, 2.0). Since in theory there should be no backwards compatibility
-breaks until 2.0, that works well. Another way of looking at it is that using
-`~` specifies a minimum version, but allows the last digit specified to go up.
-The `^` operator behaves very similarly but it sticks closer to semantic
-versioning, and will always allow non-breaking updates. For example `^1.2.3`
-is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0.0` as none of the releases until 2.0 should
-break backwards compatibility. For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety
-in mind and treats `^0.3` as `>=0.3.0 <0.4.0`
-> **Note:** Though `2.0-beta.1` is strictly before `2.0`, a version constraint
-> like `~1.2` would not install it. As said above `~1.2` only means the `.2`
-> can change but the `1.` part is fixed.
-> **Note:** The `~` operator has an exception on its behavior for the major
-> release number. This means for example that `~1` is the same as `~1.0` as
-> it will not allow the major number to increase trying to keep backwards
-> compatibility.
+In the previous example we were requiring version
+[`1.0.*`](*) of
+Monolog. This means any version in the `1.0` development branch. It is the
+equivalent of saying versions that match `>=1.0 <1.1`.
+Version constraints can be specified in several ways, read
+[versions](articles/ for more in-depth information on this topic.
 ### Stability
-By default only stable releases are taken into consideration. If you would like
-to also get RC, beta, alpha or dev versions of your dependencies you can do
-so using [stability flags]( To change that for all
-packages instead of doing per dependency you can also use the
+By default only stable releases are taken into consideration. If you would
+like to also get RC, beta, alpha or dev versions of your dependencies you can
+do so using [stability flags]( To change that for
+all packages instead of doing per dependency you can also use the
 [minimum-stability]( setting.
 ## Installing Dependencies
-To fetch the defined dependencies into your local project, just run the
-`install` command of `composer.phar`.
+To install the defined dependencies for your project, just run the
+[`install`]( command.
 php composer.phar install
@@ -106,14 +76,14 @@ php composer.phar install
 This will find the latest version of `monolog/monolog` that matches the
 supplied version constraint and download it into the `vendor` directory.
 It's a convention to put third party code into a directory named `vendor`.
-In case of monolog it will put it into `vendor/monolog/monolog`.
+In case of Monolog it will put it into `vendor/monolog/monolog`.
 > **Tip:** If you are using git for your project, you probably want to add
-> `vendor` into your `.gitignore`. You really don't want to add all of that
+> `vendor` in your `.gitignore`. You really don't want to add all of that
 > code to your repository.
-Another thing that the `install` command does is it adds a `composer.lock`
-file into your project root.
+You will notice the [`install`]( command also created a
+`composer.lock` file.
 ## `composer.lock` - The Lock File
@@ -121,82 +91,82 @@ After installing the dependencies, Composer writes the list of the exact
 versions it installed into a `composer.lock` file. This locks the project
 to those specific versions.
-**Commit your application's `composer.lock` (along with `composer.json`) into version control.**
+**Commit your application's `composer.lock` (along with `composer.json`)
+into version control.**
-This is important because the `install` command checks if a lock file is present,
-and if it is, it downloads the versions specified there (regardless of what `composer.json`
+This is important because the [`install`]( command checks
+if a lock file is present, and if it is, it downloads the versions specified
+there (regardless of what `composer.json` says).
-This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact
-same version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other
-developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies, which
-mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the deployments. Even if you
-develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the project you can feel confident the
-dependencies installed are still working even if your dependencies released
-many new versions since then.
+This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact same
+version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other
+developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies,
+which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the
+deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the
+project you can feel confident the dependencies installed are still working even
+if your dependencies released many new versions since then.
 If no `composer.lock` file exists, Composer will read the dependencies and
-versions from `composer.json` and  create the lock file after executing the `update` or the `install`
+versions from `composer.json` and  create the lock file after executing the
+[`update`]( or the [`install`]( command.
-This means that if any of the dependencies get a new version, you won't get the updates
-automatically. To update to the new version, use `update` command. This will fetch
-the latest matching versions (according to your `composer.json` file) and also update
-the lock file with the new version.
+This means that if any of the dependencies get a new version, you won't get the
+updates automatically. To update to the new version, use the
+[`update`]( command. This will fetch the latest matching
+versions (according to your `composer.json` file) and also update the lock file
+with the new version.
 php composer.phar update
-> **Note:** Composer will display a Warning when executing an `install` command if 
- `composer.lock` and `composer.json` are not synchronized.
+> **Note:** Composer will display a Warning when executing an `install` command
+> if `composer.lock` and `composer.json` are not synchronized.
 If you only want to install or update one dependency, you can whitelist them:
 php composer.phar update monolog/monolog [...]
-> **Note:** For libraries it is not necessarily recommended to commit the lock file,
-> see also: [Libraries - Lock file](
+> **Note:** For libraries it is not necessary to commit the lock
+> file, see also: [Libraries - Lock file](
 ## Packagist
 [Packagist]( is the main Composer repository. A Composer
 repository is basically a package source: a place where you can get packages
 from. Packagist aims to be the central repository that everybody uses. This
-means that you can automatically `require` any package that is available
+means that you can automatically `require` any package that is available there.
-If you go to the [packagist website]( (,
+If you go to the [Packagist website]( (,
 you can browse and search for packages.
-Any open source project using Composer should publish their packages on
-packagist. A library doesn't need to be on packagist to be used by Composer,
-but it makes life quite a bit simpler.
+Any open source project using Composer is recommended to publish their packages
+on Packagist. A library doesn't need to be on Packagist to be used by Composer,
+but it enables discovery and adoption by other developers more quickly.
 ## Autoloading
 For libraries that specify autoload information, Composer generates a
-`vendor/autoload.php` file. You can simply include this file and you
-will get autoloading for free.
+`vendor/autoload.php` file. You can simply include this file and you will get
+autoloading for free.
-require 'vendor/autoload.php';
+require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
-This makes it really easy to use third party code. For example: If your
-project depends on monolog, you can just start using classes from it, and they
-will be autoloaded.
+This makes it really easy to use third party code. For example: If your project
+depends on Monolog, you can just start using classes from it, and they will be
 $log = new Monolog\Logger('name');
 $log->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('app.log', Monolog\Logger::WARNING));
-You can even add your own code to the autoloader by adding an `autoload` field
-to `composer.json`.
+You can even add your own code to the autoloader by adding an
+[`autoload`]( field to `composer.json`.
@@ -213,24 +183,25 @@ You define a mapping from namespaces to directories. The `src` directory would
 be in your project root, on the same level as `vendor` directory is. An example
 filename would be `src/Foo.php` containing an `Acme\Foo` class.
-After adding the `autoload` field, you have to re-run `dump-autoload` to re-generate
-the `vendor/autoload.php` file.
+After adding the [`autoload`]( field, you have to re-run
+[`dump-autoload`]( to re-generate the
+`vendor/autoload.php` file.
 Including that file will also return the autoloader instance, so you can store
 the return value of the include call in a variable and add more namespaces.
 This can be useful for autoloading classes in a test suite, for example.
-$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
+$loader = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
 $loader->add('Acme\\Test\\', __DIR__);
-In addition to PSR-4 autoloading, classmap is also supported. This allows
-classes to be autoloaded even if they do not conform to PSR-4. See the
-[autoload reference]( for more details.
+In addition to PSR-4 autoloading, Composer also supports PSR-0, classmap and
+files autoloading. See the [`autoload`]( reference for
+more information.
-> **Note:** Composer provides its own autoloader. If you don't want to use
-that one, you can just include `vendor/composer/autoload_*.php` files,
-which return associative arrays allowing you to configure your own autoloader.
+> **Note:** Composer provides its own autoloader. If you don't want to use that
+> one, you can just include `vendor/composer/autoload_*.php` files, which return
+> associative arrays allowing you to configure your own autoloader.
 &larr; [Intro](  |  [Libraries]( &rarr;

+ 43 - 41

@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 # Libraries
-This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through Composer.
+This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through
 ## Every project is a package
 As soon as you have a `composer.json` in a directory, that directory is a
-package. When you add a `require` to a project, you are making a package that
-depends on other packages. The only difference between your project and
-libraries is that your project is a package without a name.
+package. When you add a [`require`]( to a project, you are
+making a package that depends on other packages. The only difference between
+your project and libraries is that your project is a package without a name.
 In order to make that package installable you need to give it a name. You do
-this by adding a `name` to `composer.json`:
+this by adding the [`name`]( property in `composer.json`:
@@ -21,12 +22,12 @@ this by adding a `name` to `composer.json`:
-In this case the project name is `acme/hello-world`, where `acme` is the
-vendor name. Supplying a vendor name is mandatory.
+In this case the project name is `acme/hello-world`, where `acme` is the vendor
+name. Supplying a vendor name is mandatory.
 > **Note:** If you don't know what to use as a vendor name, your GitHub
-username is usually a good bet. While package names are case insensitive, the
-convention is all lowercase and dashes for word separation.
+> username is usually a good bet. While package names are case insensitive, the
+> convention is all lowercase and dashes for word separation.
 ## Platform packages
@@ -50,15 +51,14 @@ includes PHP itself, PHP extensions and some system libraries.
   PHP. The following are available: `curl`, `iconv`, `icu`, `libxml`,
   `openssl`, `pcre`, `uuid`, `xsl`.
-You can use `composer show --platform` to get a list of your locally available
-platform packages.
+You can use [`show --platform`]( to get a list of your locally
+available platform packages.
 ## Specifying the version
-You need to specify the package's version some way. When you publish your
-package on Packagist, it is able to infer the version from the VCS (git, svn,
-hg) information, so in that case you do not have to specify it, and it is
-recommended not to. See [tags](#tags) and [branches](#branches) to see how
+When you publish your package on Packagist, it is able to infer the version
+from the VCS (git, svn, hg) information. This means you don't have to
+explicitly declare it. Read [tags](#tags) and [branches](#branches) to see how
 version numbers are extracted from these.
 If you are creating packages by hand and really have to specify it explicitly,
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ you can just add a `version` field:
 ### Tags
 For every tag that looks like a version, a package version of that tag will be
-created. It should match 'X.Y.Z' or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix
-of `-patch` (`-p`), `-alpha` (`-a`), `-beta` (`-b`) or `-RC`. The suffixes
-can also be followed by a number.
+created. It should match 'X.Y.Z' or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix of
+`-patch` (`-p`), `-alpha` (`-a`), `-beta` (`-b`) or `-RC`. The suffix can also
+be followed by a number.
 Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
@@ -89,19 +89,20 @@ Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
 - v2.0.0-alpha
 - v2.0.4-p1
-> **Note:** Even if your tag is prefixed with `v`, a [version constraint](
-> in a `require` statement has to be specified without prefix
-> (e.g. tag `v1.0.0` will result in version `1.0.0`). 
+> **Note:** Even if your tag is prefixed with `v`, a
+> [version constraint]( in a `require`
+> statement has to be specified without prefix (e.g. tag `v1.0.0` will result
+> in version `1.0.0`).
 ### Branches
 For every branch, a package development version will be created. If the branch
-name looks like a version, the version will be `{branchname}-dev`. For example
-a branch `2.0` will get a version `2.0.x-dev` (the `.x` is added for technical
-reasons, to make sure it is recognized as a branch, a `2.0.x` branch would also
-be valid and be turned into `2.0.x-dev` as well. If the branch does not look
-like a version, it will be `dev-{branchname}`. `master` results in a
-`dev-master` version.
+name looks like a version, the version will be `{branchname}-dev`. For example,
+the branch `2.0` will get the `2.0.x-dev` version (the `.x` is added for
+technical reasons, to make sure it is recognized as a branch). The `2.0.x`
+branch would also be valid and be turned into `2.0.x-dev` as well. If the
+branch does not look like a version, it will be `dev-{branchname}`. `master`
+results in a `dev-master` version.
 Here are some examples of version branch names:
@@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ Here are some examples of version branch names:
 ### Aliases
 It is possible to alias branch names to versions. For example, you could alias
-`dev-master` to `1.0.x-dev`, which would allow you to require `1.0.x-dev` in all
-the packages.
+`dev-master` to `1.0.x-dev`, which would allow you to require `1.0.x-dev` in
+all the packages.
 See [Aliases](articles/ for more information.
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ the `.gitignore`.
 ## Publishing to a VCS
-Once you have a vcs repository (version control system, e.g. git) containing a
+Once you have a VCS repository (version control system, e.g. git) containing a
 `composer.json` file, your library is already composer-installable. In this
 example we will publish the `acme/hello-world` library on GitHub under
@@ -180,31 +181,32 @@ For more details on how package repositories work and what other types are
 available, see [Repositories](
 That's all. You can now install the dependencies by running Composer's
-`install` command!
+[`install`]( command!
 **Recap:** Any git/svn/hg repository containing a `composer.json` can be added
 to your project by specifying the package repository and declaring the
-dependency in the `require` field.
+dependency in the [`require`]( field.
 ## Publishing to packagist
-Alright, so now you can publish packages. But specifying the vcs repository
+Alright, so now you can publish packages. But specifying the VCS repository
 every time is cumbersome. You don't want to force all your users to do that.
 The other thing that you may have noticed is that we did not specify a package
-repository for `monolog/monolog`. How did that work? The answer is packagist.
+repository for `monolog/monolog`. How did that work? The answer is Packagist.
 [Packagist]( is the main package repository for
 Composer, and it is enabled by default. Anything that is published on
-packagist is available automatically through Composer. Since monolog
-[is on packagist](, we can depend
-on it without having to specify any additional repositories.
+Packagist is available automatically through Composer. Since
+[Monolog is on Packagist](, we
+can depend on it without having to specify any additional repositories.
 If we wanted to share `hello-world` with the world, we would publish it on
-packagist as well. Doing so is really easy.
+Packagist as well. Doing so is really easy.
-You simply hit the big "Submit Package" button and sign up. Then you submit
-the URL to your VCS repository, at which point packagist will start crawling
-it. Once it is done, your package will be available to anyone.
+You simply visit [Packagist]( and hit the "Submit". This
+will prompt you to sign up if you haven't already, and then allows you to
+submit the URL to your VCS repository, at which point Packagist will start
+crawling it. Once it is done, your package will be available to anyone!
 &larr; [Basic usage]( |  [Command-line interface]( &rarr;

+ 72 - 38

@@ -64,30 +64,31 @@ If there is a `composer.lock` file in the current directory, it will use the
 exact versions from there instead of resolving them. This ensures that
 everyone using the library will get the same versions of the dependencies.
-If there is no `composer.lock` file, composer will create one after dependency
+If there is no `composer.lock` file, Composer will create one after dependency
 ### Options
 * **--prefer-source:** There are two ways of downloading a package: `source`
-  and `dist`. For stable versions composer will use the `dist` by default.
+  and `dist`. For stable versions Composer will use the `dist` by default.
   The `source` is a version control repository. If `--prefer-source` is
-  enabled, composer will install from `source` if there is one. This is
+  enabled, Composer will install from `source` if there is one. This is
   useful if you want to make a bugfix to a project and get a local git
   clone of the dependency directly.
-* **--prefer-dist:** Reverse of `--prefer-source`, composer will install
+* **--prefer-dist:** Reverse of `--prefer-source`, Composer will install
   from `dist` if possible. This can speed up installs substantially on build
   servers and other use cases where you typically do not run updates of the
   vendors. It is also a way to circumvent problems with git if you do not
   have a proper setup.
 * **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
   requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
-  fulfill these.
+  fulfill these. See also the [`platform`]( config option.
 * **--dry-run:** If you want to run through an installation without actually
   installing a package, you can use `--dry-run`. This will simulate the
   installation and show you what would happen.
 * **--dev:** Install packages listed in `require-dev` (this is the default behavior).
-* **--no-dev:** Skip installing packages listed in `require-dev`. The autoloader generation skips the `autoload-dev` rules.
+* **--no-dev:** Skip installing packages listed in `require-dev`. The autoloader
+  generation skips the `autoload-dev` rules.
 * **--no-autoloader:** Skips autoloader generation.
 * **--no-scripts:** Skips execution of scripts defined in `composer.json`.
 * **--no-plugins:** Disables plugins.
@@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ resolution.
 * **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster
   autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take
   a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
+* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
+  Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
 ## update
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ php composer.phar update vendor/*
 * **--prefer-dist:** Install packages from `dist` when available.
 * **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
   requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
-  fulfill these.
+  fulfill these. See also the [`platform`]( config option.
 * **--dry-run:** Simulate the command without actually doing anything.
 * **--dev:** Install packages listed in `require-dev` (this is the default behavior).
 * **--no-dev:** Skip installing packages listed in `require-dev`. The autoloader generation skips the `autoload-dev` rules.
@@ -139,9 +142,11 @@ php composer.phar update vendor/*
 * **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster
   autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take
   a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
+* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
+  Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
 * **--lock:** Only updates the lock file hash to suppress warning about the
   lock file being out of date.
-* **--with-dependencies** Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist.
+* **--with-dependencies:** Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist.
 * **--prefer-stable:** Prefer stable versions of dependencies.
 * **--prefer-lowest:** Prefer lowest versions of dependencies. Useful for testing minimal
   versions of requirements, generally used with `--prefer-stable`.
@@ -171,14 +176,20 @@ php composer.phar require vendor/package:2.* vendor/package2:dev-master
 * **--prefer-dist:** Install packages from `dist` when available.
 * **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
   requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
-  fulfill these.
+  fulfill these. See also the [`platform`]( config option.
 * **--dev:** Add packages to `require-dev`.
 * **--no-update:** Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.
 * **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
   terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
-* **--update-no-dev** Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.
-* **--update-with-dependencies** Also update dependencies of the newly
+* **--update-no-dev:** Run the dependency update with the `--no-dev` option.
+* **--update-with-dependencies:** Also update dependencies of the newly
   required packages.
+* **--sort-packages:** Keep packages sorted in `composer.json`.
+* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to
+  get a faster autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but
+  can take a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
+* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
+  Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
 ## remove
@@ -195,13 +206,18 @@ uninstalled.
 ### Options
 * **--ignore-platform-reqs:** ignore `php`, `hhvm`, `lib-*` and `ext-*`
   requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not
-  fulfill these.
+  fulfill these. See also the [`platform`]( config option.
 * **--dev:** Remove packages from `require-dev`.
 * **--no-update:** Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.
 * **--no-progress:** Removes the progress display that can mess with some
   terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
-* **--update-no-dev** Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.
-* **--update-with-dependencies** Also update dependencies of the removed packages.
+* **--update-no-dev:** Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.
+* **--update-with-dependencies:** Also update dependencies of the removed packages.
+* **--optimize-autoloader (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to
+  get a faster autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but
+  can take a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
+* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
+  Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.
 ## global
@@ -259,8 +275,8 @@ name     : monolog/monolog
 versions : master-dev, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0-RC1
 type     : library
 names    : monolog/monolog
-source   : [git] 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
-dist     : [zip] 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
+source   : [git] 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
+dist     : [zip] 3d4e60d0cbc4b888fe5ad223d77964428b1978da
 license  : MIT
@@ -293,6 +309,18 @@ in your browser.
 * **--homepage (-H):** Open the homepage instead of the repository URL.
+## suggests
+Lists all packages suggested by currently installed set of packages. You can
+optionally pass one or multiple package names in the format of `vendor/package`
+to limit output to suggestions made by those packages only.
+### Options
+* **--no-dev:** Excludes suggestions from `require-dev` packages.
+* **--verbose (-v):** Increased verbosity adds suggesting package name and
+  reason for suggestion.
 ## depends
 The `depends` command tells you which other packages depend on a certain
@@ -326,7 +354,9 @@ php composer.phar validate
 ### Options
-* **--no-check-all:** Whether or not composer do a complete validation.
+* **--no-check-all:** Do not emit a warning if requirements in `composer.json` use unbound version constraints.
+* **--no-check-lock:** Do not emit an error if `composer.lock` exists and is not up to date.
+* **--no-check-publish:** Do not emit an error if `composer.json` is unsuitable for publishing as a package on Packagist but is otherwise valid.
 ## status
@@ -351,7 +381,7 @@ vendor/seld/jsonlint:
 ## self-update
-To update composer itself to the latest version, just run the `self-update`
+To update Composer itself to the latest version, just run the `self-update`
 command. It will replace your `composer.phar` with the latest version.
@@ -364,7 +394,7 @@ If you would like to instead update to a specific release simply specify it:
 php composer.phar self-update 1.0.0-alpha7
-If you have installed composer for your entire system (see [global installation](,
+If you have installed Composer for your entire system (see [global installation](,
 you may have to run the command with `root` privileges
@@ -374,11 +404,12 @@ sudo composer self-update
 ### Options
 * **--rollback (-r):** Rollback to the last version you had installed.
-* **--clean-backups:** Delete old backups during an update. This makes the current version of composer the only backup available after the update.
+* **--clean-backups:** Delete old backups during an update. This makes the
+  current version of Composer the only backup available after the update.
 ## config
-The `config` command allows you to edit some basic composer settings in either
+The `config` command allows you to edit some basic Composer settings in either
 the local composer.json file or the global config.json file.
@@ -393,8 +424,7 @@ php composer.phar config --list
 configuration value.  For settings that can take an array of values (like
 `github-protocols`), more than one setting-value arguments are allowed.
-See the [config schema section]( for valid configuration
+See the [Config]( chapter for valid configuration options.
 ### Options
@@ -418,13 +448,13 @@ In addition to modifying the config section, the `config` command also supports
 changes to the repositories section by using it the following way:
-php composer.phar config vcs
+php composer.phar config vcs
 ## create-project
 You can use Composer to create new projects from an existing package. This is
-the equivalent of doing a git clone/svn checkout followed by a composer install
+the equivalent of doing a git clone/svn checkout followed by a "composer install"
 of the vendors.
 There are several applications for this:
@@ -434,7 +464,7 @@ There are several applications for this:
 3. Projects with multiple developers can use this feature to bootstrap the
    initial application for development.
-To create a new project using composer you can use the "create-project" command.
+To create a new project using Composer you can use the "create-project" command.
 Pass it a package name, and the directory to create the project in. You can also
 provide a version as third argument, otherwise the latest version is used.
@@ -489,6 +519,8 @@ performance.
 * **--optimize (-o):** Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster
   autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take
   a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
+* **--classmap-authoritative (-a):** Autoload classes from the classmap only.
+  Implicitly enables `--optimize`.
 * **--no-dev:** Disables autoload-dev rules.
 ## clear-cache
@@ -567,6 +599,8 @@ For example:
 COMPOSER=composer-other.json php composer.phar install
+The generated lock file will use the same name: `composer-other.lock` in this example.
 By setting this var you can specify the version of the root package, if it can
@@ -574,7 +608,7 @@ not be guessed from VCS info and is not present in `composer.json`.
-By setting this var you can make composer install the dependencies into a
+By setting this var you can make Composer install the dependencies into a
 directory other than `vendor`.
@@ -584,7 +618,7 @@ directory to something other than `vendor/bin`.
 ### http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY
-If you are using composer from behind an HTTP proxy, you can use the standard
+If you are using Composer from behind an HTTP proxy, you can use the standard
 `http_proxy` or `HTTP_PROXY` env vars. Simply set it to the URL of your proxy.
 Many operating systems already set this variable for you.
@@ -606,18 +640,18 @@ can also set it to `*` to ignore the proxy for all HTTP requests.
 If you use a proxy but it does not support the request_fulluri flag, then you
-should set this env var to `false` or `0` to prevent composer from setting the
+should set this env var to `false` or `0` to prevent Composer from setting the
 request_fulluri option.
 If you use a proxy but it does not support the request_fulluri flag for HTTPS
-requests, then you should set this env var to `false` or `0` to prevent composer
+requests, then you should set this env var to `false` or `0` to prevent Composer
 from setting the request_fulluri option.
-The `COMPOSER_HOME` var allows you to change the composer home directory. This
+The `COMPOSER_HOME` var allows you to change the Composer home directory. This
 is a hidden, global (per-user on the machine) directory that is shared between
 all projects.
@@ -631,32 +665,32 @@ You may put a `config.json` file into the location which `COMPOSER_HOME` points
 to. Composer will merge this configuration with your project's `composer.json`
 when you run the `install` and `update` commands.
-This file allows you to set [configuration]( and
-[repositories]( for the user's projects.
+This file allows you to set [repositories]( and
+[configuration]( for the user's projects.
 In case global configuration matches _local_ configuration, the _local_
 configuration in the project's `composer.json` always wins.
-The `COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR` var allows you to change the composer cache directory,
-which is also configurable via the [`cache-dir`]( option.
+The `COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR` var allows you to change the Composer cache directory,
+which is also configurable via the [`cache-dir`]( option.
 By default it points to $COMPOSER_HOME/cache on \*nix and OSX, and
 `C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer` (or `%LOCALAPPDATA%/Composer`) on Windows.
-This env var controls the time composer waits for commands (such as git
+This env var controls the time Composer waits for commands (such as git
 commands) to finish executing. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
-This env var controls the discard-changes [config option](
+This env var controls the [`discard-changes`]( config option.
-If set to 1, this env var will make composer behave as if you passed the
+If set to 1, this env var will make Composer behave as if you passed the
 `--no-interaction` flag to every command. This can be set on build boxes/CI.
 &larr; [Libraries](  |  [Schema]( &rarr;

+ 51 - 119

@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ this is the `config` field. Only the root package can define configuration.
 The config of dependencies is ignored. This makes the `config` field
-If you clone one of those dependencies to work on it, then that package is the
-root package. The `composer.json` is identical, but the context is different.
 > **Note:** A package can be the root package or not, depending on the context.
 > For example, if your project depends on the `monolog` library, your project
 > is the root package. However, if you clone `monolog` from GitHub in order to
@@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ that needs some special logic, you can define a custom type. This could be a
 all be specific to certain projects, and they will need to provide an
 installer capable of installing packages of that type.
-Out of the box, composer supports four types:
+Out of the box, Composer supports four types:
 - **library:** This is the default. It will simply copy the files to `vendor`.
 - **project:** This denotes a project rather than a library. For example
@@ -157,7 +154,7 @@ The recommended notation for the most common licenses is (alphabetical):
 - MIT
 Optional, but it is highly recommended to supply this. More identifiers are
-listed at the [SPDX Open Source License Registry](
+listed at the [SPDX Open Source License Registry](
 For closed-source software, you may use `"proprietary"` as the license identifier.
@@ -235,11 +232,12 @@ Various information to get support about the project.
 Support information includes the following:
 * **email:** Email address for support.
-* **issues:** URL to the Issue Tracker.
-* **forum:** URL to the Forum.
-* **wiki:** URL to the Wiki.
+* **issues:** URL to the issue tracker.
+* **forum:** URL to the forum.
+* **wiki:** URL to the wiki.
 * **irc:** IRC channel for support, as irc://server/channel.
 * **source:** URL to browse or download the sources.
+* **docs:** URL to the documentation.
 An example:
@@ -271,7 +269,7 @@ Example:
 All links are optional fields.
-`require` and `require-dev` additionally support stability flags (root-only).
+`require` and `require-dev` additionally support stability flags ([root-only](
 These allow you to further restrict or expand the stability of a package beyond
 the scope of the [minimum-stability](#minimum-stability) setting. You can apply
 them to a constraint, or just apply them to an empty constraint if you want to
@@ -334,7 +332,7 @@ aliases article](articles/
 Lists packages required by this package. The package will not be installed
 unless those requirements can be met.
-#### require-dev <span>(root-only)</span>
+#### require-dev <span>([root-only](</span>
 Lists packages required for developing this package, or running
 tests, etc. The dev requirements of the root package are installed by default.
@@ -554,7 +552,27 @@ Example:
-### autoload-dev <span>(root-only)</span>
+#### Exclude files from classmaps
+If you want to exclude some files or folders from the classmap you can use the 'exclude-from-classmap' property.
+This might be useful to exclude test classes in your live environment, for example, as those will be skipped
+from the classmap even when building an optimized autoloader.
+The classmap generator will ignore all files in the paths configured here. The paths are absolute from the package
+root directory (i.e. composer.json location), and support `*` to match anything but a slash, and `**` to
+match anything. `**` is implicitly added to the end of the paths.
+    "autoload": {
+        "exclude-from-classmap": ["/Tests/", "/test/", "/tests/"]
+    }
+### autoload-dev <span>([root-only](</span>
 This section allows to define autoload rules for development purposes.
@@ -627,7 +645,7 @@ To do that, `autoload` and `target-dir` are defined as follows:
-### minimum-stability <span>(root-only)</span>
+### minimum-stability <span>([root-only](</span>
 This defines the default behavior for filtering packages by stability. This
 defaults to `stable`, so if you rely on a `dev` package, you should specify
@@ -642,7 +660,7 @@ a given package can be done in `require` or `require-dev` (see
 Available options (in order of stability) are `dev`, `alpha`, `beta`, `RC`,
 and `stable`.
-### prefer-stable <span>(root-only)</span>
+### prefer-stable <span>([root-only](</span>
 When this is enabled, Composer will prefer more stable packages over unstable
 ones when finding compatible stable packages is possible. If you require a
@@ -651,11 +669,11 @@ selected granted that the minimum-stability allows for it.
 Use `"prefer-stable": true` to enable.
-### repositories <span>(root-only)</span>
+### repositories <span>([root-only](</span>
 Custom package repositories to use.
-By default composer just uses the packagist repository. By specifying
+By default Composer just uses the packagist repository. By specifying
 repositories you can get packages from elsewhere.
 Repositories are not resolved recursively. You can only add them to your main
@@ -664,14 +682,14 @@ ignored.
 The following repository types are supported:
-* **composer:** A composer repository is simply a `packages.json` file served
+* **composer:** A Composer repository is simply a `packages.json` file served
   via the network (HTTP, FTP, SSH), that contains a list of `composer.json`
   objects with additional `dist` and/or `source` information. The `packages.json`
   file is loaded using a PHP stream. You can set extra options on that stream
   using the `options` parameter.
 * **vcs:** The version control system repository can fetch packages from git,
   svn and hg repositories.
-* **pear:** With this you can import any pear repository into your composer
+* **pear:** With this you can import any pear repository into your Composer
 * **package:** If you depend on a project that does not have any support for
   composer whatsoever you can define the package inline using a `package`
@@ -703,7 +721,7 @@ Example:
             "type": "pear",
-            "url": ""
+            "url": ""
             "type": "package",
@@ -715,7 +733,7 @@ Example:
                     "type": "zip"
                 "source": {
-                    "url": "",
+                    "url": "",
                     "type": "svn",
                     "reference": "tags/Smarty_3_1_7/distribution/"
@@ -730,101 +748,12 @@ will look from the first to the last repository, and pick the first match.
 By default Packagist is added last which means that custom repositories can
 override packages from it.
-### config <span>(root-only)</span>
-A set of configuration options. It is only used for projects.
-The following options are supported:
-* **process-timeout:** Defaults to `300`. The duration processes like git clones
-  can run before Composer assumes they died out. You may need to make this
-  higher if you have a slow connection or huge vendors.
-* **use-include-path:** Defaults to `false`. If true, the Composer autoloader
-  will also look for classes in the PHP include path.
-* **preferred-install:** Defaults to `auto` and can be any of `source`, `dist` or
-  `auto`. This option allows you to set the install method Composer will prefer to
-  use.
-* **store-auths:** What to do after prompting for authentication, one of:
-  `true` (always store), `false` (do not store) and `"prompt"` (ask every
-  time), defaults to `"prompt"`.
-* **github-protocols:** Defaults to `["git", "https", "ssh"]`. A list of protocols to
-  use when cloning from, in priority order. You can reconfigure it to
-  for example prioritize the https protocol if you are behind a proxy or have somehow
-  bad performances with the git protocol.
-* **github-oauth:** A list of domain names and oauth keys. For example using
-  `{"": "oauthtoken"}` as the value of this option will use `oauthtoken`
-  to access private repositories on github and to circumvent the low IP-based
-  rate limiting of their API.
-  [Read more](articles/
-  on how to get an OAuth token for GitHub.
-* **http-basic:** A list of domain names and username/passwords to authenticate
-  against them. For example using
-  `{"": {"username": "alice", "password": "foo"}` as the value of this
-  option will let composer authenticate against
-* **vendor-dir:** Defaults to `vendor`. You can install dependencies into a
-  different directory if you want to. `$HOME` and `~` will be replaced by your
-  home directory's path in vendor-dir and all `*-dir` options below.
-* **bin-dir:** Defaults to `vendor/bin`. If a project includes binaries, they
-  will be symlinked into this directory.
-* **cache-dir:** Defaults to `$COMPOSER_HOME/cache` on unix systems and
-  `C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer` on Windows. Stores all the caches
-  used by composer. See also [COMPOSER_HOME](
-* **cache-files-dir:** Defaults to `$cache-dir/files`. Stores the zip archives
-  of packages.
-* **cache-repo-dir:** Defaults to `$cache-dir/repo`. Stores repository metadata
-  for the `composer` type and the VCS repos of type `svn`, `github` and `bitbucket`.
-* **cache-vcs-dir:** Defaults to `$cache-dir/vcs`. Stores VCS clones for
-  loading VCS repository metadata for the `git`/`hg` types and to speed up installs.
-* **cache-files-ttl:** Defaults to `15552000` (6 months). Composer caches all
-  dist (zip, tar, ..) packages that it downloads. Those are purged after six
-  months of being unused by default. This option allows you to tweak this
-  duration (in seconds) or disable it completely by setting it to 0.
-* **cache-files-maxsize:** Defaults to `300MiB`. Composer caches all
-  dist (zip, tar, ..) packages that it downloads. When the garbage collection
-  is periodically ran, this is the maximum size the cache will be able to use.
-  Older (less used) files will be removed first until the cache fits.
-* **prepend-autoloader:** Defaults to `true`. If false, the composer autoloader
-  will not be prepended to existing autoloaders. This is sometimes required to fix
-  interoperability issues with other autoloaders.
-* **autoloader-suffix:** Defaults to `null`. String to be used as a suffix for
-  the generated Composer autoloader. When null a random one will be generated.
-* **optimize-autoloader** Defaults to `false`. Always optimize when dumping
-  the autoloader.
-* **classmap-authoritative:** Defaults to `false`. If true, the composer
-  autoloader will not scan the filesystem for classes that are not found in
-  the class map. Implies 'optimize-autoloader'.
-* **github-domains:** Defaults to `[""]`. A list of domains to use in
-  github mode. This is used for GitHub Enterprise setups.
-* **github-expose-hostname:** Defaults to `true`. If set to false, the OAuth
-  tokens created to access the github API will have a date instead of the
-  machine hostname.
-* **gitlab-domains:** Defaults to `[""]`. A list of domains of
-  GitLab servers. This is used if you use the `gitlab` repository type.
-* **notify-on-install:** Defaults to `true`. Composer allows repositories to
-  define a notification URL, so that they get notified whenever a package from
-  that repository is installed. This option allows you to disable that behaviour.
-* **discard-changes:** Defaults to `false` and can be any of `true`, `false` or
-  `"stash"`. This option allows you to set the default style of handling dirty
-  updates when in non-interactive mode. `true` will always discard changes in
-  vendors, while `"stash"` will try to stash and reapply. Use this for CI
-  servers or deploy scripts if you tend to have modified vendors.
+### config <span>([root-only](</span>
+A set of configuration options. It is only used for projects. See
+[Config]( for a description of each individual option.
-    "config": {
-        "bin-dir": "bin"
-    }
-> **Note:** Authentication-related config options like `http-basic` and
-> `github-oauth` can also be specified inside a `auth.json` file that goes
-> besides your `composer.json`. That way you can gitignore it and every
-> developer can place their own credentials in there.
-### scripts <span>(root-only)</span>
+### scripts <span>([root-only](</span>
 Composer allows you to hook into various parts of the installation process
 through the use of scripts.
@@ -882,10 +811,11 @@ Optional.
 ### non-feature-branches
-A list of regex patterns of branch names that are non-numeric (e.g. "latest" or something), that will NOT be handled as feature branches. This is an array of string.
+A list of regex patterns of branch names that are non-numeric (e.g. "latest" or something),
+that will NOT be handled as feature branches. This is an array of strings.
 If you have non-numeric branch names, for example like "latest", "current", "latest-stable"
-or something, that do not look like a version number, then composer handles such branches
+or something, that do not look like a version number, then Composer handles such branches
 as feature branches. This means it searches for parent branches, that look like a version
 or ends at special branches (like master) and the root package version number becomes the
 version of the parent branch or at least master or something.
@@ -902,14 +832,16 @@ An example:
 If you have a testing branch, that is heavily maintained during a testing phase and is
 deployed to your staging environment, normally "composer show -s" will give you `versions : * dev-master`.
-If you configure latest-.* as a pattern for non-feature-branches like this:
+If you configure `latest-.*` as a pattern for non-feature-branches like this:
-    {
-        "non-feature-branches": ["latest-.*"]
-    }
+    "non-feature-branches": ["latest-.*"]
 Then "composer show -s" will give you `versions : * dev-latest-testing`.
-&larr; [Command-line interface](  |  [Repositories]( &rarr;
+&larr; [Command-line interface](  |  [Repositories]( &rarr;

+ 58 - 17

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ of repositories are available, and how they work.
 ## Concepts
 Before we look at the different types of repositories that exist, we need to
-understand some of the basic concepts that composer is built on.
+understand some of the basic concepts that Composer is built on.
 ### Package
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ code, but in theory it could be anything. And it contains a package
 description which has a name and a version. The name and the version are used
 to identify the package.
-In fact, internally composer sees every version as a separate package. While
-this distinction does not matter when you are using composer, it's quite
+In fact, internally Composer sees every version as a separate package. While
+this distinction does not matter when you are using Composer, it's quite
 important when you want to change it.
 In addition to the name and the version, there is useful metadata. The information
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ It may include any of the other fields specified in the [schema](
 #### notify-batch
-The `notify-batch` field allows you to specify an URL that will be called
+The `notify-batch` field allows you to specify a URL that will be called
 every time a user installs a package. The URL can be either an absolute path
 (that will use the same domain as the repository) or a fully qualified URL.
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ repository.
 The `packages.json` file is loaded using a PHP stream. You can set extra options
 on that stream using the `options` parameter. You can set any valid PHP stream
-context option. See [Context options and parameters](
+context option. See [Context options and parameters](
 for more information.
 ### VCS
@@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ custom repository has priority over packagist. If you want to rename the
 package, you should do so in the default (often master) branch and not in a
 feature branch, since the package name is taken from the default branch.
+Also note that the override will not work if you change the `name` property
+in your forked repository's composer.json file as this needs to match the
+original for the override to work.
 If other dependencies rely on the package you forked, it is possible to
 inline-alias it so that it matches a constraint that it otherwise would not.
 For more information [see the aliases article](articles/
@@ -293,8 +297,8 @@ The only requirement is the installation of SSH keys for a git client.
 Git is not the only version control system supported by the VCS repository.
 The following are supported:
-* **Git:** [](
-* **Subversion:** [](
+* **Git:** [](
+* **Subversion:** [](
 * **Mercurial:** [](
 To get packages from these systems you need to have their respective clients
@@ -312,7 +316,7 @@ should you need to specify one for whatever reason, you can use `git`, `svn` or
 If you set the `no-api` key to `true` on a github repository it will clone the
 repository as it would with any other git repository instead of using the
-GitHub API. But unlike using the `git` driver directly, composer will still
+GitHub API. But unlike using the `git` driver directly, Composer will still
 attempt to use github's zip files.
 #### Subversion Options
@@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ If you have no branches or tags directory you can disable them entirely by
 setting the `branches-path` or `tags-path` to `false`.
 If the package is in a sub-directory, e.g. `/trunk/foo/bar/composer.json` and
-`/tags/1.0/foo/bar/composer.json`, then you can make composer access it by
+`/tags/1.0/foo/bar/composer.json`, then you can make Composer access it by
 setting the `"package-path"` option to the sub-directory, in this example it
 would be `"package-path": "foo/bar/"`.
@@ -389,7 +393,7 @@ Example using ``:
     "repositories": [
             "type": "pear",
-            "url": ""
+            "url": ""
     "require": {
@@ -462,7 +466,7 @@ and `IntermediatePackage` from a Github repository:
 ### Package
-If you want to use a project that does not support composer through any of the
+If you want to use a project that does not support Composer through any of the
 means above, you still can define the package yourself by using a `package`
@@ -517,7 +521,7 @@ Typically you would leave the source part off, as you don't really need it.
 While you will probably want to put your packages on packagist most of the time,
 there are some use cases for hosting your own repository.
-* **Private company packages:** If you are part of a company that uses composer
+* **Private company packages:** If you are part of a company that uses Composer
   for their packages internally, you might want to keep those packages private.
 * **Separate ecosystem:** If you have a project which has its own ecosystem,
@@ -538,15 +542,16 @@ supported use case and changes will happen without caring for third parties
 using the code.
 Packagist is a Symfony2 application, and it is [available on
-GitHub]( It uses composer internally and
-acts as a proxy between VCS repositories and the composer users. It holds a list
-of all VCS packages, periodically re-crawls them, and exposes them as a composer
+GitHub]( It uses Composer internally and
+acts as a proxy between VCS repositories and the Composer users. It holds a list
+of all VCS packages, periodically re-crawls them, and exposes them as a Composer
 ### Toran Proxy
 [Toran Proxy]( is a web app much like Packagist but
-providing private package hosting as well as mirroring/proxying of GitHub and Check its homepage and the [Satis/Toran Proxy article](articles/
+providing private package hosting as well as mirroring/proxying of GitHub and Check its homepage and the [Satis/Toran Proxy article](articles/
 for more information.
 ### Satis
@@ -601,6 +606,42 @@ imported. When an archive with a newer version is added in the artifact folder
 and you run `update`, that version will be imported as well and Composer will
 update to the latest version.
+### Path
+In addition to the artifact repository, you can use the path one, which allows
+you to depend on a relative directory. This can be especially useful when dealing
+with monolith repositories.
+For instance, if you have the following directory structure in your repository:
+- apps
+\_ my-app
+  \_ composer.json
+- packages
+\_ my-package
+  \_ composer.json
+Then, to add the package `my/package` as a dependency, in your `apps/my-app/composer.json`
+file, you can use the following configuration:
+    "repositories": [
+        {
+            "type": "path",
+            "url": "../../packages/my-package"
+        }
+    ],
+    "require": {
+        "my/package": "*@dev"
+    }
+> **Note:** Repository paths can also contain wildcards like ``*`` and ``?``.
+> For details, see the [PHP glob function](
 ## Disabling Packagist
 You can disable the default Packagist repository by adding this to your
@@ -616,4 +657,4 @@ You can disable the default Packagist repository by adding this to your
-&larr; [Schema](  |  [Community]( &rarr;
+&larr; [Schema](  |  [Config]( &rarr;

+ 184 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Config
+This chapter will describe the `config` section of the `composer.json`
+## process-timeout
+Defaults to `300`. The duration processes like git clones can run before
+Composer assumes they died out. You may need to make this higher if you have a
+slow connection or huge vendors.
+## use-include-path
+Defaults to `false`. If `true`, the Composer autoloader will also look for classes
+in the PHP include path.
+## preferred-install
+Defaults to `auto` and can be any of `source`, `dist` or `auto`. This option
+allows you to set the install method Composer will prefer to use.
+## store-auths
+What to do after prompting for authentication, one of: `true` (always store),
+`false` (do not store) and `"prompt"` (ask every time), defaults to `"prompt"`.
+## github-protocols
+Defaults to `["git", "https", "ssh"]`. A list of protocols to use when cloning
+from, in priority order. You can reconfigure it to for example
+prioritize the https protocol if you are behind a proxy or have somehow bad
+performances with the git protocol.
+## github-oauth
+A list of domain names and oauth keys. For example using `{"":
+"oauthtoken"}` as the value of this option will use `oauthtoken` to access
+private repositories on github and to circumvent the low IP-based rate limiting
+of their API. [Read
+more](articles/ on how to get
+an OAuth token for GitHub.
+## http-basic
+A list of domain names and username/passwords to authenticate against them. For
+example using `{"": {"username": "alice", "password": "foo"}` as the
+value of this option will let Composer authenticate against
+> **Note:** Authentication-related config options like `http-basic` and
+> `github-oauth` can also be specified inside a `auth.json` file that goes
+> besides your `composer.json`. That way you can gitignore it and every
+> developer can place their own credentials in there.
+## platform
+Lets you fake platform packages (PHP and extensions) so that you can emulate a
+production env or define your target platform in the config. Example: `{"php":
+"5.4", "ext-something": "4.0"}`.
+## vendor-dir
+Defaults to `vendor`. You can install dependencies into a different directory if
+you want to. `$HOME` and `~` will be replaced by your home directory's path in
+vendor-dir and all `*-dir` options below.
+## bin-dir
+Defaults to `vendor/bin`. If a project includes binaries, they will be symlinked
+into this directory.
+## cache-dir
+Defaults to `$COMPOSER_HOME/cache` on unix systems and
+`C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Composer` on Windows. Stores all the caches used
+by Composer. See also [COMPOSER_HOME](
+## cache-files-dir
+Defaults to `$cache-dir/files`. Stores the zip archives of packages.
+## cache-repo-dir
+Defaults to `$cache-dir/repo`. Stores repository metadata for the `composer`
+type and the VCS repos of type `svn`, `github` and `bitbucket`.
+## cache-vcs-dir
+Defaults to `$cache-dir/vcs`. Stores VCS clones for loading VCS repository
+metadata for the `git`/`hg` types and to speed up installs.
+## cache-files-ttl
+Defaults to `15552000` (6 months). Composer caches all dist (zip, tar, ..)
+packages that it downloads. Those are purged after six months of being unused by
+default. This option allows you to tweak this duration (in seconds) or disable
+it completely by setting it to 0.
+## cache-files-maxsize
+Defaults to `300MiB`. Composer caches all dist (zip, tar, ..) packages that it
+downloads. When the garbage collection is periodically ran, this is the maximum
+size the cache will be able to use. Older (less used) files will be removed
+first until the cache fits.
+## bin-compat
+Defaults to `auto`. Determines the compatibility of the binaries to be installed.
+If it is `auto` then Composer only installs .bat proxy files when on Windows. If
+set to `full` then both .bat files for Windows and scripts for Unix-based
+operating systems will be installed for each binary. This is mainly useful if you
+run Composer inside a linux VM but still want the .bat proxies available for use
+in the Windows host OS.
+## prepend-autoloader
+Defaults to `true`. If `false`, the Composer autoloader will not be prepended to
+existing autoloaders. This is sometimes required to fix interoperability issues
+with other autoloaders.
+## autoloader-suffix
+Defaults to `null`. String to be used as a suffix for the generated Composer
+autoloader. When null a random one will be generated.
+## optimize-autoloader
+Defaults to `false`. If `true`, always optimize when dumping the autoloader.
+## classmap-authoritative
+Defaults to `false`. If `true`, the Composer autoloader will only load classes
+from the classmap. Implies `optimize-autoloader`.
+## github-domains
+Defaults to `[""]`. A list of domains to use in github mode. This is
+used for GitHub Enterprise setups.
+## github-expose-hostname
+Defaults to `true`. If `false`, the OAuth tokens created to access the
+github API will have a date instead of the machine hostname.
+## gitlab-domains
+Defaults to `[""]`. A list of domains of GitLab servers.
+This is used if you use the `gitlab` repository type.
+## notify-on-install
+Defaults to `true`. Composer allows repositories to define a notification URL,
+so that they get notified whenever a package from that repository is installed.
+This option allows you to disable that behaviour.
+## discard-changes
+Defaults to `false` and can be any of `true`, `false` or `"stash"`. This option
+allows you to set the default style of handling dirty updates when in
+non-interactive mode. `true` will always discard changes in vendors, while
+`"stash"` will try to stash and reapply. Use this for CI servers or deploy
+scripts if you tend to have modified vendors.
+## archive-format
+Defaults to `tar`. Composer allows you to add a default archive format when the
+workflow needs to create a dedicated archiving format.
+## archive-dir
+Defaults to `.`. Composer allows you to add a default archive directory when the
+workflow needs to create a dedicated archiving format. Or for easier development
+between modules.
+    "config": {
+        "archive-dir": "/home/user/.composer/repo"
+    }
+&larr; [Repositories](  |  [Community]( &rarr;

+ 10 - 8
doc/ → doc/

@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 # Community
-There are many people using composer already, and quite a few of them are
+There are many people using Composer already, and quite a few of them are
 ## Contributing
-If you would like to contribute to composer, please read the
+If you would like to contribute to Composer, please read the
+[README]( and 
 The most important guidelines are described as follows:
@@ -17,18 +19,18 @@ The most important guidelines are described as follows:
 > Fork the project, create a feature branch, and send us a pull request.
 > To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows
-> the [Coding Standards](
+> the [Coding Standards](
 > which we borrowed from Symfony.
 ## IRC / mailing list
-Mailing lists for [user support]( and
+Mailing lists for [user support]( and
 IRC channels are on [#composer](irc://
 for users and [#composer-dev](irc:// for development.
 Stack Overflow has a growing collection of
-[Composer related questions](
+[Composer related questions](
-&larr; [Repositories](
+&larr; [Config](

+ 2 - 2

@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ specifying a `branch-alias` field under `extra` in `composer.json`:
-If you alias a non-comparible version (such as dev-develop) `dev-` must prefix the
-branch name. You may also alias a comparible version (i.e. start with numbers,
+If you alias a non-comparable version (such as dev-develop) `dev-` must prefix the
+branch name. You may also alias a comparable version (i.e. start with numbers,
 and end with `.x-dev`), but only as a more specific version.
 For example, 1.x-dev could be aliased as 1.2.x-dev.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ An example composer.json of such a template package would be:
 ## Creating an Installer
 A Custom Installer is defined as a class that implements the
-[`Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`][3] and is usually distributed in a
+[`Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface`][4] and is usually distributed in a
 Composer Plugin.
 A basic Installer Plugin would thus compose of three files:

+ 49 - 11

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ find more information about how to set it up and use it on the [Toran Proxy](htt
 Satis on the other hand is open source but only a static `composer`
 repository generator. It is a bit like an ultra-lightweight, static file-based
 version of packagist and can be used to host the metadata of your company's
-private packages, or your own. You can get it from [GitHub](
+private packages, or your own. You can get it from [GitHub](
 or install via CLI:
 `php composer.phar create-project composer/satis --stability=dev --keep-vcs`.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ or install via CLI:
 For example let's assume you have a few packages you want to reuse across your
 company but don't really want to open-source. You would first define a Satis
-configuration: a json file with an arbitrary name that lists your curated 
+configuration: a json file with an arbitrary name that lists your curated
 Here is an example configuration, you see that it holds a few VCS repositories,
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ The default file Satis looks for is `satis.json` in the root of the repository.
     "name": "My Repository",
     "homepage": "",
     "repositories": [
-        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
+        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
         { "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
-        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
+        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
     "require-all": true
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ constraint if you want really specific versions.
     "repositories": [
-        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
+        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
         { "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
-        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
+        { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
     "require": {
         "company/package": "*",
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ constraint if you want really specific versions.
 Once you've done this, you just run `php bin/satis build <configuration file> <build dir>`.
-For example `php bin/satis build config.json web/` would read the `config.json`
+For example `php bin/satis build satis.json web/` would read the `satis.json`
 file and build a static repository inside the `web/` directory.
 When you ironed out that process, what you would typically do is run this
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Example using a custom repository using SSH (requires the SSH2 PECL extension):
-> **Tip:** See [ssh2 context options]( for more information.
+> **Tip:** See [ssh2 context options]( for more information.
 Example using HTTP over SSL using a client certificate:
@@ -155,7 +155,45 @@ Example using HTTP over SSL using a client certificate:
-> **Tip:** See [ssl context options]( for more information.
+> **Tip:** See [ssl context options]( for more information.
+Example using a custom HTTP Header field for token authentication:
+    "repositories": [
+        {
+            "type": "composer",
+            "url": "",
+            "options":  {
+                "http": {
+                    "header": [
+                        "API-TOKEN: YOUR-API-TOKEN"
+                    ]
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    ]
+### Authentication
+When your private repositories are password protected, you can store the authentication details permanently.
+The first time Composer needs to authenticate against some domain it will prompt you for a username/password
+and then you will be asked whether you want to store it.
+The storage can be done either globally in the `COMPOSER_HOME/auth.json` file (`COMPOSER_HOME` defaults to
+`~/.composer` or `%APPDATA%/Composer` on Windows) or also in the project directory directly sitting besides your
+You can also configure these by hand using the config command if you need to configure a production machine
+to be able to run non-interactive installs. For example to enter credentials for one could type:
+    composer config username password
+That will store it in the current directory's auth.json, but if you want it available globally you can use the
+`--global` (`-g`) flag.
 ### Downloads
@@ -194,8 +232,8 @@ Once enabled, all downloads (include those from GitHub and BitBucket) will be re
 Prefixing the URL with another host is especially helpful if the downloads end up in a private Amazon S3
 bucket or on a CDN host. A CDN would drastically improve download times and therefore package installation.
-Example: A `prefix-url` of `` (and `directory` set to `dist`) creates download URLs
-which look like the following: ``.
+Example: A `prefix-url` of `` (and `directory` set to `dist`) creates download URLs
+which look like the following: ``.
 ### Resolving dependencies

+ 3 - 3

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ of credentials inline with the repository specification such as:
     "repositories": [
             "type": "composer",
-            "url": ""
+            "url": ""
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ username/password pairs, for example:
-    "basic-auth": {
+    "http-basic": {
         "": {
             "username": "my-username1",
             "password": "my-secret-password1"
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ username/password pairs, for example:
 The main advantage of the auth.json file is that it can be gitignored so
 that every developer in your team can place their own credentials in there,
-which makes revokation of credentials much easier than if you all share the
+which makes revocation of credentials much easier than if you all share the

+ 19 - 20

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ specific logic.
 ## Creating a Plugin
-A plugin is a regular composer package which ships its code as part of the
+A plugin is a regular Composer package which ships its code as part of the
 package and may also depend on further packages.
 ### Plugin Package
@@ -24,23 +24,30 @@ package and may also depend on further packages.
 The package file is the same as any other package file but with the following
-1. the [type][1] attribute must be `composer-plugin`.
-2. the [extra][2] attribute must contain an element `class` defining the
+1. The [type][1] attribute must be `composer-plugin`.
+2. The [extra][2] attribute must contain an element `class` defining the
    class name of the plugin (including namespace). If a package contains
-   multiple plugins this can be array of class names.
+   multiple plugins, this can be array of class names.
+3. You must require the special package called `composer-plugin-api`
+   to define which Plugin API versions your plugin is compatible with.
-Additionally you must require the special package called `composer-plugin-api`
-to define which composer API versions your plugin is compatible with. The
-current composer plugin API version is 1.0.0.
+The required version of the `composer-plugin-api` follows the same [rules][7]
+as a normal package's.
-For example
+The current composer plugin API version is 1.0.0.
+An example of a valid plugin `composer.json` file (with the autoloading 
+part omitted):
     "name": "my/plugin-package",
     "type": "composer-plugin",
     "require": {
-        "composer-plugin-api": "1.0.0"
+        "composer-plugin-api": "^1.0"
+    },
+    "extra": {
+        "class": "My\\Plugin"
@@ -82,15 +89,7 @@ Furthermore plugins may implement the
 event handlers automatically registered with the `EventDispatcher` when the
 plugin is loaded.
-The events available for plugins are:
-* **COMMAND**, is called at the beginning of all commands that load plugins.
-  It provides you with access to the input and output objects of the program.
-* **PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD**, is triggered before files are downloaded and allows
-  you to manipulate the `RemoteFilesystem` object prior to downloading files
-  based on the URL to be downloaded.
-> A plugin can also subscribe to [script events][7].
+Plugin can subscribe to any of the available [script events](
@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ list of installed packages. Additionally all plugin packages installed in the
 local project plugins are loaded.
 > You may pass the `--no-plugins` option to composer commands to disable all
-> installed commands. This may be particularly helpful if any of the plugins
+> installed plugins. This may be particularly helpful if any of the plugins
 > causes errors and you wish to update or uninstall it.
 [1]: ../
@@ -157,4 +156,4 @@ local project plugins are loaded.
-[7]: ./
+[7]: ../

+ 65 - 26

@@ -20,30 +20,46 @@ the Composer execution process.
 Composer fires the following named events during its execution process:
+### Command Events
 - **pre-install-cmd**: occurs before the `install` command is executed.
-- **post-install-cmd**: occurs after the `install` command is executed.
+- **post-install-cmd**: occurs after the `install` command has been executed.
 - **pre-update-cmd**: occurs before the `update` command is executed.
-- **post-update-cmd**: occurs after the `update` command is executed.
+- **post-update-cmd**: occurs after the `update` command has been executed.
 - **pre-status-cmd**: occurs before the `status` command is executed.
-- **post-status-cmd**: occurs after the `status` command is executed.
-- **pre-dependencies-solving**: occurs before the dependencies are resolved.
-- **post-dependencies-solving**: occurs after the dependencies are resolved.
-- **pre-package-install**: occurs before a package is installed.
-- **post-package-install**: occurs after a package is installed.
-- **pre-package-update**: occurs before a package is updated.
-- **post-package-update**: occurs after a package is updated.
-- **pre-package-uninstall**: occurs before a package has been uninstalled.
-- **post-package-uninstall**: occurs after a package has been uninstalled.
+- **post-status-cmd**: occurs after the `status` command has been executed.
+- **pre-archive-cmd**: occurs before the `archive` command is executed.
+- **post-archive-cmd**: occurs after the `archive` command has been executed.
 - **pre-autoload-dump**: occurs before the autoloader is dumped, either
   during `install`/`update`, or via the `dump-autoload` command.
-- **post-autoload-dump**: occurs after the autoloader is dumped, either
+- **post-autoload-dump**: occurs after the autoloader has been dumped, either
   during `install`/`update`, or via the `dump-autoload` command.
 - **post-root-package-install**: occurs after the root package has been
   installed, during the `create-project` command.
-- **post-create-project-cmd**: occurs after the `create-project` command is
-  executed.
-- **pre-archive-cmd**: occurs before the `archive` command is executed.
-- **post-archive-cmd**: occurs after the `archive` command is executed.
+- **post-create-project-cmd**: occurs after the `create-project` command has
+  been executed.
+### Installer Events
+- **pre-dependencies-solving**: occurs before the dependencies are resolved.
+- **post-dependencies-solving**: occurs after the dependencies have been resolved.
+### Package Events
+- **pre-package-install**: occurs before a package is installed.
+- **post-package-install**: occurs after a package has been installed.
+- **pre-package-update**: occurs before a package is updated.
+- **post-package-update**: occurs after a package has been updated.
+- **pre-package-uninstall**: occurs before a package is uninstalled.
+- **post-package-uninstall**: occurs after a package has been uninstalled.
+### Plugin Events
+- **command**: occurs before any Composer Command is executed on the CLI. It
+  provides you with access to the input and output objects of the program.
+- **pre-file-download**: occurs before files are downloaded and allows
+  you to manipulate the `RemoteFilesystem` object prior to downloading files
+  based on the URL to be downloaded.
 > **Note:** Composer makes no assumptions about the state of your dependencies
 > prior to `install` or `update`. Therefore, you should not specify scripts
@@ -66,6 +82,10 @@ For any given event:
 and command-line executable commands.
 - PHP classes containing defined callbacks must be autoloadable via Composer's
 autoload functionality.
+- Callbacks can only autoload classes from psr-0, psr-4 and classmap
+definitions. If a defined callback relies on functions defined outside of a
+class, the callback itself is responsible for loading the file containing these
 Script definition example:
@@ -80,7 +100,10 @@ Script definition example:
             "phpunit -c app/"
-        "post-create-project-cmd" : [
+        "post-autoload-dump": [
+            "MyVendor\\MyClass::postAutoloadDump"
+        ],
+        "post-create-project-cmd": [
             "php -r \"copy('config/local-example.php', 'config/local.php');\""
@@ -96,6 +119,7 @@ that might be used to execute the PHP callbacks:
 namespace MyVendor;
 use Composer\Script\Event;
+use Composer\Installer\PackageEvent;
 class MyClass
@@ -105,7 +129,15 @@ class MyClass
         // do stuff
-    public static function postPackageInstall(Event $event)
+    public static function postAutoloadDump(Event $event)
+    {
+        $vendorDir = $event->getComposer()->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir');
+        require $vendorDir . '/autoload.php';
+        some_function_from_an_autoloaded_file();
+    }
+    public static function postPackageInstall(PackageEvent $event)
         $installedPackage = $event->getOperation()->getPackage();
         // do stuff
@@ -118,14 +150,21 @@ class MyClass
-When an event is fired, Composer's internal event handler receives a
-`Composer\Script\Event` object, which is passed as the first argument to your
-PHP callback. This `Event` object has getters for other contextual objects:
-- `getComposer()`: returns the current instance of `Composer\Composer`
-- `getName()`: returns the name of the event being fired as a string
-- `getIO()`: returns the current input/output stream which implements
-`Composer\IO\IOInterface` for writing to the console
+When an event is fired, your PHP callback receives as first argument an
+`Composer\EventDispatcher\Event` object. This object has a `getName()` method
+that lets you retrieve event name.
+Depending on the script types (see list above) you will get various event
+subclasses containing various getters with relevant data and associated
+- Base class: [`Composer\EventDispatcher\Event`](
+- Command Events: [`Composer\Script\Event`](
+- Installer Events: [`Composer\Installer\InstallerEvent`](
+- Package Events: [`Composer\Installer\PackageEvent`](
+- Plugin Events:
+  - command: [`Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent`](
+  - pre-file-download: [`Composer\Plugin\PreFileDownloadEvent`](
 ## Running scripts manually

+ 46 - 6

@@ -43,12 +43,16 @@ This is a list of common pitfalls on using Composer, and how to avoid them.
 5. If you are updating to a recently published version of a package, be aware that
    Packagist has a delay of up to 1 minute before new packages are visible to Composer.
+6. If you are updating a single package, it may depend on newer versions itself.
+   In this case add the `--with-dependencies` argument **or** add all dependencies which
+   need an update to the command.
 ## Package not found on
 1. Check the ["Package not found"](#package-not-found) item above.
 2. If the package tested is a dependency of one of its dependencies (cyclic
-   dependency), the problem might be that composer is not able to detect the version
+   dependency), the problem might be that Composer is not able to detect the version
    of the package properly. If it is a git clone it is generally alright and Composer
    will detect the version of the current branch, but travis does shallow clones so
    that process can fail when testing pull requests and feature branches in general.
@@ -58,11 +62,22 @@ This is a list of common pitfalls on using Composer, and how to avoid them.
    Use: `before_script: COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=dev-master composer install` to export
    the variable for the call to composer.
+## Package not found in a Jenkins-build
+1. Check the ["Package not found"](#package-not-found) item above.
+2. Reason for failing is similar to the problem which can occur on The
+   git-clone / checkout within Jenkins leaves the branch in a "detached HEAD"-state. As
+   a result, Composer is not able to identify the version of the current checked out branch
+   and may not be able to resolve a cyclic dependency. To solve this problem, you can use
+   the "Additional Behaviours" -> "Check out to specific local branch" in your Git-settings
+   for your Jenkins-job, where your "local branch" shall be the same branch as you are
+   checking out. Using this, the checkout will not be in detached state any more and cyclic
+   dependency is recognized correctly.
 ## Need to override a package version
-Let say your project depends on package A which in turn depends on a specific
-version of package B (say 0.1) and you need a different version of that
-package - version 0.11.
+Let's say your project depends on package A, which in turn depends on a specific
+version of package B (say 0.1). But you need a different version of said package B (say 0.11).
 You can fix this by aliasing version 0.11 to 0.1:
@@ -87,7 +102,7 @@ If composer shows memory errors on some commands:
 The PHP `memory_limit` should be increased.
-> **Note:** Composer internally increases the `memory_limit` to `512M`.
+> **Note:** Composer internally increases the `memory_limit` to `1G`.
 > If you have memory issues when using composer, please consider [creating
 > an issue ticket]( so we can look into it.
@@ -101,7 +116,7 @@ Try increasing the limit in your `php.ini` file (ex. `/etc/php5/cli/php.ini` for
 Debian-like systems):
-; Use -1 for unlimited or define an explicit value like 512M
+; Use -1 for unlimited or define an explicit value like 2G
 memory_limit = -1
@@ -157,3 +172,28 @@ To enable the swap you can use for example:
 /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1
 /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1
+## Degraded Mode
+Due to some intermittent issues on Travis and other systems, we introduced a
+degraded network mode which helps Composer finish successfully but disables
+a few optimizations. This is enabled automatically when an issue is first
+detected. If you see this issue sporadically you probably don't have to worry
+(a slow or overloaded network can also cause those time outs), but if it
+appears repeatedly you might want to look at the options below to identify
+and resolve it.
+If you have been pointed to this page, you want to check a few things:
+- If you are using ESET antivirus, go in "Advanced Settings" and disable "HTTP-scanner"
+  under "web access protection"
+- If you are using IPv6, try disabling it. If that solves your issues, get in touch
+  with your ISP or server host, the problem is not at the Packagist level but in the
+  routing rules between you and Packagist (i.e. the internet at large). The best way to get
+  these fixed is raise awareness to the network engineers that have the power to fix it.
+  To disable IPv6 on Linux, try using this command which appends a
+  rule preferring IPv4 over IPv6 to your config:
+  `sudo sh -c "echo 'precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100' >> /etc/gai.conf"`
+- If none of the above helped, please report the error.

+ 118 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+    tagline: Version constraints explained.
+# Versions
+## Basic Constraints
+### Exact
+You can specify the exact version of a package. This will tell Composer to
+install this version and this version only. If other dependencies require
+a different version, the solver will ultimately fail and abort any install
+or update procedures.
+Example: `1.0.2`
+### Range
+By using comparison operators you can specify ranges of valid versions. Valid
+operators are `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`, `!=`.
+You can define multiple ranges. Ranges separated by a space (<code>&nbsp;</code>)
+or comma (`,`) will be treated as a **logical AND**. A double pipe (`||`)
+will be treated as a **logical OR**. AND has higher precedence than OR.
+> **Note:** Be careful when using unbounded ranges as you might end up
+> unexpectedly installing versions that break backwards compatibility.
+> Consider using the [caret](#caret) operator instead for safety.
+* `>=1.0`
+* `>=1.0 <2.0`
+* `>=1.0 <1.1 || >=1.2`
+### Range (Hyphen)
+Inclusive set of versions. Partial versions on the right include are completed
+with a wildcard. For example `1.0 - 2.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <2.1` as the
+`2.0` becomes `2.0.*`. On the other hand `1.0.0 - 2.1.0` is equivalent to
+`>=1.0.0 <=2.1.0`.
+Example: `1.0 - 2.0`
+### Wildcard
+You can specify a pattern with a `*` wildcard. `1.0.*` is the equivalent of
+`>=1.0 <1.1`.
+Example: `1.0.*`
+## Next Significant Release Operators
+### Tilde
+The `~` operator is best explained by example: `~1.2` is equivalent to
+`>=1.2 <2.0.0`, while `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0`. As you can see
+it is mostly useful for projects respecting [semantic
+versioning]( A common usage would be to mark the minimum
+minor version you depend on, like `~1.2` (which allows anything up to, but not
+including, 2.0). Since in theory there should be no backwards compatibility
+breaks until 2.0, that works well. Another way of looking at it is that using
+`~` specifies a minimum version, but allows the last digit specified to go up.
+Example: `~1.2`
+> **Note:** Though `2.0-beta.1` is strictly before `2.0`, a version constraint
+> like `~1.2` would not install it. As said above `~1.2` only means the `.2`
+> can change but the `1.` part is fixed.
+> **Note:** The `~` operator has an exception on its behavior for the major
+> release number. This means for example that `~1` is the same as `~1.0` as
+> it will not allow the major number to increase trying to keep backwards
+> compatibility.
+### Caret
+The `^` operator behaves very similarly but it sticks closer to semantic
+versioning, and will always allow non-breaking updates. For example `^1.2.3`
+is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0.0` as none of the releases until 2.0 should
+break backwards compatibility. For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety
+in mind and treats `^0.3` as `>=0.3.0 <0.4.0`.
+This is the recommended operator for maximum interoperability when writing
+library code.
+Example: `^1.2.3`
+## Stability
+If you are using a constraint that does not explicitly define a stability,
+Composer will default internally to `-dev` or `-stable`, depending on the
+operator(s) used. This happens transparently.
+If you wish to explicitly consider only the stable release in the comparison,
+add the suffix `-stable`.
+ Constraint         | Internally
+------------------- | ------------------------
+ `1.2.3`            | `=`
+ `>1.2`             | `>`
+ `>=1.2`            | `>=`
+ `>=1.2-stable`     | `>=`
+ `<1.3`             | `<`
+ `<=1.3`            | `<=`
+ `1 - 2`            | `>= <`
+ `~1.3`             | `>= <`
+ `1.4.*`            | `>= <`
+## Test version constraints
+You can test version constraints using [](
+Fill in a package name and it will autofill the default version constraint
+which Composer would add to your `composer.json` file. You can adjust the
+version constraint and the tool will highlight all releases that match.

+ 7 - 7

@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ resulting order in which the solver will try to install them.
 The rules are to be applied in the order of these descriptions.
+### Repository priorities
+Packages Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1
+* priority(Repo1) >= priority(Repo2) => (Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1)
+* priority(Repo1) <  priority(Repo2) => (Repo2.Av1, Repo1.Av1)
 ### Package versions
 Packages: Av1, Av2, Av3
@@ -22,13 +29,6 @@ Request: install A
 * (Av3)
-### Repository priorities
-Packages Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1
-* priority(Repo1) >= priority(Repo2) => (Repo1.Av1, Repo2.Av1)
-* priority(Repo1) <  priority(Repo2) => (Repo2.Av1, Repo1.Av1)
 ### Virtual Packages (provides)
 Packages Av1, Bv1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ If you really feel like you must do this, you have a few options:
    in ZSH or `find vendor/ -type d -name ".git" -exec rm -rf {} \;` in Bash.
    but this means you will have to delete those dependencies from disk before
    running composer update.
-4. Add a .gitignore rule (`vendor/.git`) to ignore all the vendor `.git` folders.
+4. Add a .gitignore rule (`/vendor/**/.git`) to ignore all the vendor `.git` folders.
    This approach does not require that you delete dependencies from disk prior to
    running a composer update.

+ 32 - 6

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
         "version": {
             "type": "string",
-            "description": "Package version, see for more info on valid schemes."
+            "description": "Package version, see for more info on valid schemes."
         "time": {
             "type": "string",
@@ -145,6 +145,11 @@
                     "type": ["string", "boolean"],
                     "description": "What to do after prompting for authentication, one of: true (store), false (do not store) or \"prompt\" (ask every time), defaults to prompt."
+                "platform": {
+                    "type": "object",
+                    "description": "This is a hash of package name (keys) and version (values) that will be used to mock the platform packages on this machine.",
+                    "additionalProperties": true
+                },
                 "vendor-dir": {
                     "type": "string",
                     "description": "The location where all packages are installed, defaults to \"vendor\"."
@@ -181,6 +186,10 @@
                     "type": ["string", "integer"],
                     "description": "The cache max size for the files cache, defaults to \"300MiB\"."
+                "bin-compat": {
+                    "enum": ["auto", "full"],
+                    "description": "The compatibility of the binaries, defaults to \"auto\" (automatically guessed) and can be \"full\" (compatible with both Windows and Unix-based systems)."
+                },
                 "discard-changes": {
                     "type": ["string", "boolean"],
                     "description": "The default style of handling dirty updates, defaults to false and can be any of true, false or \"stash\"."
@@ -211,6 +220,14 @@
                 "github-expose-hostname": {
                     "type": "boolean",
                     "description": "Defaults to true. If set to false, the OAuth tokens created to access the github API will have a date instead of the machine hostname."
+                },
+                "archive-format": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "description": "The default archiving format when not provided on cli, defaults to \"tar\"."
+                },
+                "archive-dir": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "description": "The default archive path when not provided on cli, defaults to \".\"."
@@ -240,6 +257,10 @@
                 "files": {
                     "type": "array",
                     "description": "This is an array of files that are always required on every request."
+                },
+                "exclude-from-classmap": {
+                    "type": "array",
+                    "description": "This is an array of patterns to exclude from autoload classmap generation. (e.g. \"exclude-from-classmap\": [\"/test/\", \"/tests/\", \"/Tests/\"]"
@@ -289,7 +310,7 @@
         "prefer-stable": {
             "type": ["boolean"],
-            "description": "If set to true, stable packages will be prefered to dev packages when possible, even if the minimum-stability allows unstable packages."
+            "description": "If set to true, stable packages will be preferred to dev packages when possible, even if the minimum-stability allows unstable packages."
         "bin": {
             "type": ["array"],
@@ -385,17 +406,17 @@
                 "issues": {
                     "type": "string",
-                    "description": "URL to the Issue Tracker.",
+                    "description": "URL to the issue tracker.",
                     "format": "uri"
                 "forum": {
                     "type": "string",
-                    "description": "URL to the Forum.",
+                    "description": "URL to the forum.",
                     "format": "uri"
                 "wiki": {
                     "type": "string",
-                    "description": "URL to the Wiki.",
+                    "description": "URL to the wiki.",
                     "format": "uri"
                 "irc": {
@@ -407,12 +428,17 @@
                     "type": "string",
                     "description": "URL to browse or download the sources.",
                     "format": "uri"
+                },
+                "docs": {
+                    "type": "string",
+                    "description": "URL to the documentation.",
+                    "format": "uri"
         "non-feature-branches": {
             "type": ["array"],
-            "description": "A set of string or regex patterns for non-numeric branch names that will not be handles as feature branches.",
+            "description": "A set of string or regex patterns for non-numeric branch names that will not be handled as feature branches.",
             "items": {
                 "type": "string"

+ 0 - 59

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-    "Glide", "Abstyles", "AFL-1.1", "AFL-1.2", "AFL-2.0", "AFL-2.1", "AFL-3.0",
-    "AMPAS", "APL-1.0", "Adobe-Glyph", "APAFML", "Adobe-2006", "AGPL-1.0",
-    "Afmparse", "Aladdin", "ADSL", "AMDPLPA", "ANTLR-PD", "Apache-1.0",
-    "Apache-1.1", "Apache-2.0", "AML", "APSL-1.0", "APSL-1.1", "APSL-1.2",
-    "APSL-2.0", "Artistic-1.0", "Artistic-1.0-Perl", "Artistic-1.0-cl8",
-    "Artistic-2.0", "AAL", "Bahyph", "Barr", "Beerware", "BitTorrent-1.0",
-    "BitTorrent-1.1", "BSL-1.0", "Borceux", "BSD-2-Clause",
-    "BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD", "BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD", "BSD-3-Clause",
-    "BSD-3-Clause-Clear", "BSD-4-Clause", "BSD-Protection",
-    "BSD-3-Clause-Attribution", "BSD-4-Clause-UC", "bzip2-1.0.5", "bzip2-1.0.6",
-    "Caldera", "CECILL-1.0", "CECILL-1.1", "CECILL-2.0", "CECILL-B", "CECILL-C",
-    "ClArtistic", "MIT-CMU", "CNRI-Python", "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible",
-    "CPOL-1.02", "CDDL-1.0", "CDDL-1.1", "CPAL-1.0", "CPL-1.0", "CATOSL-1.1",
-    "Condor-1.1", "CC-BY-1.0", "CC-BY-2.0", "CC-BY-2.5", "CC-BY-3.0",
-    "CC-BY-4.0", "CC-BY-ND-1.0", "CC-BY-ND-2.0", "CC-BY-ND-2.5", "CC-BY-ND-3.0",
-    "CC-BY-ND-4.0", "CC-BY-NC-1.0", "CC-BY-NC-2.0", "CC-BY-NC-2.5",
-    "CC-BY-NC-3.0", "CC-BY-NC-4.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0",
-    "CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5", "CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0", "CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0",
-    "CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5", "CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0", "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0",
-    "CC-BY-SA-1.0", "CC-BY-SA-2.0", "CC-BY-SA-2.5", "CC-BY-SA-3.0",
-    "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "CC0-1.0", "Crossword", "CUA-OPL-1.0", "Cube", "D-FSL-1.0",
-    "diffmark", "WTFPL", "DOC", "Dotseqn", "DSDP", "dvipdfm", "EPL-1.0",
-    "eCos-2.0", "ECL-1.0", "ECL-2.0", "eGenix", "EFL-1.0", "EFL-2.0",
-    "MIT-advertising", "MIT-enna", "Entessa", "ErlPL-1.1", "EUDatagrid",
-    "EUPL-1.0", "EUPL-1.1", "Eurosym", "Fair", "MIT-feh", "Frameworx-1.0",
-    "FTL", "FSFUL", "FSFULLR", "Giftware", "GL2PS", "Glulxe", "AGPL-3.0",
-    "GFDL-1.1", "GFDL-1.2", "GFDL-1.3", "GPL-1.0", "GPL-1.0+", "GPL-2.0",
-    "GPL-2.0+", "GPL-2.0-with-autoconf-exception",
-    "GPL-2.0-with-bison-exception", "GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception",
-    "GPL-2.0-with-font-exception", "GPL-2.0-with-GCC-exception", "GPL-3.0",
-    "GPL-3.0+", "GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception", "GPL-3.0-with-GCC-exception",
-    "LGPL-2.1", "LGPL-2.1+", "LGPL-3.0", "LGPL-3.0+", "LGPL-2.0", "LGPL-2.0+",
-    "gnuplot", "gSOAP-1.3b", "HaskellReport", "HPND", "IBM-pibs", "IPL-1.0",
-    "ImageMagick", "iMatix", "Imlib2", "IJG", "Intel-ACPI", "Intel", "IPA",
-    "ISC", "JasPer-2.0", "JSON", "LPPL-1.3a", "LPPL-1.0", "LPPL-1.1",
-    "LPPL-1.2", "LPPL-1.3c", "Latex2e", "BSD-3-Clause-LBNL", "Leptonica",
-    "Libpng", "libtiff", "LPL-1.02", "LPL-1.0", "MakeIndex", "MTLL", "MS-PL",
-    "MS-RL", "MirOS", "MITNFA", "MIT", "Motosoto", "MPL-1.0", "MPL-1.1",
-    "MPL-2.0", "MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception", "mpich2", "Multics", "Mup",
-    "NASA-1.3", "Naumen", "NBPL-1.0", "NetCDF", "NGPL", "NOSL", "NPL-1.0",
-    "NPL-1.1", "Newsletr", "NLPL", "Nokia", "NPOSL-3.0", "Noweb", "NRL", "NTP",
-    "Nunit", "OCLC-2.0", "ODbL-1.0", "PDDL-1.0", "OGTSL", "OLDAP-2.2.2",
-    "OLDAP-1.1", "OLDAP-1.2", "OLDAP-1.3", "OLDAP-1.4", "OLDAP-2.0",
-    "OLDAP-2.0.1", "OLDAP-2.1", "OLDAP-2.2", "OLDAP-2.2.1", "OLDAP-2.3",
-    "OLDAP-2.4", "OLDAP-2.5", "OLDAP-2.6", "OLDAP-2.7", "OML", "OPL-1.0",
-    "OSL-1.0", "OSL-1.1", "OSL-2.0", "OSL-2.1", "OSL-3.0", "OLDAP-2.8",
-    "OpenSSL", "PHP-3.0", "PHP-3.01", "Plexus", "PostgreSQL", "psfrag",
-    "psutils", "Python-2.0", "QPL-1.0", "Qhull", "Rdisc", "RPSL-1.0", "RPL-1.1",
-    "RPL-1.5", "RHeCos-1.1", "RSCPL", "Ruby", "SAX-PD", "Saxpath", "SCEA",
-    "SWL", "SGI-B-1.0", "SGI-B-1.1", "SGI-B-2.0", "OFL-1.0", "OFL-1.1",
-    "SimPL-2.0", "Sleepycat", "SNIA", "SMLNJ", "StandardML-NJ",
-    "SugarCRM-1.1.3", "SISSL", "SISSL-1.2", "SPL-1.0", "Watcom-1.0", "TCL",
-    "Unlicense", "TMate", "TORQUE-1.1", "TOSL", "Unicode-TOU", "NCSA", "Vim",
-    "VOSTROM", "VSL-1.0", "W3C", "Wsuipa", "WXwindows", "Xnet", "X11", "Xerox",
-    "XFree86-1.1", "xinetd", "xpp", "XSkat", "YPL-1.0", "YPL-1.1", "Zed",
-    "Zend-2.0", "Zimbra-1.3", "Zlib", "zlib-acknowledgement", "ZPL-1.1",
-    "ZPL-2.0", "ZPL-2.1"

+ 143 - 37

@@ -38,8 +38,16 @@ class AutoloadGenerator
     private $io;
+    /**
+     * @var bool
+     */
     private $devMode = false;
+    /**
+     * @var bool
+     */
+    private $classMapAuthoritative = false;
     public function __construct(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, IOInterface $io = null)
         $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
@@ -51,8 +59,23 @@ class AutoloadGenerator
         $this->devMode = (boolean) $devMode;
+    /**
+     * Whether or not generated autoloader considers the class map
+     * authoritative.
+     *
+     * @param bool $classMapAuthoritative
+     */
+    public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative)
+    {
+        $this->classMapAuthoritative = (boolean) $classMapAuthoritative;
+    }
     public function dump(Config $config, InstalledRepositoryInterface $localRepo, PackageInterface $mainPackage, InstallationManager $installationManager, $targetDir, $scanPsr0Packages = false, $suffix = '')
+        if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) {
+            // Force scanPsr0Packages when classmap is authoritative
+            $scanPsr0Packages = true;
+        }
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::PRE_AUTOLOAD_DUMP, $this->devMode, array(), array(
             'optimize' => (bool) $scanPsr0Packages,
@@ -63,7 +86,6 @@ class AutoloadGenerator
         $vendorPath = $filesystem->normalizePath(realpath($config->get('vendor-dir')));
         $useGlobalIncludePath = (bool) $config->get('use-include-path');
         $prependAutoloader = $config->get('prepend-autoloader') === false ? 'false' : 'true';
-        $classMapAuthoritative = $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
         $targetDir = $vendorPath.'/'.$targetDir;
@@ -171,40 +193,48 @@ EOF;
+        $blacklist = null;
+        if (!empty($autoloads['exclude-from-classmap'])) {
+            $blacklist = '{(' . implode('|', $autoloads['exclude-from-classmap']) . ')}';
+        }
         // flatten array
         $classMap = array();
         if ($scanPsr0Packages) {
+            $namespacesToScan = array();
             // Scan the PSR-0/4 directories for class files, and add them to the class map
             foreach (array('psr-0', 'psr-4') as $psrType) {
                 foreach ($autoloads[$psrType] as $namespace => $paths) {
-                    foreach ($paths as $dir) {
+                    $namespacesToScan[$namespace][] = array('paths' => $paths, 'type' => $psrType);
+                }
+            }
+            krsort($namespacesToScan);
+            foreach ($namespacesToScan as $namespace => $groups) {
+                foreach ($groups as $group) {
+                    $psrType = $group['type'];
+                    foreach ($group['paths'] as $dir) {
                         $dir = $filesystem->normalizePath($filesystem->isAbsolutePath($dir) ? $dir : $basePath.'/'.$dir);
                         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
-                        $whitelist = sprintf(
-                            '{%s/%s.+(?<!(?<!/)Test\.php)$}',
-                            preg_quote($dir),
-                            ($psrType === 'psr-0' && strpos($namespace, '_') === false) ? preg_quote(strtr($namespace, '\\', '/')) : ''
-                        );
+//                        $whitelist = sprintf(
+//                            '{%s/%s.+$}',
+//                            preg_quote($dir),
+//                            ($psrType === 'psr-0' && strpos($namespace, '_') === false) ? preg_quote(strtr($namespace, '\\', '/')) : ''
+//                        );
                         $namespaceFilter = $namespace === '' ? null : $namespace;
-                        foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $whitelist, $this->io, $namespaceFilter) as $class => $path) {
-                            if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {
-                                $path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
-                                $classMap[$class] = $path.",\n";
-                            }
-                        }
+                        $classMap = $this->addClassMapCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $dir, $blacklist, $namespaceFilter, $classMap);
         foreach ($autoloads['classmap'] as $dir) {
-            foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, null, $this->io) as $class => $path) {
-                $path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
-                $classMap[$class] = $path.",\n";
-            }
+            $classMap = $this->addClassMapCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $dir, $blacklist, null, $classMap);
@@ -214,35 +244,66 @@ EOF;
         $classmapFile .= ");\n";
         if (!$suffix) {
-            $suffix = $config->get('autoloader-suffix') ?: md5(uniqid('', true));
+            if (!$config->get('autoloader-suffix') && is_readable($vendorPath.'/autoload.php')) {
+                $content = file_get_contents($vendorPath.'/autoload.php');
+                if (preg_match('{ComposerAutoloaderInit([^:\s]+)::}', $content, $match)) {
+                    $suffix = $match[1];
+                }
+            }
+            if (!$suffix) {
+                $suffix = $config->get('autoloader-suffix') ?: md5(uniqid('', true));
+            }
         file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_namespaces.php', $namespacesFile);
         file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_psr4.php', $psr4File);
         file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_classmap.php', $classmapFile);
-        if ($includePathFile = $this->getIncludePathsFile($packageMap, $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode52, $appBaseDirCode)) {
-            file_put_contents($targetDir.'/include_paths.php', $includePathFile);
-        }
-        if ($includeFilesFile = $this->getIncludeFilesFile($autoloads['files'], $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode52, $appBaseDirCode)) {
-            file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_files.php', $includeFilesFile);
+        $includePathFilePath = $targetDir.'/include_paths.php';
+        if ($includePathFileContents = $this->getIncludePathsFile($packageMap, $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode52, $appBaseDirCode)) {
+            file_put_contents($includePathFilePath, $includePathFileContents);
+        } elseif (file_exists($includePathFilePath)) {
+            unlink($includePathFilePath);
+        }
+        $includeFilesFilePath = $targetDir.'/autoload_files.php';
+        if ($includeFilesFileContents = $this->getIncludeFilesFile($autoloads['files'], $filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $vendorPathCode52, $appBaseDirCode)) {
+            file_put_contents($includeFilesFilePath, $includeFilesFileContents);
+        } elseif (file_exists($includeFilesFilePath)) {
+            unlink($includeFilesFilePath);
         file_put_contents($vendorPath.'/autoload.php', $this->getAutoloadFile($vendorPathToTargetDirCode, $suffix));
-        file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_real.php', $this->getAutoloadRealFile(true, (bool) $includePathFile, $targetDirLoader, (bool) $includeFilesFile, $vendorPathCode, $appBaseDirCode, $suffix, $useGlobalIncludePath, $prependAutoloader, $classMapAuthoritative));
+        file_put_contents($targetDir.'/autoload_real.php', $this->getAutoloadRealFile(true, (bool) $includePathFileContents, $targetDirLoader, (bool) $includeFilesFileContents, $vendorPathCode, $appBaseDirCode, $suffix, $useGlobalIncludePath, $prependAutoloader));
-        // use stream_copy_to_stream instead of copy
-        // to work around
-        $sourceLoader = fopen(__DIR__.'/ClassLoader.php', 'r');
-        $targetLoader = fopen($targetDir.'/ClassLoader.php', 'w+');
-        stream_copy_to_stream($sourceLoader, $targetLoader);
-        fclose($sourceLoader);
-        fclose($targetLoader);
-        unset($sourceLoader, $targetLoader);
+        $this->safeCopy(__DIR__.'/ClassLoader.php', $targetDir.'/ClassLoader.php');
+        $this->safeCopy(__DIR__.'/../../../LICENSE', $targetDir.'/LICENSE');
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::POST_AUTOLOAD_DUMP, $this->devMode, array(), array(
             'optimize' => (bool) $scanPsr0Packages,
+    private function addClassMapCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $dir, $blacklist = null, $namespaceFilter = null, array $classMap = array())
+    {
+        foreach ($this->generateClassMap($dir, $blacklist, $namespaceFilter) as $class => $path) {
+            $pathCode = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path).",\n";
+            if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {
+                $classMap[$class] = $pathCode;
+            } elseif ($this->io && $classMap[$class] !== $pathCode && !preg_match('{/(test|fixture|example|stub)s?/}i', strtr($classMap[$class].' '.$path, '\\', '/'))) {
+                $this->io->writeError(
+                    '<warning>Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "'.$class.'"'.
+                    ' was found in both "'.str_replace(array('$vendorDir . \'', "',\n"), array($vendorPath, ''), $classMap[$class]).'" and "'.$path.'", the first will be used.</warning>'
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        return $classMap;
+    }
+    private function generateClassMap($dir, $blacklist = null, $namespaceFilter = null)
+    {
+        return ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $blacklist, $this->io, $namespaceFilter);
+    }
     public function buildPackageMap(InstallationManager $installationManager, PackageInterface $mainPackage, array $packages)
         // build package => install path map
@@ -301,13 +362,20 @@ EOF;
         $psr0 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-0', $mainPackage);
         $psr4 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-4', $mainPackage);
-        $classmap = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'classmap', $mainPackage);
+        $classmap = $this->parseAutoloadsType(array_reverse($sortedPackageMap), 'classmap', $mainPackage);
         $files = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'files', $mainPackage);
+        $exclude = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'exclude-from-classmap', $mainPackage);
-        return array('psr-0' => $psr0, 'psr-4' => $psr4, 'classmap' => $classmap, 'files' => $files);
+        return array(
+            'psr-0' => $psr0,
+            'psr-4' => $psr4,
+            'classmap' => $classmap,
+            'files' => $files,
+            'exclude-from-classmap' => $exclude
+        );
@@ -332,6 +400,16 @@ EOF;
+        if (isset($autoloads['classmap'])) {
+            foreach ($autoloads['classmap'] as $dir) {
+                try {
+                    $loader->addClassMap($this->generateClassMap($dir));
+                } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
+                    $this->io->writeError('<warning>'.$e->getMessage().'</warning>');
+                }
+            }
+        }
         return $loader;
@@ -444,7 +522,7 @@ return ComposerAutoloaderInit$suffix::getLoader();
-    protected function getAutoloadRealFile($useClassMap, $useIncludePath, $targetDirLoader, $useIncludeFiles, $vendorPathCode, $appBaseDirCode, $suffix, $useGlobalIncludePath, $prependAutoloader, $classMapAuthoritative)
+    protected function getAutoloadRealFile($useClassMap, $useIncludePath, $targetDirLoader, $useIncludeFiles, $vendorPathCode, $appBaseDirCode, $suffix, $useGlobalIncludePath, $prependAutoloader)
         // TODO the class ComposerAutoloaderInit should be revert to a closure
         // when APC has been fixed:
@@ -521,7 +599,7 @@ PSR4;
-        if ($classMapAuthoritative) {
+        if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) {
             $file .= <<<'CLASSMAPAUTHORITATIVE'
@@ -601,7 +679,7 @@ FOOTER;
             foreach ($autoload[$type] as $namespace => $paths) {
                 foreach ((array) $paths as $path) {
-                    if (($type === 'files' || $type === 'classmap') && $package->getTargetDir() && !is_readable($installPath.'/'.$path)) {
+                    if (($type === 'files' || $type === 'classmap' || $type === 'exclude-from-classmap') && $package->getTargetDir() && !is_readable($installPath.'/'.$path)) {
                         // remove target-dir from file paths of the root package
                         if ($package === $mainPackage) {
                             $targetDir = str_replace('\\<dirsep\\>', '[\\\\/]', preg_quote(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '<dirsep>', $package->getTargetDir())));
@@ -612,6 +690,18 @@ FOOTER;
+                    if ($type === 'exclude-from-classmap') {
+                        // first escape user input
+                        $path = preg_quote(trim(strtr($path, '\\', '/'), '/'));
+                        // add support for wildcards * and **
+                        $path = str_replace('\\*\\*', '.+?', $path);
+                        $path = str_replace('\\*', '[^/]+?', $path);
+                        $autoloads[] = empty($installPath) ? preg_quote(strtr(getcwd(), '\\', '/')) . '/' . $path : preg_quote($installPath) . '/' . $path;
+                        continue;
+                    }
                     $relativePath = empty($installPath) ? (empty($path) ? '.' : $path) : $installPath.'/'.$path;
                     if ($type === 'files' || $type === 'classmap') {
@@ -718,4 +808,20 @@ FOOTER;
         return $sortedPackageMap;
+    /**
+     * Copy file using stream_copy_to_stream to work around
+     *
+     * @param string $source
+     * @param string $target
+     */
+    protected function safeCopy($source, $target)
+    {
+        $source = fopen($source, 'r');
+        $target = fopen($target, 'w+');
+        stream_copy_to_stream($source, $target);
+        fclose($source);
+        fclose($target);
+    }

+ 27 - 14

@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
- * This file is copied from the Symfony package.
+ * This file is part of Composer.
- * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
+ * (c) Nils Adermann <>
+ *     Jordi Boggiano <>
  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+ * This file is copied from the Symfony package.
- * @license MIT
+ * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
 namespace Composer\Autoload;
@@ -45,15 +50,14 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
      * Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes
      * @param \Iterator|string $path      The path to search in or an iterator
-     * @param string           $whitelist Regex that matches against the file path
+     * @param string           $blacklist Regex that matches against the file path that exclude from the classmap.
      * @param IOInterface      $io        IO object
      * @param string           $namespace Optional namespace prefix to filter by
-     * @return array A class map array
-     *
      * @throws \RuntimeException When the path is neither an existing file nor directory
+     * @return array             A class map array
-    public static function createMap($path, $whitelist = null, IOInterface $io = null, $namespace = null)
+    public static function createMap($path, $blacklist = null, IOInterface $io = null, $namespace = null)
         if (is_string($path)) {
             if (is_file($path)) {
@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
-            if ($whitelist && !preg_match($whitelist, strtr($filePath, '\\', '/'))) {
+            if ($blacklist && preg_match($blacklist, strtr($filePath, '\\', '/'))) {
@@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
                 if (!isset($map[$class])) {
                     $map[$class] = $filePath;
-                } elseif ($io && $map[$class] !== $filePath && !preg_match('{/(test|fixture|example)s?/}i', strtr($map[$class].' '.$filePath, '\\', '/'))) {
+                } elseif ($io && $map[$class] !== $filePath && !preg_match('{/(test|fixture|example|stub)s?/}i', strtr($map[$class].' '.$filePath, '\\', '/'))) {
                         '<warning>Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "'.$class.'"'.
                         ' was found in both "'.$map[$class].'" and "'.$filePath.'", the first will be used.</warning>'
@@ -112,7 +116,10 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
     private static function findClasses($path)
-        $traits = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<') ? '' : '|trait';
+        $extraTypes = PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400 ? '' : '|trait';
+        if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && version_compare(HHVM_VERSION, '3.3', '>=')) {
+            $extraTypes .= '|enum';
+        }
         try {
             $contents = @php_strip_whitespace($path);
@@ -129,14 +136,14 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
         // return early if there is no chance of matching anything in this file
-        if (!preg_match('{\b(?:class|interface'.$traits.')\s}i', $contents)) {
+        if (!preg_match('{\b(?:class|interface'.$extraTypes.')\s}i', $contents)) {
             return array();
         // strip heredocs/nowdocs
         $contents = preg_replace('{<<<\s*(\'?)(\w+)\\1(?:\r\n|\n|\r)(?:.*?)(?:\r\n|\n|\r)\\2(?=\r\n|\n|\r|;)}s', 'null', $contents);
         // strip strings
-        $contents = preg_replace('{"[^"\\\\]*(\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"|\'[^\'\\\\]*(\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\'}s', 'null', $contents);
+        $contents = preg_replace('{"[^"\\\\]*+(\\\\.[^"\\\\]*+)*+"|\'[^\'\\\\]*+(\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*+)*+\'}s', 'null', $contents);
         // strip leading non-php code if needed
         if (substr($contents, 0, 2) !== '<?') {
             $contents = preg_replace('{^.+?<\?}s', '<?', $contents, 1, $replacements);
@@ -154,8 +161,8 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
-                 \b(?<![\$:>])(?P<type>class|interface'.$traits.') \s+ (?P<name>[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff:][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:\-]*)
-               | \b(?<![\$:>])(?P<ns>namespace) (?P<nsname>\s+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*(?:\s*\\\\\s*[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)*)? \s*[\{;]
+                 \b(?<![\$:>])(?P<type>class|interface'.$extraTypes.') \s++ (?P<name>[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff:][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:\-]*+)
+               | \b(?<![\$:>])(?P<ns>namespace) (?P<nsname>\s++[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+(?:\s*+\\\\\s*+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+)*+)? \s*+ [\{;]
         }ix', $contents, $matches);
@@ -170,6 +177,12 @@ class ClassMapGenerator
                 if ($name[0] === ':') {
                     // This is an XHP class,
                     $name = 'xhp'.substr(str_replace(array('-', ':'), array('_', '__'), $name), 1);
+                } elseif ($matches['type'][$i] === 'enum') {
+                    // In Hack, something like:
+                    //   enum Foo: int { HERP = '123'; }
+                    // The regex above captures the colon, which isn't part of
+                    // the class name.
+                    $name = rtrim($name, ':');
                 $classes[] = ltrim($namespace . $name, '\\');

+ 20 - 7

@@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ class Cache
         $this->whitelist = $whitelist;
         $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem();
-        if (!is_dir($this->root)) {
-            if (!@mkdir($this->root, 0777, true)) {
-                $this->enabled = false;
-            }
+        if (
+            (!is_dir($this->root) && !@mkdir($this->root, 0777, true))
+            || !is_writable($this->root)
+        ) {
+            $this->io->writeError('<warning>Cannot create cache directory ' . $this->root . ', or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache</warning>');
+            $this->enabled = false;
@@ -86,6 +88,9 @@ class Cache
             try {
                 return file_put_contents($this->root . $file, $contents);
             } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+                if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
+                    $this->io->writeError('<warning>Failed to write into cache: '.$e->getMessage().'</warning>');
+                }
                 if (preg_match('{^file_put_contents\(\): Only ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+) bytes written}', $e->getMessage(), $m)) {
                     // Remove partial file.
                     unlink($this->root . $file);
@@ -119,8 +124,10 @@ class Cache
             $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file);
             $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($this->root . $file));
-            if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
-                $this->io->writeError('Writing '.$this->root . $file.' into cache');
+            if (!file_exists($source)) {
+                $this->io->writeError('<error>'.$source.' does not exist, can not write into cache</error>');
+            } elseif ($this->io->isDebug()) {
+                $this->io->writeError('Writing '.$this->root . $file.' into cache from '.$source);
             return copy($source, $this->root . $file);
@@ -136,7 +143,13 @@ class Cache
         $file = preg_replace('{[^'.$this->whitelist.']}i', '-', $file);
         if ($this->enabled && file_exists($this->root . $file)) {
-            touch($this->root . $file);
+            try {
+                touch($this->root . $file, filemtime($this->root . $file), time());
+            } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+                // fallback in case the above failed due to incorrect ownership
+                // see
+                touch($this->root . $file);
+            }
             if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
                 $this->io->writeError('Reading '.$this->root . $file.' from cache');

+ 1 - 1

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ EOT
 <info>Composer - Package Management for PHP</info>
 <comment>Composer is a dependency manager tracking local dependencies of your projects and libraries.
-See for more information.</comment>
+See for more information.</comment>

+ 28 - 18

@@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ namespace Composer\Command;
 use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
-use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
+use Composer\Config;
 use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
 use Composer\Script\ScriptEvents;
 use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent;
 use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
+use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
@@ -41,8 +40,10 @@ class ArchiveCommand extends Command
                 new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The package to archive instead of the current project'),
                 new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'A version constraint to find the package to archive'),
-                new InputOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Format of the resulting archive: tar or zip', 'tar'),
-                new InputOption('dir', false, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Write the archive to this directory', '.'),
+                new InputOption('format', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Format of the resulting archive: tar or zip'),
+                new InputOption('dir', false, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Write the archive to this directory'),
+                new InputOption('file', false, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Write the archive with the given file name.'
+                    .' Note that the format will be appended.'),
 The <info>archive</info> command creates an archive of the specified format
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
+        $config = Factory::createConfig();
         $composer = $this->getComposer(false);
         if ($composer) {
             $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'archive', $input, $output);
@@ -65,12 +67,21 @@ EOT
+        if (null === $input->getOption('format')) {
+            $input->setOption('format', $config->get('archive-format'));
+        }
+        if (null === $input->getOption('dir')) {
+            $input->setOption('dir', $config->get('archive-dir'));
+        }
         $returnCode = $this->archive(
+            $config,
-            $input->getOption('dir')
+            $input->getOption('dir'),
+            $input->getOption('file')
         if (0 === $returnCode && $composer) {
@@ -80,9 +91,8 @@ EOT
         return $returnCode;
-    protected function archive(IOInterface $io, $packageName = null, $version = null, $format = 'tar', $dest = '.')
+    protected function archive(IOInterface $io, Config $config, $packageName = null, $version = null, $format = 'tar', $dest = '.', $fileName = null)
-        $config = Factory::createConfig();
         $factory = new Factory;
         $downloadManager = $factory->createDownloadManager($io, $config);
         $archiveManager = $factory->createArchiveManager($config, $downloadManager);
@@ -97,8 +107,13 @@ EOT
             $package = $this->getComposer()->getPackage();
-        $io->writeError('<info>Creating the archive.</info>');
-        $archiveManager->archive($package, $format, $dest);
+        $io->writeError('<info>Creating the archive into "'.$dest.'".</info>');
+        $packagePath = $archiveManager->archive($package, $format, $dest, $fileName);
+        $fs = new Filesystem;
+        $shortPath = $fs->findShortestPath(getcwd(), $packagePath, true);
+        $io->writeError('Created: ', false);
+        $io->write(strlen($shortPath) < strlen($packagePath) ? $shortPath : $packagePath);
         return 0;
@@ -109,19 +124,14 @@ EOT
         if ($composer = $this->getComposer(false)) {
             $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
-            $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($localRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()));
+            $repo = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($localRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()));
         } else {
             $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO());
             $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, searching packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
-            $repos = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos);
+            $repo = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos);
-        $pool = new Pool();
-        $pool->addRepository($repos);
-        $parser = new VersionParser();
-        $constraint = ($version) ? $parser->parseConstraints($version) : null;
-        $packages = $pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint, true);
+        $packages = $repo->findPackages($packageName, $version);
         if (count($packages) > 1) {
             $package = reset($packages);

+ 44 - 27

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ConfigCommand extends Command
                 new InputOption('auth', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Affect auth config file (only used for --editor)'),
                 new InputOption('unset', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Unset the given setting-key'),
                 new InputOption('list', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'List configuration settings'),
-                new InputOption('file', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If you want to choose a different composer.json or config.json', 'composer.json'),
+                new InputOption('file', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'If you want to choose a different composer.json or config.json'),
                 new InputOption('absolute', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Returns absolute paths when fetching *-dir config values instead of relative'),
                 new InputArgument('setting-key', null, 'Setting key'),
                 new InputArgument('setting-value', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'Setting value'),
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ EOT
         parent::initialize($input, $output);
-        if ($input->getOption('global') && 'composer.json' !== $input->getOption('file')) {
+        if ($input->getOption('global') && null !== $input->getOption('file')) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('--file and --global can not be combined');
@@ -139,14 +139,19 @@ EOT
         // passed in a file to use
         $configFile = $input->getOption('global')
             ? ($this->config->get('home') . '/config.json')
-            : $input->getOption('file');
+            : ($input->getOption('file') ?: trim(getenv('COMPOSER')) ?: 'composer.json');
+        // create global composer.json if this was invoked using `composer global config`
+        if ($configFile === 'composer.json' && !file_exists($configFile) && realpath(getcwd()) === realpath($this->config->get('home'))) {
+            file_put_contents($configFile, "{\n}\n");
+        }
         $this->configFile = new JsonFile($configFile);
         $this->configSource = new JsonConfigSource($this->configFile);
         $authConfigFile = $input->getOption('global')
             ? ($this->config->get('home') . '/auth.json')
-            : dirname(realpath($input->getOption('file'))) . '/auth.json';
+            : dirname(realpath($configFile)) . '/auth.json';
         $this->authConfigFile = new JsonFile($authConfigFile);
         $this->authConfigSource = new JsonConfigSource($this->authConfigFile, true);
@@ -233,17 +238,19 @@ EOT
             } elseif (strpos($settingKey, '.')) {
                 $bits = explode('.', $settingKey);
                 $data = $data['config'];
+                $match = false;
                 foreach ($bits as $bit) {
-                    if (isset($data[$bit])) {
-                        $data = $data[$bit];
-                    } elseif (isset($data[implode('.', $bits)])) {
-                        // last bit can contain domain names and such so try to join whatever is left if it exists
-                        $data = $data[implode('.', $bits)];
-                        break;
-                    } else {
-                        throw new \RuntimeException($settingKey.' is not defined');
+                    $key = isset($key) ? $key.'.'.$bit : $bit;
+                    $match = false;
+                    if (isset($data[$key])) {
+                        $match = true;
+                        $data = $data[$key];
+                        unset($key);
-                    array_shift($bits);
+                }
+                if (!$match) {
+                    throw new \RuntimeException($settingKey.' is not defined.');
                 $value = $data;
@@ -273,7 +280,7 @@ EOT
             'use-include-path' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer),
             'preferred-install' => array(
                 function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('auto', 'source', 'dist'), true); },
-                function ($val) { return $val; }
+                function ($val) { return $val; },
             'store-auths' => array(
                 function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('true', 'false', 'prompt'), true); },
@@ -283,11 +290,13 @@ EOT
                     return $val !== 'false' && (bool) $val;
-                }
+                },
             'notify-on-install' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer),
             'vendor-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
             'bin-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
+            'archive-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
+            'archive-format' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
             'cache-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
             'cache-files-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
             'cache-repo-dir' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val; }),
@@ -296,6 +305,10 @@ EOT
             'cache-files-ttl' => array('is_numeric', 'intval'),
             'cache-files-maxsize' => array(
                 function ($val) { return preg_match('/^\s*([0-9.]+)\s*(?:([kmg])(?:i?b)?)?\s*$/i', $val) > 0; },
+                function ($val) { return $val; },
+            ),
+            'bin-compat' => array(
+                function ($val) { return in_array($val, array('auto', 'full')); },
                 function ($val) { return $val; }
             'discard-changes' => array(
@@ -306,7 +319,7 @@ EOT
                     return $val !== 'false' && (bool) $val;
-                }
+                },
             'autoloader-suffix' => array('is_string', function ($val) { return $val === 'null' ? null : $val; }),
             'optimize-autoloader' => array($booleanValidator, $booleanNormalizer),
@@ -331,7 +344,7 @@ EOT
                 function ($vals) {
                     return $vals;
-                }
+                },
             'github-domains' => array(
                 function ($vals) {
@@ -343,7 +356,7 @@ EOT
                 function ($vals) {
                     return $vals;
-                }
+                },
@@ -410,6 +423,15 @@ EOT
             throw new \RuntimeException('You must pass the type and a url. Example: php composer.phar config vcs');
+        // handle platform
+        if (preg_match('/^platform\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) {
+            if ($input->getOption('unset')) {
+                return $this->configSource->removeConfigSetting($settingKey);
+            }
+            return $this->configSource->addConfigSetting($settingKey, $values[0]);
+        }
         // handle github-oauth
         if (preg_match('/^(github-oauth|http-basic)\.(.+)/', $settingKey, $matches)) {
             if ($input->getOption('unset')) {
@@ -450,6 +472,7 @@ EOT
     protected function listConfiguration(array $contents, array $rawContents, OutputInterface $output, $k = null)
         $origK = $k;
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
             if ($k === null && !in_array($key, array('config', 'repositories'))) {
@@ -460,13 +483,7 @@ EOT
             if (is_array($value) && (!is_numeric(key($value)) || ($key === 'repositories' && null === $k))) {
                 $k .= preg_replace('{^config\.}', '', $key . '.');
                 $this->listConfiguration($value, $rawVal, $output, $k);
-                if (substr_count($k, '.') > 1) {
-                    $k = str_split($k, strrpos($k, '.', -2));
-                    $k = $k[0] . '.';
-                } else {
-                    $k = $origK;
-                }
+                $k = $origK;
@@ -484,9 +501,9 @@ EOT
             if (is_string($rawVal) && $rawVal != $value) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('[<comment>' . $k . $key . '</comment>] <info>' . $rawVal . ' (' . $value . ')</info>');
+                $io->write('[<comment>' . $k . $key . '</comment>] <info>' . $rawVal . ' (' . $value . ')</info>');
             } else {
-                $this->getIO()->write('[<comment>' . $k . $key . '</comment>] <info>' . $value . '</info>');
+                $io->write('[<comment>' . $k . $key . '</comment>] <info>' . $value . '</info>');

+ 32 - 16

@@ -100,18 +100,17 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $config = Factory::createConfig();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
-        $preferSource = false;
-        $preferDist = false;
-        $this->updatePreferredOptions($config, $input, $preferSource, $preferDist);
+        $this->updatePreferredOptions($config, $input, $preferSource, $preferDist, true);
         if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.</warning>');
             $input->setOption('no-plugins', true);
         return $this->installProject(
-            $this->getIO(),
+            $io,
@@ -145,6 +144,8 @@ EOT
         $composer = Factory::create($io, null, $disablePlugins);
+        $composer->getDownloadManager()->setOutputProgress(!$noProgress);
         $fs = new Filesystem();
         if ($noScripts === false) {
@@ -275,9 +276,12 @@ EOT
         $pool = new Pool($stability);
+        // using those 3 constants to build a version without the 'extra' bit that can contain garbage
         // find the latest version if there are multiple
         $versionSelector = new VersionSelector($pool);
-        $package = $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $packageVersion);
+        $package = $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, $packageVersion, $phpVersion);
         if (!$package) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not find package $name" . ($packageVersion ? " with version $packageVersion." : " with stability $stability."));
@@ -288,7 +292,17 @@ EOT
             $directory = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . array_pop($parts);
-        $io->writeError('<info>Installing ' . $package->getName() . ' (' . VersionParser::formatVersion($package, false) . ')</info>');
+        // handler Ctrl+C for unix-like systems
+        if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
+            declare (ticks = 100);
+            pcntl_signal(SIGINT, function () use ($directory) {
+                $fs = new Filesystem();
+                $fs->removeDirectory($directory);
+                exit(130);
+            });
+        }
+        $io->writeError('<info>Installing ' . $package->getName() . ' (' . $package->getFullPrettyVersion(false) . ')</info>');
         if ($disablePlugins) {
             $io->writeError('<info>Plugins have been disabled.</info>');
@@ -307,14 +321,15 @@ EOT
         $im = $this->createInstallationManager();
         $im->install(new InstalledFilesystemRepository(new JsonFile('php://memory')), new InstallOperation($package));
-        $im->notifyInstalls();
+        $im->notifyInstalls($io);
         $installedFromVcs = 'source' === $package->getInstallationSource();
         $io->writeError('<info>Created project in ' . $directory . '</info>');
-        putenv('COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION='.$package->getPrettyVersion());
+        $_SERVER['COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION'] = $package->getPrettyVersion();
         return $installedFromVcs;
@@ -335,18 +350,19 @@ EOT
      * Updated preferSource or preferDist based on the preferredInstall config option
      * @param Config         $config
      * @param InputInterface $input
-     * @param boolean        $preferSource
-     * @param boolean        $preferDist
+     * @param bool           $preferSource
+     * @param bool           $preferDist
-    protected function updatePreferredOptions(Config $config, InputInterface $input, &$preferSource, &$preferDist)
+    protected function updatePreferredOptions(Config $config, InputInterface $input, &$preferSource, &$preferDist, $keepVcsRequiresPreferSource = false)
+        $preferSource = false;
+        $preferDist = false;
         switch ($config->get('preferred-install')) {
             case 'source':
                 $preferSource = true;
-                $preferDist = false;
             case 'dist':
-                $preferSource = false;
                 $preferDist = true;
             case 'auto':
@@ -355,8 +371,8 @@ EOT
-        if ($input->getOption('prefer-source') || $input->getOption('prefer-dist')) {
-            $preferSource = $input->getOption('prefer-source');
+        if ($input->getOption('prefer-source') || $input->getOption('prefer-dist') || ($keepVcsRequiresPreferSource && $input->getOption('keep-vcs'))) {
+            $preferSource = $input->getOption('prefer-source') || ($keepVcsRequiresPreferSource && $input->getOption('keep-vcs'));
             $preferDist = $input->getOption('prefer-dist');

+ 3 - 2

@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ EOT
         $messages = array();
         $outputPackages = array();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         foreach ($repo->getPackages() as $package) {
             foreach ($types as $type) {
                 foreach ($package->{'get'.$linkTypes[$type][0]}() as $link) {
@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ EOT
         if ($messages) {
-            $this->getIO()->write($messages);
+            $io->write($messages);
         } else {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>There is no installed package depending on "'.$needle.'".</info>');
+            $io->writeError('<info>There is no installed package depending on "'.$needle.'".</info>');

+ 66 - 61

@@ -51,15 +51,19 @@ EOT
+    /**
+     * {@inheritdoc}
+     */
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $composer = $this->getComposer(false);
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($composer) {
             $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'diagnose', $input, $output);
             $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent);
-            $this->getIO()->write('Checking composer.json: ', false);
+            $io->write('Checking composer.json: ', false);
@@ -69,57 +73,66 @@ EOT
             $config = Factory::createConfig();
-        $this->rfs = new RemoteFilesystem($this->getIO(), $config);
-        $this->process = new ProcessExecutor($this->getIO());
+        $this->rfs = new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config);
+        $this->process = new ProcessExecutor($io);
-        $this->getIO()->write('Checking platform settings: ', false);
+        $io->write('Checking platform settings: ', false);
-        $this->getIO()->write('Checking git settings: ', false);
+        $io->write('Checking git settings: ', false);
-        $this->getIO()->write('Checking http connectivity: ', false);
-        $this->outputResult($this->checkHttp());
+        $io->write('Checking http connectivity to packagist: ', false);
+        $this->outputResult($this->checkHttp('http'));
+        $io->write('Checking https connectivity to packagist: ', false);
+        $this->outputResult($this->checkHttp('https'));
         $opts = stream_context_get_options(StreamContextFactory::getContext(''));
         if (!empty($opts['http']['proxy'])) {
-            $this->getIO()->write('Checking HTTP proxy: ', false);
+            $io->write('Checking HTTP proxy: ', false);
-            $this->getIO()->write('Checking HTTP proxy support for request_fulluri: ', false);
+            $io->write('Checking HTTP proxy support for request_fulluri: ', false);
-            $this->getIO()->write('Checking HTTPS proxy support for request_fulluri: ', false);
+            $io->write('Checking HTTPS proxy support for request_fulluri: ', false);
         if ($oauth = $config->get('github-oauth')) {
             foreach ($oauth as $domain => $token) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('Checking '.$domain.' oauth access: ', false);
+                $io->write('Checking '.$domain.' oauth access: ', false);
                 $this->outputResult($this->checkGithubOauth($domain, $token));
         } else {
-            $this->getIO()->write('Checking rate limit: ', false);
-            $rate = $this->getGithubRateLimit('');
-            if (10 > $rate['remaining']) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('<warning>WARNING</warning>');
-                $this->getIO()->write(sprintf(
-                    '<comment>Github has a rate limit on their API. '
-                    . 'You currently have <options=bold>%u</options=bold> '
-                    . 'out of <options=bold>%u</options=bold> requests left.' . PHP_EOL
-                    . 'See and also' . PHP_EOL
-                    . '</comment>',
-                    $rate['remaining'],
-                    $rate['limit']
-                ));
-            } else {
-                $this->getIO()->write('<info>OK</info>');
+            $io->write('Checking rate limit: ', false);
+            try {
+                $rate = $this->getGithubRateLimit('');
+                $this->outputResult(true);
+                if (10 > $rate['remaining']) {
+                    $io->write('<warning>WARNING</warning>');
+                    $io->write(sprintf(
+                        '<comment>Github has a rate limit on their API. '
+                        . 'You currently have <options=bold>%u</options=bold> '
+                        . 'out of <options=bold>%u</options=bold> requests left.' . PHP_EOL
+                        . 'See and also' . PHP_EOL
+                        . '</comment>',
+                        $rate['remaining'],
+                        $rate['limit']
+                    ));
+                }
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getCode() === 401) {
+                    $this->outputResult('<comment>The oauth token for seems invalid, run "composer config --global --unset" to remove it</comment>');
+                } else {
+                    $this->outputResult($e);
+                }
-        $this->getIO()->write('Checking disk free space: ', false);
+        $io->write('Checking disk free space: ', false);
-        $this->getIO()->write('Checking composer version: ', false);
+        $io->write('Checking composer version: ', false);
         return $this->failures;
@@ -159,11 +172,10 @@ EOT
         return true;
-    private function checkHttp()
+    private function checkHttp($proto)
-        $protocol = extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http';
         try {
-            $this->rfs->getContents('', $protocol . '://', false);
+            $this->rfs->getContents('', $proto . '://', false);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             return $e;
@@ -252,7 +264,7 @@ EOT
             $url = $domain === '' ? 'https://api.'.$domain.'/user/repos' : 'https://'.$domain.'/api/v3/user/repos';
             return $this->rfs->getContents($domain, $url, false, array(
-                'retry-auth-failure' => false
+                'retry-auth-failure' => false,
             )) ? true : 'Unexpected error';
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getCode() === 401) {
@@ -263,30 +275,28 @@ EOT
+    /**
+     * @param  string             $domain
+     * @param  string             $token
+     * @throws TransportException
+     * @return array
+     */
     private function getGithubRateLimit($domain, $token = null)
         if ($token) {
             $this->getIO()->setAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic');
-        try {
-            $url = $domain === '' ? 'https://api.'.$domain.'/rate_limit' : 'https://'.$domain.'/api/rate_limit';
-            $json = $this->rfs->getContents($domain, $url, false, array('retry-auth-failure' => false));
-            $data = json_decode($json, true);
+        $url = $domain === '' ? 'https://api.'.$domain.'/rate_limit' : 'https://'.$domain.'/api/rate_limit';
+        $json = $this->rfs->getContents($domain, $url, false, array('retry-auth-failure' => false));
+        $data = json_decode($json, true);
-            return $data['resources']['core'];
-        } catch (\Exception $e) {
-            if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getCode() === 401) {
-                return '<comment>The oauth token for '.$domain.' seems invalid, run "composer config --global --unset github-oauth.'.$domain.'" to remove it</comment>';
-            }
-            return $e;
-        }
+        return $data['resources']['core'];
     private function checkDiskSpace($config)
-        $minSpaceFree = 1024*1024;
+        $minSpaceFree = 1024 * 1024;
         if ((($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)
             || (($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)
         ) {
@@ -308,17 +318,21 @@ EOT
         return true;
+    /**
+     * @param bool|string|\Exception $result
+     */
     private function outputResult($result)
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if (true === $result) {
-            $this->getIO()->write('<info>OK</info>');
+            $io->write('<info>OK</info>');
         } else {
-            $this->getIO()->write('<error>FAIL</error>');
+            $io->write('<error>FAIL</error>');
             if ($result instanceof \Exception) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('['.get_class($result).'] '.$result->getMessage());
+                $io->write('['.get_class($result).'] '.$result->getMessage());
             } elseif ($result) {
-                $this->getIO()->write(trim($result));
+                $io->write(trim($result));
@@ -359,10 +373,6 @@ EOT
             $errors['hash'] = true;
-        if (!extension_loaded('ctype')) {
-            $errors['ctype'] = true;
-        }
         if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
             $errors['allow_url_fopen'] = true;
@@ -371,11 +381,11 @@ EOT
             $errors['ioncube'] = ioncube_loader_version();
-        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.2', '<')) {
+        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50302) {
             $errors['php'] = PHP_VERSION;
-        if (!isset($errors['php']) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.4', '<')) {
+        if (!isset($errors['php']) && PHP_VERSION_ID < 50304) {
             $warnings['php'] = PHP_VERSION;
@@ -431,11 +441,6 @@ EOT
                         $text .= "Install it or recompile php without --disable-hash";
-                    case 'ctype':
-                        $text = PHP_EOL."The ctype extension is missing.".PHP_EOL;
-                        $text .= "Install it or recompile php without --disable-ctype";
-                        break;
                     case 'unicode':
                         $text = PHP_EOL."The detect_unicode setting must be disabled.".PHP_EOL;
                         $text .= "Add the following to the end of your `php.ini`:".PHP_EOL;

+ 5 - 2

@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class DumpAutoloadCommand extends Command
             ->setDescription('Dumps the autoloader')
                 new InputOption('optimize', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimizes PSR0 and PSR4 packages to be loaded with classmaps too, good for production.'),
+                new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize`.'),
                 new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables autoload-dev rules.'),
@@ -52,9 +53,10 @@ EOT
         $package = $composer->getPackage();
         $config = $composer->getConfig();
-        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
+        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader');
+        $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
-        if ($optimize) {
+        if ($optimize || $authoritative) {
             $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>Generating optimized autoload files</info>');
         } else {
             $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>Generating autoload files</info>');
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ EOT
         $generator = $composer->getAutoloadGenerator();
+        $generator->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative);
         $generator->dump($config, $localRepo, $package, $installationManager, 'composer', $optimize);

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Composer.
- *
- * (c) Nils Adermann <>
- *     Jordi Boggiano <>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-namespace Composer\Command\Helper;
-use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper as BaseDialogHelper;
-class DialogHelper extends BaseDialogHelper
-    /**
-     * Build text for asking a question. For example:
-     *
-     *  "Do you want to continue [yes]:"
-     *
-     * @param string $question The question you want to ask
-     * @param mixed  $default  Default value to add to message, if false no default will be shown
-     * @param string $sep      Separation char for between message and user input
-     *
-     * @return string
-     */
-    public function getQuestion($question, $default = null, $sep = ':')
-    {
-        return $default !== null ?
-            sprintf('<info>%s</info> [<comment>%s</comment>]%s ', $question, $default, $sep) :
-            sprintf('<info>%s</info>%s ', $question, $sep);
-    }

+ 35 - 50

@@ -12,11 +12,10 @@
 namespace Composer\Command;
-use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
 use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface;
-use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
+use Composer\Repository\ArrayRepository;
 use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
@@ -58,70 +57,55 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $repos = $this->initializeRepos();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         $return = 0;
         foreach ($input->getArgument('packages') as $packageName) {
+            $handled = false;
+            $packageExists = false;
             foreach ($repos as $repo) {
-                $package = $this->getPackage($repo, $packageName);
-                if ($package instanceof CompletePackageInterface) {
-                    break;
+                foreach ($repo->findPackages($packageName) as $package) {
+                    $packageExists = true;
+                    if ($this->handlePackage($package, $input->getOption('homepage'), $input->getOption('show'))) {
+                        $handled = true;
+                        break 2;
+                    }
-            $package = $this->getPackage($repo, $packageName);
-            if (!$package instanceof CompletePackageInterface) {
+            if (!$packageExists) {
                 $return = 1;
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>Package '.$packageName.' not found</warning>');
-                continue;
-            }
-            $support = $package->getSupport();
-            $url = isset($support['source']) ? $support['source'] : $package->getSourceUrl();
-            if (!$url || $input->getOption('homepage')) {
-                $url = $package->getHomepage();
+                $io->writeError('<warning>Package '.$packageName.' not found</warning>');
-            if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
+            if (!$handled) {
                 $return = 1;
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>'.($input->getOption('homepage') ? 'Invalid or missing homepage' : 'Invalid or missing repository URL').' for '.$packageName.'</warning>');
-                continue;
-            }
-            if ($input->getOption('show')) {
-                $this->getIO()->write(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', $url));
-            } else {
-                $this->openBrowser($url);
+                $io->writeError('<warning>'.($input->getOption('homepage') ? 'Invalid or missing homepage' : 'Invalid or missing repository URL').' for '.$packageName.'</warning>');
         return $return;
-    /**
-     * finds a package by name
-     *
-     * @param  RepositoryInterface      $repos
-     * @param  string                   $name
-     * @return CompletePackageInterface
-     */
-    protected function getPackage(RepositoryInterface $repos, $name)
+    private function handlePackage(CompletePackageInterface $package, $showHomepage, $showOnly)
-        $name = strtolower($name);
-        $pool = new Pool('dev');
-        $pool->addRepository($repos);
-        $matches = $pool->whatProvides($name);
-        foreach ($matches as $index => $package) {
-            // skip providers/replacers
-            if ($package->getName() !== $name) {
-                unset($matches[$index]);
-                continue;
-            }
+        $support = $package->getSupport();
+        $url = isset($support['source']) ? $support['source'] : $package->getSourceUrl();
+        if (!$url || $showHomepage) {
+            $url = $package->getHomepage();
+        }
-            return $package;
+        if (!$url || !filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
+            return false;
+        if ($showOnly) {
+            $this->getIO()->write(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', $url));
+        } else {
+            $this->openBrowser($url);
+        }
+        return true;
@@ -161,14 +145,15 @@ EOT
         $composer = $this->getComposer(false);
         if ($composer) {
-            return array(
-                $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(),
-                new CompositeRepository($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories())
+            return array_merge(
+                array(new ArrayRepository(array($composer->getPackage()))), // root package
+                array($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()), // installed packages
+                $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories() // remotes
         $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO());
-        return array(new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos));
+        return $defaultRepos;

+ 130 - 93

@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
 use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
 use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
+use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Package\Version\VersionSelector;
 use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
@@ -33,28 +33,18 @@ use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder;
 class InitCommand extends Command
+    /** @var CompositeRepository */
     protected $repos;
+    /** @var array */
     private $gitConfig;
-    private $pool;
-    public function parseAuthorString($author)
-    {
-        if (preg_match('/^(?P<name>[- \.,\p{L}\'’]+) <(?P<email>.+?)>$/u', $author, $match)) {
-            if ($this->isValidEmail($match['email'])) {
-                return array(
-                    'name'  => trim($match['name']),
-                    'email' => $match['email']
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
-            'Invalid author string.  Must be in the format: '.
-            'John Smith <>'
-        );
-    }
+    /** @var Pool */
+    private $pool;
+    /**
+     * {@inheritdoc}
+     */
     protected function configure()
@@ -65,6 +55,7 @@ class InitCommand extends Command
                 new InputOption('description', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Description of package'),
                 new InputOption('author', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Author name of package'),
                 // new InputOption('version', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Version of package'),
+                new InputOption('type', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Type of package'),
                 new InputOption('homepage', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Homepage of package'),
                 new InputOption('require', null, InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Package to require with a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'),
                 new InputOption('require-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Package to require for development with a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'),
@@ -82,11 +73,12 @@ EOT
+    /**
+     * {@inheritdoc}
+     */
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
-        $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
-        $whitelist = array('name', 'description', 'author', 'homepage', 'require', 'require-dev', 'stability', 'license');
+        $whitelist = array('name', 'description', 'author', 'type', 'homepage', 'require', 'require-dev', 'stability', 'license');
         $options = array_filter(array_intersect_key($input->getOptions(), array_flip($whitelist)));
@@ -113,17 +105,13 @@ EOT
         $file = new JsonFile('composer.json');
         $json = $file->encode($options);
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($input->isInteractive()) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError(array(
-                '',
-                $json,
-                ''
-            ));
-            if (!$dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Do you confirm generation', 'yes', '?'), true)) {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>Command aborted</error>');
+            $io->writeError(array('', $json, ''));
+            if (!$io->askConfirmation('Do you confirm generation [<comment>yes</comment>]? ', true)) {
+                $io->writeError('<error>Command aborted</error>');
                 return 1;
@@ -139,29 +127,32 @@ EOT
             if (!$this->hasVendorIgnore($ignoreFile)) {
-                $question = 'Would you like the <info>vendor</info> directory added to your <info>.gitignore</info> [<comment>yes</comment>]?';
+                $question = 'Would you like the <info>vendor</info> directory added to your <info>.gitignore</info> [<comment>yes</comment>]? ';
-                if ($dialog->askConfirmation($output, $question, true)) {
+                if ($io->askConfirmation($question, true)) {
+    /**
+     * {@inheritdoc}
+     */
     protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $git = $this->getGitConfig();
-        $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter');
-        $this->getIO()->writeError(array(
+        $io->writeError(array(
             $formatter->formatBlock('Welcome to the Composer config generator', 'bg=blue;fg=white', true),
-            ''
+            '',
         // namespace
-        $this->getIO()->writeError(array(
+        $io->writeError(array(
             'This command will guide you through creating your composer.json config.',
@@ -191,9 +182,8 @@ EOT
-        $name = $dialog->askAndValidate(
-            $output,
-            $dialog->getQuestion('Package name (<vendor>/<name>)', $name),
+        $name = $io->askAndValidate(
+            'Package name (<vendor>/<name>) [<comment>'.$name.'</comment>]: ',
             function ($value) use ($name) {
                 if (null === $value) {
                     return $name;
@@ -206,14 +196,15 @@ EOT
                 return $value;
-            }
+            },
+            null,
+            $name
         $input->setOption('name', $name);
         $description = $input->getOption('description') ?: false;
-        $description = $dialog->ask(
-            $output,
-            $dialog->getQuestion('Description', $description),
+        $description = $io->ask(
+            'Description [<comment>'.$description.'</comment>]: ',
         $input->setOption('description', $description);
@@ -225,22 +216,22 @@ EOT
         $self = $this;
-        $author = $dialog->askAndValidate(
-            $output,
-            $dialog->getQuestion('Author', $author),
+        $author = $io->askAndValidate(
+            'Author [<comment>'.$author.'</comment>]: ',
             function ($value) use ($self, $author) {
                 $value = $value ?: $author;
                 $author = $self->parseAuthorString($value);
                 return sprintf('%s <%s>', $author['name'], $author['email']);
-            }
+            },
+            null,
+            $author
         $input->setOption('author', $author);
-        $minimumStability = $input->getOption('stability') ?: '';
-        $minimumStability = $dialog->askAndValidate(
-            $output,
-            $dialog->getQuestion('Minimum Stability', $minimumStability),
+        $minimumStability = $input->getOption('stability') ?: null;
+        $minimumStability = $io->askAndValidate(
+            'Minimum Stability [<comment>'.$minimumStability.'</comment>]: ',
             function ($value) use ($self, $minimumStability) {
                 if (null === $value) {
                     return $minimumStability;
@@ -254,36 +245,65 @@ EOT
                 return $value;
-            }
+            },
+            null,
+            $minimumStability
         $input->setOption('stability', $minimumStability);
+        $type = $input->getOption('type') ?: false;
+        $type = $io->ask(
+            'Package Type [<comment>'.$type.'</comment>]: ',
+            $type
+        );
+        $input->setOption('type', $type);
         $license = $input->getOption('license') ?: false;
-        $license = $dialog->ask(
-            $output,
-            $dialog->getQuestion('License', $license),
+        $license = $io->ask(
+            'License [<comment>'.$license.'</comment>]: ',
         $input->setOption('license', $license);
-        $this->getIO()->writeError(array(
-            '',
-            'Define your dependencies.',
-            ''
-        ));
+        $io->writeError(array('', 'Define your dependencies.', ''));
+        $question = 'Would you like to define your dependencies (require) interactively [<comment>yes</comment>]? ';
         $requirements = array();
-        if ($dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Would you like to define your dependencies (require) interactively', 'yes', '?'), true)) {
+        if ($io->askConfirmation($question, true)) {
             $requirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $input->getOption('require'));
         $input->setOption('require', $requirements);
+        $question = 'Would you like to define your dev dependencies (require-dev) interactively [<comment>yes</comment>]? ';
         $devRequirements = array();
-        if ($dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Would you like to define your dev dependencies (require-dev) interactively', 'yes', '?'), true)) {
+        if ($io->askConfirmation($question, true)) {
             $devRequirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $input->getOption('require-dev'));
         $input->setOption('require-dev', $devRequirements);
+    /**
+     * @private
+     * @param  string $author
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function parseAuthorString($author)
+    {
+        if (preg_match('/^(?P<name>[- \.,\p{L}\p{N}\'’]+) <(?P<email>.+?)>$/u', $author, $match)) {
+            if ($this->isValidEmail($match['email'])) {
+                return array(
+                    'name'  => trim($match['name']),
+                    'email' => $match['email'],
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
+            'Invalid author string.  Must be in the format: '.
+            'John Smith <>'
+        );
+    }
     protected function findPackages($name)
         return $this->getRepos()->search($name);
@@ -301,22 +321,20 @@ EOT
         return $this->repos;
-    protected function determineRequirements(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $requires = array())
+    protected function determineRequirements(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $requires = array(), $phpVersion = null)
-        $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
-        $prompt = $dialog->getQuestion('Search for a package', false, ':');
         if ($requires) {
             $requires = $this->normalizeRequirements($requires);
             $result = array();
+            $io = $this->getIO();
             foreach ($requires as $requirement) {
                 if (!isset($requirement['version'])) {
                     // determine the best version automatically
-                    $version = $this->findBestVersionForPackage($input, $requirement['name']);
+                    $version = $this->findBestVersionForPackage($input, $requirement['name'], $phpVersion);
                     $requirement['version'] = $version;
-                    $this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf(
+                    $io->writeError(sprintf(
                         'Using version <info>%s</info> for <info>%s</info>',
@@ -329,7 +347,9 @@ EOT
             return $result;
-        while (null !== $package = $dialog->ask($output, $prompt)) {
+        $versionParser = new VersionParser();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        while (null !== $package = $io->ask('Search for a package: ')) {
             $matches = $this->findPackages($package);
             if (count($matches)) {
@@ -345,34 +365,49 @@ EOT
                 // no match, prompt which to pick
                 if (!$exactMatch) {
-                    $this->getIO()->writeError(array(
+                    $io->writeError(array(
                         sprintf('Found <info>%s</info> packages matching <info>%s</info>', count($matches), $package),
-                        ''
+                        '',
-                    $this->getIO()->writeError($choices);
-                    $this->getIO()->writeError('');
+                    $io->writeError($choices);
+                    $io->writeError('');
-                    $validator = function ($selection) use ($matches) {
+                    $validator = function ($selection) use ($matches, $versionParser) {
                         if ('' === $selection) {
                             return false;
-                        if (!is_numeric($selection) && preg_match('{^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S.*)\s*$}', $selection, $matches)) {
-                            return $matches[1].' '.$matches[2];
-                        }
+                        if (is_numeric($selection) && isset($matches[(int) $selection])) {
+                            $package = $matches[(int) $selection];
-                        if (!isset($matches[(int) $selection])) {
-                            throw new \Exception('Not a valid selection');
+                            return $package['name'];
-                        $package = $matches[(int) $selection];
+                        if (preg_match('{^\s*(?P<name>[\S/]+)(?:\s+(?P<version>\S+))?\s*$}', $selection, $packageMatches)) {
+                            if (isset($packageMatches['version'])) {
+                                // parsing `acme/example ~2.3`
+                                // validate version constraint
+                                $versionParser->parseConstraints($packageMatches['version']);
+                                return $packageMatches['name'].' '.$packageMatches['version'];
+                            }
-                        return $package['name'];
+                            // parsing `acme/example`
+                            return $packageMatches['name'];
+                        }
+                        throw new \Exception('Not a valid selection');
-                    $package = $dialog->askAndValidate($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Enter package # to add, or the complete package name if it is not listed', false, ':'), $validator, 3);
+                    $package = $io->askAndValidate(
+                        'Enter package # to add, or the complete package name if it is not listed: ',
+                        $validator,
+                        3,
+                        false
+                    );
                 // no constraint yet, determine the best version automatically
@@ -383,16 +418,17 @@ EOT
                         return $input ?: false;
-                    $constraint = $dialog->askAndValidate(
-                        $output,
-                        $dialog->getQuestion('Enter the version constraint to require (or leave blank to use the latest version)', false, ':'),
+                    $constraint = $io->askAndValidate(
+                        'Enter the version constraint to require (or leave blank to use the latest version): ',
-                        3)
-                    ;
+                        3,
+                        false
+                    );
                     if (false === $constraint) {
-                        $constraint = $this->findBestVersionForPackage($input, $package);
+                        $constraint = $this->findBestVersionForPackage($input, $package, $phpVersion);
-                        $this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf(
+                        $io->writeError(sprintf(
                             'Using version <info>%s</info> for <info>%s</info>',
@@ -515,7 +551,7 @@ EOT
         // php <5.3.3 has a very broken email validator, so bypass checks
-        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '<')) {
+        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50303) {
             return true;
@@ -555,14 +591,15 @@ EOT
      * @param  InputInterface            $input
      * @param  string                    $name
-     * @return string
+     * @param  string                    $phpVersion
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+     * @return string
-    private function findBestVersionForPackage(InputInterface $input, $name)
+    private function findBestVersionForPackage(InputInterface $input, $name, $phpVersion)
         // find the latest version allowed in this pool
         $versionSelector = new VersionSelector($this->getPool($input));
-        $package = $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name);
+        $package = $versionSelector->findBestCandidate($name, null, $phpVersion);
         if (!$package) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(

+ 8 - 5

@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class InstallCommand extends Command
                 new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'),
                 new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows more details including new commits pulled in when updating packages.'),
                 new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'),
+                new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'),
                 new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'),
                 new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Should not be provided, use composer require instead to add a given package to composer.json.'),
@@ -64,24 +65,24 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($args = $input->getArgument('packages')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>Invalid argument '.implode(' ', $args).'. Use "composer require '.implode(' ', $args).'" instead to add packages to your composer.json.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>Invalid argument '.implode(' ', $args).'. Use "composer require '.implode(' ', $args).'" instead to add packages to your composer.json.</error>');
             return 1;
         if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.</warning>');
             $input->setOption('no-plugins', true);
         if ($input->getOption('dev')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.</warning>');
         $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins'));
-        $io = $this->getIO();
         $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'install', $input, $output);
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent);
@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ EOT
             $preferDist = $input->getOption('prefer-dist');
-        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
+        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader');
+        $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ EOT
+            ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative)

+ 10 - 13

@@ -13,13 +13,11 @@
 namespace Composer\Command;
 use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent;
 use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table;
-use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableStyle;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
@@ -57,8 +55,6 @@ EOT
         $root = $composer->getPackage();
         $repo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
-        $versionParser = new VersionParser;
         if ($input->getOption('no-dev')) {
             $packages = $this->filterRequiredPackages($repo, $root);
         } else {
@@ -66,14 +62,15 @@ EOT
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         switch ($format = $input->getOption('format')) {
             case 'text':
-                $this->getIO()->write('Name: <comment>'.$root->getPrettyName().'</comment>');
-                $this->getIO()->write('Version: <comment>'.$versionParser->formatVersion($root).'</comment>');
-                $this->getIO()->write('Licenses: <comment>'.(implode(', ', $root->getLicense()) ?: 'none').'</comment>');
-                $this->getIO()->write('Dependencies:');
-                $this->getIO()->write('');
+                $io->write('Name: <comment>'.$root->getPrettyName().'</comment>');
+                $io->write('Version: <comment>'.$root->getFullPrettyVersion().'</comment>');
+                $io->write('Licenses: <comment>'.(implode(', ', $root->getLicense()) ?: 'none').'</comment>');
+                $io->write('Dependencies:');
+                $io->write('');
                 $table = new Table($output);
@@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ EOT
                 foreach ($packages as $package) {
-                        $versionParser->formatVersion($package),
+                        $package->getFullPrettyVersion(),
                         implode(', ', $package->getLicense()) ?: 'none',
@@ -93,14 +90,14 @@ EOT
             case 'json':
                 foreach ($packages as $package) {
                     $dependencies[$package->getPrettyName()] = array(
-                        'version' => $versionParser->formatVersion($package),
+                        'version' => $package->getFullPrettyVersion(),
                         'license' => $package->getLicense(),
-                $this->getIO()->write(JsonFile::encode(array(
+                $io->write(JsonFile::encode(array(
                     'name'         => $root->getPrettyName(),
-                    'version'      => $versionParser->formatVersion($root),
+                    'version'      => $root->getFullPrettyVersion(),
                     'license'      => $root->getLicense(),
                     'dependencies' => $dependencies,

+ 13 - 7

@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ class RemoveCommand extends Command
                 new InputOption('update-no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.'),
                 new InputOption('update-with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated with explicit dependencies.'),
                 new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'),
+                new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'),
+                new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'),
 The <info>remove</info> command removes a package from the current
@@ -68,20 +70,20 @@ EOT
         $type = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require';
         $altType = !$input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require';
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         foreach ($packages as $package) {
             if (isset($composer[$type][$package])) {
                 $json->removeLink($type, $package);
             } elseif (isset($composer[$altType][$package])) {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>'.$package.' could not be found in '.$type.' but it is present in '.$altType.'</warning>');
-                $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
-                if ($this->getIO()->isInteractive()) {
-                    if ($dialog->askConfirmation($output, $dialog->getQuestion('Do you want to remove it from '.$altType, 'yes', '?'), true)) {
+                $io->writeError('<warning>'.$package.' could not be found in '.$type.' but it is present in '.$altType.'</warning>');
+                if ($io->isInteractive()) {
+                    if ($io->askConfirmation('Do you want to remove it from '.$altType.' [<comment>yes</comment>]? ', true)) {
                         $json->removeLink($altType, $package);
             } else {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>'.$package.' is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed</warning>');
+                $io->writeError('<warning>'.$package.' is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed</warning>');
@@ -92,7 +94,6 @@ EOT
         // Update packages
         $composer = $this->getComposer();
-        $io = $this->getIO();
         $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'remove', $input, $output);
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent);
@@ -100,9 +101,14 @@ EOT
         $install = Installer::create($io, $composer);
         $updateDevMode = !$input->getOption('update-no-dev');
+        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('optimize-autoloader');
+        $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $composer->getConfig()->get('classmap-authoritative');
+            ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize)
+            ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative)
@@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ EOT
         $status = $install->run();
         if ($status !== 0) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError("\n".'<error>Removal failed, reverting '.$file.' to its original content.</error>');
+            $io->writeError("\n".'<error>Removal failed, reverting '.$file.' to its original content.</error>');
             file_put_contents($jsonFile->getPath(), $composerBackup);

+ 23 - 10

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\Installer;
 use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
 use Composer\Json\JsonManipulator;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
+use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent;
 use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
 use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ class RequireCommand extends InitCommand
                 new InputOption('update-with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated with explicit dependencies.'),
                 new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'),
                 new InputOption('sort-packages', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Sorts packages when adding/updating a new dependency'),
+                new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'),
+                new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'),
 The require command adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them.
@@ -64,24 +66,29 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $file = Factory::getComposerFile();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         $newlyCreated = !file_exists($file);
         if (!file_exists($file) && !file_put_contents($file, "{\n}\n")) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>'.$file.' could not be created.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>'.$file.' could not be created.</error>');
             return 1;
         if (!is_readable($file)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>'.$file.' is not readable.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>'.$file.' is not readable.</error>');
             return 1;
         if (!is_writable($file)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>'.$file.' is not writable.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>'.$file.' is not writable.</error>');
             return 1;
+        if (filesize($file) === 0) {
+            file_put_contents($file, "{\n}\n");
+        }
         $json = new JsonFile($file);
         $composerDefinition = $json->read();
         $composerBackup = file_get_contents($json->getPath());
@@ -89,12 +96,15 @@ EOT
         $composer = $this->getComposer();
         $repos = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories();
+        $platformOverrides = $composer->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array();
+        // initialize $this->repos as it is used by the parent InitCommand
         $this->repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(
-            array(new PlatformRepository),
+            array(new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides)),
-        $requirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $input->getArgument('packages'));
+        $phpVersion = $this->repos->findPackage('php', '*')->getVersion();
+        $requirements = $this->determineRequirements($input, $output, $input->getArgument('packages'), $phpVersion);
         $requireKey = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require';
         $removeKey = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require' : 'require-dev';
@@ -122,18 +132,19 @@ EOT
-        $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>'.$file.' has been '.($newlyCreated ? 'created' : 'updated').'</info>');
+        $io->writeError('<info>'.$file.' has been '.($newlyCreated ? 'created' : 'updated').'</info>');
         if ($input->getOption('no-update')) {
             return 0;
         $updateDevMode = !$input->getOption('update-no-dev');
+        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('optimize-autoloader');
+        $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $composer->getConfig()->get('classmap-authoritative');
         // Update packages
         $composer = $this->getComposer();
-        $io = $this->getIO();
         $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'require', $input, $output);
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent);
@@ -145,6 +156,8 @@ EOT
+            ->setOptimizeAutoloader($optimize)
+            ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative)
@@ -154,10 +167,10 @@ EOT
         $status = $install->run();
         if ($status !== 0) {
             if ($newlyCreated) {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError("\n".'<error>Installation failed, deleting '.$file.'.</error>');
+                $io->writeError("\n".'<error>Installation failed, deleting '.$file.'.</error>');
             } else {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError("\n".'<error>Installation failed, reverting '.$file.' to its original content.</error>');
+                $io->writeError("\n".'<error>Installation failed, reverting '.$file.' to its original content.</error>');
                 file_put_contents($json->getPath(), $composerBackup);

+ 5 - 3

@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ EOT
         // add the bin dir to the PATH to make local binaries of deps usable in scripts
         $binDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir');
         if (is_dir($binDir)) {
-            putenv('PATH='.realpath($binDir).PATH_SEPARATOR.getenv('PATH'));
+            $_SERVER['PATH'] = realpath($binDir).PATH_SEPARATOR.getenv('PATH');
+            putenv('PATH='.$_SERVER['PATH']);
         $args = $input->getArgument('args');
@@ -103,9 +104,10 @@ EOT
             return 0;
-        $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>scripts:</info>');
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        $io->writeError('<info>scripts:</info>');
         foreach ($scripts as $name => $script) {
-            $this->getIO()->write('  ' . $name);
+            $io->write('  ' . $name);
         return 0;

+ 2 - 1

@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ EOT
         // add the bin dir to the PATH to make local binaries of deps usable in scripts
         $binDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir');
         if (is_dir($binDir)) {
-            putenv('PATH='.realpath($binDir).PATH_SEPARATOR.getenv('PATH'));
+            $_SERVER['PATH'] = realpath($binDir).PATH_SEPARATOR.getenv('PATH');
+            putenv('PATH='.$_SERVER['PATH']);
         $args = $input->getArguments();

+ 4 - 3

@@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ EOT
         // init repos
         $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository;
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($composer = $this->getComposer(false)) {
             $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
             $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepo, $platformRepo));
             $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()));
         } else {
-            $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO());
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
+            $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($io);
+            $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
             $installedRepo = $platformRepo;
             $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $defaultRepos));
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ EOT
         $results = $repos->search(implode(' ', $input->getArgument('tokens')), $flags);
         foreach ($results as $result) {
-            $this->getIO()->write($result['name'] . (isset($result['description']) ? ' '. $result['description'] : ''));
+            $io->write($result['name'] . (isset($result['description']) ? ' '. $result['description'] : ''));

+ 14 - 12

@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ EOT
         $baseUrl = (extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . self::HOMEPAGE;
         $config = Factory::createConfig();
-        $remoteFilesystem = new RemoteFilesystem($this->getIO(), $config);
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        $remoteFilesystem = new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config);
         $cacheDir = $config->get('cache-dir');
         $rollbackDir = $config->get('home');
         $localFilename = realpath($_SERVER['argv'][0]) ?: $_SERVER['argv'][0];
@@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ EOT
         $updateVersion = $input->getArgument('version') ?: $latestVersion;
         if (preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}', $updateVersion) && $updateVersion !== $latestVersion) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>You can not update to a specific SHA-1 as those phars are not available for download</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>You can not update to a specific SHA-1 as those phars are not available for download</error>');
             return 1;
         if (Composer::VERSION === $updateVersion) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>You are already using composer version '.$updateVersion.'.</info>');
+            $io->writeError('<info>You are already using composer version '.$updateVersion.'.</info>');
             return 0;
@@ -104,11 +105,11 @@ EOT
-        $this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf("Updating to version <info>%s</info>.", $updateVersion));
+        $io->writeError(sprintf("Updating to version <info>%s</info>.", $updateVersion));
         $remoteFilename = $baseUrl . (preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}', $updateVersion) ? '/composer.phar' : "/download/{$updateVersion}/composer.phar");
         $remoteFilesystem->copy(self::HOMEPAGE, $remoteFilename, $tempFilename, !$input->getOption('no-progress'));
         if (!file_exists($tempFilename)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>The download of the new composer version failed for an unexpected reason</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>The download of the new composer version failed for an unexpected reason</error>');
             return 1;
@@ -120,22 +121,22 @@ EOT
             $fs = new Filesystem;
             foreach ($finder as $file) {
                 $file = (string) $file;
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>Removing: '.$file.'</info>');
+                $io->writeError('<info>Removing: '.$file.'</info>');
         if ($err = $this->setLocalPhar($localFilename, $tempFilename, $backupFile)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>The file is corrupted ('.$err->getMessage().').</error>');
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>Please re-run the self-update command to try again.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>The file is corrupted ('.$err->getMessage().').</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>Please re-run the self-update command to try again.</error>');
             return 1;
         if (file_exists($backupFile)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('Use <info>composer self-update --rollback</info> to return to version '.Composer::VERSION);
+            $io->writeError('Use <info>composer self-update --rollback</info> to return to version '.Composer::VERSION);
         } else {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>A backup of the current version could not be written to '.$backupFile.', no rollback possible</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<warning>A backup of the current version could not be written to '.$backupFile.', no rollback possible</warning>');
@@ -160,9 +161,10 @@ EOT
         $oldFile = $rollbackDir . "/{$rollbackVersion}" . self::OLD_INSTALL_EXT;
-        $this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf("Rolling back to version <info>%s</info>.", $rollbackVersion));
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        $io->writeError(sprintf("Rolling back to version <info>%s</info>.", $rollbackVersion));
         if ($err = $this->setLocalPhar($localFilename, $oldFile)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>The backup file was corrupted ('.$err->getMessage().') and has been removed.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>The backup file was corrupted ('.$err->getMessage().') and has been removed.</error>');
             return 1;

+ 86 - 49

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\DefaultPolicy;
 use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
+use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent;
 use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\ComposerRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
+use Composer\Spdx\SpdxLicenses;
  * @author Robert Schönthal <>
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ EOT
         $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository;
         $composer = $this->getComposer(false);
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($input->getOption('self')) {
             $package = $this->getComposer()->getPackage();
             $repos = $installedRepo = new ArrayRepository(array($package));
@@ -82,17 +84,17 @@ EOT
             if ($composer) {
                 $repos = new CompositeRepository($composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories());
             } else {
-                $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO());
+                $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($io);
                 $repos = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos);
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
+                $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
         } elseif ($composer) {
             $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
             $installedRepo = new CompositeRepository(array($localRepo, $platformRepo));
             $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()));
         } else {
-            $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO());
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
+            $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($io);
+            $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
             $installedRepo = $platformRepo;
             $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($installedRepo), $defaultRepos));
@@ -115,18 +117,18 @@ EOT
                 $versions = array($package->getPrettyVersion() => $package->getVersion());
-            $this->printMeta($input, $output, $package, $versions, $installedRepo, $repos);
-            $this->printLinks($input, $output, $package, 'requires');
-            $this->printLinks($input, $output, $package, 'devRequires', 'requires (dev)');
+            $this->printMeta($package, $versions, $installedRepo);
+            $this->printLinks($package, 'requires');
+            $this->printLinks($package, 'devRequires', 'requires (dev)');
             if ($package->getSuggests()) {
-                $this->getIO()->write("\n<info>suggests</info>");
+                $io->write("\n<info>suggests</info>");
                 foreach ($package->getSuggests() as $suggested => $reason) {
-                    $this->getIO()->write($suggested . ' <comment>' . $reason . '</comment>');
+                    $io->write($suggested . ' <comment>' . $reason . '</comment>');
-            $this->printLinks($input, $output, $package, 'provides');
-            $this->printLinks($input, $output, $package, 'conflicts');
-            $this->printLinks($input, $output, $package, 'replaces');
+            $this->printLinks($package, 'provides');
+            $this->printLinks($package, 'conflicts');
+            $this->printLinks($package, 'replaces');
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ EOT
         foreach (array('<info>platform</info>:' => true, '<comment>available</comment>:' => false, '<info>installed</info>:' => true) as $type => $showVersion) {
             if (isset($packages[$type])) {
                 if ($tree) {
-                    $this->getIO()->write($type);
+                    $io->write($type);
@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ EOT
                 foreach ($packages[$type] as $package) {
                     if (is_object($package)) {
                         $nameLength = max($nameLength, strlen($package->getPrettyName()));
-                        $versionLength = max($versionLength, strlen($this->versionParser->formatVersion($package)));
+                        $versionLength = max($versionLength, strlen($package->getFullPrettyVersion()));
                     } else {
                         $nameLength = max($nameLength, $package);
@@ -195,6 +197,11 @@ EOT
+                if ($input->getOption('path') && null === $composer) {
+                    $io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, disabling "path" option');
+                    $input->setOption('path', false);
+                }
                 $writePath = !$input->getOption('name-only') && $input->getOption('path');
                 $writeVersion = !$input->getOption('name-only') && !$input->getOption('path') && $showVersion && ($nameLength + $versionLength + 3 <= $width);
                 $writeDescription = !$input->getOption('name-only') && !$input->getOption('path') && ($nameLength + ($showVersion ? $versionLength : 0) + 24 <= $width);
@@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ EOT
                         $output->write($indent . str_pad($package->getPrettyName(), $nameLength, ' '), false);
                         if ($writeVersion) {
-                            $output->write(' ' . str_pad($this->versionParser->formatVersion($package), $versionLength, ' '), false);
+                            $output->write(' ' . str_pad($package->getFullPrettyVersion(), $versionLength, ' '), false);
                         if ($writeDescription) {
@@ -222,10 +229,10 @@ EOT
                     } else {
                         $output->write($indent . $package);
-                    $this->getIO()->write('');
+                    $io->write('');
                 if ($tree) {
-                    $this->getIO()->write('');
+                    $io->write('');
@@ -238,8 +245,8 @@ EOT
      * @param  RepositoryInterface       $repos
      * @param  string                    $name
      * @param  string                    $version
-     * @return array                     array(CompletePackageInterface, array of versions)
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+     * @return array                     array(CompletePackageInterface, array of versions)
     protected function getPackage(RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $repos, $name, $version = null)
@@ -272,9 +279,9 @@ EOT
             $matches[$index] = $package->getId();
-        // select prefered package according to policy rules
-        if (!$matchedPackage && $matches && $prefered = $policy->selectPreferedPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) {
-            $matchedPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($prefered[0]);
+        // select preferred package according to policy rules
+        if (!$matchedPackage && $matches && $preferred = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) {
+            $matchedPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($preferred[0]);
         return array($matchedPackage, $versions);
@@ -283,55 +290,56 @@ EOT
      * prints package meta data
-    protected function printMeta(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $repos)
+    protected function printMeta(CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo)
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>name</info>     : ' . $package->getPrettyName());
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>descrip.</info> : ' . $package->getDescription());
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>keywords</info> : ' . join(', ', $package->getKeywords() ?: array()));
-        $this->printVersions($input, $output, $package, $versions, $installedRepo, $repos);
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>type</info>     : ' . $package->getType());
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>license</info>  : ' . implode(', ', $package->getLicense()));
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>source</info>   : ' . sprintf('[%s] <comment>%s</comment> %s', $package->getSourceType(), $package->getSourceUrl(), $package->getSourceReference()));
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>dist</info>     : ' . sprintf('[%s] <comment>%s</comment> %s', $package->getDistType(), $package->getDistUrl(), $package->getDistReference()));
-        $this->getIO()->write('<info>names</info>    : ' . implode(', ', $package->getNames()));
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        $io->write('<info>name</info>     : ' . $package->getPrettyName());
+        $io->write('<info>descrip.</info> : ' . $package->getDescription());
+        $io->write('<info>keywords</info> : ' . join(', ', $package->getKeywords() ?: array()));
+        $this->printVersions($package, $versions, $installedRepo);
+        $io->write('<info>type</info>     : ' . $package->getType());
+        $this->printLicenses($package);
+        $io->write('<info>source</info>   : ' . sprintf('[%s] <comment>%s</comment> %s', $package->getSourceType(), $package->getSourceUrl(), $package->getSourceReference()));
+        $io->write('<info>dist</info>     : ' . sprintf('[%s] <comment>%s</comment> %s', $package->getDistType(), $package->getDistUrl(), $package->getDistReference()));
+        $io->write('<info>names</info>    : ' . implode(', ', $package->getNames()));
         if ($package->isAbandoned()) {
             $replacement = ($package->getReplacementPackage() !== null)
                 ? ' The author suggests using the ' . $package->getReplacementPackage(). ' package instead.'
                 : null;
-            $this->getIO()->writeError(
-                sprintf('<error>Attention: This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.%s</error>', $replacement)
+            $io->writeError(
+                sprintf('<warning>Attention: This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.%s</warning>', $replacement)
         if ($package->getSupport()) {
-            $this->getIO()->write("\n<info>support</info>");
+            $io->write("\n<info>support</info>");
             foreach ($package->getSupport() as $type => $value) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('<comment>' . $type . '</comment> : '.$value);
+                $io->write('<comment>' . $type . '</comment> : '.$value);
         if ($package->getAutoload()) {
-            $this->getIO()->write("\n<info>autoload</info>");
+            $io->write("\n<info>autoload</info>");
             foreach ($package->getAutoload() as $type => $autoloads) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('<comment>' . $type . '</comment>');
+                $io->write('<comment>' . $type . '</comment>');
                 if ($type === 'psr-0') {
                     foreach ($autoloads as $name => $path) {
-                        $this->getIO()->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.')));
+                        $io->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.')));
                 } elseif ($type === 'psr-4') {
                     foreach ($autoloads as $name => $path) {
-                        $this->getIO()->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.')));
+                        $io->write(($name ?: '*') . ' => ' . (is_array($path) ? implode(', ', $path) : ($path ?: '.')));
                 } elseif ($type === 'classmap') {
-                    $this->getIO()->write(implode(', ', $autoloads));
+                    $io->write(implode(', ', $autoloads));
             if ($package->getIncludePaths()) {
-                $this->getIO()->write('<comment>include-path</comment>');
-                $this->getIO()->write(implode(', ', $package->getIncludePaths()));
+                $io->write('<comment>include-path</comment>');
+                $io->write(implode(', ', $package->getIncludePaths()));
@@ -339,7 +347,7 @@ EOT
      * prints all available versions of this package and highlights the installed one if any
-    protected function printVersions(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo, RepositoryInterface $repos)
+    protected function printVersions(CompletePackageInterface $package, array $versions, RepositoryInterface $installedRepo)
         uasort($versions, 'version_compare');
         $versions = array_keys(array_reverse($versions));
@@ -361,21 +369,50 @@ EOT
      * print link objects
-     * @param InputInterface           $input
-     * @param OutputInterface          $output
      * @param CompletePackageInterface $package
      * @param string                   $linkType
      * @param string                   $title
-    protected function printLinks(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, CompletePackageInterface $package, $linkType, $title = null)
+    protected function printLinks(CompletePackageInterface $package, $linkType, $title = null)
         $title = $title ?: $linkType;
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($links = $package->{'get'.ucfirst($linkType)}()) {
-            $this->getIO()->write("\n<info>" . $title . "</info>");
+            $io->write("\n<info>" . $title . "</info>");
             foreach ($links as $link) {
-                $this->getIO()->write($link->getTarget() . ' <comment>' . $link->getPrettyConstraint() . '</comment>');
+                $io->write($link->getTarget() . ' <comment>' . $link->getPrettyConstraint() . '</comment>');
+    /**
+     * Prints the licenses of a package with metadata
+     *
+     * @param CompletePackageInterface $package
+     */
+    protected function printLicenses(CompletePackageInterface $package)
+    {
+        $spdxLicenses = new SpdxLicenses();
+        $licenses = $package->getLicense();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        foreach ($licenses as $licenseId) {
+            $license = $spdxLicenses->getLicenseByIdentifier($licenseId); // keys: 0 fullname, 1 osi, 2 url
+            if (!$license) {
+                $out = $licenseId;
+            } else {
+                // is license OSI approved?
+                if ($license[1] === true) {
+                    $out = sprintf('%s (%s) (OSI approved) %s', $license[0], $licenseId, $license[2]);
+                } else {
+                    $out = sprintf('%s (%s) %s', $license[0], $licenseId, $license[2]);
+                }
+            }
+            $io->write('<info>license</info>  : ' . $out);
+        }
+    }

+ 11 - 6

@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ EOT
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchScript(ScriptEvents::PRE_STATUS_CMD, true);
         $errors = array();
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         // list packages
         foreach ($installedRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
@@ -68,6 +69,10 @@ EOT
             if ($downloader instanceof ChangeReportInterface) {
                 $targetDir = $im->getInstallPath($package);
+                if (is_link($targetDir)) {
+                    $errors[$targetDir] = $targetDir . ' is a symbolic link.';
+                }
                 if ($changes = $downloader->getLocalChanges($package, $targetDir)) {
                     $errors[$targetDir] = $changes;
@@ -76,9 +81,9 @@ EOT
         // output errors/warnings
         if (!$errors) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>No local changes</info>');
+            $io->writeError('<info>No local changes</info>');
         } else {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>You have changes in the following dependencies:</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>You have changes in the following dependencies:</error>');
         foreach ($errors as $path => $changes) {
@@ -86,15 +91,15 @@ EOT
                 $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) {
                     return '    ' . ltrim($line);
                 }, explode("\n", $changes)));
-                $this->getIO()->write('<info>'.$path.'</info>:');
-                $this->getIO()->write($indentedChanges);
+                $io->write('<info>'.$path.'</info>:');
+                $io->write($indentedChanges);
             } else {
-                $this->getIO()->write($path);
+                $io->write($path);
         if ($errors && !$input->getOption('verbose')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('Use --verbose (-v) to see modified files');
+            $io->writeError('Use --verbose (-v) to see modified files');
         // Dispatch post-status-command

+ 98 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * This file is part of Composer.
+ *
+ * (c) Nils Adermann <>
+ *     Jordi Boggiano <>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Composer\Command;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
+class SuggestsCommand extends Command
+    protected function configure()
+    {
+        $this
+            ->setName('suggests')
+            ->setDescription('Show package suggestions')
+            ->setDefinition(array(
+                new InputOption('no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Exclude suggestions from require-dev packages'),
+                new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Packages that you want to list suggestions from.'),
+            ))
+            ->setHelp(<<<EOT
+The <info></info> command shows suggested packages.
+With <info>-v</info> you also see which package suggested it and why.
+            )
+        ;
+    }
+    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
+    {
+        $lock = $this->getComposer()->getLocker()->getLockData();
+        if (empty($lock)) {
+            throw new \RuntimeException('Lockfile seems to be empty?');
+        }
+        $packages = $lock['packages'];
+        if (!$input->getOption('no-dev')) {
+            $packages += $lock['packages-dev'];
+        }
+        $filter = $input->getArgument('packages');
+        foreach ($packages as $package) {
+            if (empty($package['suggest'])) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (!empty($filter) && !in_array($package['name'], $filter)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $this->printSuggestions($packages, $package['name'], $package['suggest']);
+        }
+    }
+    protected function printSuggestions($installed, $source, $suggestions)
+    {
+        foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion => $reason) {
+            foreach ($installed as $package) {
+                if ($package['name'] === $suggestion) {
+                    continue 2;
+                }
+            }
+            if (empty($reason)) {
+                $reason = '*';
+            }
+            $this->printSuggestion($source, $suggestion, $reason);
+        }
+    }
+    protected function printSuggestion($package, $suggestion, $reason)
+    {
+        $io = $this->getIO();
+        if ($io->isVerbose()) {
+            $io->write(sprintf('<comment>%s</comment> suggests <info>%s</info>: %s', $package, $suggestion, $reason));
+        } else {
+            $io->write(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', $suggestion));
+        }
+    }

+ 7 - 4

@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class UpdateCommand extends Command
                 new InputOption('with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist.'),
                 new InputOption('verbose', 'v|vv|vvv', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Shows more details including new commits pulled in when updating packages.'),
                 new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump.'),
+                new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'),
                 new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'),
                 new InputOption('prefer-stable', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'),
                 new InputOption('prefer-lowest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'),
@@ -74,18 +75,18 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if ($input->getOption('no-custom-installers')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "no-custom-installers". Use "no-plugins" instead.</warning>');
             $input->setOption('no-plugins', true);
         if ($input->getOption('dev')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now.</warning>');
         $composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins'));
-        $io = $this->getIO();
         $commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'update', $input, $output);
         $composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent);
@@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ EOT
             $preferDist = $input->getOption('prefer-dist');
-        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
+        $optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $config->get('optimize-autoloader');
+        $authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $config->get('classmap-authoritative');
@@ -125,6 +127,7 @@ EOT
+            ->setClassMapAuthoritative($authoritative)
             ->setUpdateWhitelist($input->getOption('lock') ? array('lock') : $input->getArgument('packages'))

+ 77 - 26

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 namespace Composer\Command;
+use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\Package\Loader\ValidatingArrayLoader;
 use Composer\Util\ConfigValidator;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
@@ -34,14 +35,22 @@ class ValidateCommand extends Command
-            ->setDescription('Validates a composer.json')
+            ->setDescription('Validates a composer.json and composer.lock')
                 new InputOption('no-check-all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not make a complete validation'),
+                new InputOption('no-check-lock', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not check if lock file is up to date'),
                 new InputOption('no-check-publish', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not check for publish errors'),
-                new InputArgument('file', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'path to composer.json file', './composer.json')
+                new InputOption('with-dependencies', 'A', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Also validate the composer.json of all installed dependencies'),
+                new InputOption('strict', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Return a non-zero exit code for warnings as well as errors'),
+                new InputArgument('file', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'path to composer.json file', './composer.json'),
-The validate command validates a given composer.json
+The validate command validates a given composer.json and composer.lock
+Exit codes in case of errors are:
+1 validation warning(s), only when --strict is given
+2 validation error(s)
+3 file unreadable or missing
@@ -56,35 +65,86 @@ EOT
     protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $file = $input->getArgument('file');
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>' . $file . ' not found.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>' . $file . ' not found.</error>');
-            return 1;
+            return 3;
         if (!is_readable($file)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>' . $file . ' is not readable.</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>' . $file . ' is not readable.</error>');
-            return 1;
+            return 3;
-        $validator = new ConfigValidator($this->getIO());
+        $validator = new ConfigValidator($io);
         $checkAll = $input->getOption('no-check-all') ? 0 : ValidatingArrayLoader::CHECK_ALL;
         $checkPublish = !$input->getOption('no-check-publish');
+        $checkLock = !$input->getOption('no-check-lock');
+        $isStrict = $input->getOption('strict');
         list($errors, $publishErrors, $warnings) = $validator->validate($file, $checkAll);
-        // output errors/warnings
+        $lockErrors = array();
+        $composer = Factory::create($io, $file);
+        $locker = $composer->getLocker();
+        if ($locker->isLocked() && !$locker->isFresh()) {
+            $lockErrors[] = 'The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json.';
+        }
+        $this->outputResult($io, $file, $errors, $warnings, $checkPublish, $publishErrors, $checkLock, $lockErrors, true);
+        $exitCode = $errors || ($publishErrors && $checkPublish) || ($lockErrors && $checkLock) ? 2 : ($isStrict && $warnings ? 1 : 0);
+        if ($input->getOption('with-dependencies')) {
+            $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
+            foreach ($localRepo->getPackages() as $package) {
+                $path = $composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package);
+                $file = $path . '/composer.json';
+                if (is_dir($path) && file_exists($file)) {
+                    list($errors, $publishErrors, $warnings) = $validator->validate($file, $checkAll);
+                    $this->outputResult($io, $package->getPrettyName(), $errors, $warnings, $checkPublish, $publishErrors);
+                    $depCode = $errors || ($publishErrors && $checkPublish) ? 2 : ($isStrict && $warnings ? 1 : 0);
+                    $exitCode = max($depCode, $exitCode);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $exitCode;
+    }
+    private function outputResult($io, $name, &$errors, &$warnings, $checkPublish = false, $publishErrors = array(), $checkLock = false, $lockErrors = array(), $printSchemaUrl = false)
+    {
         if (!$errors && !$publishErrors && !$warnings) {
-            $this->getIO()->write('<info>' . $file . ' is valid</info>');
+            $io->write('<info>' . $name . ' is valid</info>');
         } elseif (!$errors && !$publishErrors) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>' . $file . ' is valid, but with a few warnings</info>');
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>See for details on the schema</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<info>' . $name . ' is valid, but with a few warnings</info>');
+            if ($printSchemaUrl) {
+                $io->writeError('<warning>See for details on the schema</warning>');
+            }
         } elseif (!$errors) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>' . $file . ' is valid for simple usage with composer but has</info>');
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package:</info>');
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>See for details on the schema</warning>');
+            $io->writeError('<info>' . $name . ' is valid for simple usage with composer but has</info>');
+            $io->writeError('<info>strict errors that make it unable to be published as a package:</info>');
+            if ($printSchemaUrl) {
+                $io->writeError('<warning>See for details on the schema</warning>');
+            }
         } else {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>' . $file . ' is invalid, the following errors/warnings were found:</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>' . $name . ' is invalid, the following errors/warnings were found:</error>');
+        }
+        // If checking publish errors, display them as errors, otherwise just show them as warnings
+        if ($checkPublish) {
+            $errors = array_merge($errors, $publishErrors);
+        } else {
+            $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $publishErrors);
+        }
+        // If checking lock errors, display them as errors, otherwise just show them as warnings
+        if ($checkLock) {
+            $errors = array_merge($errors, $lockErrors);
+        } else {
+            $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $lockErrors);
         $messages = array(
@@ -92,19 +152,10 @@ EOT
             'warning' => $warnings,
-        // If checking publish errors, display them errors, otherwise just show them as warnings
-        if ($checkPublish) {
-            $messages['error'] = array_merge($messages['error'], $publishErrors);
-        } else {
-            $messages['warning'] = array_merge($messages['warning'], $publishErrors);
-        }
         foreach ($messages as $style => $msgs) {
             foreach ($msgs as $msg) {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('<' . $style . '>' . $msg . '</' . $style . '>');
+                $io->writeError('<' . $style . '>' . $msg . '</' . $style . '>');
-        return $errors || ($publishErrors && $checkPublish) ? 1 : 0;

+ 26 - 9

@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
 namespace Composer;
 use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
+use Composer\Spdx\SpdxLicenses;
 use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
 use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
+use Seld\PharUtils\Timestamps;
  * The Compiler class compiles composer into a phar
@@ -31,8 +33,8 @@ class Compiler
      * Compiles composer into a single phar file
-     * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @param  string            $pharFile The full path to the file to create
+     * @throws \RuntimeException
     public function compile($pharFile = 'composer.phar')
@@ -51,9 +53,8 @@ class Compiler
             throw new \RuntimeException('Can\'t run git log. You must ensure to run compile from composer git repository clone and that git binary is available.');
-        $date = new \DateTime(trim($process->getOutput()));
-        $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
-        $this->versionDate = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+        $this->versionDate = new \DateTime(trim($process->getOutput()));
+        $this->versionDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         $process = new Process('git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD');
         if ($process->run() == 0) {
@@ -73,6 +74,10 @@ class Compiler
+        $finderSort = function ($a, $b) {
+            return strcmp(strtr($a->getRealPath(), '\\', '/'), strtr($b->getRealPath(), '\\', '/'));
+        };
         $finder = new Finder();
@@ -80,6 +85,7 @@ class Compiler
+            ->sort($finderSort)
         foreach ($finder as $file) {
@@ -90,13 +96,15 @@ class Compiler
         $finder = new Finder();
-            ->in(__DIR__ . '/../../res')
+            ->in(__DIR__.'/../../res')
+            ->in(SpdxLicenses::getResourcesDir())
+            ->sort($finderSort)
         foreach ($finder as $file) {
             $this->addFile($phar, $file, false);
-        $this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . '/../../src/Composer/IO/hiddeninput.exe'), false);
+        $this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/seld/cli-prompt/res/hiddeninput.exe'), false);
         $finder = new Finder();
@@ -108,7 +116,11 @@ class Compiler
+            ->in(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/seld/cli-prompt/')
+            ->in(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/composer/spdx-licenses/')
+            ->in(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/composer/semver/')
+            ->sort($finderSort)
         foreach ($finder as $file) {
@@ -137,6 +149,11 @@ class Compiler
         $this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../LICENSE'), false);
+        // re-sign the phar with reproducible timestamp / signature
+        $util = new Timestamps($pharFile);
+        $util->updateTimestamps($this->versionDate);
+        $util->save($pharFile, \Phar::SHA1);
     private function addFile($phar, $file, $strip = true)
@@ -153,7 +170,7 @@ class Compiler
         if ($path === 'src/Composer/Composer.php') {
             $content = str_replace('@package_version@', $this->version, $content);
             $content = str_replace('@package_branch_alias_version@', $this->branchAliasVersion, $content);
-            $content = str_replace('@release_date@', $this->versionDate, $content);
+            $content = str_replace('@release_date@', $this->versionDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $content);
         $phar->addFromString($path, $content);
@@ -229,9 +246,9 @@ Phar::mapPhar('composer.phar');
-        // add warning once the phar is older than 30 days
+        // add warning once the phar is older than 60 days
         if (preg_match('{^[a-f0-9]+$}', $this->version)) {
-            $warningTime = time() + 30*86400;
+            $warningTime = $this->versionDate->format('U') + 60 * 86400;
             $stub .= "define('COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME', $warningTime);\n";

+ 20 - 5

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class Config
         'cache-ttl' => 15552000, // 6 months
         'cache-files-ttl' => null, // fallback to cache-ttl
         'cache-files-maxsize' => '300MiB',
+        'bin-compat' => 'auto',
         'discard-changes' => false,
         'autoloader-suffix' => null,
         'optimize-autoloader' => false,
@@ -45,6 +46,9 @@ class Config
         'github-expose-hostname' => true,
         'gitlab-domains' => array(''),
         'store-auths' => 'prompt',
+        'platform' => array(),
+        'archive-format' => 'tar',
+        'archive-dir' => '.',
         // valid keys without defaults (auth config stuff):
         // github-oauth
         // http-basic
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ class Config
             'type' => 'composer',
             'url' => 'https?://',
             'allow_ssl_downgrade' => true,
-        )
+        ),
     private $config;
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ class Config
     private $useEnvironment;
-     * @param boolean $useEnvironment Use COMPOSER_ environment variables to replace config settings
+     * @param bool $useEnvironment Use COMPOSER_ environment variables to replace config settings
     public function __construct($useEnvironment = true, $baseDir = null)
@@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ class Config
                     return $val;
-                return ($flags & self::RELATIVE_PATHS == 1) ? $val : $this->realpath($val);
+                return ($flags & self::RELATIVE_PATHS == self::RELATIVE_PATHS) ? $val : $this->realpath($val);
             case 'cache-ttl':
                 return (int) $this->config[$key];
@@ -216,6 +220,17 @@ class Config
             case 'home':
                 return rtrim($this->process($this->config[$key], $flags), '/\\');
+            case 'bin-compat':
+                $value = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_BIN_COMPAT') ?: $this->config[$key];
+                if (!in_array($value, array('auto', 'full'))) {
+                    throw new \RuntimeException(
+                        "Invalid value for 'bin-compat': {$value}. Expected auto, full"
+                    );
+                }
+                return $value;
             case 'discard-changes':
                 if ($env = $this->getComposerEnv('COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES')) {
                     if (!in_array($env, array('stash', 'true', 'false', '1', '0'), true)) {
@@ -329,8 +344,8 @@ class Config
      * This should be used to read COMPOSER_ environment variables
      * that overload config values.
-     * @param  string         $var
-     * @return string|boolean
+     * @param  string      $var
+     * @return string|bool
     private function getComposerEnv($var)

+ 2 - 2

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class JsonConfigSource implements ConfigSourceInterface
     public function addConfigSetting($name, $value)
         $this->manipulateJson('addConfigSetting', $name, $value, function (&$config, $key, $val) {
-            if ($key === 'github-oauth' || $key === 'http-basic') {
+            if (preg_match('{^(github-oauth|http-basic|platform)\.}', $key)) {
                 list($key, $host) = explode('.', $key, 2);
                 if ($this->authConfig) {
                     $config[$key][$host] = $val;
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class JsonConfigSource implements ConfigSourceInterface
     public function removeConfigSetting($name)
         $this->manipulateJson('removeConfigSetting', $name, function (&$config, $key) {
-            if ($key === 'github-oauth' || $key === 'http-basic') {
+            if (preg_match('{^(github-oauth|http-basic|platform)\.}', $key)) {
                 list($key, $host) = explode('.', $key, 2);
                 if ($this->authConfig) {

+ 20 - 28

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatter;
 use Composer\Command;
-use Composer\Command\Helper\DialogHelper;
 use Composer\Composer;
 use Composer\Factory;
 use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
-        ErrorHandler::register();
         parent::__construct('Composer', Composer::VERSION);
@@ -90,9 +88,11 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
     public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         $this->io = new ConsoleIO($input, $output, $this->getHelperSet());
+        ErrorHandler::register($this->io);
+        $io = $this->getIO();
-        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.2', '<')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>Composer only officially supports PHP 5.3.2 and above, you will most likely encounter problems with your PHP '.PHP_VERSION.', upgrading is strongly recommended.</warning>');
+        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50302) {
+            $io->writeError('<warning>Composer only officially supports PHP 5.3.2 and above, you will most likely encounter problems with your PHP '.PHP_VERSION.', upgrading is strongly recommended.</warning>');
         if (defined('COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME')) {
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
             if ($commandName !== 'self-update' && $commandName !== 'selfupdate') {
                 if (time() > COMPOSER_DEV_WARNING_TIME) {
-                    $this->getIO()->writeError(sprintf('<warning>Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "%s self-update" to get the latest version.</warning>', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
+                    $io->writeError(sprintf('<warning>Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "%s self-update" to get the latest version.</warning>', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
         if ($newWorkDir = $this->getNewWorkingDir($input)) {
             $oldWorkingDir = getcwd();
-            if ($this->getIO()->isDebug() >= 4) {
-                $this->getIO()->writeError('Changed CWD to ' . getcwd());
+            if ($io->isDebug() >= 4) {
+                $io->writeError('Changed CWD to ' . getcwd());
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
                 foreach ($composer['scripts'] as $script => $dummy) {
                     if (!defined('Composer\Script\ScriptEvents::'.str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($script)))) {
                         if ($this->has($script)) {
-                            $this->getIO()->writeError('<warning>A script named '.$script.' would override a native Composer function and has been skipped</warning>');
+                            $io->writeError('<warning>A script named '.$script.' would override a native Composer function and has been skipped</warning>');
                         } else {
                             $this->add(new Command\ScriptAliasCommand($script));
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
         if (isset($startTime)) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<info>Memory usage: '.round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MB (peak: '.round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MB), time: '.round(microtime(true) - $startTime, 2).'s');
+            $io->writeError('<info>Memory usage: '.round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MB (peak: '.round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MB), time: '.round(microtime(true) - $startTime, 2).'s');
         return $result;
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
      * @param  InputInterface    $input
-     * @return string
      * @throws \RuntimeException
+     * @return string
     private function getNewWorkingDir(InputInterface $input)
         $workingDir = $input->getParameterOption(array('--working-dir', '-d'));
         if (false !== $workingDir && !is_dir($workingDir)) {
-            throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid working directory specified.');
+            throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid working directory specified, '.$workingDir.' does not exist.');
         return $workingDir;
@@ -177,30 +177,32 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
     public function renderException($exception, $output)
+        $io = $this->getIO();
         try {
             $composer = $this->getComposer(false, true);
             if ($composer) {
                 $config = $composer->getConfig();
-                $minSpaceFree = 1024*1024;
+                $minSpaceFree = 1024 * 1024;
                 if ((($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)
                     || (($df = @disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)
                     || (($df = @disk_free_space($dir = sys_get_temp_dir())) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)
                 ) {
-                    $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>The disk hosting '.$dir.' is full, this may be the cause of the following exception</error>');
+                    $io->writeError('<error>The disk hosting '.$dir.' is full, this may be the cause of the following exception</error>');
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') && false !== strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'The system cannot find the path specified')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>The following exception may be caused by a stale entry in your cmd.exe AutoRun</error>');
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>Check for details</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>The following exception may be caused by a stale entry in your cmd.exe AutoRun</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>Check for details</error>');
         if (false !== strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'fork failed - Cannot allocate memory')) {
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>The following exception is caused by a lack of memory and not having swap configured</error>');
-            $this->getIO()->writeError('<error>Check for details</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>The following exception is caused by a lack of memory and not having swap configured</error>');
+            $io->writeError('<error>Check for details</error>');
         if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
@@ -273,6 +275,7 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
         $commands[] = new Command\SearchCommand();
         $commands[] = new Command\ValidateCommand();
         $commands[] = new Command\ShowCommand();
+        $commands[] = new Command\SuggestsCommand();
         $commands[] = new Command\RequireCommand();
         $commands[] = new Command\DumpAutoloadCommand();
         $commands[] = new Command\StatusCommand();
@@ -321,15 +324,4 @@ class Application extends BaseApplication
         return $definition;
-    /**
-     * {@inheritDoc}
-     */
-    protected function getDefaultHelperSet()
-    {
-        $helperSet = parent::getDefaultHelperSet();
-        $helperSet->set(new DialogHelper());
-        return $helperSet;
-    }

+ 5 - 3

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class HtmlOutputFormatter extends OutputFormatter
         34 => 'blue',
         35 => 'magenta',
         36 => 'cyan',
-        37 => 'white'
+        37 => 'white',
     private static $availableBackgroundColors = array(
         40 => 'black',
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class HtmlOutputFormatter extends OutputFormatter
         44 => 'blue',
         45 => 'magenta',
         46 => 'cyan',
-        47 => 'white'
+        47 => 'white',
     private static $availableOptions = array(
         1 => 'bold',
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ class HtmlOutputFormatter extends OutputFormatter
         $formatted = parent::format($message);
-        return preg_replace_callback("{\033\[([0-9;]+)m(.*?)\033\[0m}s", array($this, 'formatHtml'), $formatted);
+        $clearEscapeCodes = '(?:39|49|0|22|24|25|27|28)';
+        return preg_replace_callback("{\033\[([0-9;]+)m(.*?)\033\[(?:".$clearEscapeCodes.";)*?".$clearEscapeCodes."m}s", array($this, 'formatHtml'), $formatted);
     private function formatHtml($matches)

+ 0 - 83

@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Composer.
- *
- * (c) Nils Adermann <>
- *     Jordi Boggiano <>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
- * @author Nils Adermann <>
- */
-class DebugSolver extends Solver
-    protected function printDecisionMap()
-    {
-        echo "\nDecisionMap: \n";
-        foreach ($this->decisionMap as $packageId => $level) {
-            if ($packageId === 0) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if ($level > 0) {
-                echo '    +' . $this->pool->packageById($packageId)."\n";
-            } elseif ($level < 0) {
-                echo '    -' . $this->pool->packageById($packageId)."\n";
-            } else {
-                echo '    ?' . $this->pool->packageById($packageId)."\n";
-            }
-        }
-        echo "\n";
-    }
-    protected function printDecisionQueue()
-    {
-        echo "DecisionQueue: \n";
-        foreach ($this->decisionQueue as $i => $literal) {
-            echo '    ' . $this->pool->literalToString($literal) . ' ' . $this->decisionQueueWhy[$i]." level ".$this->decisionMap[abs($literal)]."\n";
-        }
-        echo "\n";
-    }
-    protected function printWatches()
-    {
-        echo "\nWatches:\n";
-        foreach ($this->watches as $literalId => $watch) {
-            echo '  '.$this->literalFromId($literalId)."\n";
-            $queue = array(array('    ', $watch));
-            while (!empty($queue)) {
-                list($indent, $watch) = array_pop($queue);
-                echo $indent.$watch;
-                if ($watch) {
-                    echo ' [id='.$watch->getId().',watch1='.$this->literalFromId($watch->watch1).',watch2='.$this->literalFromId($watch->watch2)."]";
-                }
-                echo "\n";
-                if ($watch && ($watch->next1 == $watch || $watch->next2 == $watch)) {
-                    if ($watch->next1 == $watch) {
-                        echo $indent."    1 *RECURSION*";
-                    }
-                    if ($watch->next2 == $watch) {
-                        echo $indent."    2 *RECURSION*";
-                    }
-                } elseif ($watch && ($watch->next1 || $watch->next2)) {
-                    $indent = str_replace(array('1', '2'), ' ', $indent);
-                    array_push($queue, array($indent.'    2 ', $watch->next2));
-                    array_push($queue, array($indent.'    1 ', $watch->next1));
-                }
-            }
-            echo "\n";
-        }
-    }

+ 16 - 6

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
 use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
 use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
-use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\VersionConstraint;
+use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
  * @author Nils Adermann <>
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class DefaultPolicy implements PolicyInterface
             return BasePackage::$stabilities[$stabA] < BasePackage::$stabilities[$stabB];
-        $constraint = new VersionConstraint($operator, $b->getVersion());
-        $version = new VersionConstraint('==', $a->getVersion());
+        $constraint = new Constraint($operator, $b->getVersion());
+        $version = new Constraint('==', $a->getVersion());
         return $constraint->matchSpecific($version, true);
@@ -62,7 +62,17 @@ class DefaultPolicy implements PolicyInterface
         return $pool->getPriority($package->getRepository());
+    /**
+     * @deprecated Method has been renamed to selectPreferredPackages, you should update usages
+     */
     public function selectPreferedPackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals, $requiredPackage = null)
+    {
+        trigger_error('Method selectPreferedPackages is deprecated and replaced by selectPreferredPackages, please update your usage', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
+        return $this->selectPreferredPackages($pool, $installedMap, $literals, $requiredPackage);
+    }
+    public function selectPreferredPackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals, $requiredPackage = null)
         $packages = $this->groupLiteralsByNamePreferInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $literals);
@@ -74,10 +84,10 @@ class DefaultPolicy implements PolicyInterface
         foreach ($packages as &$literals) {
-            $literals = $this->pruneToBestVersion($pool, $literals);
             $literals = $this->pruneToHighestPriorityOrInstalled($pool, $installedMap, $literals);
+            $literals = $this->pruneToBestVersion($pool, $literals);
             $literals = $this->pruneRemoteAliases($pool, $literals);
@@ -186,7 +196,7 @@ class DefaultPolicy implements PolicyInterface
         foreach ($source->getReplaces() as $link) {
             if ($link->getTarget() === $target->getName()
 //                && (null === $link->getConstraint() ||
-//                $link->getConstraint()->matches(new VersionConstraint('==', $target->getVersion())))) {
+//                $link->getConstraint()->matches(new Constraint('==', $target->getVersion())))) {
                 ) {
                 return true;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 namespace Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation;
 use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
+use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
  * Solver install operation.

+ 1 - 0

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 namespace Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation;
 use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
+use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
  * Solver install operation.

+ 1 - 2

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 namespace Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
@@ -46,6 +45,6 @@ abstract class SolverOperation implements OperationInterface
     protected function formatVersion(PackageInterface $package)
-        return VersionParser::formatVersion($package);
+        return $package->getFullPrettyVersion();

+ 3 - 1

@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
 interface PolicyInterface
     public function versionCompare(PackageInterface $a, PackageInterface $b, $operator);
     public function findUpdatePackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, PackageInterface $package);
-    public function selectPreferedPackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals);
+    public function selectPreferredPackages(Pool $pool, array $installedMap, array $literals);

+ 31 - 29

@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
 use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
 use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
-use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\LinkConstraintInterface;
-use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\VersionConstraint;
-use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\EmptyConstraint;
+use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
+use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
+use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
+use Composer\Semver\Constraint\EmptyConstraint;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
 use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\ComposerRepository;
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
  * @author Nils Adermann <>
  * @author Jordi Boggiano <>
-class Pool
+class Pool implements \Countable
     const MATCH_NAME = -1;
     const MATCH_NONE = 0;
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ class Pool
     public function __construct($minimumStability = 'stable', array $stabilityFlags = array(), array $filterRequires = array())
-        $stabilities = BasePackage::$stabilities;
         $this->versionParser = new VersionParser;
         $this->acceptableStabilities = array();
         foreach (BasePackage::$stabilities as $stability => $value) {
@@ -151,27 +150,35 @@ class Pool
-    * Retrieves the package object for a given package id.
-    *
-    * @param int $id
-    * @return PackageInterface
-    */
+     * Retrieves the package object for a given package id.
+     *
+     * @param  int              $id
+     * @return PackageInterface
+     */
     public function packageById($id)
         return $this->packages[$id - 1];
+    /**
+     * Returns how many packages have been loaded into the pool
+     */
+    public function count()
+    {
+        return count($this->packages);
+    }
      * Searches all packages providing the given package name and match the constraint
-     * @param  string                  $name          The package name to be searched for
-     * @param  LinkConstraintInterface $constraint    A constraint that all returned
-     *                                                packages must match or null to return all
-     * @param  bool                    $mustMatchName Whether the name of returned packages
-     *                                                must match the given name
-     * @return PackageInterface[]      A set of packages
+     * @param  string              $name          The package name to be searched for
+     * @param  ConstraintInterface $constraint    A constraint that all returned
+     *                                            packages must match or null to return all
+     * @param  bool                $mustMatchName Whether the name of returned packages
+     *                                            must match the given name
+     * @return PackageInterface[]  A set of packages
-    public function whatProvides($name, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $mustMatchName = false)
+    public function whatProvides($name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $mustMatchName = false)
         $key = ((int) $mustMatchName).$constraint;
         if (isset($this->providerCache[$name][$key])) {
@@ -271,11 +278,6 @@ class Pool
         return $this->packageById($packageId);
-    public function literalToString($literal)
-    {
-        return ($literal > 0 ? '+' : '-') . $this->literalToPackage($literal);
-    }
     public function literalToPrettyString($literal, $installedMap)
         $package = $this->literalToPackage($literal);
@@ -310,12 +312,12 @@ class Pool
      * Checks if the package matches the given constraint directly or through
      * provided or replaced packages
-     * @param  array|PackageInterface  $candidate
-     * @param  string                  $name       Name of the package to be matched
-     * @param  LinkConstraintInterface $constraint The constraint to verify
-     * @return int                     One of the MATCH* constants of this class or 0 if there is no match
+     * @param  array|PackageInterface $candidate
+     * @param  string                 $name       Name of the package to be matched
+     * @param  ConstraintInterface    $constraint The constraint to verify
+     * @return int                    One of the MATCH* constants of this class or 0 if there is no match
-    private function match($candidate, $name, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
+    private function match($candidate, $name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
         $candidateName = $candidate->getName();
         $candidateVersion = $candidate->getVersion();
@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ class Pool
         if ($candidateName === $name) {
-            $pkgConstraint = new VersionConstraint('==', $candidateVersion);
+            $pkgConstraint = new Constraint('==', $candidateVersion);
             if ($constraint === null || $constraint->matches($pkgConstraint)) {
                 return $requireFilter->matches($pkgConstraint) ? self::MATCH : self::MATCH_FILTERED;

+ 7 - 3

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Problem
     public function addRule(Rule $rule)
-        $this->addReason($rule->getId(), array(
+        $this->addReason(spl_object_hash($rule), array(
             'rule' => $rule,
             'job' => $rule->getJob(),
@@ -87,8 +87,12 @@ class Problem
             if ($job && $job['cmd'] === 'install' && empty($packages)) {
                 // handle php/hhvm
                 if ($job['packageName'] === 'php' || $job['packageName'] === 'php-64bit' || $job['packageName'] === 'hhvm') {
+                    $available = $this->pool->whatProvides($job['packageName']);
+                    $version = count($available) ? $available[0]->getPrettyVersion() : phpversion();
                     $msg = "\n    - This package requires ".$job['packageName'].$this->constraintToText($job['constraint']).' but ';
                     if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ class Problem
                         return $msg . 'you are running this with PHP and not HHVM.';
-                    return $msg . 'your PHP version does not satisfy that requirement.';
+                    return $msg . 'your PHP version ('. $version .') does not satisfy that requirement.';
                 // handle php extensions
@@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ class Problem
      * Turns a constraint into text usable in a sentence describing a job
-     * @param  \Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\LinkConstraintInterface $constraint
+     * @param  \Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface $constraint
      * @return string
     protected function constraintToText($constraint)

+ 8 - 10

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
-use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\LinkConstraintInterface;
+use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
  * @author Nils Adermann <>
@@ -20,25 +20,23 @@ use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\LinkConstraintInterface;
 class Request
     protected $jobs;
-    protected $pool;
-    public function __construct(Pool $pool)
+    public function __construct()
-        $this->pool = $pool;
         $this->jobs = array();
-    public function install($packageName, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
+    public function install($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
         $this->addJob($packageName, 'install', $constraint);
-    public function update($packageName, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
+    public function update($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
         $this->addJob($packageName, 'update', $constraint);
-    public function remove($packageName, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
+    public function remove($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
         $this->addJob($packageName, 'remove', $constraint);
@@ -48,12 +46,12 @@ class Request
      * These jobs will not be tempered with by the solver
-    public function fix($packageName, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
+    public function fix($packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null)
         $this->addJob($packageName, 'install', $constraint, true);
-    protected function addJob($packageName, $cmd, LinkConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $fixed = false)
+    protected function addJob($packageName, $cmd, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $fixed = false)
         $packageName = strtolower($packageName);
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ class Request
             'cmd' => $cmd,
             'packageName' => $packageName,
             'constraint' => $constraint,
-            'fixed' => $fixed
+            'fixed' => $fixed,

+ 27 - 42

@@ -29,63 +29,51 @@ class Rule
     const RULE_LEARNED = 12;
     const RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS = 13;
+    const BITFIELD_TYPE = 0;
+    const BITFIELD_REASON = 8;
+    const BITFIELD_DISABLED = 16;
      * READ-ONLY: The literals this rule consists of.
      * @var array
     public $literals;
-    protected $disabled;
-    protected $type;
-    protected $id;
-    protected $reason;
+    protected $bitfield;
     protected $reasonData;
-    protected $job;
-    protected $ruleHash;
     public function __construct(array $literals, $reason, $reasonData, $job = null)
         // sort all packages ascending by id
         $this->literals = $literals;
-        $this->reason = $reason;
         $this->reasonData = $reasonData;
-        $this->disabled = false;
-        $this->job = $job;
-        $this->type = -1;
+        if ($job) {
+            $this->job = $job;
+        }
-        $this->ruleHash = substr(md5(implode(',', $this->literals)), 0, 5);
+        $this->bitfield = (0 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED) |
+            ($reason << self::BITFIELD_REASON) |
+            (255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE);
     public function getHash()
-        return $this->ruleHash;
-    }
-    public function setId($id)
-    {
-        $this->id = $id;
-    }
+        $data = unpack('ihash', md5(implode(',', $this->literals), true));
-    public function getId()
-    {
-        return $this->id;
+        return $data['hash'];
     public function getJob()
-        return $this->job;
+        return isset($this->job) ? $this->job : null;
     public function getReason()
-        return $this->reason;
+        return ($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_REASON)) >> self::BITFIELD_REASON;
     public function getReasonData()
@@ -95,11 +83,11 @@ class Rule
     public function getRequiredPackage()
-        if ($this->reason === self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL) {
+        if ($this->getReason() === self::RULE_JOB_INSTALL) {
             return $this->reasonData;
-        if ($this->reason === self::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES) {
+        if ($this->getReason() === self::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES) {
             return $this->reasonData->getTarget();
@@ -114,10 +102,6 @@ class Rule
     public function equals(Rule $rule)
-        if ($this->ruleHash !== $rule->ruleHash) {
-            return false;
-        }
         if (count($this->literals) != count($rule->literals)) {
             return false;
@@ -133,32 +117,32 @@ class Rule
     public function setType($type)
-        $this->type = $type;
+        $this->bitfield = ($this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE)) | ((255 & $type) << self::BITFIELD_TYPE);
     public function getType()
-        return $this->type;
+        return ($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_TYPE)) >> self::BITFIELD_TYPE;
     public function disable()
-        $this->disabled = true;
+        $this->bitfield = ($this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) | (1 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED);
     public function enable()
-        $this->disabled = false;
+        $this->bitfield = $this->bitfield & ~(255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED);
     public function isDisabled()
-        return $this->disabled;
+        return (bool) (($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) >> self::BITFIELD_DISABLED);
     public function isEnabled()
-        return !$this->disabled;
+        return !(($this->bitfield & (255 << self::BITFIELD_DISABLED)) >> self::BITFIELD_DISABLED);
@@ -184,7 +168,7 @@ class Rule
             $ruleText .= $pool->literalToPrettyString($literal, $installedMap);
-        switch ($this->reason) {
+        switch ($this->getReason()) {
             case self::RULE_INTERNAL_ALLOW_UPDATE:
                 return $ruleText;
@@ -216,16 +200,17 @@ class Rule
                 } else {
                     $targetName = $this->reasonData->getTarget();
-                    // handle php extensions
                     if ($targetName === 'php' || $targetName === 'php-64bit' || $targetName === 'hhvm') {
+                        // handle php/hhvm
                         if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
                             $text .= ' -> your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.';
                         } elseif ($targetName === 'hhvm') {
                             $text .= ' -> you are running this with PHP and not HHVM.';
                         } else {
-                            $text .= ' -> your PHP version does not satisfy that requirement.';
+                            $text .= ' -> your PHP version ('. phpversion() .') or "config.platform.php" value does not satisfy that requirement.';
                     } elseif (0 === strpos($targetName, 'ext-')) {
+                        // handle php extensions
                         $ext = substr($targetName, 4);
                         $error = extension_loaded($ext) ? 'has the wrong version ('.(phpversion($ext) ?: '0').') installed' : 'is missing from your system';

+ 2 - 3

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class RuleSet implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable
     public $ruleById;
     protected static $types = array(
-        -1 => 'UNKNOWN',
+        255 => 'UNKNOWN',
         self::TYPE_PACKAGE => 'PACKAGE',
         self::TYPE_JOB => 'JOB',
         self::TYPE_LEARNED => 'LEARNED',
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ class RuleSet implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable
         $this->ruleById[$this->nextRuleId] = $rule;
-        $rule->setId($this->nextRuleId);
         $hash = $rule->getHash();
@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ class RuleSet implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable
     public function getTypes()
         $types = self::$types;
-        unset($types[-1]);
+        unset($types[255]);
         return array_keys($types);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class RuleWatchNode
      * Given one watched literal, this method returns the other watched literal
-     * @param int The watched literal that should not be returned
+     * @param  int $literal The watched literal that should not be returned
      * @return int A literal
     public function getOtherWatch($literal)

+ 102 - 36

@@ -23,25 +23,44 @@ class Solver
     const BRANCH_LITERALS = 0;
     const BRANCH_LEVEL = 1;
+    /** @var PolicyInterface */
     protected $policy;
+    /** @var Pool */
     protected $pool;
+    /** @var RepositoryInterface */
     protected $installed;
+    /** @var Ruleset */
     protected $rules;
+    /** @var RuleSetGenerator */
     protected $ruleSetGenerator;
-    protected $updateAll;
+    /** @var array */
+    protected $jobs;
-    protected $addedMap = array();
+    /** @var int[] */
     protected $updateMap = array();
+    /** @var RuleWatchGraph */
     protected $watchGraph;
+    /** @var Decisions */
     protected $decisions;
+    /** @var int[] */
     protected $installedMap;
+    /** @var int */
     protected $propagateIndex;
+    /** @var array[] */
     protected $branches = array();
+    /** @var Problem[] */
     protected $problems = array();
+    /** @var array */
     protected $learnedPool = array();
+    /** @var array */
     protected $learnedWhy = array();
+    /**
+     * @param PolicyInterface     $policy
+     * @param Pool                $pool
+     * @param RepositoryInterface $installed
+     */
     public function __construct(PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool, RepositoryInterface $installed)
         $this->policy = $policy;
@@ -50,7 +69,16 @@ class Solver
         $this->ruleSetGenerator = new RuleSetGenerator($policy, $pool);
+    /**
+     * @return int
+     */
+    public function getRuleSetSize()
+    {
+        return count($this->rules);
+    }
     // aka solver_makeruledecisions
     private function makeAssertionRuleDecisions()
         $decisionStart = count($this->decisions) - 1;
@@ -130,6 +158,9 @@ class Solver
+    /**
+     * @param bool $ignorePlatformReqs
+     */
     protected function checkForRootRequireProblems($ignorePlatformReqs)
         foreach ($this->jobs as $job) {
@@ -164,6 +195,11 @@ class Solver
+    /**
+     * @param  Request $request
+     * @param  bool    $ignorePlatformReqs
+     * @return array
+     */
     public function solve(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs = false)
         $this->jobs = $request->getJobs();
@@ -199,20 +235,13 @@ class Solver
         return $transaction->getOperations();
-    protected function literalFromId($id)
-    {
-        $package = $this->pool->packageById(abs($id));
-        return new Literal($package, $id > 0);
-    }
      * Makes a decision and propagates it to all rules.
      * Evaluates each term affected by the decision (linked through watches)
      * If we find unit rules we make new decisions based on them
-     * @param  integer   $level
+     * @param  int       $level
      * @return Rule|null A rule on conflict, otherwise null.
     protected function propagate($level)
@@ -238,6 +267,8 @@ class Solver
      * Reverts a decision at the given level.
+     *
+     * @param int $level
     private function revert($level)
@@ -263,8 +294,7 @@ class Solver
-    /**-------------------------------------------------------------------
-     *
+    /**
      * setpropagatelearn
      * add free decision (a positive literal) to decision queue
@@ -277,6 +307,11 @@ class Solver
      * returns the new solver level or 0 if unsolvable
+     * @param  int        $level
+     * @param  string|int $literal
+     * @param  bool       $disableRules
+     * @param  Rule       $rule
+     * @return int
     private function setPropagateLearn($level, $literal, $disableRules, Rule $rule)
@@ -314,7 +349,7 @@ class Solver
             $this->rules->add($newRule, RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED);
-            $this->learnedWhy[$newRule->getId()] = $why;
+            $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($newRule)] = $why;
             $ruleNode = new RuleWatchNode($newRule);
@@ -326,10 +361,17 @@ class Solver
         return $level;
+    /**
+     * @param  int   $level
+     * @param  array $decisionQueue
+     * @param  bool  $disableRules
+     * @param  Rule  $rule
+     * @return int
+     */
     private function selectAndInstall($level, array $decisionQueue, $disableRules, Rule $rule)
         // choose best package to install from decisionQueue
-        $literals = $this->policy->selectPreferedPackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $decisionQueue, $rule->getRequiredPackage());
+        $literals = $this->policy->selectPreferredPackages($this->pool, $this->installedMap, $decisionQueue, $rule->getRequiredPackage());
         $selectedLiteral = array_shift($literals);
@@ -341,7 +383,12 @@ class Solver
         return $this->setPropagateLearn($level, $selectedLiteral, $disableRules, $rule);
-    protected function analyze($level, $rule)
+    /**
+     * @param  int   $level
+     * @param  Rule  $rule
+     * @return array
+     */
+    protected function analyze($level, Rule $rule)
         $analyzedRule = $rule;
         $ruleLevel = 1;
@@ -447,9 +494,13 @@ class Solver
         return array($learnedLiterals[0], $ruleLevel, $newRule, $why);
-    private function analyzeUnsolvableRule($problem, $conflictRule)
+    /**
+     * @param Problem $problem
+     * @param Rule    $conflictRule
+     */
+    private function analyzeUnsolvableRule(Problem $problem, Rule $conflictRule)
-        $why = $conflictRule->getId();
+        $why = spl_object_hash($conflictRule);
         if ($conflictRule->getType() == RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) {
             $learnedWhy = $this->learnedWhy[$why];
@@ -471,7 +522,12 @@ class Solver
-    private function analyzeUnsolvable($conflictRule, $disableRules)
+    /**
+     * @param  Rule $conflictRule
+     * @param  bool $disableRules
+     * @return int
+     */
+    private function analyzeUnsolvable(Rule $conflictRule, $disableRules)
         $problem = new Problem($this->pool);
@@ -528,7 +584,10 @@ class Solver
         return 0;
-    private function disableProblem($why)
+    /**
+     * @param Rule $why
+     */
+    private function disableProblem(Rule $why)
         $job = $why->getJob();
@@ -540,6 +599,7 @@ class Solver
         // disable all rules of this job
         foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
+            /** @var Rule $rule */
             if ($job === $rule->getJob()) {
@@ -557,17 +617,17 @@ class Solver
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
-    * enable/disable learnt rules
-    *
-    * we have enabled or disabled some of our rules. We now re-enable all
-    * of our learnt rules except the ones that were learnt from rules that
-    * are now disabled.
-    */
+    /**
+     * enable/disable learnt rules
+     *
+     * we have enabled or disabled some of our rules. We now re-enable all
+     * of our learnt rules except the ones that were learnt from rules that
+     * are now disabled.
+     */
     private function enableDisableLearnedRules()
         foreach ($this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_LEARNED) as $rule) {
-            $why = $this->learnedWhy[$rule->getId()];
+            $why = $this->learnedWhy[spl_object_hash($rule)];
             $problemRules = $this->learnedPool[$why];
             $foundDisabled = false;
@@ -586,22 +646,28 @@ class Solver
+    /**
+     * @param bool $disableRules
+     */
     private function runSat($disableRules = true)
         $this->propagateIndex = 0;
-        //   /*
-        //    * here's the main loop:
-        //    * 1) propagate new decisions (only needed once)
-        //    * 2) fulfill jobs
-        //    * 3) fulfill all unresolved rules
-        //    * 4) minimalize solution if we had choices
-        //    * if we encounter a problem, we rewind to a safe level and restart
-        //    * with step 1
-        //    */
+        /*
+         * here's the main loop:
+         * 1) propagate new decisions (only needed once)
+         * 2) fulfill jobs
+         * 3) fulfill all unresolved rules
+         * 4) minimalize solution if we had choices
+         * if we encounter a problem, we rewind to a safe level and restart
+         * with step 1
+         */
         $decisionQueue = array();
         $decisionSupplementQueue = array();
+        /**
+         * @todo this makes $disableRules always false; determine the rationale and possibly remove dead code?
+         */
         $disableRules = array();
         $level = 1;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ class SolverProblemsException extends \RuntimeException
         $text = "\n";
         foreach ($this->problems as $i => $problem) {
-            $text .= "  Problem ".($i+1).$problem->getPrettyString($this->installedMap)."\n";
+            $text .= "  Problem ".($i + 1).$problem->getPrettyString($this->installedMap)."\n";
         if (strpos($text, 'could not be found') || strpos($text, 'no matching package found')) {
-            $text .= "\nPotential causes:\n - A typo in the package name\n - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting\n   see <> for more details.\n\nRead <> for further common problems.";
+            $text .= "\nPotential causes:\n - A typo in the package name\n - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting\n   see <> for more details.\n\nRead <> for further common problems.";
         return $text;

+ 10 - 5

@@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ abstract class ArchiveDownloader extends FileDownloader
                 // retry downloading if we have an invalid zip file
                 if ($retries && $e instanceof \UnexpectedValueException && class_exists('ZipArchive') && $e->getCode() === \ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP) {
-                    $this->io->writeError('    Invalid zip file, retrying...');
+                    if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
+                        $this->io->writeError('    Invalid zip file ('.$e->getMessage().'), retrying...');
+                    } else {
+                        $this->io->writeError('    Invalid zip file, retrying...');
+                    }
@@ -115,10 +119,11 @@ abstract class ArchiveDownloader extends FileDownloader
                 // update api archives to the proper reference
                 $url = '' . $match[1] . '/'. $match[2] . '/' . $match[3] . 'ball/' . $package->getDistReference();
-        }
-        if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && (0 === strpos($url, 'https:') || 0 === strpos($url, ''))) {
-            throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https');
+        } elseif ($package->getDistReference() && strpos($url, '')) {
+            if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/get/(.+)\.(zip|tar\.gz|tar\.bz2)$}i', $url, $match)) {
+                // update Bitbucket archives to the proper reference
+                $url = '' . $match[1] . '/'. $match[2] . '/get/' . $package->getDistReference() . '.' . $match[4];
+            }
         return parent::processUrl($package, $url);

+ 5 - 7

@@ -103,10 +103,9 @@ class DownloadManager
      * Returns downloader for a specific installation type.
-     * @param  string              $type installation type
-     * @return DownloaderInterface
-     *
+     * @param  string                    $type installation type
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if downloader for provided type is not registered
+     * @return DownloaderInterface
     public function getDownloader($type)
@@ -121,12 +120,11 @@ class DownloadManager
      * Returns downloader for already installed package.
-     * @param  PackageInterface         $package package instance
-     * @return DownloaderInterface|null
-     *
+     * @param  PackageInterface          $package package instance
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if package has no installation source specified
      * @throws \LogicException           if specific downloader used to load package with
-     *                                   wrong type
+     *                                           wrong type
+     * @return DownloaderInterface|null
     public function getDownloaderForInstalledPackage(PackageInterface $package)

+ 6 - 8

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ use Composer\Config;
 use Composer\Cache;
 use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
 use Composer\Plugin\PreFileDownloadEvent;
 use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ class FileDownloader implements DownloaderInterface
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given package is missing url information');
-        $this->io->writeError("  - Installing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . VersionParser::formatVersion($package) . "</comment>)");
+        $this->io->writeError("  - Installing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "</comment>)");
         $urls = $package->getDistUrls();
         while ($url = array_shift($urls)) {
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ class FileDownloader implements DownloaderInterface
                     } catch (TransportException $e) {
                         // if we got an http response with a proper code, then requesting again will probably not help, abort
-                        if ((0 !== $e->getCode() && !in_array($e->getCode(),array(500, 502, 503, 504))) || !$retries) {
+                        if ((0 !== $e->getCode() && !in_array($e->getCode(), array(500, 502, 503, 504))) || !$retries) {
                             throw $e;
                         if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
@@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ class FileDownloader implements DownloaderInterface
     public function remove(PackageInterface $package, $path)
-        $this->io->writeError("  - Removing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . VersionParser::formatVersion($package) . "</comment>)");
+        $this->io->writeError("  - Removing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "</comment>)");
         if (!$this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Could not completely delete '.$path.', aborting.');
@@ -226,11 +225,10 @@ class FileDownloader implements DownloaderInterface
      * Process the download url
-     * @param  PackageInterface $package package the url is coming from
-     * @param  string           $url     download url
-     * @return string           url
-     *
+     * @param  PackageInterface  $package package the url is coming from
+     * @param  string            $url     download url
      * @throws \RuntimeException If any problem with the url
+     * @return string            url
     protected function processUrl(PackageInterface $package, $url)

+ 37 - 15

@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 namespace Composer\Downloader;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
-use Composer\Util\GitHub;
 use Composer\Util\Git as GitUtil;
 use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
 use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
         $path = $this->normalizePath($path);
         if (!is_dir($path.'/.git')) {
-            throw new \RuntimeException('The .git directory is missing from '.$path.', see for more information');
+            throw new \RuntimeException('The .git directory is missing from '.$path.', see for more information');
         $ref = $target->getSourceReference();
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
         $command = 'git remote set-url composer %s && git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer';
         $commandCallable = function ($url) use ($command) {
-            return sprintf($command, ProcessExecutor::escape ($url));
+            return sprintf($command, ProcessExecutor::escape($url));
         $this->gitUtil->runCommand($commandCallable, $url, $path);
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
         while (true) {
-            switch ($this->io->ask('    <info>Discard changes [y,n,v,'.($update ? 's,' : '').'?]?</info> ', '?')) {
+            switch ($this->io->ask('    <info>Discard changes [y,n,v,d,'.($update ? 's,' : '').'?]?</info> ', '?')) {
                 case 'y':
                     break 2;
@@ -170,6 +169,10 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
+                case 'd':
+                    $this->viewDiff($path);
+                    break;
                 case '?':
@@ -177,6 +180,7 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
                         '    y - discard changes and apply the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall'),
                         '    n - abort the '.($update ? 'update' : 'uninstall').' and let you manually clean things up',
                         '    v - view modified files',
+                        '    d - view local modifications (diff)',
                     if ($update) {
                         $this->io->writeError('    s - stash changes and try to reapply them after the update');
@@ -205,17 +209,21 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
      * Updates the given path to the given commit ref
-     * @param  string      $path
-     * @param  string      $reference
-     * @param  string      $branch
-     * @param  \DateTime   $date
-     * @return null|string if a string is returned, it is the commit reference that was checked out if the original could not be found
-     *
+     * @param  string            $path
+     * @param  string            $reference
+     * @param  string            $branch
+     * @param  \DateTime         $date
      * @throws \RuntimeException
+     * @return null|string       if a string is returned, it is the commit reference that was checked out if the original could not be found
     protected function updateToCommit($path, $reference, $branch, $date)
-        $template = 'git checkout %s && git reset --hard %1$s';
+        // This uses the "--" sequence to separate branch from file parameters.
+        //
+        // Otherwise git tries the branch name as well as file name.
+        // If the non-existent branch is actually the name of a file, the file
+        // is checked out.
+        $template = 'git checkout %s -- && git reset --hard %1$s --';
         $branch = preg_replace('{(?:^dev-|(?:\.x)?-dev$)}i', '', $branch);
         $branches = null;
@@ -229,7 +237,7 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
             && $branches
             && preg_match('{^\s+composer/'.preg_quote($reference).'$}m', $branches)
         ) {
-            $command = sprintf('git checkout -B %s %s && git reset --hard %2$s', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$reference));
+            $command = sprintf('git checkout -B %s %s -- && git reset --hard %2$s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$reference));
             if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) {
@@ -242,12 +250,12 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
                 $branch = 'v' . $branch;
-            $command = sprintf('git checkout %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch));
-            $fallbackCommand = sprintf('git checkout -B %s %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$branch));
+            $command = sprintf('git checkout %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch));
+            $fallbackCommand = sprintf('git checkout -B %s %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($branch), ProcessExecutor::escape('composer/'.$branch));
             if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)
                 || 0 === $this->process->execute($fallbackCommand, $output, $path)
             ) {
-                $command = sprintf('git reset --hard %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($reference));
+                $command = sprintf('git reset --hard %s --', ProcessExecutor::escape($reference));
                 if (0 === $this->process->execute($command, $output, $path)) {
@@ -322,6 +330,20 @@ class GitDownloader extends VcsDownloader
         $this->hasStashedChanges = true;
+    /**
+     * @param $path
+     * @throws \RuntimeException
+     */
+    protected function viewDiff($path)
+    {
+        $path = $this->normalizePath($path);
+        if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git diff HEAD', $output, $path)) {
+            throw new \RuntimeException("Could not view diff\n\n:".$this->process->getErrorOutput());
+        }
+        $this->io->writeError($output);
+    }
     protected function normalizePath($path)
         if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR') && strlen($path) > 0) {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class HgDownloader extends VcsDownloader
         $this->io->writeError("    Updating to ".$target->getSourceReference());
         if (!is_dir($path.'/.hg')) {
-            throw new \RuntimeException('The .hg directory is missing from '.$path.', see for more information');
+            throw new \RuntimeException('The .hg directory is missing from '.$path.', see for more information');
         $command = sprintf('hg pull %s && hg up %s', $url, $ref);

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * This file is part of Composer.
+ *
+ * (c) Nils Adermann <>
+ *     Jordi Boggiano <>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Composer\Downloader;
+use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException;
+use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
+ * Download a package from a local path.
+ *
+ * @author Samuel Roze <>
+ * @author Johann Reinke <>
+ */
+class PathDownloader extends FileDownloader
+    /**
+     * {@inheritdoc}
+     */
+    public function download(PackageInterface $package, $path)
+    {
+        $fileSystem = new Filesystem();
+        $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($path);
+        $this->io->writeError(sprintf(
+            '  - Installing <info>%s</info> (<comment>%s</comment>)',
+            $package->getName(),
+            $package->getFullPrettyVersion()
+        ));
+        $url = $package->getDistUrl();
+        $realUrl = realpath($url);
+        if (false === $realUrl || !file_exists($realUrl) || !is_dir($realUrl)) {
+            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf(
+                'Path "%s" is not found',
+                $url
+            ));
+        }
+        try {
+            $shortestPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($path, $realUrl);
+            $fileSystem->symlink($shortestPath, $path);
+            $this->io->writeError(sprintf('    Symlinked from %s', $url));
+        } catch (IOException $e) {
+            $fileSystem->mirror($realUrl, $path);
+            $this->io->writeError(sprintf('    Mirrored from %s', $url));
+        }
+        $this->io->writeError('');
+    }

+ 2 - 3

@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ class PearPackageExtractor
      * @param  array                     $vars   used for replacement tasks
      * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
-     *
     public function extractTo($target, array $roles = array('php' => '/', 'script' => '/bin'), $vars = array())
@@ -130,14 +129,14 @@ class PearPackageExtractor
      * @param  string            $source string path to extracted files
      * @param  array             $roles  array [role => roleRoot] relative root for files having that role
      * @param  array             $vars   list of values can be used for replacement tasks
+     * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @return array             array of 'source' => 'target', where source is location of file in the tarball (relative to source
      *                                  path, and target is destination of file (also relative to $source path)
-     * @throws \RuntimeException
     private function buildCopyActions($source, array $roles, $vars)
         /** @var $package \SimpleXmlElement */
-        $package = simplexml_load_file($this->combine($source, 'package.xml'));
+        $package = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($this->combine($source, 'package.xml')));
         if (false === $package) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Package definition file is not valid.');

+ 1 - 1

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class PerforceDownloader extends VcsDownloader
     private function getLabelFromSourceReference($ref)
-        $pos = strpos($ref,'@');
+        $pos = strpos($ref, '@');
         if (false !== $pos) {
             return substr($ref, $pos + 1);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class SvnDownloader extends VcsDownloader
         $ref = $target->getSourceReference();
         if (!is_dir($path.'/.svn')) {
-            throw new \RuntimeException('The .svn directory is missing from '.$path.', see for more information');
+            throw new \RuntimeException('The .svn directory is missing from '.$path.', see for more information');
         $flags = "";
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class SvnDownloader extends VcsDownloader
     protected function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference, $path)
-        if (preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $fromReference) && preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $toReference) ) {
+        if (preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $fromReference) && preg_match('{.*@(\d+)$}', $toReference)) {
             // strip paths from references and only keep the actual revision
             $fromRevision = preg_replace('{.*@(\d+)$}', '$1', $fromReference);
             $toRevision = preg_replace('{.*@(\d+)$}', '$1', $toReference);

+ 6 - 4

@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ namespace Composer\Downloader;
 use Composer\Config;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
 use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
 use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ abstract class VcsDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterfa
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Package '.$package->getPrettyName().' is missing reference information');
-        $this->io->writeError("  - Installing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . VersionParser::formatVersion($package) . "</comment>)");
+        $this->io->writeError("  - Installing <info>" . $package->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . "</comment>)");
         $urls = $package->getSourceUrls();
@@ -100,8 +99,8 @@ abstract class VcsDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterfa
             $name .= ' '.$initial->getPrettyVersion();
         } else {
-            $from = VersionParser::formatVersion($initial);
-            $to = VersionParser::formatVersion($target);
+            $from = $initial->getFullPrettyVersion();
+            $to = $target->getFullPrettyVersion();
         $this->io->writeError("  - Updating <info>" . $name . "</info> (<comment>" . $from . "</comment> => <comment>" . $to . "</comment>)");
@@ -146,6 +145,9 @@ abstract class VcsDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterfa
                     return '      ' . $line;
                 }, explode("\n", $logs)));
+                // escape angle brackets for proper output in the console
+                $logs = str_replace('<', '\<', $logs);
                 $this->io->writeError('    '.$message);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class ZipDownloader extends ArchiveDownloader
         $zipArchive = new ZipArchive();
         if (true !== ($retval = $zipArchive->open($file))) {
-            throw new \UnexpectedValueException($this->getErrorMessage($retval, $file), $retval);
+            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(rtrim($this->getErrorMessage($retval, $file)."\n".$processError), $retval);
         if (true !== $zipArchive->extractTo($path)) {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Event
     protected $flags;
-     * @var boolean Whether the event should not be passed to more listeners
+     * @var bool Whether the event should not be passed to more listeners
     private $propagationStopped = false;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Event
      * Checks if stopPropagation has been called
-     * @return boolean Whether propagation has been stopped
+     * @return bool Whether propagation has been stopped
     public function isPropagationStopped()

+ 24 - 11

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use Composer\Composer;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\OperationInterface;
 use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
 use Composer\Script;
+use Composer\Script\CommandEvent;
 use Composer\Script\PackageEvent;
 use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
@@ -135,10 +136,10 @@ class EventDispatcher
      * @param  Event             $event          The event object to pass to the event handlers/listeners.
      * @param  string            $additionalArgs
-     * @return int               return code of the executed script if any, for php scripts a false return
-     *                                          value is changed to 1, anything else to 0
      * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @throws \Exception
+     * @return int               return code of the executed script if any, for php scripts a false return
+     *                                          value is changed to 1, anything else to 0
     protected function doDispatch(Event $event)
@@ -170,8 +171,14 @@ class EventDispatcher
                     throw $e;
             } else {
-                $args = implode(' ', array_map(array('Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor','escape'), $event->getArguments()));
-                if (0 !== ($exitCode = $this->process->execute($callable . ($args === '' ? '' : ' '.$args)))) {
+                $args = implode(' ', array_map(array('Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor', 'escape'), $event->getArguments()));
+                $exec = $callable . ($args === '' ? '' : ' '.$args);
+                if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
+                    $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s', $event->getName(), $exec));
+                } else {
+                    $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s', $exec));
+                }
+                if (0 !== ($exitCode = $this->process->execute($exec))) {
                     $this->io->writeError(sprintf('<error>Script %s handling the %s event returned with an error</error>', $callable, $event->getName()));
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Error Output: '.$this->process->getErrorOutput(), $exitCode);
@@ -195,12 +202,18 @@ class EventDispatcher
         $event = $this->checkListenerExpectedEvent(array($className, $methodName), $event);
+        if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
+            $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s: %s::%s', $event->getName(), $className, $methodName));
+        } else {
+            $this->io->writeError(sprintf('> %s::%s', $className, $methodName));
+        }
         return $className::$methodName($event);
-     * @param mixed $target
-     * @param Event $event
+     * @param  mixed              $target
+     * @param  Event              $event
      * @return Event|CommandEvent
     protected function checkListenerExpectedEvent($target, Event $event)
@@ -247,7 +260,7 @@ class EventDispatcher
      * @param string   $eventName The event name - typically a constant
      * @param Callable $listener  A callable expecting an event argument
-     * @param integer  $priority  A higher value represents a higher priority
+     * @param int      $priority  A higher value represents a higher priority
     protected function addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority = 0)
@@ -300,8 +313,8 @@ class EventDispatcher
      * Checks if an event has listeners registered
-     * @param  Event   $event
-     * @return boolean
+     * @param  Event $event
+     * @return bool
     public function hasEventListeners(Event $event)
@@ -342,8 +355,8 @@ class EventDispatcher
      * Checks if string given references a class path and method
-     * @param  string  $callable
-     * @return boolean
+     * @param  string $callable
+     * @return bool
     protected function isPhpScript($callable)

+ 13 - 14

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ use Composer\Config\JsonConfigSource;
 use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
 use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
 use Composer\Package\Archiver;
+use Composer\Package\Version\VersionGuesser;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryManager;
 use Composer\Repository\WritableRepositoryInterface;
 use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ use Composer\Util\RemoteFilesystem;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;
 use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
 use Composer\Autoload\AutoloadGenerator;
-use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
+use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
  * Creates a configured instance of composer.
@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
 class Factory
-     * @return string
      * @throws \RuntimeException
+     * @return string
     protected static function getHomeDir()
@@ -60,8 +61,7 @@ class Factory
-     * @param string $home
-     *
+     * @param  string $home
      * @return string
     protected static function getCacheDir($home)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class Factory
         $config->merge(array('config' => array('home' => $home, 'cache-dir' => $cacheDir)));
         // load global config
-        $file = new JsonFile($home.'/config.json');
+        $file = new JsonFile($config->get('home').'/config.json');
         if ($file->exists()) {
             if ($io && $io->isDebug()) {
                 $io->writeError('Loading config file ' . $file->getPath());
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class Factory
                 } else {
                     $message = 'Composer could not find the config file: '.$localConfig;
-                $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section';
+                $instructions = 'To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section';
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message.PHP_EOL.$instructions);
@@ -249,9 +249,6 @@ class Factory
         if ($fullLoad) {
             // load auth configs into the IO instance
-            // setup process timeout
-            ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));
         // initialize event dispatcher
@@ -267,7 +264,8 @@ class Factory
         // load package
         $parser = new VersionParser;
-        $loader  = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, new ProcessExecutor($io));
+        $guesser = new VersionGuesser($config, new ProcessExecutor($io), $parser);
+        $loader  = new Package\Loader\RootPackageLoader($rm, $config, $parser, $guesser);
         $package = $loader->load($localConfig);
@@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ class Factory
             $lockFile = "json" === pathinfo($composerFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)
                 ? substr($composerFile, 0, -4).'lock'
                 : $composerFile . '.lock';
-            $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config)), $rm, $im, md5_file($composerFile));
+            $locker = new Package\Locker($io, new JsonFile($lockFile, new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config)), $rm, $im, file_get_contents($composerFile));
@@ -335,6 +333,7 @@ class Factory
         $rm->setRepositoryClass('perforce', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
         $rm->setRepositoryClass('hg', 'Composer\Repository\VcsRepository');
         $rm->setRepositoryClass('artifact', 'Composer\Repository\ArtifactRepository');
+        $rm->setRepositoryClass('path', 'Composer\Repository\PathRepository');
         return $rm;
@@ -407,14 +406,14 @@ class Factory
         $dm->setDownloader('gzip', new Downloader\GzipDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
         $dm->setDownloader('phar', new Downloader\PharDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
         $dm->setDownloader('file', new Downloader\FileDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
+        $dm->setDownloader('path', new Downloader\PathDownloader($io, $config, $eventDispatcher, $cache));
         return $dm;
-     * @param Config                     $config The configuration
-     * @param Downloader\DownloadManager $dm     Manager use to download sources
-     *
+     * @param  Config                     $config The configuration
+     * @param  Downloader\DownloadManager $dm     Manager use to download sources
      * @return Archiver\ArchiveManager
     public function createArchiveManager(Config $config, Downloader\DownloadManager $dm = null)

+ 4 - 0

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 namespace Composer\IO;
 use Composer\Config;
+use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
 abstract class BaseIO implements IOInterface
@@ -81,5 +82,8 @@ abstract class BaseIO implements IOInterface
                 $this->setAuthentication($domain, $cred['username'], $cred['password']);
+        // setup process timeout
+        ProcessExecutor::setTimeout((int) $config->get('process-timeout'));

+ 2 - 2

@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet;
 class BufferIO extends ConsoleIO
-     * @param string $input
-     * @param int $verbosity
+     * @param string                   $input
+     * @param int                      $verbosity
      * @param OutputFormatterInterface $formatter
     public function __construct(

+ 33 - 99

@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
 use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet;
-use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
  * The Input/Output helper.
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
     public function isVeryVerbose()
-        return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= 3; // OutputInterface::VERSOBITY_VERY_VERBOSE
+        return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE;
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
     public function isDebug()
-        return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= 4; // OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG
+        return $this->output->getVerbosity() >= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG;
@@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
      * @param array $messages
-     * @param boolean $newline
-     * @param boolean $stderr
+     * @param bool  $newline
+     * @param bool  $stderr
     private function doWrite($messages, $newline, $stderr)
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
         if (true === $stderr && $this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
             $this->output->getErrorOutput()->write($messages, $newline);
             $this->lastMessageErr = join($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages);
@@ -151,27 +153,12 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
      * @param array $messages
-     * @param boolean $newline
-     * @param integer $size
-     * @param boolean $stderr
+     * @param bool  $newline
+     * @param int   $size
+     * @param bool  $stderr
     private function doOverwrite($messages, $newline, $size, $stderr)
-        if (true === $stderr && $this->output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
-            $output = $this->output->getErrorOutput();
-        } else {
-            $output = $this->output;
-        }
-        if (!$output->isDecorated()) {
-            if (!$messages) {
-                return;
-            }
-            $this->doWrite($messages, count($messages) === 1 || $newline, $stderr);
-            return;
-        }
         // messages can be an array, let's convert it to string anyway
         $messages = join($newline ? "\n" : '', (array) $messages);
@@ -197,7 +184,12 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
         if ($newline) {
             $this->doWrite('', true, $stderr);
-        $this->lastMessage = $messages;
+        if ($stderr) {
+            $this->lastMessageErr = $messages;
+        } else {
+            $this->lastMessage = $messages;
+        }
@@ -211,10 +203,11 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
             $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
-        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper $dialog */
-        $dialog = $this->helperSet->get('dialog');
+        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper $helper */
+        $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question');
+        $question = new Question($question, $default);
-        return $dialog->ask($output, $question, $default);
+        return $helper->ask($this->input, $output, $question);
@@ -228,16 +221,17 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
             $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
-        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper $dialog */
-        $dialog = $this->helperSet->get('dialog');
+        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper $helper */
+        $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question');
+        $question = new ConfirmationQuestion($question, $default);
-        return $dialog->askConfirmation($output, $question, $default);
+        return $helper->ask($this->input, $output, $question);
      * {@inheritDoc}
-    public function askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = false, $default = null)
+    public function askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = null, $default = null)
         $output = $this->output;
@@ -245,10 +239,13 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
             $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
-        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\DialogHelper $dialog */
-        $dialog = $this->helperSet->get('dialog');
+        /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper $helper */
+        $helper = $this->helperSet->get('question');
+        $question = new Question($question, $default);
+        $question->setValidator($validator);
+        $question->setMaxAttempts($attempts);
-        return $dialog->askAndValidate($output, $question, $validator, $attempts, $default);
+        return $helper->ask($this->input, $output, $question);
@@ -256,71 +253,8 @@ class ConsoleIO extends BaseIO
     public function askAndHideAnswer($question)
-        // handle windows
-        if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) {
-            $finder = new ExecutableFinder();
-            // use bash if it's present
-            if ($finder->find('bash') && $finder->find('stty')) {
-                $this->writeError($question, false);
-                $value = rtrim(shell_exec('bash -c "stty -echo; read -n0 discard; read -r mypassword; stty echo; echo $mypassword"'));
-                $this->writeError('');
-                return $value;
-            }
-            // fallback to hiddeninput executable
-            $exe = __DIR__.'\\hiddeninput.exe';
-            // handle code running from a phar
-            if ('phar:' === substr(__FILE__, 0, 5)) {
-                $tmpExe = sys_get_temp_dir().'/hiddeninput.exe';
-                // use stream_copy_to_stream instead of copy
-                // to work around
-                $source = fopen(__DIR__.'\\hiddeninput.exe', 'r');
-                $target = fopen($tmpExe, 'w+');
-                stream_copy_to_stream($source, $target);
-                fclose($source);
-                fclose($target);
-                unset($source, $target);
-                $exe = $tmpExe;
-            }
-            $this->writeError($question, false);
-            $value = rtrim(shell_exec($exe));
-            $this->writeError('');
-            // clean up
-            if (isset($tmpExe)) {
-                unlink($tmpExe);
-            }
-            return $value;
-        }
-        if (file_exists('/usr/bin/env')) {
-            // handle other OSs with bash/zsh/ksh/csh if available to hide the answer
-            $test = "/usr/bin/env %s -c 'echo OK' 2> /dev/null";
-            foreach (array('bash', 'zsh', 'ksh', 'csh') as $sh) {
-                if ('OK' === rtrim(shell_exec(sprintf($test, $sh)))) {
-                    $shell = $sh;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isset($shell)) {
-                $this->writeError($question, false);
-                $readCmd = ($shell === 'csh') ? 'set mypassword = $<' : 'read -r mypassword';
-                $command = sprintf("/usr/bin/env %s -c 'stty -echo; %s; stty echo; echo \$mypassword'", $shell, $readCmd);
-                $value = rtrim(shell_exec($command));
-                $this->writeError('');
-                return $value;
-            }
-        }
+        $this->writeError($question, false);
-        // not able to hide the answer, proceed with normal question handling
-        return $this->ask($question);
+        return \Seld\CliPrompt\CliPrompt::hiddenPrompt(true);

+ 7 - 9

@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ interface IOInterface
      * @param string|array $messages The message as an array of lines or a single string
      * @param bool         $newline  Whether to add a newline or not
-     * @param integer      $size     The size of line
+     * @param int          $size     The size of line
     public function overwrite($messages, $newline = true, $size = null);
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ interface IOInterface
      * @param string|array $messages The message as an array of lines or a single string
      * @param bool         $newline  Whether to add a newline or not
-     * @param integer      $size     The size of line
+     * @param int          $size     The size of line
     public function overwriteError($messages, $newline = true, $size = null);
@@ -96,9 +96,8 @@ interface IOInterface
      * @param string|array $question The question to ask
      * @param string       $default  The default answer if none is given by the user
-     * @return string The user answer
-     *
      * @throws \RuntimeException If there is no data to read in the input stream
+     * @return string            The user answer
     public function ask($question, $default = null);
@@ -123,14 +122,13 @@ interface IOInterface
      * @param string|array $question  The question to ask
      * @param callback     $validator A PHP callback
-     * @param bool|integer $attempts  Max number of times to ask before giving up (false by default, which means infinite)
+     * @param null|int     $attempts  Max number of times to ask before giving up (default of null means infinite)
      * @param string       $default   The default answer if none is given by the user
-     * @return mixed
-     *
      * @throws \Exception When any of the validators return an error
+     * @return mixed
-    public function askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = false, $default = null);
+    public function askAndValidate($question, $validator, $attempts = null, $default = null);
      * Asks a question to the user and hide the answer.
@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@ interface IOInterface
      * @param string $repositoryName The unique name of repository
-     * @return boolean
+     * @return bool
     public function hasAuthentication($repositoryName);


+ 258 - 61

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\UpdateOperation;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\InstallOperation;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\UninstallOperation;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\OperationInterface;
+use Composer\DependencyResolver\PolicyInterface;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Request;
 use Composer\DependencyResolver\Rule;
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
 use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
 use Composer\Package\CompletePackage;
 use Composer\Package\Link;
-use Composer\Package\LinkConstraint\VersionConstraint;
+use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
 use Composer\Package\Locker;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
 use Composer\Package\RootPackageInterface;
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ use Composer\Repository\InstalledFilesystemRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryManager;
+use Composer\Repository\WritableRepositoryInterface;
 use Composer\Script\ScriptEvents;
@@ -101,6 +103,7 @@ class Installer
     protected $preferSource = false;
     protected $preferDist = false;
     protected $optimizeAutoloader = false;
+    protected $classMapAuthoritative = false;
     protected $devMode = false;
     protected $dryRun = false;
     protected $verbose = false;
@@ -157,9 +160,8 @@ class Installer
      * Run installation (or update)
-     * @return int 0 on success or a positive error code on failure
-     *
      * @throws \Exception
+     * @return int        0 on success or a positive error code on failure
     public function run()
@@ -206,7 +208,12 @@ class Installer
         // create installed repo, this contains all local packages + platform packages (php & extensions)
         $localRepo = $this->repositoryManager->getLocalRepository();
-        $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository();
+        if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked()) {
+            $platformOverrides = $this->locker->getPlatformOverrides();
+        } else {
+            $platformOverrides = $this->config->get('platform') ?: array();
+        }
+        $platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides);
         $repos = array(
             new InstalledArrayRepository(array($installedRootPackage)),
@@ -227,11 +234,15 @@ class Installer
                 return $res;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
-            $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls();
+            if (!$this->dryRun) {
+                $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls($this->io);
+            }
             throw $e;
-        $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls();
+        if (!$this->dryRun) {
+            $this->installationManager->notifyInstalls($this->io);
+        }
         // output suggestions if we're in dev mode
         if ($this->devMode) {
@@ -259,7 +270,7 @@ class Installer
-                    "<error>Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.</error>",
+                    "<warning>Package %s is abandoned, you should avoid using it. %s.</warning>",
@@ -282,7 +293,7 @@ class Installer
                     $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases);
                     // creating requirements request
-                    $request = $this->createRequest($pool, $this->package, $platformRepo);
+                    $request = $this->createRequest($this->package, $platformRepo);
                     foreach ($this->package->getRequires() as $link) {
                         $request->install($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint());
@@ -311,7 +322,8 @@ class Installer
                     $this->preferStable || $this->package->getPreferStable(),
-                    $this->preferLowest
+                    $this->preferLowest,
+                    $this->config->get('platform') ?: array()
                 if ($updatedLock) {
                     $this->io->writeError('<info>Writing lock file</info>');
@@ -327,6 +339,7 @@ class Installer
+                $this->autoloadGenerator->setClassMapAuthoritative($this->classMapAuthoritative);
                 $this->autoloadGenerator->dump($this->config, $localRepo, $this->package, $this->installationManager, 'composer', $this->optimizeAutoloader);
@@ -338,13 +351,23 @@ class Installer
             $vendorDir = $this->config->get('vendor-dir');
             if (is_dir($vendorDir)) {
-                touch($vendorDir);
+                // suppress errors as this fails sometimes on OSX for no apparent reason
+                // see
+                @touch($vendorDir);
         return 0;
+    /**
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface $localRepo
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface $installedRepo
+     * @param  PlatformRepository  $platformRepo
+     * @param  array               $aliases
+     * @param  bool                $withDevReqs
+     * @return int
+     */
     protected function doInstall($localRepo, $installedRepo, $platformRepo, $aliases, $withDevReqs)
         // init vars
@@ -352,9 +375,12 @@ class Installer
         $repositories = null;
         // initialize locker to create aliased packages
-        $installFromLock = false;
-        if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked()) {
-            $installFromLock = true;
+        $installFromLock = !$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked();
+        // initialize locked repo if we are installing from lock or in a partial update
+        // and a lock file is present as we need to force install non-whitelisted lock file
+        // packages in that case
+        if ($installFromLock || (!empty($this->updateWhitelist) && $this->locker->isLocked())) {
             try {
                 $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($withDevReqs);
             } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
@@ -378,21 +404,23 @@ class Installer
         // creating repository pool
         $policy = $this->createPolicy();
-        $pool = $this->createPool($withDevReqs, $lockedRepository);
+        $pool = $this->createPool($withDevReqs, $installFromLock ? $lockedRepository : null);
         $pool->addRepository($installedRepo, $aliases);
-        if ($installFromLock) {
-            $pool->addRepository($lockedRepository, $aliases);
-        }
         if (!$installFromLock) {
             $repositories = $this->repositoryManager->getRepositories();
             foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
                 $pool->addRepository($repository, $aliases);
+        // Add the locked repository after the others in case we are doing a
+        // partial update so missing packages can be found there still.
+        // For installs from lock it's the only one added so it is first
+        if ($lockedRepository) {
+            $pool->addRepository($lockedRepository, $aliases);
+        }
         // creating requirements request
-        $request = $this->createRequest($pool, $this->package, $platformRepo);
+        $request = $this->createRequest($this->package, $platformRepo);
         if (!$installFromLock) {
             // remove unstable packages from the localRepo if they don't match the current stability settings
@@ -403,7 +431,7 @@ class Installer
                     && $this->installationManager->isPackageInstalled($localRepo, $package)
                 ) {
                     $removedUnstablePackages[$package->getName()] = true;
-                    $request->remove($package->getName(), new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion()));
+                    $request->remove($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()));
@@ -426,16 +454,7 @@ class Installer
             // if the updateWhitelist is enabled, packages not in it are also fixed
             // to the version specified in the lock, or their currently installed version
             if ($this->updateWhitelist) {
-                if ($this->locker->isLocked()) {
-                    try {
-                        $currentPackages = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($withDevReqs)->getPackages();
-                    } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
-                        // fetch only non-dev packages from lock if doing a dev update fails due to a previously incomplete lock file
-                        $currentPackages = $this->locker->getLockedRepository()->getPackages();
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    $currentPackages = $installedRepo->getPackages();
-                }
+                $currentPackages = $this->getCurrentPackages($withDevReqs, $installedRepo);
                 // collect packages to fixate from root requirements as well as installed packages
                 $candidates = array();
@@ -451,7 +470,7 @@ class Installer
                     foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) {
                         if ($curPackage->getName() === $candidate) {
                             if (!$this->isUpdateable($curPackage) && !isset($removedUnstablePackages[$curPackage->getName()])) {
-                                $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $curPackage->getVersion());
+                                $constraint = new Constraint('=', $curPackage->getVersion());
                                 $request->install($curPackage->getName(), $constraint);
@@ -471,7 +490,7 @@ class Installer
                 if (isset($aliases[$package->getName()][$version])) {
                     $version = $aliases[$package->getName()][$version]['alias_normalized'];
-                $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $version);
+                $constraint = new Constraint('=', $version);
                 $request->install($package->getName(), $constraint);
@@ -494,7 +513,7 @@ class Installer
         // force dev packages to have the latest links if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
-        $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, 'force-links');
+        $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, $withDevReqs, 'force-links');
         // solve dependencies
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $policy, $pool, $installedRepo, $request);
@@ -509,8 +528,13 @@ class Installer
             return max(1, $e->getCode());
+        if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
+            $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies");
+            $this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$solver->getRuleSetSize()." rules to resolve dependencies");
+        }
         // force dev packages to be updated if we update or install from a (potentially new) lock
-        $operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, 'force-updates', $operations);
+        $operations = $this->processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, $withDevReqs, 'force-updates', $operations);
         // execute operations
         if (!$operations) {
@@ -550,7 +574,8 @@ class Installer
                 if ('update' === $operation->getJobType()
                     && $operation->getTargetPackage()->isDev()
                     && $operation->getTargetPackage()->getVersion() === $operation->getInitialPackage()->getVersion()
-                    && $operation->getTargetPackage()->getSourceReference() === $operation->getInitialPackage()->getSourceReference()
+                    && (!$operation->getTargetPackage()->getSourceReference() || $operation->getTargetPackage()->getSourceReference() === $operation->getInitialPackage()->getSourceReference())
+                    && (!$operation->getTargetPackage()->getDistReference() || $operation->getTargetPackage()->getDistReference() === $operation->getInitialPackage()->getDistReference())
                 ) {
                     if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
                         $this->io->writeError('  - Skipping update of '. $operation->getTargetPackage()->getPrettyName().' to the same reference-locked version');
@@ -604,6 +629,12 @@ class Installer
+        if (!$this->dryRun) {
+            // force source/dist urls to be updated for all packages
+            $this->processPackageUrls($pool, $policy, $localRepo, $repositories);
+            $localRepo->write();
+        }
         return 0;
@@ -671,6 +702,11 @@ class Installer
         return array_merge($uninstOps, $operations);
+    /**
+     * @param  bool                     $withDevReqs
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface|null $lockedRepository
+     * @return Pool
+     */
     private function createPool($withDevReqs, RepositoryInterface $lockedRepository = null)
         if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked()) { // install from lock
@@ -679,7 +715,7 @@ class Installer
             $requires = array();
             foreach ($lockedRepository->getPackages() as $package) {
-                $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
+                $constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion());
                 $requires[$package->getName()] = $constraint;
@@ -709,6 +745,9 @@ class Installer
         return new Pool($minimumStability, $stabilityFlags, $rootConstraints);
+    /**
+     * @return DefaultPolicy
+     */
     private function createPolicy()
         $preferStable = null;
@@ -729,11 +768,16 @@ class Installer
         return new DefaultPolicy($preferStable, $preferLowest);
-    private function createRequest(Pool $pool, RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
+    /**
+     * @param  RootPackageInterface $rootPackage
+     * @param  PlatformRepository   $platformRepo
+     * @return Request
+     */
+    private function createRequest(RootPackageInterface $rootPackage, PlatformRepository $platformRepo)
-        $request = new Request($pool);
+        $request = new Request();
-        $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
+        $constraint = new Constraint('=', $rootPackage->getVersion());
         $request->install($rootPackage->getName(), $constraint);
@@ -747,7 +791,7 @@ class Installer
         // to prevent the solver trying to remove or update those
         $provided = $rootPackage->getProvides();
         foreach ($fixedPackages as $package) {
-            $constraint = new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion());
+            $constraint = new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion());
             // skip platform packages that are provided by the root package
@@ -762,7 +806,20 @@ class Installer
         return $request;
-    private function processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, $task, array $operations = null)
+    /**
+     * @param  WritableRepositoryInterface $localRepo
+     * @param  Pool                        $pool
+     * @param  PolicyInterface             $policy
+     * @param  array                       $repositories
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface         $installedRepo
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface         $lockedRepository
+     * @param  bool                        $installFromLock
+     * @param  bool                        $withDevReqs
+     * @param  string                      $task
+     * @param  array|null                  $operations
+     * @return array
+     */
+    private function processDevPackages($localRepo, $pool, $policy, $repositories, $installedRepo, $lockedRepository, $installFromLock, $withDevReqs, $task, array $operations = null)
         if ($task === 'force-updates' && null === $operations) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing operations argument');
@@ -771,6 +828,10 @@ class Installer
             $operations = array();
+        if (!$installFromLock && $this->updateWhitelist) {
+            $currentPackages = $this->getCurrentPackages($withDevReqs, $installedRepo);
+        }
         foreach ($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) {
             // skip non-dev packages
             if (!$package->isDev()) {
@@ -811,11 +872,31 @@ class Installer
                 if ($this->update) {
                     // skip package if the whitelist is enabled and it is not in it
                     if ($this->updateWhitelist && !$this->isUpdateable($package)) {
+                        // check if non-updateable packages are out of date compared to the lock file to ensure we don't corrupt it
+                        foreach ($currentPackages as $curPackage) {
+                            if ($curPackage->isDev() && $curPackage->getName() === $package->getName() && $curPackage->getVersion() === $package->getVersion()) {
+                                if ($task === 'force-links') {
+                                    $package->setRequires($curPackage->getRequires());
+                                    $package->setConflicts($curPackage->getConflicts());
+                                    $package->setProvides($curPackage->getProvides());
+                                    $package->setReplaces($curPackage->getReplaces());
+                                } elseif ($task === 'force-updates') {
+                                    if (($curPackage->getSourceReference() && $curPackage->getSourceReference() !== $package->getSourceReference())
+                                        || ($curPackage->getDistReference() && $curPackage->getDistReference() !== $package->getDistReference())
+                                    ) {
+                                        $operations[] = new UpdateOperation($package, $curPackage);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
                     // find similar packages (name/version) in all repositories
-                    $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new VersionConstraint('=', $package->getVersion()));
+                    $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()));
                     foreach ($matches as $index => $match) {
                         // skip local packages
                         if (!in_array($match->getRepository(), $repositories, true)) {
@@ -832,8 +913,8 @@ class Installer
                         $matches[$index] = $match->getId();
-                    // select prefered package according to policy rules
-                    if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferedPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) {
+                    // select preferred package according to policy rules
+                    if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) {
                         $newPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($matches[0]);
                         if ($task === 'force-links' && $newPackage) {
@@ -854,7 +935,7 @@ class Installer
                 if ($task === 'force-updates') {
-                    // force installed package to update to referenced version if it does not match the installed version
+                    // force installed package to update to referenced version in root package if it does not match the installed version
                     $references = $this->package->getReferences();
                     if (isset($references[$package->getName()]) && $references[$package->getName()] !== $package->getSourceReference()) {
@@ -868,6 +949,29 @@ class Installer
         return $operations;
+    /**
+     * Loads the most "current" list of packages that are installed meaning from lock ideally or from installed repo as fallback
+     * @param  bool                $withDevReqs
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface $installedRepo
+     * @return array
+     */
+    private function getCurrentPackages($withDevReqs, $installedRepo)
+    {
+        if ($this->locker->isLocked()) {
+            try {
+                return $this->locker->getLockedRepository($withDevReqs)->getPackages();
+            } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
+                // fetch only non-dev packages from lock if doing a dev update fails due to a previously incomplete lock file
+                return $this->locker->getLockedRepository()->getPackages();
+            }
+        }
+        return $installedRepo->getPackages();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return array
+     */
     private function getRootAliases()
         if (!$this->update && $this->locker->isLocked()) {
@@ -881,13 +985,71 @@ class Installer
         foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
             $normalizedAliases[$alias['package']][$alias['version']] = array(
                 'alias' => $alias['alias'],
-                'alias_normalized' => $alias['alias_normalized']
+                'alias_normalized' => $alias['alias_normalized'],
         return $normalizedAliases;
+    /**
+     * @param Pool                        $pool
+     * @param PolicyInterface             $policy
+     * @param WritableRepositoryInterface $localRepo
+     * @param array                       $repositories
+     */
+    private function processPackageUrls($pool, $policy, $localRepo, $repositories)
+    {
+        if (!$this->update) {
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach ($localRepo->getCanonicalPackages() as $package) {
+            // find similar packages (name/version) in all repositories
+            $matches = $pool->whatProvides($package->getName(), new Constraint('=', $package->getVersion()));
+            foreach ($matches as $index => $match) {
+                // skip local packages
+                if (!in_array($match->getRepository(), $repositories, true)) {
+                    unset($matches[$index]);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // skip providers/replacers
+                if ($match->getName() !== $package->getName()) {
+                    unset($matches[$index]);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $matches[$index] = $match->getId();
+            }
+            // select preferred package according to policy rules
+            if ($matches && $matches = $policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, array(), $matches)) {
+                $newPackage = $pool->literalToPackage($matches[0]);
+                // update the dist and source URLs
+                $sourceUrl = $package->getSourceUrl();
+                $newSourceUrl = $newPackage->getSourceUrl();
+                if ($sourceUrl !== $newSourceUrl) {
+                    $package->setSourceType($newPackage->getSourceType());
+                    $package->setSourceUrl($newSourceUrl);
+                    $package->setSourceReference($newPackage->getSourceReference());
+                }
+                // only update dist url for github/bitbucket dists as they use a combination of dist url + dist reference to install
+                // but for other urls this is ambiguous and could result in bad outcomes
+                if (preg_match('{^https?://(?:(?:www\.)?bitbucket\.org|(api\.)?github\.com)/}', $newPackage->getDistUrl())) {
+                    $package->setDistUrl($newPackage->getDistUrl());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param PlatformRepository $platformRepo
+     * @param array              $aliases
+     */
     private function aliasPlatformPackages(PlatformRepository $platformRepo, $aliases)
         foreach ($aliases as $package => $versions) {
@@ -902,6 +1064,10 @@ class Installer
+    /**
+     * @param  PackageInterface $package
+     * @return bool
+     */
     private function isUpdateable(PackageInterface $package)
         if (!$this->updateWhitelist) {
@@ -931,6 +1097,10 @@ class Installer
         return "{^" . $cleanedWhiteListedPattern . "$}i";
+    /**
+     * @param  array $links
+     * @return array
+     */
     private function extractPlatformRequirements($links)
         $platformReqs = array();
@@ -951,7 +1121,7 @@ class Installer
      * update whitelist themselves.
      * @param RepositoryInterface $localRepo
-     * @param boolean             $devMode
+     * @param bool                $devMode
      * @param array               $rootRequires    An array of links to packages in require of the root package
      * @param array               $rootDevRequires An array of links to packages in require-dev of the root package
@@ -1083,6 +1253,10 @@ class Installer
+    /**
+     * @param  RepositoryInterface $additionalInstalledRepository
+     * @return $this
+     */
     public function setAdditionalInstalledRepository(RepositoryInterface $additionalInstalledRepository)
         $this->additionalInstalledRepository = $additionalInstalledRepository;
@@ -1093,7 +1267,7 @@ class Installer
      * Whether to run in drymode or not
-     * @param  boolean   $dryRun
+     * @param  bool      $dryRun
      * @return Installer
     public function setDryRun($dryRun = true)
@@ -1116,7 +1290,7 @@ class Installer
      * prefer source installation
-     * @param  boolean   $preferSource
+     * @param  bool      $preferSource
      * @return Installer
     public function setPreferSource($preferSource = true)
@@ -1129,7 +1303,7 @@ class Installer
      * prefer dist installation
-     * @param  boolean   $preferDist
+     * @param  bool      $preferDist
      * @return Installer
     public function setPreferDist($preferDist = true)
@@ -1148,6 +1322,29 @@ class Installer
     public function setOptimizeAutoloader($optimizeAutoloader = false)
         $this->optimizeAutoloader = (boolean) $optimizeAutoloader;
+        if (!$this->optimizeAutoloader) {
+            // Force classMapAuthoritative off when not optimizing the
+            // autoloader
+            $this->setClassMapAuthoritative(false);
+        }
+        return $this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Whether or not generated autoloader considers the class map
+     * authoritative.
+     *
+     * @param  bool      $classMapAuthoritative
+     * @return Installer
+     */
+    public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative = false)
+    {
+        $this->classMapAuthoritative = (boolean) $classMapAuthoritative;
+        if ($this->classMapAuthoritative) {
+            // Force optimizeAutoloader when classmap is authoritative
+            $this->setOptimizeAutoloader(true);
+        }
         return $this;
@@ -1155,7 +1352,7 @@ class Installer
      * update packages
-     * @param  boolean   $update
+     * @param  bool      $update
      * @return Installer
     public function setUpdate($update = true)
@@ -1168,7 +1365,7 @@ class Installer
      * enables dev packages
-     * @param  boolean   $devMode
+     * @param  bool      $devMode
      * @return Installer
     public function setDevMode($devMode = true)
@@ -1181,7 +1378,7 @@ class Installer
      * set whether to run autoloader or not
-     * @param boolean $dumpAutoloader
+     * @param  bool      $dumpAutoloader
      * @return Installer
     public function setDumpAutoloader($dumpAutoloader = true)
@@ -1194,7 +1391,7 @@ class Installer
      * set whether to run scripts or not
-     * @param  boolean   $runScripts
+     * @param  bool      $runScripts
      * @return Installer
     public function setRunScripts($runScripts = true)
@@ -1220,7 +1417,7 @@ class Installer
      * run in verbose mode
-     * @param  boolean   $verbose
+     * @param  bool      $verbose
      * @return Installer
     public function setVerbose($verbose = true)
@@ -1243,7 +1440,7 @@ class Installer
      * set ignore Platform Package requirements
-     * @param  boolean   $ignorePlatformReqs
+     * @param  bool      $ignorePlatformReqs
      * @return Installer
     public function setIgnorePlatformRequirements($ignorePlatformReqs = false)
@@ -1270,7 +1467,7 @@ class Installer
      * Should dependencies of whitelisted packages be updated recursively?
-     * @param  boolean   $updateDependencies
+     * @param  bool      $updateDependencies
      * @return Installer
     public function setWhitelistDependencies($updateDependencies = true)
@@ -1281,9 +1478,9 @@ class Installer
-     * Should packages be prefered in a stable version when updating?
+     * Should packages be preferred in a stable version when updating?
-     * @param  boolean   $preferStable
+     * @param  bool      $preferStable
      * @return Installer
     public function setPreferStable($preferStable = true)
@@ -1294,9 +1491,9 @@ class Installer
-     * Should packages be prefered in a lowest version when updating?
+     * Should packages be preferred in a lowest version when updating?
-     * @param  boolean   $preferLowest
+     * @param  bool      $preferLowest
      * @return Installer
     public function setPreferLowest($preferLowest = true)

+ 18 - 5

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 namespace Composer\Installer;
+use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
 use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
 use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
 use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface;
@@ -89,9 +90,8 @@ class InstallationManager
      * @param string $type package type
-     * @return InstallerInterface
-     *
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if installer for provided type is not registered
+     * @return InstallerInterface
     public function getInstaller($type)
@@ -231,9 +231,16 @@ class InstallationManager
         return $installer->getInstallPath($package);
-    public function notifyInstalls()
+    public function notifyInstalls(IOInterface $io)
         foreach ($this->notifiablePackages as $repoUrl => $packages) {
+            $repositoryName = parse_url($repoUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
+            if ($io->hasAuthentication($repositoryName)) {
+                $auth = $io->getAuthentication($repositoryName);
+                $authStr = base64_encode($auth['username'] . ':' . $auth['password']);
+                $authHeader = 'Authorization: Basic '.$authStr;
+            }
             // non-batch API, deprecated
             if (strpos($repoUrl, '%package%')) {
                 foreach ($packages as $package) {
@@ -249,8 +256,11 @@ class InstallationManager
                             'header'  => array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
                             'content' => http_build_query($params, '', '&'),
                             'timeout' => 3,
-                        )
+                        ),
+                    if (isset($authHeader)) {
+                        $opts['http']['header'][] = $authHeader;
+                    }
                     $context = StreamContextFactory::getContext($url, $opts);
                     @file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
@@ -273,8 +283,11 @@ class InstallationManager
                     'header'  => array('Content-Type: application/json'),
                     'content' => json_encode($postData),
                     'timeout' => 6,
-                )
+                ),
+            if (isset($authHeader)) {
+                $opts['http']['header'][] = $authHeader;
+            }
             $context = StreamContextFactory::getContext($repoUrl, $opts);
             @file_get_contents($repoUrl, false, $context);

Một số tệp đã không được hiển thị bởi vì quá nhiều tập tin thay đổi trong này khác