@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ use Composer\Script\ScriptEvents;
class AutoloadGenerator
+ const EXCLUDE_PATTERN = '.*%s';
* @var EventDispatcher
@@ -154,6 +156,11 @@ EOF;
+ $blacklist = '';
+ if(!empty($autoloads['exclude-from-classmap'])) {
+ $blacklist = '{(' . implode('|', $autoloads['exclude-from-classmap']) . ')}';
+ }
// flatten array
$classMap = array();
if ($scanPsr0Packages) {
@@ -165,12 +172,7 @@ EOF;
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
- $whitelist = sprintf(
- '{%s/%s.+(?<!(?<!/)Test\.php)$}',
- preg_quote($dir),
- ($psrType === 'psr-4' || strpos($namespace, '_') === false) ? preg_quote(strtr($namespace, '\\', '/')) : ''
- );
- foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $whitelist) as $class => $path) {
+ foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $blacklist) as $class => $path) {
if ('' === $namespace || 0 === strpos($class, $namespace)) {
if (!isset($classMap[$class])) {
$path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ EOF;
$autoloads['classmap'] = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveArrayIterator($autoloads['classmap']));
foreach ($autoloads['classmap'] as $dir) {
- foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir) as $class => $path) {
+ foreach (ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $blacklist) as $class => $path) {
$path = $this->getPathCode($filesystem, $basePath, $vendorPath, $path);
$classMap[$class] = $path.",\n";
@@ -285,11 +287,19 @@ EOF;
$psr4 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-4', $mainPackage);
$classmap = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'classmap', $mainPackage);
$files = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'files', $mainPackage);
+ $exclude = $this->parseAutoloadsType($sortedPackageMap, 'exclude-from-classmap', $mainPackage);
- return array('psr-0' => $psr0, 'psr-4' => $psr4, 'classmap' => $classmap, 'files' => $files);
+ return
+ array(
+ 'psr-0' => $psr0,
+ 'psr-4' => $psr4,
+ 'classmap' => $classmap,
+ 'files' => $files,
+ 'exclude-from-classmap' => $exclude
+ );
@@ -597,6 +607,23 @@ FOOTER;
$path = $package->getTargetDir() . '/' . $path;
+ if ($type === 'exclude-from-classmap') {
+ // first escape user input
+ $path = sprintf(self::EXCLUDE_PATTERN, preg_quote($path));
+ if ($package === $mainPackage && $package->getTargetDir() && !is_readable($installPath.'/'.$path)) {
+ // remove target-dir from classmap entries of the root package
+ $targetDir = str_replace('\\<dirsep\\>', '[\\\\/]', preg_quote(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '<dirsep>', $package->getTargetDir())));
+ $path = ltrim(preg_replace('{^'.$targetDir.'}', '', ltrim($path, '\\/')), '\\/');
+ }
+ elseif($package !== $mainPackage && $package->getTargetDir() && !is_readable($installPath.'/'.$path)) {
+ // add target-dir to exclude entries that don't have it
+ $path = preg_quote($package->getTargetDir()) . '/' . $path;
+ }
+ $autoloads[] = empty($installPath) ? $path : preg_quote($installPath) . '/' . $path;
+ continue;
+ }
if (empty($installPath)) {
$autoloads[$namespace][] = empty($path) ? '.' : $path;
} else {