@@ -744,8 +744,11 @@ class Installer
private function movePluginsToFront(array $operations)
- $installerOps = array();
- foreach ($operations as $idx => $op) {
+ $pluginsNoDeps = array();
+ $pluginsWithDeps = array();
+ $pluginRequires = array();
+ foreach (array_reverse($operations, true) as $idx => $op) {
if ($op instanceof InstallOperation) {
$package = $op->getPackage();
} elseif ($op instanceof UpdateOperation) {
@@ -754,23 +757,32 @@ class Installer
- if ($package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'composer-installer') {
- // ignore requirements to platform or composer-plugin-api
- $requires = array_keys($package->getRequires());
- foreach ($requires as $index => $req) {
- if ($req === 'composer-plugin-api' || preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req)) {
- unset($requires[$index]);
- }
- }
- // if there are no other requirements, move the plugin to the top of the op list
- if (!count($requires)) {
- $installerOps[] = $op;
- unset($operations[$idx]);
+ // is this package a plugin?
+ $is_plugin = $package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'composer-installer';
+ // is this a plugin or a dependency of a plugin?
+ if ($is_plugin || count(array_intersect($package->getNames(), $pluginRequires))) {
+ // get the package's requires, but filter out any platform requirements or 'composer-plugin-api'
+ $requires = array_filter(array_keys($package->getRequires()), function($req) {
+ return $req !== 'composer-plugin-api' && !preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $req);
+ });
+ // is this a plugin with no meaningful dependencies?
+ if ($is_plugin && !count($requires)) {
+ // plugins with no dependencies go to the very front
+ array_unshift($pluginsNoDeps, $op);
+ } else {
+ // capture the requirements for this package so those packages will be moved up as well
+ $pluginRequires = array_merge($pluginRequires, $requires);
+ // move the operation to the front
+ array_unshift($pluginsWithDeps, $op);
+ unset($operations[$idx]);
- return array_merge($installerOps, $operations);
+ return array_merge($pluginsNoDeps, $pluginsWithDeps, $operations);