@@ -16,17 +16,6 @@ parameters:
# ion cube is not installed
- '~^Function ioncube_loader_\w+ not found\.$~'
- # rar is not installed
- - '~^Call to static method open\(\) on an unknown class RarArchive\.$~'
- # imagick is not installed
- - '~^Instantiated class Imagick not found\.$~'
- # windows specific constants
- -
- message: '~^Constant PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR not found\.$~'
- path: '*/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php'
- -
- message: '~^Constant PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MINOR not found\.$~'
- path: '*/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php'
# variables from global scope
- '~^Undefined variable: \$vendorDir$~'
@@ -35,6 +24,9 @@ parameters:
# variable defined in eval
- '~^Undefined variable: \$res$~'
+ # erroneous detection of missing const, see https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/2960
+ - '~^Access to undefined constant ZipArchive::LIBZIP_VERSION.$~'
# we don't have different constructors for parent/child
- '~^Unsafe usage of new static\(\)\.$~'