@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class CreateProjectCommand extends Command
new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to install dependencies for development.'),
new InputOption('no-custom-installers', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to disable custom installers.'),
new InputOption('no-scripts', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to prevent execution of all defined scripts in the root package.'),
+ new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'),
new InputOption('keep-vcs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Whether to prevent deletion vcs folder.'),
@@ -102,11 +103,12 @@ EOT
- $input->getOption('keep-vcs')
+ $input->getOption('keep-vcs'),
+ $input->getOption('no-progress')
- public function installProject(IOInterface $io, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repositoryUrl = null, $disableCustomInstallers = false, $noScripts = false, $keepVcs = false)
+ public function installProject(IOInterface $io, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repositoryUrl = null, $disableCustomInstallers = false, $noScripts = false, $keepVcs = false, $noProgress = false)
$config = Factory::createConfig();
@@ -177,7 +179,8 @@ EOT
$dm = $this->createDownloadManager($io, $config);
- ->setPreferDist($preferDist);
+ ->setPreferDist($preferDist)
+ ->setOutputProgress(!$noProgress);
$projectInstaller = new ProjectInstaller($directory, $dm);
$im = $this->createInstallationManager();