@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ class RequireCommand extends InitCommand
new InputOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'),
new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'),
new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist even for dev versions.'),
- new InputOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'),
new InputOption('fixed', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Write fixed version to the composer.json.'),
new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'),
new InputOption('no-update', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables the automatic update of the dependencies.'),