@@ -86,18 +86,10 @@ class PoolBuilder
$loadNames[$packageName] = $constraint;
+ // TODO do we even need to set these in name constraints or can we skip them entirely?
$this->nameConstraints[$packageName] = $constraint ? new MultiConstraint(array($constraint), false) : null;
- // all the merged constraints from install requests + fixed packages can be applied
- // when loading package metadata already, as these are set in stone
- foreach ($this->nameConstraints as $package => $constraint) {
- if ($constraint !== null && array_key_exists($package, $loadNames)) {
- $loadNames[$package] = $constraint;
- unset($this->nameConstraints[$package]);
- }
- }
// clean up loadNames for anything we manually marked loaded above
foreach ($loadNames as $name => $void) {
if (isset($this->loadedNames[$name])) {