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Tobias Munk %!s(int64=11) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 1 ficheiros con 82 adicións e 77 borrados
  1. 82 77

+ 82 - 77

@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class CreateProjectCommand extends Command
             ->setDescription('Create new project from a package into given directory.')
-                new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Package name to be installed', 'local'),
+                new InputArgument('package', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Package name to be installed'),
                 new InputArgument('directory', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Directory where the files should be created'),
                 new InputArgument('version', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Version, will defaults to latest'),
                 new InputOption('stability', 's', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Minimum-stability allowed (unless a version is specified).', 'stable'),
@@ -67,9 +67,11 @@ class CreateProjectCommand extends Command
 The <info>create-project</info> command creates a new project from a given
-package into a new directory. You can use this command to bootstrap new
-projects or setup a clean version-controlled installation
-for developers of your project.
+package into a new directory. If executed without params and in a directory
+with a composer.json file it installs the packages for the current project.
+You can use this command to bootstrap new projects or setup a clean
+version-controlled installation for developers of your project.
 <info>php composer.phar create-project vendor/project target-directory [version]</info>
@@ -134,11 +136,84 @@ EOT
     public function installProject(IOInterface $io, $config, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repositoryUrl = null, $disableCustomInstallers = false, $noScripts = false, $keepVcs = false, $noProgress = false)
-        if ($packageName === 'local') {
+        if ($packageName !== null) {
+            $installedFromVcs = $this->installRootPackage($io, $config, $packageName, $directory, $packageVersion, $stability, $preferSource, $preferDist, $installDevPackages, $repositoryUrl, $disableCustomInstallers, $noScripts, $keepVcs, $noProgress);
+        } else {
             $installedFromVcs = false;
-            goto installDependencies;
+        if ($noScripts === false) {
+            // dispatch event
+            $this->getComposer()->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchCommandEvent(ScriptEvents::POST_ROOT_PACKAGE_INSTALL, $installDevPackages);
+        }
+        // install dependencies of the created project
+        $composer = Factory::create($io);
+        $installer = Installer::create($io, $composer);
+        $installer->setPreferSource($preferSource)
+            ->setPreferDist($preferDist)
+            ->setDevMode($installDevPackages)
+            ->setRunScripts( ! $noScripts);
+        if ($disableCustomInstallers) {
+            $installer->disableCustomInstallers();
+        }
+        if (!$installer->run()) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if ($noScripts === false) {
+            // dispatch event
+            $this->getComposer()->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchCommandEvent(ScriptEvents::POST_CREATE_PROJECT, $installDevPackages);
+        }
+        $hasVcs = $installedFromVcs;
+        if (!$keepVcs && $installedFromVcs
+            && (
+                !$io->isInteractive()
+                || $io->askConfirmation('<info>Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history?</info> [<comment>Y,n</comment>]? ', true)
+            )
+        ) {
+            $finder = new Finder();
+            $finder->depth(0)->directories()->in(getcwd())->ignoreVCS(false)->ignoreDotFiles(false);
+            foreach (array('.svn', '_svn', 'CVS', '_darcs', '.arch-params', '.monotone', '.bzr', '.git', '.hg') as $vcsName) {
+                $finder->name($vcsName);
+            }
+            try {
+                $fs = new Filesystem();
+                $dirs = iterator_to_array($finder);
+                unset($finder);
+                foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
+                    if (!$fs->removeDirectory($dir)) {
+                        throw new \RuntimeException('Could not remove '.$dir);
+                    }
+                }
+            } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                $io->write('<error>An error occurred while removing the VCS metadata: '.$e->getMessage().'</error>');
+            }
+            $hasVcs = false;
+        }
+        // rewriting self.version dependencies with explicit version numbers if the package's vcs metadata is gone
+        if (!$hasVcs) {
+            $package = $composer->getPackage();
+            $configSource = new JsonConfigSource(new JsonFile('composer.json'));
+            foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $meta) {
+                foreach ($package->{'get'.$meta['method']}() as $link) {
+                    if ($link->getPrettyConstraint() === 'self.version') {
+                        $configSource->addLink($type, $link->getTarget(), $package->getPrettyVersion());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    protected function installRootPackage(IOInterface $io, $config, $packageName, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repositoryUrl = null, $disableCustomInstallers = false, $noScripts = false, $keepVcs = false, $noProgress = false) {
         $stability = strtolower($stability);
         if ($stability === 'rc') {
             $stability = 'RC';
@@ -225,77 +300,7 @@ EOT
         // clean up memory
         unset($dm, $im, $config, $projectInstaller, $sourceRepo, $package);
-        installDependencies:
-        if ($noScripts === false) {
-            // dispatch event
-            $this->getComposer()->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchCommandEvent(ScriptEvents::POST_ROOT_PACKAGE_INSTALL, $installDevPackages);
-        }
-        // install dependencies of the created project
-        $composer = Factory::create($io);
-        $installer = Installer::create($io, $composer);
-        $installer->setPreferSource($preferSource)
-            ->setPreferDist($preferDist)
-            ->setDevMode($installDevPackages)
-            ->setRunScripts( ! $noScripts);
-        if ($disableCustomInstallers) {
-            $installer->disableCustomInstallers();
-        }
-        if (!$installer->run()) {
-            return 1;
-        }
-        if ($noScripts === false) {
-            // dispatch event
-            $this->getComposer()->getEventDispatcher()->dispatchCommandEvent(ScriptEvents::POST_CREATE_PROJECT, $installDevPackages);
-        }
-        $hasVcs = $installedFromVcs;
-        if (!$keepVcs && $installedFromVcs
-            && (
-                !$io->isInteractive()
-                || $io->askConfirmation('<info>Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history?</info> [<comment>Y,n</comment>]? ', true)
-            )
-        ) {
-            $finder = new Finder();
-            $finder->depth(0)->directories()->in(getcwd())->ignoreVCS(false)->ignoreDotFiles(false);
-            foreach (array('.svn', '_svn', 'CVS', '_darcs', '.arch-params', '.monotone', '.bzr', '.git', '.hg') as $vcsName) {
-                $finder->name($vcsName);
-            }
-            try {
-                $fs = new Filesystem();
-                $dirs = iterator_to_array($finder);
-                unset($finder);
-                foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
-                    if (!$fs->removeDirectory($dir)) {
-                        throw new \RuntimeException('Could not remove '.$dir);
-                    }
-                }
-            } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                $io->write('<error>An error occurred while removing the VCS metadata: '.$e->getMessage().'</error>');
-            }
-            $hasVcs = false;
-        }
-        // rewriting self.version dependencies with explicit version numbers if the package's vcs metadata is gone
-        if (!$hasVcs) {
-            $package = $composer->getPackage();
-            $configSource = new JsonConfigSource(new JsonFile('composer.json'));
-            foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $meta) {
-                foreach ($package->{'get'.$meta['method']}() as $link) {
-                    if ($link->getPrettyConstraint() === 'self.version') {
-                        $configSource->addLink($type, $link->getTarget(), $package->getPrettyVersion());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return 0;
+        return $installedFromVcs;
     protected function createDownloadManager(IOInterface $io, Config $config)