@@ -481,191 +481,6 @@ class Solver
- /** TODO solver_reenablepolicyrules(solv, -(v + 1)); */
- }
- }
- ***
- *** Policy rule disabling/reenabling
- ***
- *** Disable all policy rules that conflict with our jobs. If a job
- *** gets disabled later on, reenable the involved policy rules again.
- ***
- *** /
-#define DISABLE_DUP 3
- protected function jobToDisableQueue(array $job, array $disableQueue)
- {
- switch ($job['cmd']) {
- case 'install':
- foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
- if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()])) {
- $disableQueue[] = array('type' => 'update', 'package' => $package);
- }
- /* all job packages obsolete * /
- qstart = q->count;
- pass = 0;
- memset(&omap, 0, sizeof(omap));
- FOR_JOB_SELECT(p, pp, select, what)
- {
- Id p2, pp2;
- if (pass == 1)
- map_grow(&omap, installed->end - installed->start);
- s = pool->solvables + p;
- if (s->obsoletes)
- {
- Id obs, *obsp;
- obsp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->obsoletes;
- while ((obs = *obsp++) != 0)
- FOR_PROVIDES(p2, pp2, obs)
- {
- Solvable *ps = pool->solvables + p2;
- if (ps->repo != installed)
- continue;
- if (!pool->obsoleteusesprovides && !pool_match_nevr(pool, ps, obs))
- continue;
- if (pool->obsoleteusescolors && !pool_colormatch(pool, s, ps))
- continue;
- if (pass)
- MAPSET(&omap, p2 - installed->start);
- else
- queue_push2(q, DISABLE_UPDATE, p2);
- }
- }
- FOR_PROVIDES(p2, pp2, s->name)
- {
- Solvable *ps = pool->solvables + p2;
- if (ps->repo != installed)
- continue;
- if (!pool->implicitobsoleteusesprovides && ps->name != s->name)
- continue;
- if (pool->obsoleteusescolors && !pool_colormatch(pool, s, ps))
- continue;
- if (pass)
- MAPSET(&omap, p2 - installed->start);
- else
- queue_push2(q, DISABLE_UPDATE, p2);
- }
- if (pass)
- {
- for (i = j = qstart; i < q->count; i += 2)
- {
- if (MAPTST(&omap, q->elements[i + 1] - installed->start))
- {
- MAPCLR(&omap, q->elements[i + 1] - installed->start);
- q->elements[j + 1] = q->elements[i + 1];
- j += 2;
- }
- }
- queue_truncate(q, j);
- }
- if (q->count == qstart)
- break;
- pass++;
- }
- if (omap.size)
- map_free(&omap);
- if (qstart == q->count)
- return; /* nothing to prune * /
- return; /* all is set */
- /* now that we know which installed packages are obsoleted check each of them * /
- for (i = j = qstart; i < q->count; i += 2)
- {
- Solvable *is = pool->solvables + q->elements[i + 1];
- FOR_JOB_SELECT(p, pp, select, what)
- {
- int illegal = 0;
- s = pool->solvables + p;
- if ((set & SOLVER_SETEVR) != 0)
- illegal |= POLICY_ILLEGAL_DOWNGRADE; /* ignore * /
- if ((set & SOLVER_SETARCH) != 0)
- illegal |= POLICY_ILLEGAL_ARCHCHANGE; /* ignore * /
- if ((set & SOLVER_SETVENDOR) != 0)
- illegal |= POLICY_ILLEGAL_VENDORCHANGE; /* ignore * /
- illegal = policy_is_illegal(solv, is, s, illegal);
- if (illegal && illegal == POLICY_ILLEGAL_DOWNGRADE && (set & SOLVER_SETEV) != 0)
- {
- /* it's ok if the EV is different * /
- if (evrcmp(pool, is->evr, s->evr, EVRCMP_COMPARE_EVONLY) != 0)
- illegal = 0;
- }
- if (illegal)
- break;
- }
- if (!p)
- {
- /* no package conflicts with the update rule * /
- /* thus keep the DISABLE_UPDATE * /
- q->elements[j + 1] = q->elements[i + 1];
- j += 2;
- }
- }
- queue_truncate(q, j);
- return;*/
- }
- break;
- case 'remove':
- foreach ($job['packages'] as $package) {
- if (isset($this->installedMap[$package->getId()])) {
- $disableQueue[] = array('type' => 'update', 'package' => $package);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return $disableQueue;
- }
- protected function disableUpdateRule($package)
- {
- if (isset($this->packageToFeatureRule[$package->getId()])) {
- $this->packageToFeatureRule[$package->getId()]->disable();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Disables all policy rules that conflict with jobs
- */
- protected function disablePolicyRules()
- {
- $lastJob = null;
- $allQueue = array();
- $iterator = $this->rules->getIteratorFor(RuleSet::TYPE_JOB);
- foreach ($iterator as $rule) {
- if ($rule->isDisabled()) {
- continue;
- }
- $job = $this->ruleToJob[$rule->getId()];
- if ($job === $lastJob) {
- continue;
- }
- $lastJob = $job;
- $allQueue = $this->jobToDisableQueue($job, $allQueue);
- }
- foreach ($allQueue as $disable) {
- switch ($disable['type']) {
- case 'update':
- $this->disableUpdateRule($disable['package']);
- break;
- default:
- throw new \RuntimeException("Unsupported disable type: " . $disable['type']);
- }
@@ -734,8 +549,6 @@ class Solver
$updates = $this->policy->findUpdatePackages($this, $this->pool, $this->installedMap, $package);
$rule = $this->createUpdateRule($package, $updates, Rule::RULE_INTERNAL_ALLOW_UPDATE, (string) $package);
- $rule->setWeak(true);
- //$this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_FEATURE, $rule);
$this->packageToFeatureRule[$package->getId()] = $rule;
@@ -781,9 +594,6 @@ class Solver
- /* disable update rules that conflict with our job */
- $this->disablePolicyRules();
/* make decisions based on job/update assertions */
@@ -1369,12 +1179,6 @@ class Solver
- /**
-@TODO what does v < 0 mean here? ($why == v)
- if (v < 0)
- solver_reenablepolicyrules(solv, -(v + 1));
return true;