@@ -382,7 +382,6 @@ class Installer
$pool = $repositorySet->createPool($request, $this->eventDispatcher);
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $repositorySet, $pool, $request, $policy);
// solve dependencies
$solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $this->io, $repositorySet);
@@ -400,9 +399,6 @@ class Installer
return max(1, $e->getCode());
- // TODO should we warn people / error if plugins in vendor folder do not match contents of lock file before update?
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $repositorySet, $pool, $request, $policy, $lockTransaction);
$this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".count($pool)." packages to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
$this->io->writeError("Analyzed ".$ruleSetSize." rules to resolve dependencies", true, IOInterface::VERBOSE);
@@ -524,11 +520,9 @@ class Installer
$pool = $repositorySet->createPool($request, $this->eventDispatcher);
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, false, $repositorySet, $pool, $request, $policy);
$solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $this->io, $repositorySet);
try {
$nonDevLockTransaction = $solver->solve($request, $this->ignorePlatformReqs);
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, false, $repositorySet, $pool, $request, $policy, $nonDevLockTransaction);
$solver = null;
} catch (SolverProblemsException $e) {
$this->io->writeError('<error>Unable to find a compatible set of packages based on your non-dev requirements alone.</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);
@@ -547,22 +541,22 @@ class Installer
protected function doInstall(RepositoryInterface $localRepo, $alreadySolved = false)
- $platformRepo = $this->createPlatformRepo(false);
- $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($this->devMode);
- // creating repository set
- $policy = $this->createPolicy(false);
- // use aliases from lock file only, so empty root aliases here
- $repositorySet = $this->createRepositorySet(false, $platformRepo, array(), $lockedRepository);
- $repositorySet->addRepository($lockedRepository);
$this->io->writeError('<info>Installing dependencies from lock file'.($this->devMode ? ' (including require-dev)' : '').'</info>');
+ $lockedRepository = $this->locker->getLockedRepository($this->devMode);
// verify that the lock file works with the current platform repository
// we can skip this part if we're doing this as the second step after an update
if (!$alreadySolved) {
$this->io->writeError('<info>Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.</info>');
+ $platformRepo = $this->createPlatformRepo(false);
+ // creating repository set
+ $policy = $this->createPolicy(false);
+ // use aliases from lock file only, so empty root aliases here
+ $repositorySet = $this->createRepositorySet(false, $platformRepo, array(), $lockedRepository);
+ $repositorySet->addRepository($lockedRepository);
// creating requirements request
$request = $this->createRequest($this->fixedRootPackage, $platformRepo, $lockedRepository);
@@ -579,7 +573,6 @@ class Installer
$pool = $repositorySet->createPool($request, $this->eventDispatcher);
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $repositorySet, $pool, $request, $policy);
// solve dependencies
$solver = new Solver($policy, $pool, $this->io, $repositorySet);
@@ -599,13 +592,11 @@ class Installer
return max(1, $e->getCode());
- // TODO should we warn people / error if plugins in vendor folder do not match contents of lock file before update?
- $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::POST_DEPENDENCIES_SOLVING, $this->devMode, $repositorySet, $pool, $request, $policy, $lockTransaction);
// TODO in how far do we need to do anything here to ensure dev packages being updated to latest in lock without version change are treated correctly?
$localRepoTransaction = new LocalRepoTransaction($lockedRepository, $localRepo);
+ $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchInstallerEvent(InstallerEvents::PRE_OPERATIONS_EXEC, $this->devMode, $this->executeOperations, $localRepoTransaction);
if (!$localRepoTransaction->getOperations()) {
$this->io->writeError('Nothing to install, update or remove');