@@ -652,6 +652,11 @@ class Filesystem
* that the mode value returned from lstat (which gives the status of the
* link itself) is not a directory.
+ * This relies on the fact that PHP does not set this value because there is
+ * no universal file type flag for a junction or a mount point. However a
+ * bug in PHP can cause a random value to be returned and this could result
+ * in a junction not being detected: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=77552
+ *
* @param string $junction Path to check.
* @return bool
@@ -664,9 +669,8 @@ class Filesystem
return false;
- // Important to clear cache first
+ // Important to clear all caches first
clearstatcache(true, $junction);
- clearstatcache(false);
$stat = lstat($junction);
// S_IFDIR is 0x4000, S_IFMT is the 0xF000 bitmask