@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * This file is part of Composer.
+ *
+ * (c) Nils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>
+ * Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Composer\Test\Repository;
+use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
+use Composer\Repository\ArrayRepository;
+use Composer\Test\TestCase;
+class CompositeRepositoryTest extends TestCase
+ public function testHasPackage()
+ {
+ $arrayRepoOne = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1'));
+ $repo = new CompositeRepository(array($arrayRepoOne, $arrayRepoTwo));
+ $this->assertTrue($repo->hasPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1')), "Should have package 'foo/1'");
+ $this->assertTrue($repo->hasPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1')), "Should have package 'bar/1'");
+ $this->assertFalse($repo->hasPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '2')), "Should not have package 'foo/2'");
+ $this->assertFalse($repo->hasPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '2')), "Should not have package 'bar/2'");
+ }
+ public function testFindPackage()
+ {
+ $arrayRepoOne = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1'));
+ $repo = new CompositeRepository(array($arrayRepoOne, $arrayRepoTwo));
+ $this->assertEquals('foo', $repo->findPackage('foo', '1')->getName(), "Should find package 'foo/1' and get name of 'foo'");
+ $this->assertEquals('1', $repo->findPackage('foo', '1')->getPrettyVersion(), "Should find package 'foo/1' and get pretty version of '1'");
+ $this->assertEquals('bar', $repo->findPackage('bar', '1')->getName(), "Should find package 'bar/1' and get name of 'bar'");
+ $this->assertEquals('1', $repo->findPackage('bar', '1')->getPrettyVersion(), "Should find package 'bar/1' and get pretty version of '1'");
+ $this->assertNull($repo->findPackage('foo', '2'), "Should not find package 'foo/2'");
+ }
+ public function testFindPackagesByName()
+ {
+ $arrayRepoOne = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '2'));
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('bat', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '2'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '3'));
+ $repo = new CompositeRepository(array($arrayRepoOne, $arrayRepoTwo));
+ $bats = $repo->findPackagesByName('bat');
+ $this->assertCount(1, $bats, "Should find one instance of 'bats' (defined in just one repository)");
+ $this->assertEquals('bat', $bats[0]->getName(), "Should find packages named 'bat'");
+ $bars = $repo->findPackagesByName('bar');
+ $this->assertCount(2, $bars, "Should find two instances of 'bar' (both defined in the same repository)");
+ $this->assertEquals('bar', $bars[0]->getName(), "Should find packages named 'bar'");
+ $foos = $repo->findPackagesByName('foo');
+ $this->assertCount(3, $foos, "Should find three instances of 'foo' (two defined in one repository, the third in the other)");
+ $this->assertEquals('foo', $foos[0]->getName(), "Should find packages named 'foo'");
+ }
+ public function testGetPackages()
+ {
+ $arrayRepoOne = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1'));
+ $repo = new CompositeRepository(array($arrayRepoOne, $arrayRepoTwo));
+ $packages = $repo->getPackages();
+ $this->assertCount(2, $packages, "Should get two packages");
+ $this->assertEquals("foo", $packages[0]->getName(), "First package should have name of 'foo'");
+ $this->assertEquals("1", $packages[0]->getPrettyVersion(), "First package should have pretty version of '1'");
+ $this->assertEquals("bar", $packages[1]->getName(), "Second package should have name of 'bar'");
+ $this->assertEquals("1", $packages[1]->getPrettyVersion(), "Second package should have pretty version of '1'");
+ }
+ public function testAddRepository()
+ {
+ $arrayRepoOne = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '2'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '3'));
+ $repo = new CompositeRepository(array($arrayRepoOne));
+ $this->assertCount(1, $repo, "Composite repository should have just one package before addRepository() is called");
+ $repo->addRepository($arrayRepoTwo);
+ $this->assertCount(4, $repo, "Composite repository should have four packages after addRepository() is called");
+ }
+ public function testCount()
+ {
+ $arrayRepoOne = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoOne->addPackage($this->getPackage('foo', '1'));
+ $arrayRepoTwo = new ArrayRepository;
+ $arrayRepoTwo->addPackage($this->getPackage('bar', '1'));
+ $repo = new CompositeRepository(array($arrayRepoOne, $arrayRepoTwo));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, count($repo), "Should return '2' for count(\$repo)");
+ }