@@ -429,6 +429,29 @@ class GitLabDriver extends VcsDriver
if ($fetchingRepoData) {
$json = $response->decodeJson();
+ // Accessing the API with a token with Guest (10) access will return
+ // more data than unauthenticated access but no default_branch data
+ // accessing files via the API will then also fail
+ if (!isset($json['default_branch']) && isset($json['permissions'])) {
+ $this->isPrivate = $json['visibility'] !== 'public';
+ $moreThanGuestAccess = false;
+ // Check both access levels (e.g. project, group)
+ // - value will be null if no access is set
+ // - value will be array with key access_level if set
+ foreach ($json['permissions'] as $permission) {
+ if ($permission && $permission['access_level'] > 10) {
+ $moreThanGuestAccess = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$moreThanGuestAccess) {
+ $this->io->writeError('<warning>GitLab token with Guest only access detected</warning>');
+ return $this->attemptCloneFallback();
+ }
+ }
// force auth as the unauthenticated version of the API is broken
if (!isset($json['default_branch'])) {
if (!empty($json['id'])) {