@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class VersionGuesser
* @param array $packageConfig
* @param string $path Path to guess into
- * @return array versionData, 'version' and 'commit' keys
+ * @return array versionData, 'version', 'pretty_version' and 'commit' keys
public function guessVersion(array $packageConfig, $path)
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class VersionGuesser
$commit = null;
$version = null;
+ $prettyVersion = null;
// try to fetch current version from git branch
if (0 === $this->process->execute('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v', $output, $path)) {
@@ -99,12 +100,14 @@ class VersionGuesser
if ($branch && preg_match('{^(?:\* ) *(\(no branch\)|\(detached from \S+\)|\S+) *([a-f0-9]+) .*$}', $branch, $match)) {
if ($match[1] === '(no branch)' || substr($match[1], 0, 10) === '(detached ') {
$version = 'dev-' . $match[2];
+ $prettyVersion = $version;
$isFeatureBranch = true;
} else {
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($match[1]);
+ $prettyVersion = 'dev-' . $match[1];
$isFeatureBranch = 0 === strpos($version, 'dev-');
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
- $version = 'dev-' . $match[1];
+ $version = $prettyVersion;
@@ -122,12 +125,18 @@ class VersionGuesser
if ($isFeatureBranch) {
// try to find the best (nearest) version branch to assume this feature's version
- $version = $this->guessFeatureVersion($packageConfig, $version, $branches, 'git rev-list %candidate%..%branch%', $path);
+ $result = $this->guessFeatureVersion($packageConfig, $version, $branches, 'git rev-list %candidate%..%branch%', $path);
+ $version = $result['version'];
+ $prettyVersion = $result['pretty_version'];
if (!$version) {
- $version = $this->versionFromGitTags($path);
+ $result = $this->versionFromGitTags($path);
+ if ($result) {
+ $version = $result['version'];
+ $prettyVersion = $result['pretty_version'];
+ }
if (!$commit) {
@@ -137,7 +146,7 @@ class VersionGuesser
- return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => $commit);
+ return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => $commit, 'pretty_version' => $prettyVersion);
private function versionFromGitTags($path)
@@ -145,7 +154,9 @@ class VersionGuesser
// try to fetch current version from git tags
if (0 === $this->process->execute('git describe --exact-match --tags', $output, $path)) {
try {
- return $this->versionParser->normalize(trim($output));
+ $version = $this->versionParser->normalize(trim($output));
+ return array('version' => $version, 'pretty_version' => trim($output));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
@@ -174,14 +185,17 @@ class VersionGuesser
$branches = array_keys($driver->getBranches());
// try to find the best (nearest) version branch to assume this feature's version
- $version = $this->guessFeatureVersion($packageConfig, $version, $branches, 'hg log -r "not ancestors(\'%candidate%\') and ancestors(\'%branch%\')" --template "{node}\\n"', $path);
+ $result = $this->guessFeatureVersion($packageConfig, $version, $branches, 'hg log -r "not ancestors(\'%candidate%\') and ancestors(\'%branch%\')" --template "{node}\\n"', $path);
+ $result['commit'] = '';
- return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '');
+ return $result;
private function guessFeatureVersion(array $packageConfig, $version, array $branches, $scmCmdline, $path)
+ $prettyVersion = $version;
// ignore feature branches if they have no branch-alias or self.version is used
// and find the branch they came from to use as a version instead
if ((isset($packageConfig['extra']['branch-alias']) && !isset($packageConfig['extra']['branch-alias'][$version]))
@@ -198,7 +212,7 @@ class VersionGuesser
foreach ($branches as $candidate) {
// return directly, if branch is configured to be non-feature branch
if ($candidate === $branch && preg_match('{^(' . $nonFeatureBranches . ')$}', $candidate)) {
- return $version;
+ break;
// do not compare against other feature branches
@@ -214,39 +228,43 @@ class VersionGuesser
if (strlen($output) < $length) {
$length = strlen($output);
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($candidate);
+ $prettyVersion = 'dev-' . $match[1];
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
- $version = 'dev-' . $match[1];
+ $version = $prettyVersion;
- return $version;
+ return array('version' => $version, 'pretty_version' => $prettyVersion);
private function guessFossilVersion(array $packageConfig, $path)
$version = null;
+ $prettyVersion = null;
// try to fetch current version from fossil
if (0 === $this->process->execute('fossil branch list', $output, $path)) {
$branch = trim($output);
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($branch);
+ $prettyVersion = 'dev-' . $branch;
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
- $version = 'dev-' . $branch;
+ $version = $prettyVersion;
// try to fetch current version from fossil tags
if (0 === $this->process->execute('fossil tag list', $output, $path)) {
try {
- return $this->versionParser->normalize(trim($output));
+ $version = $this->versionParser->normalize(trim($output));
+ $prettyVersion = trim($output);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
- return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '');
+ return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '', 'pretty_version' => $prettyVersion);
private function guessSvnVersion(array $packageConfig, $path)
@@ -265,16 +283,18 @@ class VersionGuesser
if (isset($matches[2]) && ($branchesPath === $matches[2] || $tagsPath === $matches[2])) {
// we are in a branches path
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($matches[3]);
+ $prettyVersion = 'dev-' . $matches[3];
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
- $version = 'dev-' . $matches[3];
+ $version = $prettyVersion;
- return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '');
+ return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '', 'pretty_version' => $prettyVersion);
- $version = $this->versionParser->normalize(trim($matches[1]));
+ $prettyVersion = trim($matches[1]);
+ $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion);
- return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '');
+ return array('version' => $version, 'commit' => '', 'pretty_version' => $prettyVersion);