@@ -233,8 +233,7 @@ class VersionParser
$orConstraints = preg_split('{\s*\|\|?\s*}', trim($constraints));
$orGroups = array();
foreach ($orConstraints as $constraints) {
- $andConstraints = preg_split('{(?<!^|as|[=>< ,]) *[, ] *(?!,|as|$)}', $constraints);
+ $andConstraints = preg_split('{(?<!^|as|[=>< ,]) *(?<!-)[, ](?!-) *(?!,|as|$)}', $constraints);
if (count($andConstraints) > 1) {
$constraintObjects = array();
foreach ($andConstraints as $constraint) {
@@ -277,12 +276,14 @@ class VersionParser
return array(new EmptyConstraint);
+ $versionRegex = '(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?'.self::$modifierRegex;
// match tilde constraints
// like wildcard constraints, unsuffixed tilde constraints say that they must be greater than the previous
// version, to ensure that unstable instances of the current version are allowed.
// however, if a stability suffix is added to the constraint, then a >= match on the current version is
// used instead
- if (preg_match('{^~>?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?'.self::$modifierRegex.'?$}i', $constraint, $matches)) {
+ if (preg_match('{^~>?'.$versionRegex.'$}i', $constraint, $matches)) {
if (substr($constraint, 0, 2) === '~>') {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Could not parse version constraint '.$constraint.': '.
@@ -352,6 +353,33 @@ class VersionParser
+ // match hyphen constraints
+ if (preg_match('{^(?P<from>'.$versionRegex.') +- +(?P<to>'.$versionRegex.')($)}i', $constraint, $matches)) {
+ // Calculate the stability suffix
+ $lowStabilitySuffix = '';
+ if (empty($matches[6]) && empty($matches[8])) {
+ $lowStabilitySuffix = '-dev';
+ }
+ $lowVersion = $this->normalize($matches['from']);
+ $lowerBound = new VersionConstraint('>=', $lowVersion . $lowStabilitySuffix);
+ $highVersion = $matches[10];
+ if ((!empty($matches[11]) && !empty($matches[12])) || !empty($matches[14]) || !empty($matches[16])) {
+ $highVersion = $this->normalize($matches['to']);
+ $upperBound = new VersionConstraint('<=', $highVersion);
+ } else {
+ $highMatch = array('', $matches[10], $matches[11], $matches[12], $matches[13]);
+ $highVersion = $this->manipulateVersionString($highMatch, empty($matches[11]) ? 1 : 2, 1) . '-dev';
+ $upperBound = new VersionConstraint('<', $highVersion);
+ }
+ return array(
+ $lowerBound,
+ $upperBound
+ );
+ }
// match operators constraints
if (preg_match('{^(<>|!=|>=?|<=?|==?)?\s*(.*)}', $constraint, $matches)) {
try {