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+ tagline: How to reduce the performance impact of the autoloader
+# Autoloader Optimization
+By default, the Composer autoloader runs relatively fast. However, due to the way
+PSR-4 and PSR-0 autoloading rules are set up, it needs to check the filesystem
+before resolving a classname conclusively. This slows things down quite a bit,
+but it is convenient in development environments because when you add a new class
+it can immediately be discovered/used without having to rebuild the autoloader
+The problem however is in production you generally want things to happen as fast
+as possible, as you can simply rebuild the configuration every time you deploy and
+new classes do not appear at random between deploys.
+For this reason, Composer offers a few strategies to optimize the autoloader.
+## Optimization Level 1: Class map generation
+### How to run it?
+There are a few options to enable this:
+- Set `"optimize-autoloader": true` inside the config key of composer.json
+- Call `install` or `update` with `-o` / `--optimize-autoloader`
+- Call `dump-autoload` with `-o` / `--optimize`
+### What does it do?
+Class map generation essentially converts PSR-4/PSR-0 rules into classmap rules.
+This makes everything quite a bit faster as for known classes the class map
+returns instantly the path, and Composer can guarantee the class is in there so
+there is no filesystem check needed.
+On PHP 5.6+, the class map is also cached in opcache which improves the initialization
+time greatly. If you make sure opcache is enabled, then the class map should load
+almost instantly and then class loading is fast.
+### Trade-offs
+There are no real trade-offs with this method. It should always be enabled in
+The only issue is it does not keep track of autoload misses (i.e. when
+it can not find a given class), so those fallback to PSR-4 rules and can still
+result in slow filesystem checks. To solve this issue two Level 2 optimization
+options exist, and you can decide to enable either if you have a lot of
+class_exists checks that are done for classes that do not exist in your project.
+## Optimization Level 2/A: Authoritative class maps
+### How to run it?
+There are a few options to enable this:
+- Set `"classmap-authoritative": true` inside the config key of composer.json
+- Call `install` or `update` with `-a` / `--classmap-authoritative`
+- Call `dump-autoload` with `-a` / `--classmap-authoritative`
+### What does it do?
+Enabling this automatically enables Level 1 class map optimizations.
+This option is very simple, it says that if something is not found in the classmap,
+then it does not exist and the autoloader should not attempt to look on the
+filesystem according to PSR-4 rules.
+### Trade-offs
+This option makes the autoloader always returns very quickly. On the flipside it
+also means that in case a class is generated at runtime for some reason, it will
+not be allowed to be autoloaded. If your project or any of your dependencies does that
+then you might experience "class not found" issues in production. Enable this with care.
+> Note: This can not be combined with Level 2/B optimizations. You have to choose one as
+> they address the same issue in different ways.
+## Optimization Level 2/B: APCu cache
+### How to run it?
+There are a few options to enable this:
+- Set `"apcu-autoloader": true` inside the config key of composer.json
+- Call `install` or `update` with `--apcu-autoloader`
+- Call `dump-autoload` with `--apcu`
+### What does it do?
+This option adds an APCu cache as a fallback for the class map. It will not
+automatically generate the class map though, so you should still enable Level 1
+optimizations manually if you so desire.
+Whether a class is found or not, that fact is always cached in APCu so it can be
+returned quickly on the next request.
+### Trade-offs
+This option requires APCu which may or may not be available to you. It also
+uses APCu memory for autoloading purposes, but it is safe to use and can not
+result in classes not being found like the authoritative class map
+optimization above.
+> Note: This can not be combined with Level 2/A optimizations. You have to choose one as
+> they address the same issue in different ways.