* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Repository; use Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Package\AliasPackage; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool; use Composer\Json\JsonFile; use Composer\Cache; use Composer\Config; use Composer\Factory; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Util\RemoteFilesystem; use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents; use Composer\Plugin\PreFileDownloadEvent; use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; use Composer\Downloader\TransportException; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class ComposerRepository extends ArrayRepository implements ConfigurableRepositoryInterface { protected $config; protected $repoConfig; protected $options; protected $url; protected $baseUrl; protected $io; protected $rfs; protected $cache; protected $notifyUrl; protected $searchUrl; protected $hasProviders = false; protected $providersUrl; protected $lazyProvidersUrl; protected $providerListing; protected $providers = array(); protected $providersByUid = array(); protected $loader; protected $rootAliases; protected $allowSslDowngrade = false; protected $eventDispatcher; protected $sourceMirrors; protected $distMirrors; private $degradedMode = false; private $rootData; public function __construct(array $repoConfig, IOInterface $io, Config $config, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, RemoteFilesystem $rfs = null) { parent::__construct(); if (!preg_match('{^[\w.]+\??://}', $repoConfig['url'])) { // assume http as the default protocol $repoConfig['url'] = 'http://'.$repoConfig['url']; } $repoConfig['url'] = rtrim($repoConfig['url'], '/'); if ('https?' === substr($repoConfig['url'], 0, 6)) { $repoConfig['url'] = (extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'https' : 'http') . substr($repoConfig['url'], 6); } $urlBits = parse_url($repoConfig['url']); if ($urlBits === false || empty($urlBits['scheme'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid url given for Composer repository: '.$repoConfig['url']); } if (!isset($repoConfig['options'])) { $repoConfig['options'] = array(); } if (isset($repoConfig['allow_ssl_downgrade']) && true === $repoConfig['allow_ssl_downgrade']) { $this->allowSslDowngrade = true; } $this->config = $config; $this->options = $repoConfig['options']; $this->url = $repoConfig['url']; $this->baseUrl = rtrim(preg_replace('{^(.*)(?:/[^/\\]+.json)?(?:[?#].*)?$}', '$1', $this->url), '/'); $this->io = $io; $this->cache = new Cache($io, $config->get('cache-repo-dir').'/'.preg_replace('{[^a-z0-9.]}i', '-', $this->url), 'a-z0-9.$'); $this->loader = new ArrayLoader(); if ($rfs && $this->options) { $rfs = clone $rfs; $rfs->setOptions($this->options); } $this->rfs = $rfs ?: Factory::createRemoteFilesystem($this->io, $this->config, $this->options); $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->repoConfig = $repoConfig; } public function getRepoConfig() { return $this->repoConfig; } public function setRootAliases(array $rootAliases) { $this->rootAliases = $rootAliases; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function findPackage($name, $constraint) { if (!$this->hasProviders()) { return parent::findPackage($name, $constraint); } $name = strtolower($name); if (!$constraint instanceof ConstraintInterface) { $versionParser = new VersionParser(); $constraint = $versionParser->parseConstraints($constraint); } foreach ($this->getProviderNames() as $providerName) { if ($name === $providerName) { $packages = $this->whatProvides(new Pool('dev'), $providerName); foreach ($packages as $package) { if ($name === $package->getName()) { $pkgConstraint = new Constraint('==', $package->getVersion()); if ($constraint->matches($pkgConstraint)) { return $package; } } } break; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function findPackages($name, $constraint = null) { if (!$this->hasProviders()) { return parent::findPackages($name, $constraint); } // normalize name $name = strtolower($name); if (null !== $constraint && !$constraint instanceof ConstraintInterface) { $versionParser = new VersionParser(); $constraint = $versionParser->parseConstraints($constraint); } $packages = array(); foreach ($this->getProviderNames() as $providerName) { if ($name === $providerName) { $candidates = $this->whatProvides(new Pool('dev'), $providerName); foreach ($candidates as $package) { if ($name === $package->getName()) { $pkgConstraint = new Constraint('==', $package->getVersion()); if (null === $constraint || $constraint->matches($pkgConstraint)) { $packages[] = $package; } } } break; } } return $packages; } public function getPackages() { if ($this->hasProviders()) { throw new \LogicException('Composer repositories that have providers can not load the complete list of packages, use getProviderNames instead.'); } return parent::getPackages(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function search($query, $mode = 0) { $this->loadRootServerFile(); if ($this->searchUrl && $mode === self::SEARCH_FULLTEXT) { $url = str_replace('%query%', $query, $this->searchUrl); $hostname = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) ?: $url; $json = $this->rfs->getContents($hostname, $url, false); $results = JsonFile::parseJson($json, $url); return $results['results']; } if ($this->hasProviders()) { $results = array(); $regex = '{(?:'.implode('|', preg_split('{\s+}', $query)).')}i'; foreach ($this->getProviderNames() as $name) { if (preg_match($regex, $name)) { $results[] = array('name' => $name); } } return $results; } return parent::search($query, $mode); } public function getProviderNames() { $this->loadRootServerFile(); if (null === $this->providerListing) { $this->loadProviderListings($this->loadRootServerFile()); } if ($this->lazyProvidersUrl) { // Can not determine list of provided packages for lazy repositories return array(); } if ($this->providersUrl) { return array_keys($this->providerListing); } return array(); } protected function configurePackageTransportOptions(PackageInterface $package) { foreach ($package->getDistUrls() as $url) { if (strpos($url, $this->baseUrl) === 0) { $package->setTransportOptions($this->options); return; } } } public function hasProviders() { $this->loadRootServerFile(); return $this->hasProviders; } public function resetPackageIds() { foreach ($this->providersByUid as $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $package->getAliasOf()->setId(-1); } $package->setId(-1); } } /** * @param Pool $pool * @param string $name package name * @param bool $bypassFilters If set to true, this bypasses the stability filtering, and forces a recompute without cache * @return array|mixed */ public function whatProvides(Pool $pool, $name, $bypassFilters = false) { if (isset($this->providers[$name]) && !$bypassFilters) { return $this->providers[$name]; } // skip platform packages if (preg_match(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $name) || '__root__' === $name) { return array(); } if (null === $this->providerListing) { $this->loadProviderListings($this->loadRootServerFile()); } $useLastModifiedCheck = false; if ($this->lazyProvidersUrl && !isset($this->providerListing[$name])) { $hash = null; $url = str_replace('%package%', $name, $this->lazyProvidersUrl); $cacheKey = 'provider-'.strtr($name, '/', '$').'.json'; $useLastModifiedCheck = true; } elseif ($this->providersUrl) { // package does not exist in this repo if (!isset($this->providerListing[$name])) { return array(); } $hash = $this->providerListing[$name]['sha256']; $url = str_replace(array('%package%', '%hash%'), array($name, $hash), $this->providersUrl); $cacheKey = 'provider-'.strtr($name, '/', '$').'.json'; } else { return array(); } $packages = null; if ($cacheKey) { if (!$useLastModifiedCheck && $hash && $this->cache->sha256($cacheKey) === $hash) { $packages = json_decode($this->cache->read($cacheKey), true); } elseif ($useLastModifiedCheck) { if ($contents = $this->cache->read($cacheKey)) { $contents = json_decode($contents, true); if (isset($contents['last-modified'])) { $response = $this->fetchFileIfLastModified($url, $cacheKey, $contents['last-modified']); if (true === $response) { $packages = $contents; } elseif ($response) { $packages = $response; } } } } } if (!$packages) { try { $packages = $this->fetchFile($url, $cacheKey, $hash, $useLastModifiedCheck); } catch (TransportException $e) { // 404s are acceptable for lazy provider repos if ($e->getStatusCode() === 404 && $this->lazyProvidersUrl) { $packages = array('packages' => array()); } else { throw $e; } } } $this->providers[$name] = array(); foreach ($packages['packages'] as $versions) { foreach ($versions as $version) { // avoid loading the same objects twice if (isset($this->providersByUid[$version['uid']])) { // skip if already assigned if (!isset($this->providers[$name][$version['uid']])) { // expand alias in two packages if ($this->providersByUid[$version['uid']] instanceof AliasPackage) { $this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']]->getAliasOf(); $this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-alias'] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']]; } else { $this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']]; } // check for root aliases if (isset($this->providersByUid[$version['uid'].'-root'])) { $this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-root'] = $this->providersByUid[$version['uid'].'-root']; } } } else { if (!$bypassFilters && !$pool->isPackageAcceptable(strtolower($version['name']), VersionParser::parseStability($version['version']))) { continue; } // load acceptable packages in the providers $package = $this->createPackage($version, 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage'); $package->setRepository($this); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $aliased = $package->getAliasOf(); $aliased->setRepository($this); $this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $aliased; $this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-alias'] = $package; // override provider with its alias so it can be expanded in the if block above $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']] = $package; } else { $this->providers[$name][$version['uid']] = $package; $this->providersByUid[$version['uid']] = $package; } // handle root package aliases unset($rootAliasData); if (isset($this->rootAliases[$package->getName()][$package->getVersion()])) { $rootAliasData = $this->rootAliases[$package->getName()][$package->getVersion()]; } elseif ($package instanceof AliasPackage && isset($this->rootAliases[$package->getName()][$package->getAliasOf()->getVersion()])) { $rootAliasData = $this->rootAliases[$package->getName()][$package->getAliasOf()->getVersion()]; } if (isset($rootAliasData)) { $alias = $this->createAliasPackage($package, $rootAliasData['alias_normalized'], $rootAliasData['alias']); $alias->setRepository($this); $this->providers[$name][$version['uid'].'-root'] = $alias; $this->providersByUid[$version['uid'].'-root'] = $alias; } } } } $result = $this->providers[$name]; // clean up the cache because otherwise using this puts the repo in an inconsistent state with a polluted unfiltered cache // which is likely not an issue but might cause hard to track behaviors depending on how the repo is used if ($bypassFilters) { foreach ($this->providers[$name] as $uid => $provider) { unset($this->providersByUid[$uid]); } unset($this->providers[$name]); } return $result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $repoData = $this->loadDataFromServer(); foreach ($repoData as $package) { $this->addPackage($this->createPackage($package, 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage')); } } /** * Adds a new package to the repository * * @param PackageInterface $package */ public function addPackage(PackageInterface $package) { parent::addPackage($package); $this->configurePackageTransportOptions($package); } protected function loadRootServerFile() { if (null !== $this->rootData) { return $this->rootData; } if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && 'https' === substr($this->url, 0, 5)) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension in your php.ini to load information from '.$this->url); } $jsonUrlParts = parse_url($this->url); if (isset($jsonUrlParts['path']) && false !== strpos($jsonUrlParts['path'], '.json')) { $jsonUrl = $this->url; } else { $jsonUrl = $this->url . '/packages.json'; } $data = $this->fetchFile($jsonUrl, 'packages.json'); if (!empty($data['notify-batch'])) { $this->notifyUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl($data['notify-batch']); } elseif (!empty($data['notify'])) { $this->notifyUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl($data['notify']); } if (!empty($data['search'])) { $this->searchUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl($data['search']); } if (!empty($data['mirrors'])) { foreach ($data['mirrors'] as $mirror) { if (!empty($mirror['git-url'])) { $this->sourceMirrors['git'][] = array('url' => $mirror['git-url'], 'preferred' => !empty($mirror['preferred'])); } if (!empty($mirror['hg-url'])) { $this->sourceMirrors['hg'][] = array('url' => $mirror['hg-url'], 'preferred' => !empty($mirror['preferred'])); } if (!empty($mirror['dist-url'])) { $this->distMirrors[] = array('url' => $mirror['dist-url'], 'preferred' => !empty($mirror['preferred'])); } } } if (!empty($data['warning'])) { $this->io->writeError('Warning from '.$this->url.': '.$data['warning'].''); } if (!empty($data['providers-lazy-url'])) { $this->lazyProvidersUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl($data['providers-lazy-url']); $this->hasProviders = true; } if ($this->allowSslDowngrade) { $this->url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $this->url); $this->baseUrl = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $this->baseUrl); } if (!empty($data['providers-url'])) { $this->providersUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl($data['providers-url']); $this->hasProviders = true; } if (!empty($data['providers']) || !empty($data['providers-includes'])) { $this->hasProviders = true; } // force values for packagist if (preg_match('{^https?://packagist.org/?$}i', $this->url) && !empty($this->repoConfig['force-lazy-providers'])) { $this->url = 'https://packagist.org'; $this->baseUrl = 'https://packagist.org'; $this->lazyProvidersUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl('https://packagist.org/p/%package%.json'); $this->providersUrl = null; } elseif (!empty($this->repoConfig['force-lazy-providers'])) { $this->lazyProvidersUrl = $this->canonicalizeUrl('/p/%package%.json'); $this->providersUrl = null; } return $this->rootData = $data; } protected function canonicalizeUrl($url) { if ('/' === $url[0]) { return preg_replace('{(https?://[^/]+).*}i', '$1' . $url, $this->url); } return $url; } protected function loadDataFromServer() { $data = $this->loadRootServerFile(); return $this->loadIncludes($data); } protected function loadProviderListings($data) { if (isset($data['providers'])) { if (!is_array($this->providerListing)) { $this->providerListing = array(); } $this->providerListing = array_merge($this->providerListing, $data['providers']); } if ($this->providersUrl && isset($data['provider-includes'])) { $includes = $data['provider-includes']; foreach ($includes as $include => $metadata) { $url = $this->baseUrl . '/' . str_replace('%hash%', $metadata['sha256'], $include); $cacheKey = str_replace(array('%hash%','$'), '', $include); if ($this->cache->sha256($cacheKey) === $metadata['sha256']) { $includedData = json_decode($this->cache->read($cacheKey), true); } else { $includedData = $this->fetchFile($url, $cacheKey, $metadata['sha256']); } $this->loadProviderListings($includedData); } } } protected function loadIncludes($data) { $packages = array(); // legacy repo handling if (!isset($data['packages']) && !isset($data['includes'])) { foreach ($data as $pkg) { foreach ($pkg['versions'] as $metadata) { $packages[] = $metadata; } } return $packages; } if (isset($data['packages'])) { foreach ($data['packages'] as $package => $versions) { foreach ($versions as $version => $metadata) { $packages[] = $metadata; } } } if (isset($data['includes'])) { foreach ($data['includes'] as $include => $metadata) { if ($this->cache->sha1($include) === $metadata['sha1']) { $includedData = json_decode($this->cache->read($include), true); } else { $includedData = $this->fetchFile($include); } $packages = array_merge($packages, $this->loadIncludes($includedData)); } } return $packages; } protected function createPackage(array $data, $class = 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage') { try { if (!isset($data['notification-url'])) { $data['notification-url'] = $this->notifyUrl; } $package = $this->loader->load($data, $class); if (isset($this->sourceMirrors[$package->getSourceType()])) { $package->setSourceMirrors($this->sourceMirrors[$package->getSourceType()]); } $package->setDistMirrors($this->distMirrors); $this->configurePackageTransportOptions($package); return $package; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not load package '.(isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : json_encode($data)).' in '.$this->url.': ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } } protected function fetchFile($filename, $cacheKey = null, $sha256 = null, $storeLastModifiedTime = false) { if (null === $cacheKey) { $cacheKey = $filename; $filename = $this->baseUrl.'/'.$filename; } // url-encode $ signs in URLs as bad proxies choke on them if (($pos = strpos($filename, '$')) && preg_match('{^https?://.*}i', $filename)) { $filename = substr($filename, 0, $pos) . '%24' . substr($filename, $pos + 1); } $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { try { $preFileDownloadEvent = new PreFileDownloadEvent(PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD, $this->rfs, $filename); if ($this->eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($preFileDownloadEvent->getName(), $preFileDownloadEvent); } $hostname = parse_url($filename, PHP_URL_HOST) ?: $filename; $rfs = $preFileDownloadEvent->getRemoteFilesystem(); $json = $rfs->getContents($hostname, $filename, false); if ($sha256 && $sha256 !== hash('sha256', $json)) { if ($retries) { usleep(100000); continue; } // TODO use scarier wording once we know for sure it doesn't do false positives anymore throw new RepositorySecurityException('The contents of '.$filename.' do not match its signature. This should indicate a man-in-the-middle attack. Try running composer again and report this if you think it is a mistake.'); } $data = JsonFile::parseJson($json, $filename); if ($cacheKey) { if ($storeLastModifiedTime) { $lastModifiedDate = $rfs->findHeaderValue($rfs->getLastHeaders(), 'last-modified'); if ($lastModifiedDate) { $data['last-modified'] = $lastModifiedDate; $json = json_encode($data); } } $this->cache->write($cacheKey, $json); } break; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getStatusCode() === 404) { throw $e; } if ($retries) { usleep(100000); continue; } if ($e instanceof RepositorySecurityException) { throw $e; } if ($cacheKey && ($contents = $this->cache->read($cacheKey))) { if (!$this->degradedMode) { $this->io->writeError(''.$e->getMessage().''); $this->io->writeError(''.$this->url.' could not be fully loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date'); } $this->degradedMode = true; $data = JsonFile::parseJson($contents, $this->cache->getRoot().$cacheKey); break; } throw $e; } } return $data; } protected function fetchFileIfLastModified($filename, $cacheKey, $lastModifiedTime) { $retries = 3; while ($retries--) { try { $preFileDownloadEvent = new PreFileDownloadEvent(PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD, $this->rfs, $filename); if ($this->eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($preFileDownloadEvent->getName(), $preFileDownloadEvent); } $hostname = parse_url($filename, PHP_URL_HOST) ?: $filename; $rfs = $preFileDownloadEvent->getRemoteFilesystem(); $options = array('http' => array('header' => array('If-Modified-Since: '.$lastModifiedTime))); $json = $rfs->getContents($hostname, $filename, false, $options); if ($json === '' && $rfs->findStatusCode($rfs->getLastHeaders()) === 304) { return true; } $data = JsonFile::parseJson($json, $filename); $lastModifiedDate = $rfs->findHeaderValue($rfs->getLastHeaders(), 'last-modified'); if ($lastModifiedDate) { $data['last-modified'] = $lastModifiedDate; $json = json_encode($data); } $this->cache->write($cacheKey, $json); return $data; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getStatusCode() === 404) { throw $e; } if ($retries) { usleep(100000); continue; } if (!$this->degradedMode) { $this->io->writeError(''.$e->getMessage().''); $this->io->writeError(''.$this->url.' could not be fully loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date'); } $this->degradedMode = true; return true; } } } }