# Versions ## Composer Versions vs VCS Versions Because Composer is heavily geared toward utilizing version control systems like git, the term "version" can be a little ambiguous. In the sense of a version control system, a "version" is a specific set of files that contain specific data. In git terminology, this is a "ref", or a specific commit, which may be represented by a branch HEAD or a tag. When you check out that version in your VCS -- for example, tag `v1.1` or commit `e35fa0d` --, you're asking for a single, known set of files, and you always get the same files back. In Composer, what's often referred to casually as a version -- that is, the string that follows the package name in a require line (e.g., `~1.1` or `1.2.*`) -- is actually more specifically a version constraint. Composer uses version constraints to figure out which refs in a VCS it should be checking out (or simply to verify that a given library is acceptable in the case of a statically-maintained library with a `version` specification in `composer.json`). ## VCS Tags and Branches *For the following discussion, let's assume the following sample library repository:* ```sh ~/my-library$ git branch v1 v2 my-feature nother-feature ~/my-library$ git tag v1.0 v1.0.1 v1.0.2 v1.1-BETA v1.1-RC1 v1.1-RC2 v1.1 v1.1.1 v2.0-BETA v2.0-RC1 v2.0 v2.0.1 v2.0.2 ``` ### Tags Normally, Composer deals with tags (as opposed to branches -- if you don't know what this means, read up on [version control systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control#Common_vocabulary)). When you write a version constraint, it may reference a specific tag (e.g., `1.1`) or it may reference a valid range of tags (e.g., `>=1.1 <2.0`, or `~4.0`). To resolve these constraints, Composer first asks the VCS to list all available tags, then creates an internal list of available versions based on these tags. In the above example, composer's internal list includes versions `1.0`, `1.0.1`, `1.0.2`, the beta release of `1.1`, the first and second release candidates of `1.1`, the final release version `1.1`, etc.... (Note that Composer automatically removes the 'v' prefix in the actual tagname to get a valid final version number.) When Composer has a complete list of available versions from your VCS, it then finds the highest version that matches all version constraints in your project (it's possible that other packages require more specific versions of the library than you do, so the version it chooses may not always be the highest available version) and it downloads a zip archive of that tag to unpack in the correct location in your `vendor` directory. ### Branches If you want Composer to check out a branch instead of a tag, there's a special syntax. If you're checking out a branch, it's assumed that you want to *work* on the branch and Composer actually clones the repo into the correct place in your `vendor` directory. (For tags, it just copies the right files without actually cloning the repo.) To get Composer to do this, you need to point it to the branch using the special `dev-*` prefix (or sometimes suffix; see below). In the above example, if I wanted to check out the `my-feature` branch, I would specify `dev-my-feature` as the version constraint in my `require` clause. This would result in Composer cloning the `my-library` repository into my `vendor` directory and checking out the `my-feature` branch. The exception to this is when branch names look like versions. In that case, we have to clarify for composer that we're trying to check out a branch and not a tag. In the above example, we have two version branches, `v1` and `v2`. To get Composer to check out one of these branches, you must specify a version constraint that looks like this: `v1.x-dev`. There are two things to note here. First, the `.x`: this is an arbitrary string that Composer requires us to append to tell it that we're talking about the `v1` branch and not a `v1` tag (alternatively, you can just name the branch `v1.x` instead of `v1`). Second, in the case of a branch with a version-like name (`v1`, in this case), you append `-dev` as a suffix, rather than `dev-` as a prefix. ### Minimum Stability There's one more thing that will affect which files are checked out of a library's VCS and added to your project: Composer allows you to specify stability constraints to limit which tags are considered valid. In the above example, note that the library released a beta and two release candidates for version `1.1` before the final official release. In order to receive those versions when we run `composer install` or `composer update`, we have to explicitly tell composer that we're ok with release candidates and beta releases (and alpha releases, if we want those). This can be done using either a project-wide `minimum-stability` value in `composer.json` or using "stability flags" in version constraints. Read more on the [schema page](04-schema.md#minimum-stability). ## Writing Basic Version Constraints Now that you have an idea of how Composer sees versions, let's talk about how to specify version constraints for your project dependencies. ### Exact You can specify the exact version of a package. This will tell Composer to install this version and this version only. If other dependencies require a different version, the solver will ultimately fail and abort any install or update procedures. Example: `1.0.2` ### Range By using comparison operators you can specify ranges of valid versions. Valid operators are `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`, `!=`. You can define multiple ranges. Ranges separated by a space ( ) or comma (`,`) will be treated as a **logical AND**. A double pipe (`||`) will be treated as a **logical OR**. AND has higher precedence than OR. > **Note:** Be careful when using unbounded ranges as you might end up > unexpectedly installing versions that break backwards compatibility. > Consider using the [caret](#caret) operator instead for safety. Examples: * `>=1.0` * `>=1.0 <2.0` * `>=1.0 <1.1 || >=1.2` ### Range (Hyphen) Inclusive set of versions. Partial versions on the right include are completed with a wildcard. For example `1.0 - 2.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <2.1` as the `2.0` becomes `2.0.*`. On the other hand `1.0.0 - 2.1.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <=2.1.0`. Example: `1.0 - 2.0` ### Wildcard You can specify a pattern with a `*` wildcard. `1.0.*` is the equivalent of `>=1.0 <1.1`. Example: `1.0.*` ## Next Significant Release Operators ### Tilde The `~` operator is best explained by example: `~1.2` is equivalent to `>=1.2 <2.0.0`, while `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0`. As you can see it is mostly useful for projects respecting [semantic versioning](http://semver.org/). A common usage would be to mark the minimum minor version you depend on, like `~1.2` (which allows anything up to, but not including, 2.0). Since in theory there should be no backwards compatibility breaks until 2.0, that works well. Another way of looking at it is that using `~` specifies a minimum version, but allows the last digit specified to go up. Example: `~1.2` > **Note:** Although `2.0-beta.1` is strictly before `2.0`, a version constraint > like `~1.2` would not install it. As said above `~1.2` only means the `.2` > can change but the `1.` part is fixed. > **Note:** The `~` operator has an exception on its behavior for the major > release number. This means for example that `~1` is the same as `~1.0` as > it will not allow the major number to increase trying to keep backwards > compatibility. ### Caret The `^` operator behaves very similarly but it sticks closer to semantic versioning, and will always allow non-breaking updates. For example `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0.0` as none of the releases until 2.0 should break backwards compatibility. For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety in mind and treats `^0.3` as `>=0.3.0 <0.4.0`. This is the recommended operator for maximum interoperability when writing library code. Example: `^1.2.3` ## Stability Constraints If you are using a constraint that does not explicitly define a stability, Composer will default internally to `-dev` or `-stable`, depending on the operator(s) used. This happens transparently. If you wish to explicitly consider only the stable release in the comparison, add the suffix `-stable`. Examples: Constraint | Internally ------------------- | ------------------------ `1.2.3` | `=` `>1.2` | `>` `>=1.2` | `>=` `>=1.2-stable` | `>=` `<1.3` | `<` `<=1.3` | `<=` `1 - 2` | `>= <` `~1.3` | `>= <` `1.4.*` | `>= <` To allow various stabilities without enforcing them at the constraint level however, you may use [stability-flags](../04-schema.md#package-links) like `@` (e.g. `@dev`) to let composer know that a given package can be installed in a different stability than your default minimum-stability setting. All available stability flags are listed on the minimum-stability section of the [schema page](../04-schema.md#minimum-stability). ## Test version constraints You can test version constraints using [semver.mwl.be](https://semver.mwl.be). Fill in a package name and it will autofill the default version constraint which Composer would add to your `composer.json` file. You can adjust the version constraint and the tool will highlight all releases that match.