#!/usr/bin/env php <?php $identifiers = new SPDXLicenseIdentifiersOnline; $printer = new JsonPrinter; $printer->printStringArray($identifiers->getStrings()); /** * SPDX Identifier List from the registry. */ class SPDXLicenseIdentifiersOnline { const REGISTRY = 'http://www.spdx.org/licenses/'; const EXPRESSION = '//*[@typeof="spdx:License"]/code[@property="spdx:licenseId"]/text()'; private $identifiers; /** * @return array */ public function getStrings() { if ($this->identifiers) { return $this->identifiers; } $this->identifiers = $this->importNodesFromURL( self::REGISTRY, self::EXPRESSION ); return $this->identifiers; } private function importNodesFromURL($url, $expressionTextNodes) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTMLFile($url); $xp = new DOMXPath($doc); $codes = $xp->query($expressionTextNodes); if (!$codes) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('XPath query failed: %s', $expressionTextNodes)); } if ($codes->length < 20) { throw new \Exception('Obtaining the license table failed, there can not be less than 20 identifiers.'); } $identifiers = array(); foreach ($codes as $code) { $identifiers[] = $code->nodeValue; } return $identifiers; } } /** * Print an array the way this script needs it. */ class JsonPrinter { /** * * @param array $array */ public function printStringArray(array $array) { $lines = array(''); $line = &$lines[0]; $last = count($array) - 1; foreach ($array as $item => $code) { $code = sprintf('"%s"%s', $code, $item === $last ? '' : ', '); $length = strlen($line) + strlen($code) - 1; if ($length > 76) { $line = rtrim($line); unset($line); $lines[] = $code; $line = &$lines[count($lines) - 1]; } else { $line .= $code; } } $json = sprintf("[%s]", implode("\n ", $lines)); $json = str_replace(array("[\"", "\"]"), array("[\n \"", "\"\n]"), $json); echo $json; } }