Break: The following event classes are deprecated and you should update your script handlers to use the new ones in type hints:
Composer\Script\CommandEvent is deprecated, use Composer\Script\Event
Composer\Script\PackageEvent is deprecated, use Composer\Installer\PackageEvent
Break: Output is now split between stdout and stderr. Any irrelevant output to each command is on stderr as per unix best practices.
Added support for npm-style semver operators (^ and - ranges, = AND, || = OR)
Added --prefer-lowest to update command to allow testing a package with the lowest declared dependencies
Added support for parsing semver build metadata +anything at the end of versions
Added --sort-packages option to require command for sorting dependencies
Added --no-autoloader to install and update commands to skip autoload generation
Added --list to run-script command to see available scripts
Added --absolute to config command to get back absolute paths
Added classmap-authoritative config option, if enabled only the classmap info will be used by the composer autoloader
Added support for branch-alias on numeric branches
Added support for the https_proxy/HTTPS_PROXY env vars used only for https URLs
Added support for using real composer repos as local paths in create-project command
Added --no-dev to licenses command
Added support for PHP 7.0 nightly builds
Fixed detection of stability when parsing multiple constraints
Fixed installs from lock file containing updated composer.json requirement
Fixed the autoloader suffix in vendor/autoload.php changing in every build
Many minor fixes, documentation additions and UX improvements
1.0.0-alpha9 (2014-12-07)
Added remove command to do the reverse of require
Added --ignore-platform-reqs to install/update commands to install even if you are missing a php extension or have an invalid php version
Added a warning when abandoned packages are being installed
Added auto-selection of the version constraint in the require command, which can now be used simply as composer require foo/bar
Added ability to define custom composer commands using scripts
Added browse command to open a browser to the given package's repo URL (or homepage with -H)
Added an autoload-dev section to declare dev-only autoload rules + a --no-dev flag to dump-autoload
Added an auth.json file, with store-auths config option
Added a http-basic config option to store login/pwds to hosts
Added failover to source/dist and vice-versa in case a download method fails
Added --path (-P) flag to the show command to see the install path of packages
Added --update-with-dependencies and --update-no-dev flags to the require command
Added optimize-autoloader config option to force the -o flag from the config
Added clear-cache command
Added a GzipDownloader to download single gzipped files
Added ssh support in the github-protocols config option
Added pre-dependencies-solving and post-dependencies-solving events
Added pre-archive-cmd and post-archive-cmd script events to the archive command
Added a no-api flag to GitHub VCS repos to skip the API but still get zip downloads
Added http-basic auth support for private git repos not on github
Added support for autoloading .hh files when running HHVM
Added support for PHP 5.6
Added support for OTP auth when retrieving a GitHub API key
Fixed isolation of files autoloaded scripts to ensure they can not affect anything
Improved performance of solving dependencies
Improved SVN and Perforce support
A boatload of minor fixes, documentation additions and UX improvements
1.0.0-alpha8 (2014-01-06)
Break: The install command now has --dev enabled by default. --no-dev can be used to install without dev requirements
Added composer-plugin package type to allow extensibility, and deprecated composer-installer
Added psr-4 autoloading support and deprecated target-dir since it is a better alternative
Added --no-plugins flag to replace --no-custom-installers where available
Added global command to operate Composer in a user-global directory
Added licenses command to list the license of all your dependencies
Added pre-status-cmd and post-status-cmd script events to the status command
Added post-root-package-install and post-create-project-cmd script events to the create-project command
Added pre-autoload-dump script event
Added --rollback flag to self-update
Added --no-install flag to create-project to skip installing the dependencies
Added a hhvm platform package to require Facebook's HHVM implementation of PHP
Added github-domains config option to allow using GitHub Enterprise with Composer's GitHub support
Added prepend-autoloader config option to allow appending Composer's autoloader instead of the default prepend behavior
Added Perforce support to the VCS repository
Added a vendor/composer/autoload_files.php file that lists all files being included by the files autoloader
Added support for the no_proxy env var and other proxy support improvements
Added many robustness tweaks to make sure zip downloads work more consistently and corrupted caches are invalidated
Added the release date to composer -V output
Added autoloader-suffix config option to allow overriding the randomly generated autoloader class suffix
Fixed BitBucket API usage
Fixed parsing of inferred stability flags that are more stable than the minimum stability
Fixed installation order of plugins/custom installers
Fixed tilde and wildcard version constraints to be more intuitive regarding stabilities
Fixed handling of target-dir changes when updating packages
Improved performance of the class loader
Improved memory usage and performance of solving dependencies
Tons of minor bug fixes and improvements
1.0.0-alpha7 (2013-05-04)
Break: For forward compatibility, you should change your deployment scripts to run composer install --no-dev. The install command will install dev dependencies by default starting in the next release
Break: The update command now has --dev enabled by default. --no-dev can be used to update without dev requirements, but it will create an incomplete lock file and is discouraged
Break: Removed support for lock files created before 2012-09-15 due to their outdated unusable format
Added prefer-stable flag to pick stable packages over unstable ones when possible
Added preferred-install config option to always enable --prefer-source or --prefer-dist
Added diagnose command to to system/network checks and find common problems
Added wildcard support in the update whitelist, e.g. to update all packages of a vendor do composer update vendor/*
Added archive command to archive the current directory or a given package
Added run-script command to manually trigger scripts
Added proprietary as valid license identifier for non-free code
Added a php-64bit platform package that you can require to force a 64bit php
Added a lib-ICU platform package
Added a new official package type project for project-bootstrapping packages
Added zip/dist local cache to speed up repetitive installations
Added post-autoload-dump script event
Added Event::getDevMode to let script handlers know if dev requirements are being installed
Added discard-changes config option to control the default behavior when updating "dirty" dependencies
Added use-include-path config option to make the autoloader look for files in the include path too
Added cache-ttl, cache-files-ttl and cache-files-maxsize config option
Added cache-dir, cache-files-dir, cache-repo-dir and cache-vcs-dir config option
Added support for using http(s) authentication to non-github repos
Added support for using multiple autoloaders at once (e.g. PHPUnit + application both using Composer autoloader)
Added support for .inc files for classmap autoloading (legacy support, do not do this on new projects!)
Added support for version constraints in show command, e.g. composer show monolog/monolog 1.4.*
Added support for svn repositories containing packages in a deeper path (see package-path option)
Added an artifact repository to scan a directory containing zipped packages
Added --no-dev flag to install and update commands
Added --stability (-s) flag to create-project to lower the required stability
Added --no-progress to install and update to hide the progress indicators
Added --available (-a) flag to the show command to display only available packages
Added --name-only (-N) flag to the show command to show only package names (one per line, no formatting)
Added --optimize-autoloader (-o) flag to optimize the autoloader from the install and update commands
Added -vv and -vvv flags to get more verbose output, can be useful to debug some issues
Added COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION env var to do the equivalent of --no-interaction (should be set on build boxes, CI, PaaS)
Added PHP 5.2 compatibility to the autoloader configuration files so they can be used to configure another autoloader
Fixed handling of platform requirements of the root package when installing from lock
Fixed handling of require-dev dependencies
Fixed handling of unstable packages that should be downgraded to stable packages when updating to new version constraints
Fixed parsing of the ~ operator combined with unstable versions
Fixed the require command corrupting the json if the new requirement was invalid
Fixed support of aliases used together with <version>#<reference> constraints
Improved output of dependency solver problems by grouping versions of a package together
Improved performance of classmap generation
Improved mercurial support in various places
Improved lock file format to minimize unnecessary diffs
Improved the config command to support all options
Improved the coverage of the validate command
Tons of minor bug fixes and improvements
1.0.0-alpha6 (2012-10-23)
Schema: Added ability to pass additional options to repositories (i.e. ssh keys/client certificates to secure private repos)