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allow to disable application layer heartbeat to reduce traffic cost (#2758)

fix #2754
fatedier пре 3 година

+ 18 - 7

@@ -311,16 +311,27 @@ func (ctl *Control) msgHandler() {
 	defer ctl.msgHandlerShutdown.Done()
-	hbSend := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(ctl.clientCfg.HeartbeatInterval) * time.Second)
-	defer hbSend.Stop()
-	hbCheck := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
-	defer hbCheck.Stop()
+	var hbSendCh <-chan time.Time
+	// TODO(fatedier): disable heartbeat if TCPMux is enabled.
+	// Just keep it here to keep compatible with old version frps.
+	if ctl.clientCfg.HeartbeatInterval > 0 {
+		hbSend := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(ctl.clientCfg.HeartbeatInterval) * time.Second)
+		defer hbSend.Stop()
+		hbSendCh = hbSend.C
+	}
-	ctl.lastPong = time.Now()
+	var hbCheckCh <-chan time.Time
+	// Check heartbeat timeout only if TCPMux is not enabled and users don't disable heartbeat feature.
+	if ctl.clientCfg.HeartbeatInterval > 0 && ctl.clientCfg.HeartbeatTimeout > 0 && !ctl.clientCfg.TCPMux {
+		hbCheck := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+		defer hbCheck.Stop()
+		hbCheckCh = hbCheck.C
+	}
+	ctl.lastPong = time.Now()
 	for {
 		select {
-		case <-hbSend.C:
+		case <-hbSendCh:
 			// send heartbeat to server
 			xl.Debug("send heartbeat to server")
 			pingMsg := &msg.Ping{}
@@ -329,7 +340,7 @@ func (ctl *Control) msgHandler() {
 			ctl.sendCh <- pingMsg
-		case <-hbCheck.C:
+		case <-hbCheckCh:
 			if time.Since(ctl.lastPong) > time.Duration(ctl.clientCfg.HeartbeatTimeout)*time.Second {
 				xl.Warn("heartbeat timeout")
 				// let reader() stop

+ 1 - 1

@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ func (svr *Service) login() (conn net.Conn, session *fmux.Session, err error) {
 	if svr.cfg.TCPMux {
 		fmuxCfg := fmux.DefaultConfig()
-		fmuxCfg.KeepAliveInterval = 20 * time.Second
+		fmuxCfg.KeepAliveInterval = time.Duration(svr.cfg.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval) * time.Second
 		fmuxCfg.LogOutput = io.Discard
 		session, err = fmux.Client(conn, fmuxCfg)
 		if err != nil {

+ 5 - 1

@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ pool_count = 5
 # if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps
 tcp_mux = true
+# specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
+# only valid if tcp_mux is true.
+# tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 60
 # your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy}
 user = your_name
@@ -89,7 +92,8 @@ tls_enable = true
 # start = ssh,dns
 # heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
-# the default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90
+# The default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value
+# to disable it.
 # heartbeat_interval = 30
 # heartbeat_timeout = 90

+ 4 - 1

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ oidc_skip_expiry_check = false
 oidc_skip_issuer_check = false
 # heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
-# the default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90
+# the default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
 # heartbeat_timeout = 90
 # user_conn_timeout configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ subdomain_host = frps.com
 # if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true
 tcp_mux = true
+# specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.
+# only valid if tcp_mux is true.
+# tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 60
 # custom 404 page for HTTP requests
 # custom_404_page = /path/to/404.html

+ 40 - 38

@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ type ClientCommonConf struct {
 	// the server must have TCP multiplexing enabled as well. By default, this
 	// value is true.
 	TCPMux bool `ini:"tcp_mux" json:"tcp_mux"`
+	// TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval specifies the keep alive interval for TCP stream multipler.
+	// If TCPMux is true, heartbeat of application layer is unnecessary because it can only rely on heartbeat in TCPMux.
+	TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval int64 `ini:"tcp_mux_keepalive_interval" json:"tcp_mux_keepalive_interval"`
 	// User specifies a prefix for proxy names to distinguish them from other
 	// clients. If this value is not "", proxy names will automatically be
 	// changed to "{user}.{proxy_name}". By default, this value is "".
@@ -129,11 +132,11 @@ type ClientCommonConf struct {
 	DisableCustomTLSFirstByte bool `ini:"disable_custom_tls_first_byte" json:"disable_custom_tls_first_byte"`
 	// HeartBeatInterval specifies at what interval heartbeats are sent to the
 	// server, in seconds. It is not recommended to change this value. By
-	// default, this value is 30.
+	// default, this value is 30. Set negative value to disable it.
 	HeartbeatInterval int64 `ini:"heartbeat_interval" json:"heartbeat_interval"`
 	// HeartBeatTimeout specifies the maximum allowed heartbeat response delay
 	// before the connection is terminated, in seconds. It is not recommended
-	// to change this value. By default, this value is 90.
+	// to change this value. By default, this value is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
 	HeartbeatTimeout int64 `ini:"heartbeat_timeout" json:"heartbeat_timeout"`
 	// Client meta info
 	Metas map[string]string `ini:"-" json:"metas"`
@@ -147,36 +150,37 @@ type ClientCommonConf struct {
 // GetDefaultClientConf returns a client configuration with default values.
 func GetDefaultClientConf() ClientCommonConf {
 	return ClientCommonConf{
-		ClientConfig:       auth.GetDefaultClientConf(),
-		ServerAddr:         "",
-		ServerPort:         7000,
-		HTTPProxy:          os.Getenv("http_proxy"),
-		LogFile:            "console",
-		LogWay:             "console",
-		LogLevel:           "info",
-		LogMaxDays:         3,
-		DisableLogColor:    false,
-		AdminAddr:          "",
-		AdminPort:          0,
-		AdminUser:          "",
-		AdminPwd:           "",
-		AssetsDir:          "",
-		PoolCount:          1,
-		TCPMux:             true,
-		User:               "",
-		DNSServer:          "",
-		LoginFailExit:      true,
-		Start:              make([]string, 0),
-		Protocol:           "tcp",
-		TLSEnable:          false,
-		TLSCertFile:        "",
-		TLSKeyFile:         "",
-		TLSTrustedCaFile:   "",
-		HeartbeatInterval:  30,
-		HeartbeatTimeout:   90,
-		Metas:              make(map[string]string),
-		UDPPacketSize:      1500,
-		IncludeConfigFiles: make([]string, 0),
+		ClientConfig:            auth.GetDefaultClientConf(),
+		ServerAddr:              "",
+		ServerPort:              7000,
+		HTTPProxy:               os.Getenv("http_proxy"),
+		LogFile:                 "console",
+		LogWay:                  "console",
+		LogLevel:                "info",
+		LogMaxDays:              3,
+		DisableLogColor:         false,
+		AdminAddr:               "",
+		AdminPort:               0,
+		AdminUser:               "",
+		AdminPwd:                "",
+		AssetsDir:               "",
+		PoolCount:               1,
+		TCPMux:                  true,
+		TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
+		User:                    "",
+		DNSServer:               "",
+		LoginFailExit:           true,
+		Start:                   make([]string, 0),
+		Protocol:                "tcp",
+		TLSEnable:               false,
+		TLSCertFile:             "",
+		TLSKeyFile:              "",
+		TLSTrustedCaFile:        "",
+		HeartbeatInterval:       30,
+		HeartbeatTimeout:        90,
+		Metas:                   make(map[string]string),
+		UDPPacketSize:           1500,
+		IncludeConfigFiles:      make([]string, 0),
@@ -189,12 +193,10 @@ func (cfg *ClientCommonConf) Complete() {
 func (cfg *ClientCommonConf) Validate() error {
-	if cfg.HeartbeatInterval <= 0 {
-		return fmt.Errorf("invalid heartbeat_interval")
-	}
-	if cfg.HeartbeatTimeout < cfg.HeartbeatInterval {
-		return fmt.Errorf("invalid heartbeat_timeout, heartbeat_timeout is less than heartbeat_interval")
+	if cfg.HeartbeatTimeout > 0 && cfg.HeartbeatInterval > 0 {
+		if cfg.HeartbeatTimeout < cfg.HeartbeatInterval {
+			return fmt.Errorf("invalid heartbeat_timeout, heartbeat_timeout is less than heartbeat_interval")
+		}
 	if cfg.TLSEnable == false {

+ 28 - 27

@@ -259,33 +259,34 @@ func Test_LoadClientCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
 				OidcTokenEndpointURL: "endpoint_url",
-		ServerAddr:        "",
-		ServerPort:        7009,
-		HTTPProxy:         "http://user:passwd@",
-		LogFile:           "./frpc.log9",
-		LogWay:            "file",
-		LogLevel:          "info9",
-		LogMaxDays:        39,
-		DisableLogColor:   false,
-		AdminAddr:         "",
-		AdminPort:         7409,
-		AdminUser:         "admin9",
-		AdminPwd:          "admin9",
-		AssetsDir:         "./static9",
-		PoolCount:         59,
-		TCPMux:            true,
-		User:              "your_name",
-		LoginFailExit:     true,
-		Protocol:          "tcp",
-		TLSEnable:         true,
-		TLSCertFile:       "client.crt",
-		TLSKeyFile:        "client.key",
-		TLSTrustedCaFile:  "ca.crt",
-		TLSServerName:     "example.com",
-		DNSServer:         "",
-		Start:             []string{"ssh", "dns"},
-		HeartbeatInterval: 39,
-		HeartbeatTimeout:  99,
+		ServerAddr:              "",
+		ServerPort:              7009,
+		HTTPProxy:               "http://user:passwd@",
+		LogFile:                 "./frpc.log9",
+		LogWay:                  "file",
+		LogLevel:                "info9",
+		LogMaxDays:              39,
+		DisableLogColor:         false,
+		AdminAddr:               "",
+		AdminPort:               7409,
+		AdminUser:               "admin9",
+		AdminPwd:                "admin9",
+		AssetsDir:               "./static9",
+		PoolCount:               59,
+		TCPMux:                  true,
+		TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
+		User:                    "your_name",
+		LoginFailExit:           true,
+		Protocol:                "tcp",
+		TLSEnable:               true,
+		TLSCertFile:             "client.crt",
+		TLSKeyFile:              "client.key",
+		TLSTrustedCaFile:        "ca.crt",
+		TLSServerName:           "example.com",
+		DNSServer:               "",
+		Start:                   []string{"ssh", "dns"},
+		HeartbeatInterval:       39,
+		HeartbeatTimeout:        99,
 		Metas: map[string]string{
 			"var1": "123",
 			"var2": "234",

+ 41 - 37

@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ type ServerCommonConf struct {
 	// from a client to share a single TCP connection. By default, this value
 	// is true.
 	TCPMux bool `ini:"tcp_mux" json:"tcp_mux"`
+	// TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval specifies the keep alive interval for TCP stream multipler.
+	// If TCPMux is true, heartbeat of application layer is unnecessary because it can only rely on heartbeat in TCPMux.
+	TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval int64 `ini:"tcp_mux_keepalive_interval" json:"tcp_mux_keepalive_interval"`
 	// Custom404Page specifies a path to a custom 404 page to display. If this
 	// value is "", a default page will be displayed. By default, this value is
 	// "".
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ type ServerCommonConf struct {
 	TLSTrustedCaFile string `ini:"tls_trusted_ca_file" json:"tls_trusted_ca_file"`
 	// HeartBeatTimeout specifies the maximum time to wait for a heartbeat
 	// before terminating the connection. It is not recommended to change this
-	// value. By default, this value is 90.
+	// value. By default, this value is 90. Set negative value to disable it.
 	HeartbeatTimeout int64 `ini:"heartbeat_timeout" json:"heartbeat_timeout"`
 	// UserConnTimeout specifies the maximum time to wait for a work
 	// connection. By default, this value is 10.
@@ -170,42 +173,43 @@ type ServerCommonConf struct {
 // defaults.
 func GetDefaultServerConf() ServerCommonConf {
 	return ServerCommonConf{
-		ServerConfig:           auth.GetDefaultServerConf(),
-		BindAddr:               "",
-		BindPort:               7000,
-		BindUDPPort:            0,
-		KCPBindPort:            0,
-		ProxyBindAddr:          "",
-		VhostHTTPPort:          0,
-		VhostHTTPSPort:         0,
-		TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort:  0,
-		VhostHTTPTimeout:       60,
-		DashboardAddr:          "",
-		DashboardPort:          0,
-		DashboardUser:          "",
-		DashboardPwd:           "",
-		EnablePrometheus:       false,
-		AssetsDir:              "",
-		LogFile:                "console",
-		LogWay:                 "console",
-		LogLevel:               "info",
-		LogMaxDays:             3,
-		DisableLogColor:        false,
-		DetailedErrorsToClient: true,
-		SubDomainHost:          "",
-		TCPMux:                 true,
-		AllowPorts:             make(map[int]struct{}),
-		MaxPoolCount:           5,
-		MaxPortsPerClient:      0,
-		TLSOnly:                false,
-		TLSCertFile:            "",
-		TLSKeyFile:             "",
-		TLSTrustedCaFile:       "",
-		HeartbeatTimeout:       90,
-		UserConnTimeout:        10,
-		Custom404Page:          "",
-		HTTPPlugins:            make(map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions),
-		UDPPacketSize:          1500,
+		ServerConfig:            auth.GetDefaultServerConf(),
+		BindAddr:                "",
+		BindPort:                7000,
+		BindUDPPort:             0,
+		KCPBindPort:             0,
+		ProxyBindAddr:           "",
+		VhostHTTPPort:           0,
+		VhostHTTPSPort:          0,
+		TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort:   0,
+		VhostHTTPTimeout:        60,
+		DashboardAddr:           "",
+		DashboardPort:           0,
+		DashboardUser:           "",
+		DashboardPwd:            "",
+		EnablePrometheus:        false,
+		AssetsDir:               "",
+		LogFile:                 "console",
+		LogWay:                  "console",
+		LogLevel:                "info",
+		LogMaxDays:              3,
+		DisableLogColor:         false,
+		DetailedErrorsToClient:  true,
+		SubDomainHost:           "",
+		TCPMux:                  true,
+		TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
+		AllowPorts:              make(map[int]struct{}),
+		MaxPoolCount:            5,
+		MaxPortsPerClient:       0,
+		TLSOnly:                 false,
+		TLSCertFile:             "",
+		TLSKeyFile:              "",
+		TLSTrustedCaFile:        "",
+		HeartbeatTimeout:        90,
+		UserConnTimeout:         10,
+		Custom404Page:           "",
+		HTTPPlugins:             make(map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions),
+		UDPPacketSize:           1500,

+ 32 - 30

@@ -131,15 +131,16 @@ func Test_LoadServerCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
 					12: struct{}{},
 					99: struct{}{},
-				MaxPoolCount:      59,
-				MaxPortsPerClient: 9,
-				TLSOnly:           true,
-				TLSCertFile:       "server.crt",
-				TLSKeyFile:        "server.key",
-				TLSTrustedCaFile:  "ca.crt",
-				SubDomainHost:     "frps.com",
-				TCPMux:            true,
-				UDPPacketSize:     1509,
+				MaxPoolCount:            59,
+				MaxPortsPerClient:       9,
+				TLSOnly:                 true,
+				TLSCertFile:             "server.crt",
+				TLSKeyFile:              "server.key",
+				TLSTrustedCaFile:        "ca.crt",
+				SubDomainHost:           "frps.com",
+				TCPMux:                  true,
+				TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
+				UDPPacketSize:           1509,
 				HTTPPlugins: map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions{
 					"user-manager": {
@@ -174,27 +175,28 @@ func Test_LoadServerCommonConf(t *testing.T) {
 						AuthenticateNewWorkConns: false,
-				BindAddr:               "",
-				BindPort:               7009,
-				BindUDPPort:            7008,
-				ProxyBindAddr:          "",
-				VhostHTTPTimeout:       60,
-				DashboardAddr:          "",
-				DashboardUser:          "",
-				DashboardPwd:           "",
-				EnablePrometheus:       false,
-				LogFile:                "console",
-				LogWay:                 "console",
-				LogLevel:               "info",
-				LogMaxDays:             3,
-				DetailedErrorsToClient: true,
-				TCPMux:                 true,
-				AllowPorts:             make(map[int]struct{}),
-				MaxPoolCount:           5,
-				HeartbeatTimeout:       90,
-				UserConnTimeout:        10,
-				HTTPPlugins:            make(map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions),
-				UDPPacketSize:          1500,
+				BindAddr:                "",
+				BindPort:                7009,
+				BindUDPPort:             7008,
+				ProxyBindAddr:           "",
+				VhostHTTPTimeout:        60,
+				DashboardAddr:           "",
+				DashboardUser:           "",
+				DashboardPwd:            "",
+				EnablePrometheus:        false,
+				LogFile:                 "console",
+				LogWay:                  "console",
+				LogLevel:                "info",
+				LogMaxDays:              3,
+				DetailedErrorsToClient:  true,
+				TCPMux:                  true,
+				TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
+				AllowPorts:              make(map[int]struct{}),
+				MaxPoolCount:            5,
+				HeartbeatTimeout:        90,
+				UserConnTimeout:         10,
+				HTTPPlugins:             make(map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions),
+				UDPPacketSize:           1500,

+ 10 - 3

@@ -400,12 +400,19 @@ func (ctl *Control) manager() {
 	defer ctl.allShutdown.Start()
 	defer ctl.managerShutdown.Done()
-	heartbeat := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
-	defer heartbeat.Stop()
+	var heartbeatCh <-chan time.Time
+	if ctl.serverCfg.TCPMux || ctl.serverCfg.HeartbeatTimeout <= 0 {
+		// Don't need application heartbeat here.
+		// yamux will do same thing.
+	} else {
+		heartbeat := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+		defer heartbeat.Stop()
+		heartbeatCh = heartbeat.C
+	}
 	for {
 		select {
-		case <-heartbeat.C:
+		case <-heartbeatCh:
 			if time.Since(ctl.lastPing) > time.Duration(ctl.serverCfg.HeartbeatTimeout)*time.Second {
 				xl.Warn("heartbeat timeout")

+ 1 - 1

@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ func (svr *Service) HandleListener(l net.Listener) {
 		go func(ctx context.Context, frpConn net.Conn) {
 			if svr.cfg.TCPMux {
 				fmuxCfg := fmux.DefaultConfig()
-				fmuxCfg.KeepAliveInterval = 20 * time.Second
+				fmuxCfg.KeepAliveInterval = time.Duration(svr.cfg.TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval) * time.Second
 				fmuxCfg.LogOutput = io.Discard
 				session, err := fmux.Server(frpConn, fmuxCfg)
 				if err != nil {

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package features
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/framework"
+	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
+var _ = Describe("[Feature: Heartbeat]", func() {
+	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework()
+	It("disable application layer heartbeat", func() {
+		serverPort := f.AllocPort()
+		serverConf := fmt.Sprintf(`
+		[common]
+		bind_addr =
+		bind_port = %d
+		heartbeat_timeout = -1
+		tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 2
+		`, serverPort)
+		remotePort := f.AllocPort()
+		clientConf := fmt.Sprintf(`
+		[common]
+		server_port = %d
+		log_level = trace
+		heartbeat_interval = -1
+		heartbeat_timeout = -1
+		tcp_mux_keepalive_interval = 2
+		[tcp]
+		type = tcp
+		local_port = %d
+		remote_port = %d
+		`, serverPort, f.PortByName(framework.TCPEchoServerPort), remotePort)
+		// run frps and frpc
+		f.RunProcesses([]string{serverConf}, []string{clientConf})
+		framework.NewRequestExpect(f).Protocol("tcp").Port(remotePort).Ensure()
+		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
+		framework.NewRequestExpect(f).Protocol("tcp").Port(remotePort).Ensure()
+	})