@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Quick Start
-frp is easier to use compared with other similar projects.
-We will use two simple demo to demonstrate how to use frp.
-1. How to create a connection to **server A**'s **ssh port** by **server B** with **public IP address** x.x.x.x(replace to the real IP address of your server).
-2. How to visit web service in **server A**'s **8000 port** and **8001 port** by **web01.yourdomain.com** and **web02.yourdomain.com** through **server B** with public ID address.
-### Download SourceCode
-`go get github.com/fatedier/frp` is recommended, then the code will be copied to the directory `$GOPATH/src/github.com/fatedier/frp`.
-Or you can use `git clone https://github.com/fatedier/frp.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/fatedier/frp`.
-If you want to try it quickly, download the compiled program and configuration files from [https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases](https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases).
-### Compile
-Enter the root directory and execute `make`, then wait until finished.
-**bin** include all executable programs when **conf** include corresponding configuration files.
-### Pre-requirement
-* Go environment. Version of go >= 1.4.
-* Godep (if not exist, `go get` will be executed to download godep when compiling)
-### Deploy
-1. Move `./bin/frps` and `./conf/frps.ini` to any directory of **server B**.
-2. Move `./bin/frpc` and `./conf/frpc.ini` to any directory of **server A**.
-3. Modify all configuration files, details in next paragraph.
-4. Execute `nohup ./frps &` or `nohup ./frps -c ./frps.ini &` in **server B**.
-5. Execute `nohup ./frpc &` or `nohup ./frpc -c ./frpc.ini &` in **server A**.
-6. Use `ssh -oPort=6000 {user}@x.x.x.x` to test if frp is work(replace {user} to real username in **server A**), or visit custom domains by browser.
-## Tcp port forwarding
-### Configuration files
-#### frps.ini
-bind_addr =
-# for accept connections from frpc
-bind_port = 7000
-log_file = ./frps.log
-log_level = info
-# ssh is the custom name of proxy and there can be many proxies with unique name in one configure file
-auth_token = 123
-bind_addr =
-# finally we connect to server A by this port
-listen_port = 6000
-#### frpc.ini
-# server address of frps
-server_addr = x.x.x.x
-server_port = 7000
-log_file = ./frpc.log
-log_level = info
-# for authentication
-auth_token = 123
-# ssh is proxy name same with configure in frps.ini
-# local port which need to be transferred
-local_port = 22
-# if use_encryption equals true, messages between frpc and frps will be encrypted, default is false
-use_encryption = true
-## Http port forwarding and Custom domains binding
-If you only want to forward port one by one, you just need refer to [Tcp port forwarding](/doc/quick_start_en.md#Tcp-port-forwarding).If you want to visit different web pages deployed in different web servers by **server B**'s **80 port**, you should specify the type as **http**.
-You also need to resolve your **A record** of your custom domain to [server_addr], or resolve your **CNAME record** to [server_addr] if [server_addr] is a domain.
-After that, you can visit your web pages in local server by custom domains.
-### Configuration files
-#### frps.ini
-bind_addr =
-bind_port = 7000
-# if you want to support vhost, specify one port for http services
-vhost_http_port = 80
-log_file = ./frps.log
-log_level = info
-type = http
-auth_token = 123
-# # if proxy type equals http, custom_domains must be set separated by commas
-custom_domains = web01.yourdomain.com
-type = http
-auth_token = 123
-custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
-#### frpc.ini
-server_addr = x.x.x.x
-server_port = 7000
-log_file = ./frpc.log
-log_level = info
-auth_token = 123
-# custom domains are set in frps.ini
-type = http
-local_ip =
-local_port = 8000
-# encryption is optional, default is false
-use_encryption = true
-type = http
-local_ip =
-local_port = 8001