@@ -258,8 +258,9 @@ func NewService(cfg config.ServerCommonConf) (svr *Service, err error) {
// frp tls listener
- svr.tlsListener = svr.muxer.Listen(1, 1, func(data []byte) bool {
- return int(data[0]) == frpNet.FRPTLSHeadByte
+ svr.tlsListener = svr.muxer.Listen(2, 1, func(data []byte) bool {
+ // tls first byte can be 0x16 only when vhost https port is not same with bind port
+ return int(data[0]) == frpNet.FRPTLSHeadByte || int(data[0]) == 0x16
// Create nat hole controller.
@@ -395,15 +396,16 @@ func (svr *Service) HandleListener(l net.Listener) {
log.Trace("start check TLS connection...")
originConn := c
- c, err = frpNet.CheckAndEnableTLSServerConnWithTimeout(c, svr.tlsConfig, svr.cfg.TLSOnly, connReadTimeout)
+ var isTLS, custom bool
+ c, isTLS, custom, err = frpNet.CheckAndEnableTLSServerConnWithTimeout(c, svr.tlsConfig, svr.cfg.TLSOnly, connReadTimeout)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("CheckAndEnableTLSServerConnWithTimeout error: %v", err)
- log.Trace("success check TLS connection")
+ log.Trace("check TLS connection success, isTLS: %v custom: %v", isTLS, custom)
- // Start a new goroutine for dealing connections.
+ // Start a new goroutine to handle connection.
go func(ctx context.Context, frpConn net.Conn) {
if svr.cfg.TCPMux {
fmuxCfg := fmux.DefaultConfig()