@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import (
- "github.com/fatedier/frp/utils/errors"
frpNet "github.com/fatedier/frp/utils/net"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/utils/shutdown"
@@ -40,20 +40,10 @@ type Control struct {
// frpc service
svr *Service
- // login message to server
+ // login message to server, only used
loginMsg *msg.Login
- // proxy configures
- pxyCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf
- // proxies
- proxies map[string]Proxy
- // visitor configures
- visitorCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf
- // visitors
- visitors map[string]Visitor
+ pm *ProxyManager
// control connection
conn frpNet.Conn
@@ -79,6 +69,10 @@ type Control struct {
// last time got the Pong message
lastPong time.Time
+ readerShutdown *shutdown.Shutdown
+ writerShutdown *shutdown.Shutdown
+ msgHandlerShutdown *shutdown.Shutdown
mu sync.RWMutex
@@ -92,28 +86,22 @@ func NewControl(svr *Service, pxyCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf, visitorCfgs m
User: config.ClientCommonCfg.User,
Version: version.Full(),
- return &Control{
- svr: svr,
- loginMsg: loginMsg,
- pxyCfgs: pxyCfgs,
- visitorCfgs: visitorCfgs,
- proxies: make(map[string]Proxy),
- visitors: make(map[string]Visitor),
- sendCh: make(chan msg.Message, 10),
- readCh: make(chan msg.Message, 10),
- closedCh: make(chan int),
- Logger: log.NewPrefixLogger(""),
+ ctl := &Control{
+ svr: svr,
+ loginMsg: loginMsg,
+ sendCh: make(chan msg.Message, 10),
+ readCh: make(chan msg.Message, 10),
+ closedCh: make(chan int),
+ readerShutdown: shutdown.New(),
+ writerShutdown: shutdown.New(),
+ msgHandlerShutdown: shutdown.New(),
+ Logger: log.NewPrefixLogger(""),
+ ctl.pm = NewProxyManager(ctl, ctl.sendCh, "")
+ ctl.pm.Reload(pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs)
+ return ctl
-// 1. login
-// 2. start reader() writer() manager()
-// 3. connection closed
-// 4. In reader(): close closedCh and exit, controler() get it
-// 5. In controler(): close readCh and sendCh, manager() and writer() will exit
-// 6. In controler(): ini readCh, sendCh, closedCh
-// 7. In controler(): start new reader(), writer(), manager()
-// controler() will keep running
func (ctl *Control) Run() (err error) {
for {
err = ctl.login()
@@ -125,47 +113,29 @@ func (ctl *Control) Run() (err error) {
if config.ClientCommonCfg.LoginFailExit {
} else {
- time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
+ time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
} else {
- go ctl.controler()
- go ctl.manager()
- go ctl.writer()
- go ctl.reader()
- // start all local visitors
- for _, cfg := range ctl.visitorCfgs {
- visitor := NewVisitor(ctl, cfg)
- err = visitor.Run()
- if err != nil {
- visitor.Warn("start error: %v", err)
- continue
- }
- ctl.visitors[cfg.GetName()] = visitor
- visitor.Info("start visitor success")
- }
+ go ctl.worker()
- // send NewProxy message for all configured proxies
- for _, cfg := range ctl.pxyCfgs {
- var newProxyMsg msg.NewProxy
- cfg.UnMarshalToMsg(&newProxyMsg)
- ctl.sendCh <- &newProxyMsg
- }
+ // start all local visitors and send NewProxy message for all configured proxies
+ ctl.pm.Reset(ctl.sendCh, ctl.runId)
+ ctl.pm.CheckAndStartProxy()
return nil
-func (ctl *Control) NewWorkConn() {
+func (ctl *Control) HandleReqWorkConn(inMsg *msg.ReqWorkConn) {
workConn, err := ctl.connectServer()
if err != nil {
m := &msg.NewWorkConn{
- RunId: ctl.getRunId(),
+ RunId: ctl.runId,
if err = msg.WriteMsg(workConn, m); err != nil {
ctl.Warn("work connection write to server error: %v", err)
@@ -182,33 +152,26 @@ func (ctl *Control) NewWorkConn() {
// dispatch this work connection to related proxy
- pxy, ok := ctl.getProxy(startMsg.ProxyName)
- if ok {
- workConn.Debug("start a new work connection, localAddr: %s remoteAddr: %s", workConn.LocalAddr().String(), workConn.RemoteAddr().String())
- go pxy.InWorkConn(workConn)
+ ctl.pm.HandleWorkConn(startMsg.ProxyName, workConn)
+func (ctl *Control) HandleNewProxyResp(inMsg *msg.NewProxyResp) {
+ // Server will return NewProxyResp message to each NewProxy message.
+ // Start a new proxy handler if no error got
+ err := ctl.pm.StartProxy(inMsg.ProxyName, inMsg.RemoteAddr, inMsg.Error)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctl.Warn("[%s] start error: %v", inMsg.ProxyName, err)
} else {
- workConn.Close()
+ ctl.Info("[%s] start proxy success", inMsg.ProxyName)
func (ctl *Control) Close() error {
+ defer ctl.mu.Unlock()
ctl.exit = true
- err := errors.PanicToError(func() {
- for name, _ := range ctl.proxies {
- ctl.sendCh <- &msg.CloseProxy{
- ProxyName: name,
- }
- }
- })
- ctl.mu.Unlock()
- return err
-func (ctl *Control) init() {
- ctl.sendCh = make(chan msg.Message, 10)
- ctl.readCh = make(chan msg.Message, 10)
- ctl.closedCh = make(chan int)
+ ctl.pm.CloseProxies()
+ return nil
// login send a login message to server and wait for a loginResp message.
@@ -249,7 +212,7 @@ func (ctl *Control) login() (err error) {
now := time.Now().Unix()
ctl.loginMsg.PrivilegeKey = util.GetAuthKey(config.ClientCommonCfg.PrivilegeToken, now)
ctl.loginMsg.Timestamp = now
- ctl.loginMsg.RunId = ctl.getRunId()
+ ctl.loginMsg.RunId = ctl.runId
if err = msg.WriteMsg(conn, ctl.loginMsg); err != nil {
return err
@@ -270,16 +233,11 @@ func (ctl *Control) login() (err error) {
ctl.conn = conn
// update runId got from server
- ctl.setRunId(loginRespMsg.RunId)
+ ctl.runId = loginRespMsg.RunId
config.ClientCommonCfg.ServerUdpPort = loginRespMsg.ServerUdpPort
ctl.Info("login to server success, get run id [%s], server udp port [%d]", loginRespMsg.RunId, loginRespMsg.ServerUdpPort)
- // login success, so we let closedCh available again
- ctl.closedCh = make(chan int)
- ctl.lastPong = time.Now()
return nil
@@ -292,7 +250,6 @@ func (ctl *Control) connectServer() (conn frpNet.Conn, err error) {
conn = frpNet.WrapConn(stream)
} else {
conn, err = frpNet.ConnectServerByHttpProxy(config.ClientCommonCfg.HttpProxy, config.ClientCommonCfg.Protocol,
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.ClientCommonCfg.ServerAddr, config.ClientCommonCfg.ServerPort))
@@ -304,12 +261,14 @@ func (ctl *Control) connectServer() (conn frpNet.Conn, err error) {
+// reader read all messages from frps and send to readCh
func (ctl *Control) reader() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
ctl.Error("panic error: %v", err)
+ defer ctl.readerShutdown.Done()
defer close(ctl.closedCh)
encReader := crypto.NewReader(ctl.conn, []byte(config.ClientCommonCfg.PrivilegeToken))
@@ -328,7 +287,9 @@ func (ctl *Control) reader() {
+// writer writes messages got from sendCh to frps
func (ctl *Control) writer() {
+ defer ctl.writerShutdown.Done()
encWriter, err := crypto.NewWriter(ctl.conn, []byte(config.ClientCommonCfg.PrivilegeToken))
if err != nil {
ctl.conn.Error("crypto new writer error: %v", err)
@@ -348,19 +309,22 @@ func (ctl *Control) writer() {
-// manager handles all channel events and do corresponding process
-func (ctl *Control) manager() {
+// msgHandler handles all channel events and do corresponding operations.
+func (ctl *Control) msgHandler() {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
ctl.Error("panic error: %v", err)
+ defer ctl.msgHandlerShutdown.Done()
hbSend := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(config.ClientCommonCfg.HeartBeatInterval) * time.Second)
defer hbSend.Stop()
hbCheck := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer hbCheck.Stop()
+ ctl.lastPong = time.Now()
for {
select {
case <-hbSend.C:
@@ -381,35 +345,9 @@ func (ctl *Control) manager() {
switch m := rawMsg.(type) {
case *msg.ReqWorkConn:
- go ctl.NewWorkConn()
+ go ctl.HandleReqWorkConn(m)
case *msg.NewProxyResp:
- // Server will return NewProxyResp message to each NewProxy message.
- // Start a new proxy handler if no error got
- if m.Error != "" {
- ctl.Warn("[%s] start error: %s", m.ProxyName, m.Error)
- continue
- }
- cfg, ok := ctl.getProxyConf(m.ProxyName)
- if !ok {
- // it will never go to this branch now
- ctl.Warn("[%s] no proxy conf found", m.ProxyName)
- continue
- }
- oldPxy, ok := ctl.getProxy(m.ProxyName)
- if ok {
- oldPxy.Close()
- }
- pxy := NewProxy(ctl, cfg)
- if err := pxy.Run(); err != nil {
- ctl.Warn("[%s] proxy start running error: %v", m.ProxyName, err)
- ctl.sendCh <- &msg.CloseProxy{
- ProxyName: m.ProxyName,
- }
- continue
- }
- ctl.addProxy(m.ProxyName, pxy)
- ctl.Info("[%s] start proxy success", m.ProxyName)
+ ctl.HandleNewProxyResp(m)
case *msg.Pong:
ctl.lastPong = time.Now()
ctl.Debug("receive heartbeat from server")
@@ -419,10 +357,14 @@ func (ctl *Control) manager() {
// controler keep watching closedCh, start a new connection if previous control connection is closed.
-// If controler is notified by closedCh, reader and writer and manager will exit, then recall these functions.
-func (ctl *Control) controler() {
+// If controler is notified by closedCh, reader and writer and handler will exit, then recall these functions.
+func (ctl *Control) worker() {
+ go ctl.msgHandler()
+ go ctl.writer()
+ go ctl.reader()
var err error
- maxDelayTime := 30 * time.Second
+ maxDelayTime := 20 * time.Second
delayTime := time.Second
checkInterval := 10 * time.Second
@@ -430,41 +372,20 @@ func (ctl *Control) controler() {
for {
select {
case <-checkProxyTicker.C:
- // Every 10 seconds, check which proxy registered failed and reregister it to server.
- ctl.mu.RLock()
- for _, cfg := range ctl.pxyCfgs {
- if _, exist := ctl.proxies[cfg.GetName()]; !exist {
- ctl.Info("try to register proxy [%s]", cfg.GetName())
- var newProxyMsg msg.NewProxy
- cfg.UnMarshalToMsg(&newProxyMsg)
- ctl.sendCh <- &newProxyMsg
- }
- }
- for _, cfg := range ctl.visitorCfgs {
- if _, exist := ctl.visitors[cfg.GetName()]; !exist {
- ctl.Info("try to start visitor [%s]", cfg.GetName())
- visitor := NewVisitor(ctl, cfg)
- err = visitor.Run()
- if err != nil {
- visitor.Warn("start error: %v", err)
- continue
- }
- ctl.visitors[cfg.GetName()] = visitor
- visitor.Info("start visitor success")
- }
- }
- ctl.mu.RUnlock()
+ // every 10 seconds, check which proxy registered failed and reregister it to server
+ ctl.pm.CheckAndStartProxy()
case _, ok := <-ctl.closedCh:
// we won't get any variable from this channel
if !ok {
- // close related channels
+ // close related channels and wait until other goroutines done
+ ctl.readerShutdown.WaitDone()
+ ctl.msgHandlerShutdown.WaitDone()
+ ctl.writerShutdown.WaitDone()
- for _, pxy := range ctl.proxies {
- pxy.Close()
- }
+ ctl.pm.CloseProxies()
// if ctl.exit is true, just exit
exit := ctl.exit
@@ -473,9 +394,7 @@ func (ctl *Control) controler() {
- time.Sleep(time.Second)
- // loop util reconnect to server success
+ // loop util reconnecting to server success
for {
ctl.Info("try to reconnect to server...")
err = ctl.login()
@@ -488,27 +407,27 @@ func (ctl *Control) controler() {
- // reconnect success, init the delayTime
+ // reconnect success, init delayTime
delayTime = time.Second
// init related channels and variables
- ctl.init()
+ ctl.sendCh = make(chan msg.Message, 10)
+ ctl.readCh = make(chan msg.Message, 10)
+ ctl.closedCh = make(chan int)
+ ctl.readerShutdown = shutdown.New()
+ ctl.writerShutdown = shutdown.New()
+ ctl.msgHandlerShutdown = shutdown.New()
+ ctl.pm.Reset(ctl.sendCh, ctl.runId)
// previous work goroutines should be closed and start them here
- go ctl.manager()
+ go ctl.msgHandler()
go ctl.writer()
go ctl.reader()
- // send NewProxy message for all configured proxies
- ctl.mu.RLock()
- for _, cfg := range ctl.pxyCfgs {
- var newProxyMsg msg.NewProxy
- cfg.UnMarshalToMsg(&newProxyMsg)
- ctl.sendCh <- &newProxyMsg
- }
- ctl.mu.RUnlock()
+ // start all configured proxies
+ ctl.pm.CheckAndStartProxy()
checkProxyTicker = time.NewTicker(checkInterval)
@@ -517,106 +436,7 @@ func (ctl *Control) controler() {
-func (ctl *Control) setRunId(runId string) {
- ctl.mu.Lock()
- defer ctl.mu.Unlock()
- ctl.runId = runId
-func (ctl *Control) getRunId() string {
- ctl.mu.RLock()
- defer ctl.mu.RUnlock()
- return ctl.runId
-func (ctl *Control) getProxy(name string) (pxy Proxy, ok bool) {
- ctl.mu.RLock()
- defer ctl.mu.RUnlock()
- pxy, ok = ctl.proxies[name]
- return
-func (ctl *Control) addProxy(name string, pxy Proxy) {
- ctl.mu.Lock()
- defer ctl.mu.Unlock()
- ctl.proxies[name] = pxy
-func (ctl *Control) getProxyConf(name string) (conf config.ProxyConf, ok bool) {
- ctl.mu.RLock()
- defer ctl.mu.RUnlock()
- conf, ok = ctl.pxyCfgs[name]
- return
-func (ctl *Control) reloadConf(pxyCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf, visitorCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf) {
- ctl.mu.Lock()
- defer ctl.mu.Unlock()
- removedPxyNames := make([]string, 0)
- for name, oldCfg := range ctl.pxyCfgs {
- del := false
- cfg, ok := pxyCfgs[name]
- if !ok {
- del = true
- } else {
- if !oldCfg.Compare(cfg) {
- del = true
- }
- }
- if del {
- removedPxyNames = append(removedPxyNames, name)
- delete(ctl.pxyCfgs, name)
- if pxy, ok := ctl.proxies[name]; ok {
- pxy.Close()
- }
- delete(ctl.proxies, name)
- ctl.sendCh <- &msg.CloseProxy{
- ProxyName: name,
- }
- }
- }
- ctl.Info("proxy removed: %v", removedPxyNames)
- addedPxyNames := make([]string, 0)
- for name, cfg := range pxyCfgs {
- if _, ok := ctl.pxyCfgs[name]; !ok {
- ctl.pxyCfgs[name] = cfg
- addedPxyNames = append(addedPxyNames, name)
- }
- }
- ctl.Info("proxy added: %v", addedPxyNames)
- removedVisitorName := make([]string, 0)
- for name, oldVisitorCfg := range ctl.visitorCfgs {
- del := false
- cfg, ok := visitorCfgs[name]
- if !ok {
- del = true
- } else {
- if !oldVisitorCfg.Compare(cfg) {
- del = true
- }
- }
- if del {
- removedVisitorName = append(removedVisitorName, name)
- delete(ctl.visitorCfgs, name)
- if visitor, ok := ctl.visitors[name]; ok {
- visitor.Close()
- }
- delete(ctl.visitors, name)
- }
- }
- ctl.Info("visitor removed: %v", removedVisitorName)
- addedVisitorName := make([]string, 0)
- for name, visitorCfg := range visitorCfgs {
- if _, ok := ctl.visitorCfgs[name]; !ok {
- ctl.visitorCfgs[name] = visitorCfg
- addedVisitorName = append(addedVisitorName, name)
- }
- }
- ctl.Info("visitor added: %v", addedVisitorName)
+func (ctl *Control) reloadConf(pxyCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf, visitorCfgs map[string]config.ProxyConf) error {
+ err := ctl.pm.Reload(pxyCfgs, visitorCfgs)
+ return err