@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// Copyright 2020 guylewin, guy@lewin.co.il
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package group
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "net"
+ "sync"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/models/consts"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/utils/tcpmux"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/utils/vhost"
+ gerr "github.com/fatedier/golib/errors"
+// TcpMuxGroupCtl manage all TcpMuxGroups
+type TcpMuxGroupCtl struct {
+ groups map[string]*TcpMuxGroup
+ // portManager is used to manage port
+ tcpMuxHttpConnectMuxer *tcpmux.HttpConnectTcpMuxer
+ mu sync.Mutex
+// NewTcpMuxGroupCtl return a new TcpMuxGroupCtl
+func NewTcpMuxGroupCtl(tcpMuxHttpConnectMuxer *tcpmux.HttpConnectTcpMuxer) *TcpMuxGroupCtl {
+ return &TcpMuxGroupCtl{
+ groups: make(map[string]*TcpMuxGroup),
+ tcpMuxHttpConnectMuxer: tcpMuxHttpConnectMuxer,
+ }
+// Listen is the wrapper for TcpMuxGroup's Listen
+// If there are no group, we will create one here
+func (tmgc *TcpMuxGroupCtl) Listen(multiplexer string, group string, groupKey string,
+ domain string, ctx context.Context) (l net.Listener, err error) {
+ tmgc.mu.Lock()
+ tcpMuxGroup, ok := tmgc.groups[group]
+ if !ok {
+ tcpMuxGroup = NewTcpMuxGroup(tmgc)
+ tmgc.groups[group] = tcpMuxGroup
+ }
+ tmgc.mu.Unlock()
+ switch multiplexer {
+ case consts.HttpConnectTcpMultiplexer:
+ return tcpMuxGroup.HttpConnectListen(group, groupKey, domain, ctx)
+ default:
+ err = fmt.Errorf("unknown multiplexer [%s]", multiplexer)
+ return
+ }
+// RemoveGroup remove TcpMuxGroup from controller
+func (tmgc *TcpMuxGroupCtl) RemoveGroup(group string) {
+ tmgc.mu.Lock()
+ defer tmgc.mu.Unlock()
+ delete(tmgc.groups, group)
+// TcpMuxGroup route connections to different proxies
+type TcpMuxGroup struct {
+ group string
+ groupKey string
+ domain string
+ acceptCh chan net.Conn
+ index uint64
+ tcpMuxLn net.Listener
+ lns []*TcpMuxGroupListener
+ ctl *TcpMuxGroupCtl
+ mu sync.Mutex
+// NewTcpMuxGroup return a new TcpMuxGroup
+func NewTcpMuxGroup(ctl *TcpMuxGroupCtl) *TcpMuxGroup {
+ return &TcpMuxGroup{
+ lns: make([]*TcpMuxGroupListener, 0),
+ ctl: ctl,
+ acceptCh: make(chan net.Conn),
+ }
+// Listen will return a new TcpMuxGroupListener
+// if TcpMuxGroup already has a listener, just add a new TcpMuxGroupListener to the queues
+// otherwise, listen on the real address
+func (tmg *TcpMuxGroup) HttpConnectListen(group string, groupKey string, domain string, context context.Context) (ln *TcpMuxGroupListener, err error) {
+ tmg.mu.Lock()
+ defer tmg.mu.Unlock()
+ if len(tmg.lns) == 0 {
+ // the first listener, listen on the real address
+ routeConfig := &vhost.VhostRouteConfig{
+ Domain: domain,
+ }
+ tcpMuxLn, errRet := tmg.ctl.tcpMuxHttpConnectMuxer.Listen(context, routeConfig)
+ if errRet != nil {
+ return nil, errRet
+ }
+ ln = newTcpMuxGroupListener(group, tmg, tcpMuxLn.Addr())
+ tmg.group = group
+ tmg.groupKey = groupKey
+ tmg.domain = domain
+ tmg.tcpMuxLn = tcpMuxLn
+ tmg.lns = append(tmg.lns, ln)
+ if tmg.acceptCh == nil {
+ tmg.acceptCh = make(chan net.Conn)
+ }
+ go tmg.worker()
+ } else {
+ // domain in the same group must be equal
+ if tmg.group != group || tmg.domain != domain {
+ return nil, ErrGroupParamsInvalid
+ }
+ if tmg.groupKey != groupKey {
+ return nil, ErrGroupAuthFailed
+ }
+ ln = newTcpMuxGroupListener(group, tmg, tmg.lns[0].Addr())
+ tmg.lns = append(tmg.lns, ln)
+ }
+ return
+// worker is called when the real tcp listener has been created
+func (tmg *TcpMuxGroup) worker() {
+ for {
+ c, err := tmg.tcpMuxLn.Accept()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ err = gerr.PanicToError(func() {
+ tmg.acceptCh <- c
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func (tmg *TcpMuxGroup) Accept() <-chan net.Conn {
+ return tmg.acceptCh
+// CloseListener remove the TcpMuxGroupListener from the TcpMuxGroup
+func (tmg *TcpMuxGroup) CloseListener(ln *TcpMuxGroupListener) {
+ tmg.mu.Lock()
+ defer tmg.mu.Unlock()
+ for i, tmpLn := range tmg.lns {
+ if tmpLn == ln {
+ tmg.lns = append(tmg.lns[:i], tmg.lns[i+1:]...)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if len(tmg.lns) == 0 {
+ close(tmg.acceptCh)
+ tmg.tcpMuxLn.Close()
+ tmg.ctl.RemoveGroup(tmg.group)
+ }
+// TcpMuxGroupListener
+type TcpMuxGroupListener struct {
+ groupName string
+ group *TcpMuxGroup
+ addr net.Addr
+ closeCh chan struct{}
+func newTcpMuxGroupListener(name string, group *TcpMuxGroup, addr net.Addr) *TcpMuxGroupListener {
+ return &TcpMuxGroupListener{
+ groupName: name,
+ group: group,
+ addr: addr,
+ closeCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+// Accept will accept connections from TcpMuxGroup
+func (ln *TcpMuxGroupListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) {
+ var ok bool
+ select {
+ case <-ln.closeCh:
+ return nil, ErrListenerClosed
+ case c, ok = <-ln.group.Accept():
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, ErrListenerClosed
+ }
+ return c, nil
+ }
+func (ln *TcpMuxGroupListener) Addr() net.Addr {
+ return ln.addr
+// Close close the listener
+func (ln *TcpMuxGroupListener) Close() (err error) {
+ close(ln.closeCh)
+ // remove self from TcpMuxGroup
+ ln.group.CloseListener(ln)
+ return