@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ type ServerCommonConf struct {
// Set this value to 0 will disable this feature.
// By default, the value is 0.
QUICBindPort int `ini:"quic_bind_port" json:"quic_bind_port" validate:"gte=0,lte=65535"`
+ // QUIC protocol options
+ QUICKeepalivePeriod int `ini:"quic_keepalive_period" json:"quic_keepalive_period" validate:"gte=0"`
+ QUICMaxIdleTimeout int `ini:"quic_max_idle_timeout" json:"quic_max_idle_timeout" validate:"gte=0"`
+ QUICMaxIncomingStreams int `ini:"quic_max_incoming_streams" json:"quic_max_incoming_streams" validate:"gte=0"`
// ProxyBindAddr specifies the address that the proxy binds to. This value
// may be the same as BindAddr.
ProxyBindAddr string `ini:"proxy_bind_addr" json:"proxy_bind_addr"`
@@ -199,43 +203,26 @@ func GetDefaultServerConf() ServerCommonConf {
ServerConfig: auth.GetDefaultServerConf(),
BindAddr: "",
BindPort: 7000,
- BindUDPPort: 0,
- KCPBindPort: 0,
- ProxyBindAddr: "",
- VhostHTTPPort: 0,
- VhostHTTPSPort: 0,
- TCPMuxHTTPConnectPort: 0,
- TCPMuxPassthrough: false,
+ QUICKeepalivePeriod: 10,
+ QUICMaxIdleTimeout: 30,
+ QUICMaxIncomingStreams: 100000,
VhostHTTPTimeout: 60,
DashboardAddr: "",
- DashboardPort: 0,
- DashboardUser: "",
- DashboardPwd: "",
- EnablePrometheus: false,
- AssetsDir: "",
LogFile: "console",
LogWay: "console",
LogLevel: "info",
LogMaxDays: 3,
- DisableLogColor: false,
DetailedErrorsToClient: true,
- SubDomainHost: "",
TCPMux: true,
TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60,
TCPKeepAlive: 7200,
AllowPorts: make(map[int]struct{}),
MaxPoolCount: 5,
MaxPortsPerClient: 0,
- TLSOnly: false,
- TLSCertFile: "",
- TLSKeyFile: "",
- TLSTrustedCaFile: "",
HeartbeatTimeout: 90,
UserConnTimeout: 10,
- Custom404Page: "",
HTTPPlugins: make(map[string]plugin.HTTPPluginOptions),
UDPPacketSize: 1500,
- PprofEnable: false,