@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+package features
+import (
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "fmt"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/transport"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/framework"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/framework/consts"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/mock/server/httpserver"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/mock/server/streamserver"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/pkg/request"
+ "github.com/fatedier/frp/test/e2e/pkg/ssh"
+var _ = ginkgo.Describe("[Feature: SSH Tunnel]", func() {
+ f := framework.NewDefaultFramework()
+ ginkgo.It("tcp", func() {
+ sshPort := f.AllocPort()
+ serverConf := consts.DefaultServerConfig + fmt.Sprintf(`
+ sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = %d
+ `, sshPort)
+ f.RunProcesses([]string{serverConf}, nil)
+ localPort := f.PortByName(framework.TCPEchoServerPort)
+ remotePort := f.AllocPort()
+ tc := ssh.NewTunnelClient(
+ fmt.Sprintf("", localPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("", sshPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("tcp --remote_port %d", remotePort),
+ )
+ framework.ExpectNoError(tc.Start())
+ defer tc.Close()
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).Port(remotePort).Ensure()
+ })
+ ginkgo.It("http", func() {
+ sshPort := f.AllocPort()
+ vhostPort := f.AllocPort()
+ serverConf := consts.DefaultServerConfig + fmt.Sprintf(`
+ vhostHTTPPort = %d
+ sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = %d
+ `, vhostPort, sshPort)
+ f.RunProcesses([]string{serverConf}, nil)
+ localPort := f.PortByName(framework.HTTPSimpleServerPort)
+ tc := ssh.NewTunnelClient(
+ fmt.Sprintf("", localPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("", sshPort),
+ "http --custom_domain test.example.com",
+ )
+ framework.ExpectNoError(tc.Start())
+ defer tc.Close()
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).Port(vhostPort).
+ RequestModify(func(r *request.Request) {
+ r.HTTP().HTTPHost("test.example.com")
+ }).
+ Ensure()
+ })
+ ginkgo.It("https", func() {
+ sshPort := f.AllocPort()
+ vhostPort := f.AllocPort()
+ serverConf := consts.DefaultServerConfig + fmt.Sprintf(`
+ vhostHTTPSPort = %d
+ sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = %d
+ `, vhostPort, sshPort)
+ f.RunProcesses([]string{serverConf}, nil)
+ localPort := f.AllocPort()
+ testDomain := "test.example.com"
+ tc := ssh.NewTunnelClient(
+ fmt.Sprintf("", localPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("", sshPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("https --custom_domain %s", testDomain),
+ )
+ framework.ExpectNoError(tc.Start())
+ defer tc.Close()
+ tlsConfig, err := transport.NewServerTLSConfig("", "", "")
+ framework.ExpectNoError(err)
+ localServer := httpserver.New(
+ httpserver.WithBindPort(localPort),
+ httpserver.WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig),
+ httpserver.WithResponse([]byte("test")),
+ )
+ f.RunServer("", localServer)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).
+ Port(vhostPort).
+ RequestModify(func(r *request.Request) {
+ r.HTTPS().HTTPHost(testDomain).TLSConfig(&tls.Config{
+ ServerName: testDomain,
+ InsecureSkipVerify: true,
+ })
+ }).
+ ExpectResp([]byte("test")).
+ Ensure()
+ })
+ ginkgo.It("tcpmux", func() {
+ sshPort := f.AllocPort()
+ tcpmuxPort := f.AllocPort()
+ serverConf := consts.DefaultServerConfig + fmt.Sprintf(`
+ tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort = %d
+ sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = %d
+ `, tcpmuxPort, sshPort)
+ f.RunProcesses([]string{serverConf}, nil)
+ localPort := f.AllocPort()
+ testDomain := "test.example.com"
+ tc := ssh.NewTunnelClient(
+ fmt.Sprintf("", localPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("", sshPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("tcpmux --mux=httpconnect --custom_domain %s", testDomain),
+ )
+ framework.ExpectNoError(tc.Start())
+ defer tc.Close()
+ localServer := streamserver.New(
+ streamserver.TCP,
+ streamserver.WithBindPort(localPort),
+ streamserver.WithRespContent([]byte("test")),
+ )
+ f.RunServer("", localServer)
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ // Request without HTTP connect should get error
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).
+ Port(tcpmuxPort).
+ ExpectError(true).
+ Explain("request without HTTP connect expect error").
+ Ensure()
+ proxyURL := fmt.Sprintf("", tcpmuxPort)
+ // Request with incorrect connect hostname
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).RequestModify(func(r *request.Request) {
+ r.Addr("invalid").Proxy(proxyURL)
+ }).ExpectError(true).Explain("request without HTTP connect expect error").Ensure()
+ // Request with correct connect hostname
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).RequestModify(func(r *request.Request) {
+ r.Addr(testDomain).Proxy(proxyURL)
+ }).ExpectResp([]byte("test")).Ensure()
+ })
+ ginkgo.It("stcp", func() {
+ sshPort := f.AllocPort()
+ serverConf := consts.DefaultServerConfig + fmt.Sprintf(`
+ sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = %d
+ `, sshPort)
+ bindPort := f.AllocPort()
+ visitorConf := consts.DefaultClientConfig + fmt.Sprintf(`
+ [[visitors]]
+ name = "stcp-test-visitor"
+ type = "stcp"
+ serverName = "stcp-test"
+ secretKey = "abcdefg"
+ bindPort = %d
+ `, bindPort)
+ f.RunProcesses([]string{serverConf}, []string{visitorConf})
+ localPort := f.PortByName(framework.TCPEchoServerPort)
+ tc := ssh.NewTunnelClient(
+ fmt.Sprintf("", localPort),
+ fmt.Sprintf("", sshPort),
+ "stcp -n stcp-test --sk=abcdefg --allow_users=\"*\"",
+ )
+ framework.ExpectNoError(tc.Start())
+ defer tc.Close()
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ framework.NewRequestExpect(f).
+ Port(bindPort).
+ Ensure()
+ })