@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// Package table provides a convenient way to generate tabular output of any
+// data, primarily useful for CLI tools.
+// Columns are left-aligned and padded to accomodate the largest cell in that
+// column.
+// Source: https://github.com/rodaine/table
+// table.DefaultHeaderFormatter = func(format string, vals ...interface{}) string {
+// return strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf(format, vals...))
+// }
+// tbl := table.New("ID", "Name", "Cost ($)")
+// for _, widget := range Widgets {
+// tbl.AddRow(widget.ID, widget.Name, widget.Cost)
+// }
+// tbl.Print()
+// // Output:
+// // ID NAME COST ($)
+// // 1 Foobar 1.23
+// // 2 Fizzbuzz 4.56
+// // 3 Gizmo 78.90
+package table
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// These are the default properties for all Tables created from this package
+// and can be modified.
+var (
+ // DefaultPadding specifies the number of spaces between columns in a table.
+ DefaultPadding = 2
+ // DefaultWriter specifies the output io.Writer for the Table.Print method.
+ DefaultWriter io.Writer = os.Stdout
+ // DefaultHeaderFormatter specifies the default Formatter for the table header.
+ DefaultHeaderFormatter Formatter
+ // DefaultFirstColumnFormatter specifies the default Formatter for the first column cells.
+ DefaultFirstColumnFormatter Formatter
+ // DefaultWidthFunc specifies the default WidthFunc for calculating column widths
+ DefaultWidthFunc WidthFunc = utf8.RuneCountInString
+// Formatter functions expose a fmt.Sprintf signature that can be used to modify
+// the display of the text in either the header or first column of a Table.
+// The formatter should not change the width of original text as printed since
+// column widths are calculated pre-formatting (though this issue can be mitigated
+// with increased padding).
+// tbl.WithHeaderFormatter(func(format string, vals ...interface{}) string {
+// return strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf(format, vals...))
+// })
+// A good use case for formatters is to use ANSI escape codes to color the cells
+// for a nicer interface. The package color (https://github.com/fatih/color) makes
+// it easy to generate these automatically: http://godoc.org/github.com/fatih/color#Color.SprintfFunc
+type Formatter func(string, ...interface{}) string
+// A WidthFunc calculates the width of a string. By default, the number of runes
+// is used but this may not be appropriate for certain character sets. The
+// package runewidth (https://github.com/mattn/go-runewidth) could be used to
+// accomodate multi-cell characters (such as emoji or CJK characters).
+type WidthFunc func(string) int
+// Table describes the interface for building up a tabular representation of data.
+// It exposes fluent/chainable methods for convenient table building.
+// WithHeaderFormatter and WithFirstColumnFormatter sets the Formatter for the
+// header and first column, respectively. If nil is passed in (the default), no
+// formatting will be applied.
+// New("foo", "bar").WithFirstColumnFormatter(func(f string, v ...interface{}) string {
+// return strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf(f, v...))
+// })
+// WithPadding specifies the minimum padding between cells in a row and defaults
+// to DefaultPadding. Padding values less than or equal to zero apply no extra
+// padding between the columns.
+// New("foo", "bar").WithPadding(3)
+// WithWriter modifies the writer which Print outputs to, defaulting to DefaultWriter
+// when instantiated. If nil is passed, os.Stdout will be used.
+// New("foo", "bar").WithWriter(os.Stderr)
+// WithWidthFunc sets the function used to calculate the width of the string in
+// a column. By default, the number of utf8 runes in the string is used.
+// AddRow adds another row of data to the table. Any values can be passed in and
+// will be output as its string representation as described in the fmt standard
+// package. Rows can have less cells than the total number of columns in the table;
+// subsequent cells will be rendered empty. Rows with more cells than the total
+// number of columns will be truncated. References to the data are not held, so
+// the passed in values can be modified without affecting the table's output.
+// New("foo", "bar").AddRow("fizz", "buzz").AddRow(time.Now()).AddRow(1, 2, 3).Print()
+// // Output:
+// // foo bar
+// // fizz buzz
+// // 2006-01-02 15:04:05.0 -0700 MST
+// // 1 2
+// Print writes the string representation of the table to the provided writer.
+// Print can be called multiple times, even after subsequent mutations of the
+// provided data. The output is always preceded and followed by a new line.
+type Table interface {
+ WithHeaderFormatter(f Formatter) Table
+ WithFirstColumnFormatter(f Formatter) Table
+ WithPadding(p int) Table
+ WithWriter(w io.Writer) Table
+ WithWidthFunc(f WidthFunc) Table
+ AddRow(vals ...interface{}) Table
+ Print()
+// New creates a Table instance with the specified header(s) provided. The number
+// of columns is fixed at this point to len(columnHeaders) and the defined defaults
+// are set on the instance.
+func New(columnHeaders ...interface{}) Table {
+ t := table{header: make([]string, len(columnHeaders))}
+ t.WithPadding(DefaultPadding)
+ t.WithWriter(DefaultWriter)
+ t.WithHeaderFormatter(DefaultHeaderFormatter)
+ t.WithFirstColumnFormatter(DefaultFirstColumnFormatter)
+ t.WithWidthFunc(DefaultWidthFunc)
+ for i, col := range columnHeaders {
+ t.header[i] = fmt.Sprint(col)
+ }
+ return &t
+type table struct {
+ FirstColumnFormatter Formatter
+ HeaderFormatter Formatter
+ Padding int
+ Writer io.Writer
+ Width WidthFunc
+ header []string
+ rows [][]string
+ widths []int
+func (t *table) WithHeaderFormatter(f Formatter) Table {
+ t.HeaderFormatter = f
+ return t
+func (t *table) WithFirstColumnFormatter(f Formatter) Table {
+ t.FirstColumnFormatter = f
+ return t
+func (t *table) WithPadding(p int) Table {
+ if p < 0 {
+ p = 0
+ }
+ t.Padding = p
+ return t
+func (t *table) WithWriter(w io.Writer) Table {
+ if w == nil {
+ w = os.Stdout
+ }
+ t.Writer = w
+ return t
+func (t *table) WithWidthFunc(f WidthFunc) Table {
+ t.Width = f
+ return t
+func (t *table) AddRow(vals ...interface{}) Table {
+ row := make([]string, len(t.header))
+ for i, val := range vals {
+ if i >= len(t.header) {
+ break
+ }
+ row[i] = fmt.Sprint(val)
+ }
+ t.rows = append(t.rows, row)
+ return t
+func (t *table) Print() {
+ format := strings.Repeat("%s", len(t.header)) + "\n"
+ t.calculateWidths()
+ fmt.Fprintln(t.Writer)
+ t.printHeader(format)
+ for _, row := range t.rows {
+ t.printRow(format, row)
+ }
+func (t *table) printHeader(format string) {
+ vals := t.applyWidths(t.header, t.widths)
+ if t.HeaderFormatter != nil {
+ txt := t.HeaderFormatter(format, vals...)
+ fmt.Fprint(t.Writer, txt)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(t.Writer, format, vals...)
+ }
+func (t *table) printRow(format string, row []string) {
+ vals := t.applyWidths(row, t.widths)
+ if t.FirstColumnFormatter != nil {
+ vals[0] = t.FirstColumnFormatter("%s", vals[0])
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(t.Writer, format, vals...)
+func (t *table) calculateWidths() {
+ t.widths = make([]int, len(t.header))
+ for _, row := range t.rows {
+ for i, v := range row {
+ if w := t.Width(v) + t.Padding; w > t.widths[i] {
+ t.widths[i] = w
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for i, v := range t.header {
+ if w := t.Width(v) + t.Padding; w > t.widths[i] {
+ t.widths[i] = w
+ }
+ }
+func (t *table) applyWidths(row []string, widths []int) []interface{} {
+ out := make([]interface{}, len(row))
+ for i, s := range row {
+ out[i] = s + t.lenOffset(s, widths[i])
+ }
+ return out
+func (t *table) lenOffset(s string, w int) string {
+ l := w - t.Width(s)
+ if l <= 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return strings.Repeat(" ", l)