@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+### Manage Plugin
+frp manage plugin is aim to extend frp's ability without modifing self code.
+It runs as a process and listen on a port to provide RPC interface. Before frps doing some operations, frps will send RPC requests to manage plugin and do operations by it's response.
+### RPC request
+Support HTTP first.
+When manage plugin accept the operation request, it can give three different responses.
+* Reject operation and return the reason.
+* Allow operation and keep original content.
+* Allow operation and return modified content.
+### Interface
+HTTP path can be configured for each manage plugin in frps. Assume here is `/handler`.
+POST /handler
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "op": "Login",
+ "content": {
+ ... // Operation info
+ }
+Request Header
+X-Frp-Reqid: for tracing
+Error if not return 200 http code.
+Reject opeartion
+ "reject": true,
+ "reject_reason": "invalid user"
+Allow operation and keep original content
+ "reject": false,
+ "unchange": true
+Allow opeartion and modify content
+ "unchange": "false",
+ "content": {
+ ... // Replaced content
+ }
+### Operation
+Now it supports `Login` and `NewProxy`.
+#### Login
+Client login operation
+ "content": {
+ "version": <string>,
+ "hostname": <string>,
+ "os": <string>,
+ "arch": <string>,
+ "user": <string>,
+ "timestamp": <int64>,
+ "privilege_key": <string>,
+ "run_id": <string>,
+ "pool_count": <int>,
+ "metas": map<string>string
+ }
+#### NewProxy
+Create new proxy
+ "content": {
+ "user": {
+ "user": <string>,
+ "metas": map<string>string
+ },
+ "proxy_name": <string>,
+ "proxy_type": <string>,
+ "use_encryption": <bool>,
+ "use_compression": <bool>,
+ "group": <string>,
+ "group_key": <string>,
+ // tcp and udp only
+ "remote_port": <int>,
+ // http and https only
+ "custom_domains": []<string>,
+ "subdomain": <string>,
+ "locations": <string>,
+ "http_user": <string>,
+ "http_pwd": <string>,
+ "host_header_rewrite": <string>,
+ "headers": map<string>string,
+ "metas": map<string>string
+ }
+### manage plugin configure
+bind_port = 7000
+addr =
+path = /handler
+ops = Login
+addr =
+path = /handler
+ops = NewProxy
+addr: plugin listen on.
+path: http request url path.
+ops: opeartions plugin needs handle.
+### meta data
+Meta data will be sent to manage plugin in each RCP request.
+Meta data start with `meta_`. It can be configured in `common` and each proxy.
+# frpc.ini
+server_addr =
+server_port = 7000
+user = fake
+meta_token = fake
+meta_version = 1.0.0
+type = tcp
+local_port = 22
+remote_port = 6000
+meta_id = 123