12345678910111213141516171819202122 |
- builds:
- - skip: true
- checksum:
- name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_sha256_checksums.txt'
- algorithm: sha256
- extra_files:
- - glob: ./release/packages/*
- release:
- # Same as for github
- # Note: it can only be one: either github, gitlab or gitea
- github:
- owner: fatedier
- name: frp
- draft: false
- # You can add extra pre-existing files to the release.
- # The filename on the release will be the last part of the path (base). If
- # another file with the same name exists, the latest one found will be used.
- # Defaults to empty.
- extra_files:
- - glob: ./release/packages/*