frp manage plugin is aim to extend frp's ability without modifing self code.
It runs as a process and listen on a port to provide RPC interface. Before frps doing some operations, frps will send RPC requests to manage plugin and do operations by it's response.
Support HTTP first.
When manage plugin accept the operation request, it can give three different responses.
HTTP path can be configured for each manage plugin in frps. Assume here is /handler
POST /handler
"version": "0.1.0",
"op": "Login",
"content": {
... // Operation info
Request Header
X-Frp-Reqid: for tracing
Error if not return 200 http code.
Reject opeartion
"reject": true,
"reject_reason": "invalid user"
Allow operation and keep original content
"reject": false,
"unchange": true
Allow opeartion and modify content
"unchange": "false",
"content": {
... // Replaced content
Now it supports Login
and NewProxy
Client login operation
"content": {
"version": <string>,
"hostname": <string>,
"os": <string>,
"arch": <string>,
"user": <string>,
"timestamp": <int64>,
"privilege_key": <string>,
"run_id": <string>,
"pool_count": <int>,
"metas": map<string>string
Create new proxy
"content": {
"user": {
"user": <string>,
"metas": map<string>string
"proxy_name": <string>,
"proxy_type": <string>,
"use_encryption": <bool>,
"use_compression": <bool>,
"group": <string>,
"group_key": <string>,
// tcp and udp only
"remote_port": <int>,
// http and https only
"custom_domains": []<string>,
"subdomain": <string>,
"locations": <string>,
"http_user": <string>,
"http_pwd": <string>,
"host_header_rewrite": <string>,
"headers": map<string>string,
"metas": map<string>string
bind_port = 7000
addr =
path = /handler
ops = Login
addr =
path = /handler
ops = NewProxy
addr: plugin listen on. path: http request url path. ops: opeartions plugin needs handle.
Meta data will be sent to manage plugin in each RCP request.
Meta data start with meta_
. It can be configured in common
and each proxy.
# frpc.ini
server_addr =
server_port = 7000
user = fake
meta_token = fake
meta_version = 1.0.0
type = tcp
local_port = 22
remote_port = 6000
meta_id = 123